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janme janme prabhu sei

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On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, Madhava wrote:

(MDd wrote)

>> Certainly I don't see much point in talking serious theology with

>>dubious characters who have demonstrated a tendency to reject their

>>gurus, if that's what you mean. After all, that's very sinful activity,

>>plain and simple.

(Madhava replied)

> There are legitimate reasons delineated in Jiva Gosvami's Bhakti Sandarbha

> for rejecting a diksa-guru. vaiSNava-vidveSi cet parityAjyam eva -- "One

> who envies a Vaishnava should be renounced." A person who speaks

> deliberate lies to vilify a Vaishnava certainly falls into this category.>


I thought it was understood that I am referring to *bonafide*

gurus. Otherwise, the obvious implication here is that those who have

ultimately rejected Srila Prabhupada feel he isn't bonafide, or they

think he is envious of Vaisnavas.


Can bogus gurus and Vaisnava-haters spread His holy name and

teachings all over the world and awaken thousands (including your good self)

to the practice of Krsna-bhakti? Is it not a fact that Srila Prabhupada's

efforts--and even those of his followers--inspired and continue to inspire

diverse peoples worldwide to chant Krsna's names sincerely? Is it not a

fact that this is what the Lord desires, and requested?


Anyone who ultimately rejects Srila Prabhupada's authority as this

world's preeminent acarya (literally, "jagad-guru") must simply face the

manifest fact of his unprecedented, extraordinary service to Krsna, and

deal with it responsibly. What kind of "disciple" accepts, and then

attacks, such a bonafide guru?





> >>> MDd: I think it is destructive to blur the crucial distinction between

arnchair philosophy based on idle speculation, and serious practice based on

real faith. I've said this before too. Are we all willing to get the point?


> Certainly yes. However, it is an open question whom one can convict as a

worthless armchair philosopher.


First of all, who has the the right to "convict" anyone anyway

(assuming there is even such a need)? It is the person whose personal

potency is superior: atma-sakti-samam kopam. Srila Prabhupada had the

prerogative to criticize so many others because only *he* (alone, too)

actually effected Mahaprabhu's desire that His names be chanted worldwide.

That Srila Prabhupada was the transcendentally accredited agent of this

traditional and sastric prophecy is simply undeniable. He holds that



Secondly, your rhetoric is a bit strong; that someone is talking

idly suggests anarthas, but these don't necessarily make him "worthless"

any more than debunking base and baseless claims constitutes "convicting"

others. We should just recognize our shortccomings, correct them by the

grace of superior devotees, and humbly move on.


Then again, maybe I'm just too liberal (Cc. Adi-lila, 12.10):


"The order of the spiritual master is the active principle in

spiritual life. Anyone who disobeys the order of the spiritual master

immediately becomes useless."





>A person who in all seriousness pursues the path of bhakti, even if outside

the Sarasvata-parivara, is certainly no armchair philosopher, and he may have

legitimate concerns over the Gaudiya theology and practice.>>


I won't deny the obvious--that there are very sincere practitioners not

only in other Gaudiya branches, but even in other religions. Although they

may be fairly obscure in terms of the big picture, many of their concerns

are indeed legitimate too, even if they themselves have done little to help

the rest of the world. I'm not addressing them; I'm addressing the cheaters

who shirk their duty as disciples, or refuse to recognize the superior

authority of the acaryas who *did* give Krsna to the rest of the world.


This is very, very, relevent too. When it comes down to who

first brought US to a basic understanding of Krsna consciousness, i.e.,

who pulled us from the ocean of birth and death--in most cases, it is

undoubtedly Srila Prabhupada or his agents. I think that's the really

important thing to recognize; such mercy is certainly a debt one so

blessed can never ever adequately repay. Thus it is the example of our

mahajanas to remain ever so loyal, grateful, and practically indentured

to such a guru (Bhagavata, 7.9.28):


"My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my

association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually

falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace.

But Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and

instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my

first duty is to serve him. Mow could I leave his service?"


By his character, activities, and accomplishments, Srila Prabhupada

is clearly also in the class of Narada muni.


The principle in Prahlada Maharaja's above verse (among others)

makes it difficult to take seriously those who reject the Divine grace

Krsna already sent them in the form of their guru. Due to their own

failed practice, such quitters simply cannot help anyone else come to

appreciate the essential, practical purport of all sastras, the "active

principle of spiritual life" (cf., Bhagavata, 7.5.32):


"Unless they smear upon their bodies the dust of the lotus feet of

a Vaisnava completely freed from material contamination, persons very much

inclined toward materialistic life cannot be attached to the lotus feet of

the Lord, who is glorified for His uncommon activities. Only by becoming

Krsna conscious and taking shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord in this

way can one be freed from material contamination."


Or, as Srila Narottamadasa Thakura put it:


cakhu-dana dilo yei, janme janme prabhu sei

dibya-jnana hrde prakasita


prema-bhakti jaha haite, abidya-binasa jate

vede gaya jahara carita


The one who gave me Divine sight is my lord, birth after birth,

and he awakens transcendental awareness within my heart; by him, my

ignorance is destroyed and prema-bhakti develops. The vedas glorify

his activities.


So shouldn't we all do so too?




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