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Demigod worship is unnecessary, for anyone who has truly realised and

surrendered to Lord Krsna. However, since without pleasing devotees

there is no hope of pleasing Sri Krsna, we may have to approach

demigods. Besides Sri Caitanya and Nityananda, who are none other

than Krsna and Balarama anyway, which other devotee is classed as the

topmost Vaisnava but Lord Siva. Why else is one of the four

authorised Sampradaya that of Lord Siva?


Consider this, without Lord Indra's part in the pastime, where would

the question of worshipping Govardhan Hill arise?


However absurd it may sound, the activities of Lord Indra, Lord Siva

or Lord Brahma are there to guide us. We have to remember they are

still better devotees than any of us can ever hope or likely to

become. These pastimes serve to illustrate how even the best can

falldown or be led astray by modes of material nature. Please don't

consider these pastimes as some ignorance by the demigods, instead

consider them as useful instructions in bettering yourselves. We have

no intelligence to really understand the deeper meaning of the

pastimes so lets not criticise the demigods. I have heard so many

people being dismissive of demigods - this is vaisnava aparadha.


These demigods have not achieved their positions without any merit.

Lord Siva is forever the topmost Vaisnava - he is an expansion of

Lord Krsna. When peope hear that Lord Siva is in charge of the mode

of ignorance they somehow assume that HE IS ignorant! No, Lord Siva

is in charge of the mode, he helps the unfortunate jivas who are in

the mode of ignorance and that is all of us.


Advaita Acarya, by whose request Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu manifested,

is none other than Maha-Vishnu and Sada-Shiva combined. When you

recite the Panca-Tattva mantra you are praying to Lord Siva,



The entrance to Vrndavan is guarded by, Gopeshwara - and who is this

but Lord Siva in the form of a gopi. Without Lord Siva's grace you do

not get residence in Vrndavan.


Who is Haridas Thakura? He is an incarnation of Lord Brahma. We offer

prayers and praise to Lord Brahma after each aarti (Nama acarya

Haridasa Thakura ki Jaya). We pray that we may be able to do a

fraction of the japa rounds done by Haridas Thakura. How was Haridasa

Thakur able to chant continuously? He is adi kavaya - Lord Brahma.


Lord Krsna knew how we would all be so dismissive of demigods and so

he has brought them to us in the form of Advaita Acarya and Haridasa

Thakur - to give us a chance to offer prayer and praise to these



Almost all the incarnations of Sri Krsna have been after prayers by

Lord Siva and/or Lord Brahma. So, these demigods are really the only

ones qualified to approach Sri Krsna on our behalf. Therefore, would

these demigods not be able to guide anyone to Krsna if so requested?


It is from Lord Krsna we get the Vedas which describe the various

karma kanda activities. It is not that the karma kanda activities are

wrong or unauthorised, it is simply that we in Kali-yuga are totally

incapable of understanding or performing them. Why did all the great

ruler of the world perform various austerities and sacrifices? A lot

of these would have been to the demigods. These sacrifices were for

the benefit of the population and the performers knew the ultimate

beneficiary was Sri Krsna.


What reason has Krsna to appoint any demigods to manage the various

affairs, he can do all this himself? These demigods are devotees of

the Lord and there for a purpose and thus worthy of our praises and



We cannot even do the simple things requested by Sri Caitanya and yet

we somehow feel qualified to dismiss demigod worship - I think this

is the height of ignorance.


Sadhu-Sanga Sadhu-Sanga - association of devotees is what's going to

get us out of this endless cycle of birth and death and remove the

covering of maya.


Someome please get me off this high horse !!!!


Hare Krnsa


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