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shrIla prabhupAda sevA-prArthanASTakam

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yo megha-varNa-puruSa.m puruSArtha-dAtA



sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


yaH - who; megha-varNa - the colour of a cloud;

puruSam - person; puruSa-artha - the goal of life for

mankind; dAtA - endower; tat-dRSTi - his glance;

spRSTa - touched; patita - fallen; adhika - more;

vipra-varyaH - the best of brAhmaNas; sva-AhlAda -

personal happiness; tyakta - abandoning; guru-sevana -

the service of his guru; tApa - troubled; labdhaH -

received; sevAm - service; pradehi - please bestow;

prabhu-pAda - o prabhupAda; nu - truly; kim-karaH -

the servant (literally, what should I do?); asmi - i



“he endowed humanity with the priceless goal of life,

the supreme personality of godhead, whose bodily hue

resembles that of a lustrous monsoon cloud. the touch

of his merciful glance elevates the most fallen to a

platform superior to that of the most excellent

brAhmaNa. he abandoned his personal happiness of

residing in shrI vR^indAvana dhAma and accepted

countless troubles to render service to his guru,

shrIla bhaktisiddhAnta sarasvatI ThAkura. o

prabhupAda! please bestow your service on me, for I am

ready to accept your order.”


dharmasya roga-shamanArtha-bhavat-prasAdAt


AcAra-hIna-sharaNaH vyasanArdra-rAgaH

sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


dharmasya - of spiritual practice; roga - disease;

shamana - curing; artha - for the purpose;

bhavat-prasAdAt - by your mercy; pAshcAtya-desha -

western countries; taraNa - delivering; Agata - came;

vAri-dUtaH - he who boarded the ship jaladuta;

AcAra-hIna - bereft of good behaviour; sharaNaH - the

refuge; vyasana - distressed; Ardra - heart melting;

rAgaH - love.


“he mercifully came to cure dharma, who had become

diseased. thus he boarded the steamship jaladuta to

deliver the western countries. he became the shelter

for those totally bereft of decent behaviour, his

heart melting out of love for the souls in such

distress. o prabhupAda! please bestow your service on

me, for I am ready to accept your order.”






sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


shrI-nAma - the holy name; jAyu - medicine; pariSevana

- distributing; dhairya - patience; kAryaH - duty;

strI - loose women; sUna - animal slaughter; pAna -

drinking intoxicants; dhana-va~ncana - gambling;

jIvada - physician; AryaH - noble; gaurANga-pAda - the

feet of Lord GaurANga; kamala - lotus; arpaNa -

offering; yoga - union with the Supreme; vaktA -



“that noble person accepted the duty of a physician

and forbearingly administered the medicine of the holy

names of kR^iSNa to those addicted to promiscuity,

meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. he preached

the yoga of offering everything to the lotus feet of

lord gaurANga [shrI caitanya mahAprabhu]. o

prabhupAda! please bestow your service on me, for I am

ready to accept your order.”






sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


tattva-andha - blind to the truth; loka - people;

viSaya - sense objects; indriya - senses;

sa.mvR^itAnAm - for those absorbed; gItA-upadesha -

instruction of the gItA; paThana - reading; ahnika -

daily; dIpa-dAtA - giver of light; dIkSA - initiation;

anushikSa - relevant instructions; japa-manta - mantra

meditation; vidhAna - procedure; dhAtA - regulator.


“for those blind to the truth, absorbed in the world

of the senses and sense objects, he illumined their

consciousness through the daily reading of shrI

kR^iSNa.as instructions in the bhagavad-gItA. he gave

initiation and instructions in the process of chanting

the mahA-mantra and the gAyatrI mantra. o prabhupAda!

please bestow your service on me, for I am ready to

accept your order.”



pAkAspade lavana-tIkSNa-rasAdi-gandhaiH



sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


pAka-aspade - in the kitchen; lavana - salty; tIkSNa -

pungent; rasa-flavours; Adi - and so on; gandhaiH -

with the spices; dughda - milk; anna - grains;

vya~njana - vegetables; phala - fruits; Adi - and so

on; su-pakva - nicely cooked; bhArtA - master; kSIra -

sweet rice; Adi - and so on; rAsa - all tastes; rasanA

- tongue; amR^ita - nectar; pUrNa - full; dAyI -



“in the kitchen he masterfully cooked grains, fruits,

vegetables, milk products, and other ingredients,

flavouring them with salt and spices such as chilli.

he thus served full plates of tasteful preparations,

such as sweet rice, which were truly nectar for the

tongue. o prabhupAda! please bestow your service on

me, for I am ready to accept your order.”




bhASAntareNa bahu-desha-vibhakti-kArtA

kR^iSNasya hRt-vivaraNa.m para-duHkha-duHkhI

sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


Apanna - ripe; shasya - fruit; viTapi - of the tree;

shruti-sAra - essence of the vedas; shAstram -

scripture; bhASA - language; antareNa - into another;

bahu-desha - many countires; vibhakti - distribution;

kArta - doer; kR^iSNasya - of kR^iSNa; hRt - heart;

vivaraNam - uncovering; para-duHkha-duHkhi - one who

feels sorrow because of the sorrow of others.


“he translated shrImad-bhAgavatam, the ripe, juicy

fruit of vedic literature, and through his disciples

he distributed it throughout the many countries of the

earth. thus he, whose only sorrow lies in seeing the

sorrow of others, uncovered their hearts to reveal the

presence of kR^iSNa. o prabhupAda! please bestow your

service on me, for I am ready to accept your order.”





tIvreNa bhakty-abhilaSeNa ku-desha-pAnthaH

sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


mAyA - the illusory energy; vimUDha - bewildered; kalI

- quarrel personified; bha~njana - defeating; deva -

the lord; gAtA - the singer; kalyANa - auspicious;

dRSTi - glance; puruSa-uttama - the best of persons,

lord jagannAtha; dAna-pAtraH - recipient of charity;

tIvreNa - by the intensity; bhakti - devotion;

abhilaSeNa - by the desire; ku-desha - the degraded

countires; pAnthaH - traveller.


“his singing of kR^iSNa.as glories illusioned the

illusory energy and disrupted kali’s plans for

disruption. by his earnest devotional hankering, he

invoked the charitable glance of lord jagannAtha, and

thus the lord also travelled to bless the degraded

countries of the west. o prabhupAda! please bestow

your service on me, for I am ready to accept your







sevA.m pradehi prabhupAda nu ki.nkaro .asmi


Ananda-sAgara - the ocean of bliss; rasAyana - elixir;

dhIra - sober; mUrte - form;

shrI-rAdhikA-madana-mohana-tR^ipta - having satisfied

shrI rAdhikA and the bewilderer of cupid; sphUrte -

brilliantly manifest; tat-pAda - their feet; shiSya -

disciples; nayana - leading; Atma - self; su-tuSTa -

well satisfied; pUrte - fulfilled.


“o prabhupAda! your form is filled with sobriety, yet

you taste the elixir of the ocean of bliss. your form

is brilliantly manifest because you give pleasure to

shrI shrI rAdhikA-madana-mohana [rAdhA-kR^iSNa], and

you are filled with satisfaction by leading your

disciples to their lotus feet. o prabhupAda! please

bestow your service on me, for I am ready to accept

your order.”



murAri-sevakAnA.m hi

satata.m dautya-sevane

kR^ipayAsmAsu namreSu

tava dhUliH sadAstu re


murAri-sevakAnAm - of the servants of murari; hi -

indeed; satatam - always; dautya-sevane - in serving

your mission; kR^ipayA - by your mercy; asmAsu - upon

us; namreSu - humble; tava - your; dhUliH - dust; sadA

- always; astu - let it be; re - oh.


“o shrIla prabhupAda, kindly allow the dust of your

lotus feet to perpetually fall upon us, who are the

humble servants of lord murAri [kR^iSNa] and are

forever engaged in assisting your mission.”




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