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The Literary Works of Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda (1838-1914)

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The Literary Works of Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda (1838-1914)


Compiled by Dasaratha-suta dasa




This listing has been greatly expanded and updated, resulting in the most

complete listing of the Thakura’s writings currently available. It is

interesting to note the extent of Bhaktivinoda’s attention as far as various

sampradayas are concerned. For example, he reprinted books of Madhvacarya, he

went to great lengths to compose and print books on the philosophy of

Ramanujacarya, and he also reprinted certain writings of Vallabhacarya.




1849 Ula-candi-mahatmya


Bengali verses composed by Bhaktivinoda at the tender age of 11 years old,

glorifying the deity of goddess Ula-candi in Ula, Birnagar, the town of his



1850 Hari-katha


(Topics of Lord Hari)—a poem in Bengali.


1850 Lila-kirtana


(Glorification of the Lord’s Pastimes)—a poem in Bengali.


1851 Sumbha-Nisumbha-Yuddha


(The Battle With Sumbha and Nisumbha)


Bengali verses about the famous ancient battle between goddess Durga and two demons.


1855 Articles


Contributions of articles to various regional and national periodicals and

magazines commenced from this year.


1857 Poriade


Part One—a poem in classical English about the wanderings of Porus, who fought

Alexander the Great in the pre-Christian era.


1858 Poriade Part Two


The second of what was planned to be a twelve-part series, but which was never

completed. Still, these two volumes constitute an epic composition.


1860 Maths of Orissa


English prose narratives about the various temples, monasteries and holy shrines

in Orissa which were visited on pilgrimage by Thakura Bhaktivinoda.


1863 Vijana-grama (The Deserted Village)


Bhaktivinoda’s description of his affectionate return to the beautiful village

of Ula (his birthplace). However, to his horror he finds the population of the

town practically wiped out by cholera. Viewing the devastation of this

once-thriving community, Bhaktivinoda feels an increase in his disgust for the

material world of birth and death, as realized in his higher spiritual

awareness. Composed in unmetered rhyming Bengali poetry.


1863 Sannyasi (The Renounced Monk)


An intricately detailed story of the adventures of a young sannyasi traveling

throughout ancient India and abroad. The narrative is naturally full of

important spiritual lessons. Composed in unmetered rhyming Bengali poetry,

similar to Vijana-grama.


1863 Our Wants


An essay in English prose.


1866 Balide Registry


A manual of the Government Registration Department translated by Thakura Bhaktivinoda into Urdu.


1866 Speech on Gautama


A lecture in English about Gautama Muni and the philosophy of nyaya (logic),

delivered before a philosophical gathering at Chapra in the state of Bihar.


1868 Sac-cid-ananda-premalankara


(Decorations of Pure Ecstatic Love Abounding in Eternity, Knowledge and Bliss)

A poem in Bengali on the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Bhaktivinoda

composed this after reading the Caitanya-caritamrta for the first time, an

experience which greatly fired his enthusiasm for spreading Lord Caitanya’s



1869 The Bhagavat: Its Philosophy, Its Ethics, and Its Theology


A lecture in English on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, delivered at Dinajpur in West

Bengal. Some topics covered are: what Bhagavatam really is, how Lord Caitanya

preached the Bhagavatam, the three great truths of absolute religion

(sambandha, abidheya, and prayojana), maya as a sakti of the omnipotent Lord,

the duty of man to God, the superiority of the Bhagavatam in synthesizing all

sorts of theistic worship systems, and cultivation of the methods of bhakti.


1870 Garbha-stotra-vyakha (Purport of the Garbha-stotra), or

Sambandha-tattva-candrika (A Moonbeam of the Truth of Eternal Relationship)


A commentary in Bengali prose on the Garbha-stotra (Prayers by the Demigods to

Sri Krsna in the Womb) from the second chapter of the tenth canto of



1871 Reflections


A poem in English.


1871 Thakur Haridas


Ten English verses about the disappearance of Namacarya Srila Haridas Thakur,

which are engraved in marble on the samadhi tomb of Haridas by the seashore at



1871 The Temple of Jagannatha at Puri


An English prose essay describing the history of the establishment of the great

temple in Puri, Orissa. This piece also addresses the hypocrisy of temple

priests as opposed to sincere devotional worship in pure love of God.


1871 The Akharas in Puri


English critical expose on certain Vaisnava monasteries in Jagannatha Puri.

Apparently these places were kept by temple priests for meetings where

intoxication and other questionable activities were indulged.


1871 The Personality of Godhead


An essay in English prose.


1871 Saragrahi Vaisnava (The Devotee Who Grasps the Essence)


A 22 verse English poem describing the mood of a devotee who knows how to remain

aloof from gross worldly attractions while extracting the essence of Krsna

Consciousness everywhere and in everything.


1871 A Beacon Light


English prose.


1871 To Love God


A short English article describing bhakti (love) as the religion of the soul.

The piece is based on Christ Jesus’ teaching “Love God with all thy heart, with

all thy mind, and with all thy strength, and love man as thy brother.”


1871 The Attibaris of Orissa


A long letter in English to the editors of the “Progress”, exposing a

questionable sect of pseudo-Vaisnavas popular in Orissa.


1871 The Marriage System of Bengal


An English article detailing Hindu marriage customs and their deplorable forms.

He gives historical outlines of various types of traditional marriages, and

expresses some sympathy for the women subjected to the inhumane marital

practices of certain groups in Bengal.


1872 Vedantadhikarana-mala (A Garland of Chapters on Vedanta)


A compilation of Sanskrit verses on Vedanta philosophy, with Bhaktivinoda’s own

Bengali translations and explanations.


1873 Datta-kaustubha (The Kaustubha Gem of the Datta Family)


104 Sanskrit verses on Vaisnava philosophy composed by Thakura Bhaktivinoda,

including his own Sanskrit prose commentary.


1876 Datta-vamsa-mala (The Garland of the Datta Lineage)


Sanskrit verses giving a genealogical description of the Datta family of Bali

Samaj. Since he was born Kedarnath Datta, this is a chronicle of Bhaktivinoda’s

own family tree.


1878 Bauddha-vijaya-kavyam (Poems on the Defeat of Buddhism)


Sanskrit verses soundly defeating the atheistic philosophy of Buddhism, point for point.


1880 Sri Krsna-samhita


An amazing and revolutionary treatise on the science of Lord Krsna, His pastimes

and His devotees. This book contains an 83-page introduction in which Thakura

Bhaktivinoda discusses the philosophy and development of Indian religion from a

historical and geographical viewpoint. Then, in the actual Samhita portion of

the book, he has composed 281 Sanskrit verses and divided them into 10 chapters

which deal with descriptions of the spiritual world, the multifarious energies

of the Lord, His incarnations, astonishing aspects of His pastimes,

descriptions of how Lord Krsna removes specific demonic obstacles in order for

His devotees to attain the mood of Vraja, and a detailed analysis of the

character of one who has attained Krsna’s association, etc. Accompanying the

Sanskrit verses are Bhaktivinoda’s Bengali prose translations and explanations.

At the end of the book, the Thakura gives a 50-page Conclusion in which

religious philosophy is discussed in terms of the principles of sambandha,

abhideya and prayojana. He describes that all of his unique conclusions were

revealed to him while in a deep spiritual trance.


1881 Kalyana Kalpa-taru (The Desire-Tree of Auspiciousness)


A songbook of 63 Bengali songs describing a desire-tree that Bhaktivinoda had

brought directly from the spiritual world. Its trunk is divided into three

branches called (1) Upadesa (spiritual advice), (2) Upalabdhi (attainment of

realization of the advice), and (3) Ucchvasa (resultant overflowing spiritual

emotions). In these ecstatic devotional songs, the Thakura gives an eyewitness

account of the actual transcendental emotions that come into play as the

natural result of committing one’s life and soul to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai. Then

he describes the final result of receiving the mercy of Lord Caitanya—entrance

into the confidential daily pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. This songbook

became immediately popular upon its publication, and its songs were sung by

devotees with great enthusiasm.


1881 Sajjana-tosani (She Who Pleases the Saintly Persons)


This was a monthly Vaisnava periodical in the Bengali language which

Bhaktivinoda began to edit and publish commencing from the year 1881 and

continuing for 17 volumes.


1883 Review of the Sanskrit book “Nitya-rupa-samsthapanam” (“Proof of the

Lord’s Eternal Form”)


This book was composed in Sanskrit by Bhaktivinoda’s contemporary named Pandit

Upendra Mohan Goswami Nyaya-ratna, and it gives many sound arguments culled

from many scriptures to prove the eternal nature of the Lord’s Deity-form.

Bhaktivinoda presented an English prose summary in a contemporary format

outlining some of the main points, urging his readers to read the book in the

original Sanskrit.


1885 Visva-vaisnava-kalpa-tavi (The Desire-Tree of the Universal Vaisnavas)


A small booklet published in order to acquaint the public with the functions and

aims of a spiritual society he personally organized in Calcutta, called the Sri

Visva Vaisnava Sabha (The Association of Universal Vaisnavas).


1886 Srimad Bhagavad-gita (The Song of God)


The most famous of classical Sanskrit religious texts; Bhaktivinoda published a

rare manuscript of it that included the Sanskrit commentary of Srila Visvanatha

Cakravarti Thakura entitled Sarartha-varsini (She who showers the essence of the

intrinsic meaning). The elaborate introduction in Bengali was written by

Bhaktivinoda, and for each Sanskrit verse of the Gita he composed his own

Bengali translation-commentary entitled Rasika-ranjana (That which pleases the

relishers of mellows).


1886 Sri Caitanya-siksamrta (The Nectarean Teachings of Sri Caitanya)


A philosophical work in Bengali prose which is meant to show exactly how the

teachings of Lord Caitanya are to be applied in the modern world. This includes

the perfectly non-envious bridging of the gaps between all the world’s major

religions. These nectarean teachings, based on Lord Caitanya’s instructions to

Rupa and Sanatana Goswami as found in the Caitanya-caritamrta, are just like a

shower of pure nectar, and therefore the book is divided into 8 “showers”, each

of these being subdivided into “downpours”. The 8 “showers” are listed as


(1) Ascertainment of the Topmost Religion

(2) Secondary Duties, or Religious Activities

(3) Primary Duties, or Regulative Devotional Service

(4) Discussions on Spontaneous Devotional Service

(5) Discussions on Ecstatic Devotional Service

(6) Discussions on Devotional Service in Pure Love of God

(7) Discussions on Transcendental Mellow

(8) Conclusion.


1886 Sanmodana-bhasyam (The Commentary That Gives Pleasure to the Virtuous)


A comprehensive Sanskrit commentary on Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s 8 verses of

instruction named Siksastaka. Bhaktivinoda also includes a Bengali song for

each verse that paraphrases and expands on Lord Caitanya’s devotional moods.


1886 Bhajana-darpana-bhasya (A Mirror Which Reflects the Purport of Devotional Worship)


A Sanskrit commentary on Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami’s 12-verse Sanskrit

prayer entitled Manah-siksa (Instructions to the Mind). Bhaktivinoda also

included his Bengali song translation/commentary of each verse, meant to be

sung regularly by devotees.


1886 Dasopanisad-curnika (A Particle of Dust from Ten Upanisads)


A book of Bengali prose containing essential information gleaned from the 10

principle Upanisads (out of 108).


1886 Bhavavali (A Series of Ecstasies)


Sanskrit verses on the subject of rasa written by different Vaisnava acaryas of

the highest order, compiled by Thakura Bhaktivinoda and published along with

his own Bengali song translations.


1886 Prema-pradipa (A Torchlamp of Divine Love)


A philosophical Vaisnava novel written in Bengali prose. The basic plot is that

three men from Calcutta travel to Vrndavana in order to meet a Vaisnava (who is

also a mystic yogi), with the intention of learning the transcendental science

from him. Two of the men (who were impersonalists) gradually become convinced

of devotion unto the Supreme Lord, whereas the third gets misled by the mystic

yoga process, thus cheating himself of the rare treasure of ecstatic love for

Lord Krsna. The book is composed in 10 chapters, called “rays of light”.


1886 Sri Visnu-sahasra-nama-stotram (The Thousand Names of Lord Visnu)


Originally part of the Maha-Bharata, this prayer was published by the Thakura

along with the Sanskrit commentary of Srila Baladeva Vidya-bhusana entitled

Namartha-sudha (The Nectar of the Meaning of the Names).


1887 Sri Krsna-vijaya (Lord Krsna’s Glorious Victory)


A famous Bengali verse epic on the pastimes of Sri Krsna, written in the early

1470’s by Maladhara Vasu (Gunaraj Khan.) This book, written in a simple folk

style, was not only renowned for being the first volume of Bengali literature

ever published, but was one of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s favorite books. Edited

and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with his own introduction in Bengali.


1887 Sri Caitanyopanisad (part of the Atharva Veda)


An Upanisadic treatise in Sanskrit dealing with Sri Krsna’s appearance as the

great preacher of love of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These 19 verses

were edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with his own Sanskrit

commentary called Sri Caitanya-caranamrta (The Nectar of the Lotus Feet of Lord

Caitanya), and Madhusudana Dasa’s Bengali translation of the original Sanskrit

verses called Amrta-bindu (A Drop of Nectar).


1888 Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala (A Garland of Vaisnava Truths)


A Bengali prose work that gives a crystallization of all the basic tenets of

Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy. Bhaktivinoda intended this book to be read by the

general public, therefore it is composed in simple, straightforward language.

Some topics covered are: acceptance of a bona fide spiritual master, chanting

of the holy names without offenses, regular practice of kirtan, and so forth.

The first chapter is in the form of instructive questions and answers on

foundational spiritual topics.


1890 Amnaya-sutram (The Codes of Vedic Knowledge)


A classical Sanskrit composition based on the Upanisads, presented in the

traditional style as 130 aphorisms, plus a short commentary on each aphorism in

Sanskrit, quoted from various ancient scriptures. Bhaktivinoda also gives his

own Bengali translation called the Laghu-bhasya (Brief Explanation). This book

helps the aspirants in easily engaging their lives in devotional practices by

presenting very simple statements of transcendental truths. The 130 aphorisms

are divided into 16 extremely condensed and irrefutable chapters.


1890 Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmyam (The Glories of the Abode of Navadvipa)


Parikrama-khanda (The Canto Describing the Tour)


18 chapters of Bengali verse in which Bhaktivinoda describes the complete tour

of the nine islands of Navadvipa that was traversed by Lord Nityananda. Taking

the young Srila Jiva Goswami along, Lord Nityananda Prabhu points out all the

different places of pilgrimage and tells the stories behind those sacred sites.


1890 Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmyam (The Glories of the Abode of Navadvipa)


Pramana-khanda (The Canto Describing the Scriptural References)


Five chapters of amazing quotes from many different Vedic scriptures, Puranas

and Samhitas that glorify the holy land of Navadvipa. The Sanskrit verses are

accompanied by Bhaktivinoda’s Bengali prose translations.


1890 Siddhanta-darpanam (The Mirror of Truth)


A philosophical Sanskrit work by Srila Baladeva Vidya-bhusana, edited and

published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with his own Bengali prose translations.

Bhaktivinoda liked this book very much because it establishes, by quoting from

many scriptures, that the Srimad Bhagavatam is the crown jewel of all the



1891 Srimad Bhagavad-Gita (The Song of God)


Edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with Srila Baladeva Vidya-bhusana’s

Sanskrit commentary called Gita-bhusana (A Decoration of the Gita), and his own

Bengali translation-commentary called Vidvad-ranjana (That Which Pleases the



1891 Sri Godruma Kalpatavi (The Desire-tree Grove of the Island of Godruma)


A collection of Bhaktivinoda’s Bengali essays describing his program of Nam

Hatta, or the Marketplace of the Holy Name. He describes the different

characters of the marketplace, how the holy names are purchased, various posts

in the market, and qualifications of the participants. Included are reports of

a number of Bhaktivinoda’s actual preaching programs.


1892 Sri Hari-nama (The Holy Name of Lord Hari)


The second chapter of Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala, excerpted and published in

pamphlet form. This was used for public distribution by Bhaktivinoda in

connection with his program of Nam Hatta (the Marketplace of the Holy Name).

This pamphlet describes the transcendental glories of the holy names, quoting

from various scriptures, plus explanations of these quotes as given by various

Vaisnava acaryas. It also lists and expounds on the ten offenses against the

chanting of the holy names.


1892 Sri Nama (The Holy Name)


The third chapter of Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala, excerpted and published in

pamphlet form, also used by Bhaktivinoda for distribution during his public Nam

Hatta programs. This work begins with a short introduction, then it has 100

names of Lord Caitanya arranged in 8 songs meant to be sung in kirtan, followed

by three more songs of Lord Caitanya’s glories. Finally, there is a Bengali

prose essay entitled “Sri Sri Godruma-candra’s Order”, which expounds on the

sacred command that Lord Caitanya gave to all His devotees (as described in the

Caitanya-bhagavat, Madhya-lila, chapter 13—bolo krsna, bhaja krsna, koro

krsna-siksa—“Going to each and every house, just beg like this—`Chant Krsna,

worship Krsna, and follow Krsna’s instructions.’” Then Bhaktivinoda quotes from

the seventh chapter of the eleventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatam in which Narada

Muni tells Maharaja Yudhisthira about the thirty good qualities that are

naturally manifest in the character of religious persons.


1892 Sri Nama-tattva-siksastaka (Eight Verses of Instruction Regarding the Truth

of the Holy Name of the Lord)


The fourth chapter of Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala, similarly excerpted by

Bhaktivinoda and published as a pamphlet. This chapter systematically presents

each of the eight verses of instruction written by Lord Caitanya, called

Siksastakam. First is the original Sanskrit verse, then Bhaktivinoda’s Bengali

prose translation, then Bhaktivinoda’s expanded Bengali song. After presenting

all eight verses in this manner, Bhaktivinoda then concludes with several more

songs of instructions to the people, begging them to instill their hearts with

these nectarean teachings of Lord Caitanya.


1892 Sri Nama-mahima (The Glories of the Holy Name)


The fifth chapter of Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala, printed as above in pamphlet form.

After a brief introduction, Bhaktivinoda presents an eight-verse Sanskrit prayer

composed by Srila Rupa Goswami called Sri Namastakam, which concisely describes

the glories of the holy name of the Lord. Accompanying each verse is

Bhaktivinoda’s Bengali prose translation as well as expanded Bengali song. Then

he concludes with three more songs which glorify many names of Lord Krsna,

including two Nama Hatta songs describing how Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda

distributed these names (yasomati-nandana; boro sukher khabor gai; and doyal

nitai-caitanya bole nachre amar man).


1892 Sri Nama-pracara (The Preaching of the Holy Name)


The sixth chapter of Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala, printed as above in pamphlet

form. First, the Thakura presents an important Bengali song he wrote—nadiya

godrume nityananda mahajana—giving an elaborate prose purport for each of the

four verses. This outlines the principle of ajna tahal, the order of the Lord

to go out and engage the public in the practice of congregational sankirtan.

Then, he presents eleven more songs he wrote for the general public to sing in

kirtan and bhajan, featuring the gist of Lord Caitanya’s teachings.


1892 Sriman Mahaprabhur Siksa The Lessons Given by Sriman Mahaprabhu)


A book written by Bhaktivinoda in eleven chapters. In the first chapter, he

summarizes Sri Caitanya’s philosophy in ten points (dasa mula). Then the

following ten chapters fully explain each point individually. All philosophical

conclusions are supported with profuse scriptural quotations in Sanskrit, which

are accompanied by Bengali prose translations and explanations.


1893 Tattva-viveka (Knowledge of Transcendental Truths)


Subtitled: Sac-cid-anandanubhuti (Realization of Eternity, Knowledge and Bliss)


In this book, Thakura Bhaktivinoda discusses the different precepts of the great

Vaisnava acaryas as compared to the ideas of other famous philosophers, both

Oriental and Western. He mentions the Greek philosophers Leucippus, Democritus,

Plato and Aristotle; Diderot and Lamettrie of France; Lucretius of Italy; Von

Holbach of Germany; Yangchoo of China; Carvaka of India; and Englishmen Mill,

Lewis, Paine, Carlyle, Bentham, Combe, and so on. The book is composed of 48

Sanskrit verses, each with an exhaustive Bengali commentary. The First

Realization, of 33 verses, is entitled “Realization of Eternity”, and the

Second Realization, of 15 verses, is entitled “Realization of Eternal



1893 Soka-satana (The Dispelling of Grief)


A small booklet of 13 Bengali songs, which Bhaktivinoda composed between 1888

and 1890. These songs were meant to be sung by the general public, as they

describe an ecstatic pastime in Lord Caitanya’s life, an incident giving

expression to important teachings of transcendental truths. This pastime was

mentioned briefly by Vrndavana dasa Thakura in his Sri Caitanya-bhagavat, and

Bhaktivinoda expanded the narrative very nicely. The basic story runs as

follows: Once, during an all-night kirtan performed by the Lord in Srivasa

Pandita’s courtyard, one of the five sons of Srivasa suddenly died within the

house due to some disease. All of the household ladies began to cry very loudly

in lamentation, which was heard by Srivasa as he was chanting and dancing with

Lord Caitanya out in the courtyard. Entering the house, Srivasa pacified the

distressed ladies with sweet spiritual instructions and then returned to the

ecstatic kirtana as if nothing had happened. In the morning the kirtan finally

stopped, and Lord Caitanya inquired if anything was wrong in the house, for He

was not feeling the typical ecstasy from His all-night kirtan. Being informed

of the fate of the boy, the Lord became severely afflicted with loving

separation and asked that the body be brought out into the courtyard. Then

asking the dead boy why he had died, Lord Caitanya manifested the jiva soul

back into its body, and the boy then spoke many transcendental truths before

leaving again. Afterwards, Lord Caitanya accompanied by all the devotees

celebrated the funeral ceremony of the boy in great ecstasy, being joined by

the personified Ganges River, Sri Jahnavi Devi herself.


1893 Saranagati (Abandoned to the Lord’s Shelter)


A Bengali songbook of 50 ecstatic songs about the process of purely devoted

surrender unto the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. This book has become very famous,

and its songs are sung daily in hundreds of temples in India as well as around

the world. It is based on the six processes of surrender mentioned by Srila

Rupa Goswami in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. The book is divided as follows: the

first part consisting of 32 songs describes the moods of a devotee as he

systematically follows the six stages of surrender; then there are 13 songs

called Bhajana-lalasa, or “Eagerness for Worship” (Bengali songs based on Srila

Rupa Goswami’s Sanskrit Upadesamrta, “The Nectar of Instruction”); then 3 songs

called Siddhi-lalasa, “Eagerness for Perfection”; and finally, at the very end

of Saranagati, the Thakura concludes the book with two very important songs:

first Vijnapti or “Confessions”, in which Bhaktivinoda longs for the day when

he will be engaged—body, mind and words—in activities of pure devotional

service; and the last song is entitled Sri Nama-mahatmya, or “The Glories of

the Holy Name”. This song describes the powerful effects of the holy names of

the Lord, and how the name takes the devotee back to Godhead.


1893 Gitavali (A Collection of Songs)


A Bengali songbook of 70 rapturous songs which are meant to be sung regularly by

devotees. Indeed, many of these songs are part of the daily devotional practice

conducted by devotees all over the world. This book begins with 2 Arunodaya

Kirtanas, or songs to be sung at dawn, when the first reddish tint is seen over

the horizon; then there are 4 arati songs, to be sung while worshiping the

deities on the altar; then 6 songs describe the devotional moods of honoring

the Lord’s various food remnants (prasad); 8 songs praise the glories of Nagar

Kirtan, the chanting of the Lord’s holy names while processing around the town

on Name-patrol; 4 songs list over 100 different names of Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu; then 6 songs list 120 names of Lord Krsna; 5 more songs chant the

glories of Krsna’s many holy names; 5 songs ascertain the ultimate goal of life

(Sreyo Nirnaya); 2 songs called Bhajana-Gita instruct the dull mind how to

worship the Lord properly; 8 songs are based on Srila Rupa Goswami’s Sanskrit

prayer known as Namastaka, or eight prayers to the holy name; 8 songs praise

the glories of Srimati Radharani (Sri Radhastaka); and finally, 8 songs are

based on the eight prayers of instruction written by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

called Siksastaka. Some editions published later added several songs as an

Appendix—1 song of intense, eager longing for the highest spiritual perfection

called Siddhi Lalasa, and a Sanskrit song composed by Bhaktivinoda in 20

metrically melodious verses called Sri Sri Godruma-candra Bhajanopadesa

(Instructions for the Worship of Lord Caitanya, the Moon Over Godruma).


1893 Gita-mala (A Garland of Songs)


A Bengali songbook of 80 nectarean songs arranged in five chapters:

(1) Yamuna-bhavavali describes in 27 songs the mellow ecstasies of santa and

dasya-rasa as it is revealed in the famous prayer Stotra-ratna by Sri


(2) Karpanya-panjika is a diary of humble longings for eternal service to Sri

Sri Radha-Krsna, as revealed in a prayer from Srila Rupa Goswami’s book


(3) Soka-satana gives a detailed description in 13 songs of a particular pastime

of Lord Caitanya in which He revives the dead son of Srivasa Thakura

(4) Rupanuga-bhajana-darpana is a scientific devotional treatise which analyzes

the spiritual functioning of Lord Krsna’s pastimes. The moods presented herein

concisely express the Thakura’s realizations of the truths explained by Srila

Rupa Goswami in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu and Ujjvala-Nilamani. This chapter

also describes practices required to allow one entrance into the Lord’s eternal


(5) Siddhi-lalasa is a 10 song description of the longing for achieving the

perfection of an eternal spiritual name, dress, body and specific service in

the eternal realm of Goloka Vrndavana.


1893 Baula-sangita (Songs of the Mad Wandering Saint)


A collection of 12 songs in Bengali verse. Bhaktivinoda saw that the Indian

society at that time had become overrun with many different types of

pretentious so-called Vaisnavas. One group, known as “Baula”, or transcendental

madmen, used to wander all around the countryside singing bogus songs and

begging alms. The Thakura recognized them as false devotees, and he wrote these

12 songs so that the common people could learn to tell the difference between

false Baulas and real Baulas. The language and dialect of these songs is just

like the common street talk of the period, and Bhaktivinoda even signed the

songs “Canda Baula”—he assumed a Baula name just so people would accept them!

These songs each describe the various forms of cheating Baulas, exposing their

deceptive hypocrisy, and finally propose the correct way for following Lord

Caitanya according to authorized devotional principles.


1893 Dalaler Gita (The Song of the Broker)


A song in Bengali verse that describes how Lord Nityananda has opened up The

Marketplace of the Holy Name at Surabhi-kunja, which was Bhaktivinoda’s

headquarters on the island of Godruma in Navadvipa. He says that Nityananda is

selling the Lord’s name for the mere price of one’s faith, and, taking the

position of a transcendental `broker’ for the sale of the name, Bhaktivinoda

urges his fellow countrymen to purchase and relish these transcendental goods.


1893 Nam Bhajan (The Worship of the Holy Name)


A small booklet in English prose on the divine name of Sri Krsna. He thoroughly

discusses the goal of Krsna-prema as reached by pure chanting; quoting from

various scriptures, he establishes the inconceivable glories of the name;

analyzing the process of worshiping the holy name, he proves that the name is

an incarnation of Krsna Himself on earth; then finally, Bhaktivinoda presents

the various stages of devotion that are manifest to an ascending soul who is on

the way back to Godhead.


1893 Jaiva Dharma(The Religion of the Soul’s Natural Characteristics)


A philosophical Vaisnava novel written in Bengali prose. Most of the book is

presented as a dialogue of questions and answers between the various

characters. The main character is Sri Prema dasa Babaji, who is known as a

paramahamsa, or a topmost swan-like devotee of the Lord, one who has

transcended all external forms of religiosity. He is always overwhelmed with

pure ecstatic love, and his personal worship of the Lord cannot be understood

by any ordinary person. One day, the Babaji is approached by a sannyasi who is

himself very well versed in the revealed scriptures but has thusfar d

to the impersonal conception of the absolute. The sannyasi asks many questions,

and the Babaji gives the conclusive answers, thereby convincing the sannyasi of

the superexcellence of the personal theism of the Vaisnavas. Other characters

gradually make their appearance in the novel, and various philosophical

discussions take place. This is a very thorough book, touching on practically

every major topic of devotional life, and Bhaktivinoda has quoted profuse

scriptural passages to support his conclusions. Complete in 40 chapters, this

book has become very popular with the general public not only for its story

format, but because it has been composed in very simple language that enables

even persons without Sanskrit training to glean the essence of all the revealed

scriptures. Some topics covered extensively are: the eternal nature of the soul,

the truth of bodily castes, proper conduct of domestic life, historical

perspective of eternal religion, methods of the soul’s release from material

bondage, spontaneous devotional service, the truth of the holy name of the

Lord, avoiding offenses unto the name, true name vs. semblance of name, so

forth and so on.


Finally, the last 15 chapters of Jaiva Dharma treat the subject of

transcendental rasa very elaborately. Two sincere devotees named Vijaya Kumara

and Vraja-natha approach Prema dasa Babaji with many esoteric questions, and

together they all discuss the nature of ecstatic symptoms, divine emotions,

affection for the Lord in neutrality, servitude, friendship, parenthood and

conjugal love. Vijaya-kumara, who wishes to be further instructed in the

conjugal mellow, is directed by Premadasa Babaji to proceed to Jagannath Puri

and receive the audience of Gopala Guru Goswami, a disciple of Svarupa Damodara

Goswami. From him he learns about Krsna’s role as the Supreme Hero, Radha’s role

as the Supreme Heroine, descriptions of Radha’s girlfriends, stimulants for

ecstatic love, the Lord’s pastimes conducted throughout eight periods of the

day, varieties of enjoyments shared by the Divine Couple, techniques to be used

by a devotee in order to enter into these eternal pastimes, so forth and so on.

The book ends with a description of how the two devotees Vraja-natha and Vijaya

attain the ultimate goal of life—they take the teachings of the Babaji to heart,

give up all worldly attachments and simply worship the Lord within their heart

of hearts all throughout their days and nights, with Vraja-natha on the banks

of the Ganga in Sridhama Mayapura and Vijaya-kumara in a secluded cottage near

the Puri seashore. Following along the Lord’s daily pastimes, they remain

absorbed in ecstatic love for Him until they finally drop their mortal frames

and happily go back to Godhead.


1893 Tattva-sutram (Aphorisms of the Truth)


Composed in 50 concise Sanskrit aphorisms divided into 5 chapters. Bhaktivinoda

gives a Sanskrit commentary on each verse, plus an elaborate Bengali

commentary. The five divisions are:

(1) The Truth of the Lord and His Creation

(2) The Truth of His Conscious Portions (Souls)

(3) The Truth of His Temporary Portion (The Material World)

(4) The Truth of the Relationship Between the Lord and His Creation

(5) The Truth Regarding Devotional Principles.


All the conclusions presented in this book are supported by profuse quotations

from the Upanisads, the Puranas, Bhagavad-gita, Narada-pancaratra, and many

other scriptures.


1894 Vedarka-didhiti (A Ray of the Sun of the Vedas)


A Sanskrit commentary on the famous Isopanisad found in the Vajasaneya Samhita

portion of the Sukla Yajur Veda. This commentary by Bhaktivinoda Thakura was

published along with the Sanskrit explanation of Srila Baladeva Vidya-bhusana

called Isopanisad-bhasyam (An Explanation of Isopanisad). Also included were

the notes of Bhaktivinoda’s friend, Sriyukta Syamalal Goswami Siddhanta

Vacaspati, entitled Isopanisad Bhasya-rahasya-vivrti (The Purport of the Inner

Secrets of the Explanation of Isopanisad), plus Syamalal Goswami’s Bengali

clarification of the Isopanisad called Siddhantanuvada (Translation of the



1894 Tattva-muktavali (A Pearl Necklace of Truths)


Subtitled: Mayavada-sata-dusini (A Hundred Refutations of the Impersonalists)


119 Sanskrit verses composed by Sripad Madhvacarya which refute the impersonal

Advaita Vedanta philosophy that was spread all over India by Sankaracarya.

These verses are at times quite amusing as they pierce the shroud of Mayavadi

misconceptions with amazing, common-sense logic. Thakura Bhaktivinoda had it

published with his own Bengali prose translations for each verse. Sri

Madhvacarya composed this book in such a way that anyone who reads it will

never fall victim to the fallacy of the Lord’s so-called impersonal nature. By

citing various scriptures, by offering sound reasonings, and by employing a

surprising style of common sense, Sri Madhvacarya positively establishes the

Lord’s eternal personal identity.


1895 Amrta-pravaha-bhasya (The Commentary That Flows with Nectar)


A Bengali commentary on Krsna dasa Kaviraja Goswami’s Sri Caitanya-caritamrta.

Bhaktivinoda begins and ends this commentary with devotional Bengali lyrics,

and the body of the commentary is composed in prose. At the beginning of each

of the 62 chapters of Caitanya-caritamrta, he has included chapter summaries,

and in the course of the running text, he has quoted both ancient scriptures

and additional commentaries by more recent acaryas.


1895 Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latika (The Desire-Creeper of Devotion to Lord Hari)


A Sanskrit work on pure devotion by an unknown Vaisnava author. Edited and

published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with the Sanskrit text only. He found a

manuscript of this book while he was living in Jagannath Puri. Although the

authorship was not known, Bhaktivinoda appreciated the purely devotional

quality of the text. The book is like a creeper of devotion, and this creeper

is subsequently divided into thirteen sections called `clusters’. Describing

the nine processes of devotional service, headed by hearing and chanting, the

book concludes with a detailed description of the character of a devotee who

has attained transcendence by the faithful practice of these means.


1895 Shodasa Grantha (Sixteen Books)


A collection of sixteen small Sanskrit works written by Sri Vallabhacarya, a

prominent acarya who lived during Lord Caitanya’s time. Original Sanskrit text

edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda.


1895 Sri Gauranga-stava-kalpataru (A Desire-Tree Prayer To Lord Gauranga)


A twelve verse poem in Sanskrit from Srila Raghunath Das Goswami’s Stavavali.

Sanskrit text edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda, this prayer

describes Lord Caitanya’s inconceivable ecstatic bodily transformations that

were manifested in His later years at Jagannath Puri. The author begs that the

vision of these ecstatic transformations may perpetually awaken in his heart.


1895 Manah-santosani (She Who Pleases The Mind)


A Bengali verse translation of a Sanskrit work called Sri Krsna Caitanyodayavali

by Pradyumna Misra, a close relative of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The author of

this translation, Sri Jagajjivan Misra, is the eighth descendant of Pradyumna

Misra, the older brother of Sri Caitanya’s father Jagannath Misra. Bengali text

edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda.


1895 Mukunda-mala Stotram (A Garland of Prayers to Lord Mukunda)


A devotional Sanskrit work from South India by one of the twelve Alvars, King

Kulasekhara, edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda. Composed in 62

verses, the prayer glorifies the Lord’s transcendental position, begging for

humble menial service eternally at the Lord’s lotus feet.


1895 Sri Laksmi-carita (The Life and Character of the Goddess of Fortune)


A short work in Bengali verse by Sri Maladhar Vasu (Gunaraj Khan), the renowned

author of Sri Krsna-vijaya (the first Bengali book). Original text edited and

published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda.


1895 Bala-Krsna-sahasra-nama (A Thousand Names of Baby Krsna)


Gopala-sahasra-nama (A Thousand Names of Cowherd Boy Krsna)


Krsnastottara-sata-nama (108 Names of Krsna)


Radhika-sahasra-nama (A Thousand Names of Sri Radhika)


Four different nama-stotras excerpted from the Narada-pancaratra. Edited and

published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with the Sanskrit text only. He printed this

little nectar book for use by the devotees who liked to chant these verses as a

regular daily practice.


1895 Sriman-Mahaprabhor-Asta-kaliya-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram (The Auspicious

Prayer for Remembrance of Lord Caitanya’s Pastimes Throughout Eight Periods of

the Day)


An 11 verse Sanskrit poem on the pastimes of Sri Caitanya by an unknown Vaisnava

author, edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda. This prayer is intended to

facilitate the daily worship of devotees who follow Lord Caitanya’s pastimes as

He relishes the moods of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna’s pastimes conducted through the

eight periods of the day.


1896 Sri Gauranga-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram (The Auspicious Prayer for

Remembrance of Lord Caitanya’s Pastimes)


104 original Sanskrit verses giving a condensed description of all the most

important pastimes and teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that are found in

Sri Caitanya-bhagavata and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. Bhaktivinoda composed this

book to fulfill the requests of devotees who asked for something they could

chant every day for Lord Caitanya’s glorification. He included in the beginning

of the book a famous 47-page introduction in English prose entitled Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu: His Life and Precepts. This introduction summarizes the contents of

the book’s Sanskrit verses. Accompanying the Sanskrit verses is a Sanskrit

commentary entitled Vikasini Tika (Revealing Notes) by the renowned pandit of

Navadvipa, Maha-mahopadhyaya Sitikantha Vacaspati. It was this book which

Bhaktivinoda sent to a University in Canada in 1896, the auspicious year of the

birth of Srila Prabhupada, thereby introducing the glories of Lord Caitanya to

the Western world for the first time.


1896 Sri Ramanuja-upadesa (The Teachings of Ramanuja)


Sanskrit verses explaining the philosophy of Ramanujacarya, with Thakura

Bhaktivinoda’s own Bengali translation.


1896 Artha-pancaka (Five Meanings)


Thakura Bhaktivinoda’s explanatory notes in Bengali on Sri Pillai Lokacarya’s

famous book of the same name, in which five principal points of Ramanuja’s

philosophy are explained at length.


1896 Sva-likhita Jivani (Autobiography)


This book is a 200-page Bengali prose letter which Bhaktivinoda wrote to his

son, Lalita Prasad Datta, in response to a request for details of his father’s

personal life. Lalita Prasad had the book published so that those who knew and

loved his father could read and relish it. Bhaktivinoda warned in the beginning

of the letter that no one should misuse this information, a warning that was

repeated in the publisher’s preface. The work is an intimate revelation of

Bhaktivinoda’s mind, covering such topics as: the time and place of his birth,

early childhood remembrances, descriptions of his grandparents, the prosperity

and happiness of all the townspeople in Ula, stories of his schooldays, boyhood

mischief, early religious revelations, college studies, the deaths of his father

and several siblings, his studies of world religions, his lectures in Calcutta,

how he began to write books, his first ecstatic trip to Vrndavana, his

enthusiasm for hearing of the glories of Lord Caitanya, his studies of the

Goswami’s literature in Jagannath Puri while serving as chief magistrate there,

his chastisement of false devotees, the births of his many sons and daughters,

his composing of many devotional literatures in English, Sanskrit and Bengali,

the shifting of his headquarters back to Calcutta and eventually to the island

of Godruma in Nadiya, his preaching of the glories of the holy name in public

by various means, his discovery of Lord Caitanya’s birthplace and founding of a

temple there in Mayapur, and so forth.


1897 Brahma-samhita (The Treatise Spoken By Lord Brahma)


This ancient book, actually only the fifth chapter of one hundred, was acquired

by Lord Caitanya on his travels in South India. It is Lord Brahma’s personal

account of his birth, his penances, his realization of the spiritual world, and

his revelation of Lord Visnu’s wish for him to create the material cosmos. In

the ninth chapter of the Caitanya-caritamrta’s Madhya-lila, Srila Prabhupada

gives the following summary of the book’s contents:


“The Brahma-samhita is a very important scripture. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

acquired the Fifth Chapter from the Adi-Kesava temple. In that Fifth Chapter,

the philosophical conclusion of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva (simultaneous oneness

and difference) is presented. The chapter also presents methods of devotional

service, the eighteen-syllable Vedic hymn, discourses on the soul, the

Supersoul and fruitive activity, an explanation of kama-gayatri, kama-bija and

the original Maha-Visnu, and a description of the spiritual world, specifically

Goloka Vrndavana. Brahma-samhita also expounds on the demigod Ganesa, the

Garbhodakasayi Visnu, the origin of the gayatri-mantra, the form of Govinda and

His transcendental position and abode, the living entities, the highest goal,

the goddess Durga, the meaning of austerity, the five gross elements, love of

Godhead, impersonal Brahman, the initiation of Lord Brahma, and the vision of

transcendental love enabling one to see the Lord. The steps of devotional

service are also explained. The mind, yoga-nidra, the goddess of fortune,

devotional service in spontaneous ecstasy, incarnations beginning with Lord

Ramacandra, Deities, the conditioned soul and its duties, the truth about Lord

Visnu, prayers, Vedic hymns, Lord Siva, Vedic literature, personalism and

impersonalism, good behavior and many other subjects are also discussed. There

is also a description of the sun and the universal forms of the Lord. All these

subjects are conclusively explained in a nutshell in this Brahma-samhita.”


This book was edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with the original

Sanskrit verses, Srila Jiva Goswami’s Sanskrit commentary, and Bhaktivinoda’s

own Bengali introduction, Bengali prose translations and Bengali commentary

called Prakasini (She Who Illuminates).


1898 Sri Krsna-karnamrta (Nectar for the Ears of Sri Krsna)


A famous Sanskrit book of ecstatic prayers and revelations of Krsna conscious

moods and pastimes written by Sri Bilvamangala Thakura (Lilasuka). This book

was also collected by Lord Caitanya on his travels in South India. Published

and edited by Bhaktivinoda with the original Sanskrit verses, the Sanskrit

commentary by Caitanya Dasa Goswami (the older brother of Kavi Karnapur) called

Bala-bodhini Tika, and Bhaktivinoda’s own introduction, final summary and

Bengali prose translations of the verses. In the ninth chapter of the

Caitanya-caritamrta’s Madhya-lila, Srila Prabhupada comments:


“This book was composed by Bilvamangala Thakura in 112 verses. There are two or

three other books bearing the same name, and there are also two commentaries on

Bilvamangala’s book. One commentary was written by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami

and the other by Caitanya Dasa Goswami.” In verses 305-309 of the above-quoted

section of Caitanya-caritamrta, Srila Kaviraja Goswami has written:

“The brahmana community there was composed of pure devotees, who regularly

studied a book entitled Krsna-karnamrta, which was composed by Bilvamangala

Thakura. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased to hear the book

Krsna-karnamrta, and with great eagerness He had it copied and took it with

Him. There is no comparison to Krsna-karnamrta in the three worlds. By studying

this book, one is elevated to the knowledge of pure devotional service to Krsna.

One who constantly reads Krsna-karnamrta can fully understand the beauty and

melodious taste of the pastimes of Lord Krsna. The Brahma-samhita and

Krsna-karnamrta were two books that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu considered to be

most valuable jewels. Therefore He took them with Him on His return trip.”


1898 Piyusa-varsini-vrtti (The Explanation That Showers Ambrosia)


Bengali commentary on Srila Rupa Goswami’s Upadesamrta (The Nectar of

Instruction). Bhaktivinoda published this book with Rupa Goswami’s original

eleven Sanskrit verses accompanied by his own Bengali prose explanations.


1898 Srimad Bhagavad-Gita (The Song of God)


This edition was published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with the Sanskrit commentary

Dvaita-bhasyam (Explanation of Supreme Duality) by Sripad Madhvacarya.


1898 Sri Goloka-mahatmyam (The Glories of Goloka Vrndavana)


Part Two of Sanatana Goswami’s Brhad-bhagavatamrtam, edited and published by

Thakura Bhaktivinoda with the original Sanskrit text and his own Bengali

translations of the verses. This book describes in seven chapters the travels

of an ecstatic devotee named Sri Gopa-kumara. In searching for the supreme

truth this devoted and simple cowherd boy from Govardhana is led on an

incredible journey throughout all the higher planetary systems of the material

universe as well as those of the transcendental spiritual worlds. The various

deities of Vaikuntha successively direct him higher and higher until he finally

reaches Sri Sri Radha-Krsna’s abode in Goloka Vrndavana, the topmost spiritual

planet, where he sports eternally with Krsna and the cowherd boys.


1899 The Hindu Idols


A thirty-two page English letter written to the Tract Society of Calcutta.

Apparently in their periodical they had published an article entitled “Prof.

Max Muller on Durga”, in which Kali, Durga and Siva were slandered from the

Christian viewpoint. So Bhaktivinoda wrote this exhaustive response, quoting

from the Vedas and Puranas on the true identity of the personalities in

question. He concludes by assuming the proper Christian attitude of universal

love, which is devoid of sectarian dogmatism, and humbly begs the reverend

gentlemen of the Tract Society to give up their philosophical inconsistencies.


1899 Sri Bhajanamrta (The Nectar of Worship)


A treatise on pure devotion to the Supreme Lord written in Sanskrit prose by

Srila Narahari Sarakara Thakura, a contemporary and intimate associate of Sri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with his own

Bengali translation.


1899 Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga (Waves of Ecstatic Moods in Navadvipa)


168 Bengali verses describing the different transcendental places in the 32

square mile area of Navadvipa, as seen through the perfected devotional eyes of

a God-realized soul. In this book Thakura Bhaktivinoda does not see the land of

Navadvipa as a mundane historical place of this world but sees it as the

isodyana or transcendental garden of Lord Caitanya. Bhaktivinoda describes

various pastimes that Sri Gauranga enjoys on different islands at different

times of day in the transcendental realm. At the conclusion of this divine

vision, he falls unconscious and attains the samadhi of full realization of his

own eternal gopi form. Some of Radha’s personal maidservants take him by the

hand and engage him in eternal personal service to the Divine Couple. Returning

to consciousness he remains absorbed as the humble servant of the servant of

Lord Caitanya.


1900 Harinama-cintamani (The Touchstone of the Name of Hari)


Divided into 15 chapters and composed in Bengali verse form, this book is an

account of Srila Haridas Thakura’s teachings on the holy name. It is actually a

conversation between Lord Caitanya and Haridas—the Lord asks questions about the

glories of the holy name, and Haridas gives extensive answers. The first three

chapters describe the inconceivable glories of the holy name, the process for

accepting the name, and techniques for chanting the name free of impersonalist

misconceptions. The 4th through 13th chapters elaborate on the ten offenses

against pure chanting. And the last two chapters describe 32 offenses to be

avoided in the execution of pure devotional service, as well as an ecstastic

discussion on the process of practicing such devotion toward the goal of

attaining self-realization in pure ecstatic love of Godhead.


1901 Srimad Bhagavatarka-marici-mala (The Sparkling Rays of the Bhagavatam Sun)


In this book Thakura Bhaktivinoda has taken a selection of the most important

verses of Srimad Bhagavatam and arranged them in 20 chapters, called `rays.’

Each Sanskrit verse is accompanied by a Bengali prose translation and

explanation by Bhaktivinoda. The Bhagavatam is compared to the brilliant sun,

and therefore each particular chapter or ray of Bhagavata sunlight expounds

upon a major aspect of Bhagavata philosophy such as sambandha, abhidheya,

prayojana, and so forth.


1901 Padma Purana


Edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with the complete 55,000-verse

Sanskrit text only. At the time, there were many conflicting manuscripts of the

Padma Purana available in the libraries, and many were incomplete. So

Bhaktivinoda did extensive research to compile one truly complete manuscript of

this huge ancient scripture. This became the definitive edition for scholars and

devotees alike.


1901 Sankalpa-kalpadruma (The Desire-Tree of Resolute Wishes)


A book of 104 Sanskrit verses on the divine pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna

originally composed by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. Edited and

published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with his own Bengali prose translations.

These verses are the prayer of Visvanatha Cakravarti to Srimati Radharani,

begging for eternal service as Her humble maidservant. In the course of this

prayer, the author describes the ecstatic daily pastimes of the Divine Couple,

and in this description he appeals to Sri Radha for the benediction of being

allowed to render specific personal services. Expressing determined resolutions

for attaining this service, he finally appeals to other personal maidservants,

inhabitants, and features of Vrndavana, and even his own mind, beseeching all

for the fulfillment of his most cherished desires.


1902 Bhajana-rahasya (Secrets of Confidential Worship)


Compiled by Thakura Bhaktivinoda as a supplement to his Hari-nama-cintamani,

this Bhajana-rahasya is arranged in eight chapters, and the chanting of each

chapter is to be observed during each three hour period of the twenty-four hour

day. Each chapter corresponds to one verse of Sri Caitanya’s Siksastaka, and

explains one of the eight levels of advancement in the gradual development of

Krsna-bhajan, from primary sraddha to ultimate prema, as is enunciated by Srila

Rupa Goswami in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. All the chapters are filled with

scriptural citations in Sanskrit, uniquely explaining the philosophy of

Krsna-bhajan and its practice. Each Sanskrit verse is accompanied by the

Thakura’s own Bengali translation in verse.


1904 Sat-kriya-sara-dipika (Illuminations on the Essence of Rituals to be Performed by Devotees)


With the appendix: Samskara-dipika (Illuminations on Purificatory Ceremonies)


A small Sanskrit work by Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami, extracted from the

Hari-bhakti-vilasa, on the philosophy and ritualistic practice of Vedic

samskara ceremonies (rites of purification) for Gaudiya Vaisnava householders.

It also contains the ritualistic codes and institutes for Gaudiya Vaisnava

mendicants. Edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda with his own Bengali

prose translation.


1906 Prema-vivarta (Crooked Manifestations of Ecstatic Love)


A book by Jagadananda Pandit in Bengali verse on Sri Caitanya’s philosophy of

divine love and the holy name. Edited and published by Thakura Bhaktivinoda,

this book describes the unique flavor of apparently contrary love that was

shared between Lord Caitanya and his confidential devotee Jagadananda Pandit.

Also treated are many other subjects such as the glories of the Lord’s

devotees, different types of engagements due to different types of devotees,

and an exposition on the secret mysteries of the holy name.


1907 Sva-niyama-dvadasakam Twelve Verses of Self-Imposed Vows)


This is the last literary work of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, composed shortly before

he shut himself up in his beach-front cottage at Jagannatha Puri. There he

worshiped the Lord whole-heartedly, keeping in mind the regulative principles

he outlined for himself in this Sva-niyama-dvadasakam. This prayer follows

along the mood of a prayer of Raghunatha Dasa Goswami entitled

Sva-niyama-dasakam (Ten Verses of Self-Imposed Vows), and is similarly meant to

be chanted and meditated on as a regular daily function. Some topics treated by

Bhaktivinoda are: his objects of devotion birth after birth, rejection of

things unfavorable for Sri Sri Radha-Krsna’s eternal service, acceptance of

favorable practices and devotional qualities, how to live simply and perform

Vraja-bhajan, repulsion of things that are unrelated to Sri Radhika, how to

avoid so-called devotees who proudly neglect Sri Radhika, how to worship the

lotus feet of Her pure devotee, and finally—firm determination to transcend

maya by reading this prayer every day. The piece ends with a thirteenth verse

which assures the reader of attaining the benediction of eternal service to the

Divine Couple as a result of reading or reciting this offering. Although the

Sanskrit verses and Bengali prose translations were completed by Bhaktivinoda,

he never finished a Bengali prose commentary on his last work, these “Twelve

Verses of Self-Imposed Vows.”

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