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Wed, 15 Sep 2004 02:33:33 -0700 (PDT); "Venkatachalam Srinivasan"

<vsvasan99 >; Sri Sathya Sai Hrudaya Nivasi;

bold">; CC: vsvasan99 ;

Dear Sri Palaniswamy,

Sai Ram. With persistent enthusiasm you had built up nice groops 1, 2 and

3, and still going strong. You have the reputation of owning THE BEST AND THE

LARGEST GROUP with maximum number of members. I happen to be one among them.

You have serialized many books on Swami in the websites and also in the group

mailings. One suggestion please. I have authored a book "Sri Sathya Sai Hrudaya

Nivasi" which had been published 3 times. Now the book is out of print. I had

put it in my group, but that group was too small. I suggest that if you desire

so, you can serialise my book, chapter by chapter in all your groups, and then

put it in your website. I hope that you are having the electronic mails of this

book. So it is not necessary to type every thing. I have with me all

chapters in my computer. I can mail them to you as attachments so that you can

uplink suitably. A nice word from you accepting my offer will give me great

joy. I just wished to spread the message of Love and majestic power of our

Loving God for as many devotees as possible. Please think over.

With lots Love and regards,

Bombay Srinivasan


Sat, 18 Sep 2004 02:13:15 -0700 (PDT); "M Palaniswamy"

<saidarshanit (AT) (DOT) co.in>; Sri Sathya Sai Hrudaya Nivasi;

bold">"Venkatachalam Srinivasan" <vsvasan99 >;

My dear brother Shri Srinivasan,

Sai Ram. Thanks for your mail. Your book is wonderful. We will be too glad to

post it to our members also. Please send the same as an attachment. I think

most of the members in your group may also be the members of

''. However if you have no objection/reservation you may

send the list of members in your group so that I can invite them also to join

our the largest Sai devotees group in the world and they can also share the

‘SAI TREASURE’ we have piled up in our forums.

Hope your health is ok now. I take this opportunity to thank for your kind

words, support and feelings about the group ''. It is not

my group. It is your group. It is its members' group. Swami has been so kind

and loving enough to make me a small and humble of the humblest tiny instrument

in spreading His mighty ocean of glory and Divine Love and thereby getting me

thousands of sisters and brothers for which I am ever grateful to my Divine

Lord Sai.

With best wishes and regards,

M. Palaniswamy

Tue, 5 Oct 2004 19:12:35 -0700 (PDT); "Venkatachalam Srinivasan"

<vsvasan99 >; Re: Sri Sathya Sai Hrudaya Nivasi; "M

Palaniswamy" <saidarshanit (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Dear Sri Palaniswamy,

Last week I had mailed you the copy of my address book. Could you make use of

it? Today I am attaching the preliminary page on the book, Hrudaya Nivasi" (The

Indweller of Hearts). I shall mail you at the most appropriate intervals as you

may suggest.

With Lots of Love

I am your, Bombay Srinivasan

Thu, 21 Oct 2004 14:42:44 -0700 (PDT); "Venkatachalam Srinivasan"

<vsvasan99 >; Re: Sri Sathya Sai Hrudaya Nivasi; "M

Palaniswamy" saidarshanit (AT) (DOT) co.in

Dear Sri Palaniswamy:

Sai Ram. Herewith I am attaching the entire book in three separate attachments.

You can release them in suitable instalments. I hope that you will give my

reference, email address and telephone numbers in each of the insertions.

My telephone number is 9382685217; Residence"044-24837093

With lots of love, Srinivasan



Sai ram. Our brother Bombay Srinivasan needs no introduction to Sai devotees

world over. His exemplary service and work in ‘Sri Sai Padhuga Trust’ and the

service he did during the Gujarat earth quake time, etc., have no comparison in

Sai Seva activities. He is one of those few Sai brothers who have the grace and

fortune of being close to Swami and one of the able and

versatile instruments in Swami’s hand in carrying out our Lord’s commands and

works. We are happy to inform that we will be posting his wonderful and

inspiring book ‘HRUDAYA NIVASI’ [indweller of hearts] for the benefit our

members. Hope all will enjoy it.

With Sai love, Sai brother M. Palaniswamy – ‘’


Om Sri Sai Ram



Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba often says that he belongs to the entire mankind.

And yet, on the Day of Declaration, Bhagawan announced that He has come in

human for, and has taken birth in Apasthamba Sutra, and Bharadwaj Gothra. Long

time back, when I was, for the first time, reading this portion in “Sathyam

Sivam Sundaram”, my mind raced back to my early childhood period, when I was

initiated into Gayathri Japa Mantra, during the sacred thread ceremony. The

priest also taught me another mantra, which serves as an introduction of

ourselves while paying obeisance to elders. It runs as under:

“Abhivaadhaye, Aangeerasa, Bharhasspathaya

Bharadwaja, Thraya Risheya, Pravaraanyutha

Aapsthamba Suthra, Bharadwaja Gothraha

Yadhu saaka adhyayet,

Srinivasa Sharma naama, Aham Asmibhoho”

Here, I, Srinivasan Sharma, identify myself before the elders to whom I am

offering my Pranams, by tracing the lineage from and my origin to the Rishi

Bharadwaj. When I utter that I belong to the Bharadwaj Gothra, it traces, the

lineage of the particular saint, i.e., this family has originated from Saint

Bharadwaj. It was further explained to me by the priest that, having born in

this lineage whoever claims to be of this Gothra, they are supposed to belong

to the same family tree. Marriages amongst the members of the same Gothra are

avoided because it is deemed that they are brothers and sisters belonging to

the same family lineage.

(Please Note: When we write down the individual horoscopes, the Gothra is

prominently written immediately after the name. The girl’s family and the boy’s

family first make it sure that both families do not belong to the same Gothra.)

The above thoughts sounded so nice and pleasant, when I read that Sri Sathya Sai

Baba belonged to Bharadwaj Gothra. It thrilled me to claim kinship with Swami on

this plea and this feeling helped me to develop closeness with Swami in the

years to come.

I am transposed to a state of bliss whenever I recall my pilgrimages to Swami,

several times during the last 30 years. Swami’s Grace flowing in abundance

during these years had held me together through thick and thin. I always

cherish the thoughts of the several events in my life when I had experienced

Sai’s Grace protecting me and guiding me, all along. Without Swami, I shudder

to think, how I would have survived in this world. At each of my faltering

step, there has always been the Divine Hand stretched to pick me up and place

me again on the path chosen by Him, for me to tread along.

Sweet memories, Divine experiences, all flash through my mind very often, I

always feel truly blessed for the varied Divine experiences. Presently,

invoking His blessings, I am trying to weave the various sequences of His Grace

into a garland in the form of this Book, and offer the same at His Lots Feet.

May I invite you my beloved Sai Brothers and Sisters, to travel along the pages

and share the bliss with me. It would be a great revelation to experience how

the Grace of Lord Sai, flows to you, when you completely surrender to HIM, and

lead your life, following His Divine Directions. - Srinivasan


My Dearest Swami,

I offer my Pranams at your Lotus feet.

Born somewhere, bread somewhere, career elsewhere, I now stand at the cross

road, expecting and waiting for the inviting call of Swami to put an end to my

nomadic life, and help my settlement nearer to Swami’s presence and abode. My

life has traversed from humble origins through a rugged mountainous path to

heights, only to roll down to depts., and again to revive gradually. Swami, you

took charge of me, and since then you have been shaping my destinies and also

supporting me to see though such destinies; good or bad. So far as this little

self is concerned, it only knows to rush to you, as it has been doing all

along, beseeching, particularly in helpless situations, crying out “Swami, now

you take charge; I surrender unto you totally and unconditionally”!

This small book is just a feeble attempt of mine, born out of the little ego,

that I too have run the race to capture your glory and that I too have been the

proud recipient of your Grace which has bestowed on me, the thrills of various

experiences. If, in this process, the experience and joy get shared and the

reading of this book imparts some momentum and motivation to the readers, to

adopt an attitude of total surrender in performing any task in life, then I

would consider it an accomplishment; the credit of which I do not deserve.

Many devotees had prompted me and helped in bringing out this, in a book form. I

pray to Bhagawan to bestow His Blessings and Grace on all those who have

contributed in whatever form in the publication of this book. With Pranams at

your Lotus Feet,

V. Srinivasan


(Indweller of Hearts)


"Objects are not to fall on magic wand".

It was the year 1966, when I was employed in Bombay, that I was hearing, many

talking about Sai Baba. I was a regular visitor to Shirdi, offering worship at

the Samadhi very often. Now I am hearing the name of Sai Baba, still alive and

that He is likely to visit Bombay very shortly! I felt something mystical about

this, and I started enquiring what this was all about. One of my friends gave me

a copy

of a recently published English magazine "Illustrated weekly of India", and

showed me the cover page. There I could see the picture of a saintly man, but

with a crown of hair on the head, holding out the right hand upwards, as if

blessing somebody. "This is Sai Baba,Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba", said my

friend, and urged me to read the cover story inside the magazine.

The article mentioned about the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba, as Sri Sathya

Sai Baba, born again at Puttaparthi in Andhra Pradesh. The amazing miracles of

materializing Rings, Pendants, Mangala Soothram, etc. vividly explained

therein, were very difficult to believe. Something deep inside told me that

there was nothing wrong in believing Him and it would still be better, if I

could visit this Holy Man. There was excitement in my mind, to know that I am

living during the period of an Avatar. We have only read or heard stories of

various Avatars. I thought that if only t is true that Sai Baba is an Avatar,

then it is really an unique chance to live during this period. We have seen

Gods as idols in temples, and in pictures in our Pooja rooms. Here we hear that

God is presently living on this earth, in human for, and that

He is available for all the humanity. The more exciting news was that Sai Baba

was likely to visit Bombay shortly and that we could see this God inhuman form

for ourselves. I did not know what to do. Something precious was within our

reach, during our lifetime. Great devotees had lived and served God during

earlier Avatars. In Dwapara Yuga, it was said, that Gopis worshipped, served

and lived ever in His memory. Arjuna was constantly with Krishna. The only

thing that I cold understand was that it would be a God sent chance to live

while God is on earth and to get opportunities to

serve Him. However, we should deserve for such a grace. Would I deserve His

Darshan? If He is God, then, He should know everything about me (About all of

us), past present and future. Oh My God, I would have committed many a sins

during this life. He would be knowing all about my deficiencies and blemishes

and He might not like to see me at all. When Baba might come to Bombay, lakhs

of devotees would be longing for His Darshan. Could it be assumed they are all

free of sins? Then why not I also go and have His Darshan at least from a long

distance! I was very much confused and restless for several days - to see Him

or not to see Him! I could not concentrate on my office work and could not

sleep peacefully. I wanted to know more about Sai Baba and started making


with whomever I happened to contact. Many did not know about Baba nor had they

heard of Him. They were looking at me curiously and perhaps thought that

something was really wrong with me.

Restless I was, yet I tried to engross myself in my office work. I was living

alone since my wife had gone to her native place. We were waiting for the

arrival of our first child. This was already causing tension. My confusing

th9ughts of Baba added to my tension. My wife had developed some problems

during her earlier pregnancy resulting in abortion. The specialist doctors had

certified that she might not conceive again. The Grace of Sai flowing unto us,

even before we came to know of Him, is a different story altogether and I shall

narrate it, elsewhere in this book. Here, I only wish to mention that, in spite

of the complications and anxieties, my wife insisted on going to her native

place for delivery. It is a small remote village in Kerala with no doctors and

hospital facilities. Yet that was her wish that she wanted

to be with her own mother.

Sitting alone in the house, my thoughts were oscillating between my unconfirmed

faith on Baba and fears on my wife's safe delivery. My dull mind was not able

to knit the possibility of Baba's Grace with a solution to my wife's problems.

Then the thought suddenly flashed through my mind. Why not pray, to the till

then 'unknown Baba' and request Him to take care of the situation. Here, I was

in Bombay, my wife in a remote village in Kerala, and Sri Sai Baba in

Puttaparthi, also a remote village in Andhra Pradesh. If what others say to be

true, that Baba is God, then He should be Omnipresent. He should be able to

listen to my prayers, reach out to the Kerala Village, and bless the lady for a

safe delivery. Slowly and steadily confidence started building up in me, in

Baba's divinity. At last with my sincere prayers, I placed the entire burden on

Him. No more worries. No more tensions whatsoever disturbed me thereafter. I

believed that He would take care of us.

The timing was very perfect. I got a telegraphic message that a son was born.

The delivery was normal and that my wife's mother herself was able to handle

the situation. There were no complications, as we had feared all along. The

same day, Bhagawan Baba had arrived in Bombay! Yet I was unaware of the Divine

visit. I got a telephone call form one of my friends, asking me whether I had

Baba's Darshan. I said’ No', and in turn I enquired where I should go for

Darshan. I was told that Darshan had been arranged daily morning and evening in


FONT-SIZE: 10pt">compound of a certain palace grounds at Worli area. Nothing

could prevent me any longer. I rushed to Worli, and what did I see there! There

was a huge crowd of devotees, singing Bhajans and I could see Baba far away,

sitting on an ornate chair, listening to Bhajans. I was very late and had to

stand at the entrance gate of the palace ground. I could not proceed further

inside, because right up to the gate devotees were sitting. I was told that

Baba would usually go around the devotees, so that every one could have very

close Darshan and even a chance to touch His feet. I learnt further that,

Bhagawan had already finished the rounds and anytime now Aarathi would be

offered, and He would go inside.

There was no chance of seeing Him close by, on my first Darshan day. How

unfortunate, I thought. Standing where I was, I prayed unto Him, thanking Him

profusely for His Grace on my wife, who had no problems with her delivery. I

spoke through my heart that I had come to Him and that He should accept me, in

spite of all my deficiencies and to guide me through the rest of my life. I was

emotionally surcharged, literally weeping and praying. Deep in my mind, I was

aware that He was hearing my prayers. There was a slight movement. I watched

Baba getting up. He was seen moving slowly along the central pathway. Ladies

were sitting on one side and the gents on the other side. It was something

strange in

10pt">Bombay, to see ladies and gents sitting separately. Before I could realize

it, Swami 9as He is called reverently) was standing just in front of me! I was

overwhelmed on seeing Sai so close to me, and I did not know what I should do.

Could I talk to Him, or worship Him, but then how? Face to face with Baba,

without any premeditated thought I just happened to catch hold of His both

Hands. Baba, lowering His charming face to a side, just smiled at me. What a

captivating and charming smile it was, which bestowed all the Divine Bliss! He

did not speak. But instantly, it struck me that I had erred in holding His

hands, and that Swami did not approve of my act. At the same time, a quotation

in English, flashed through my mind.

"Objects are not to fall on magic wand".

It took a few moments to realize the implications of my act and when it dawned

on me, I just withdrew my hands. Benign Sai continued to smile, patted on my

back and walked away.

A magician normally holds a stick in his hands and touches on any object with

this stick. The magician's stick is called 'magic wand’. When the wand contacts

any object, say a stone, it becomes an egg or something. It is the will of the

magician. On the contrary if we put the same stone in the magician's wand,

nothing will happen.

I have now understood that there is absolutely no gain for us, by holding His

hands or touching His feet. We are only causing Him inconvenience or making

ourselves a nuisance. We can touch Him only when He asks you to do so, if any

benefit of His blessings is to result.

After this first encounter with Divinity, I decided to wait for His call to take

Namaskar. I waited and waited, year after year patiently, though I had frequent

chances of having His Darshan that too very closely. But I dared not touch His

Lotus Feet.

The longed for chance did come! But, after a patient wait for the next16 long

years! Then this is a different story all together! Sai Ram.


The call comes through

It was the year of Swami’s 70th Birthday celebrations. All over the world, Sai

volunteers were engaged in various activities connected with the celebrations.

I was also assigned with some important job. Due to some misunderstanding with

the higher ups in the state organization, all the works allotted to me were

withdrawn. I was made to feel that I was not wanted. I felt very sad. No

activity whatsoever connected with Sai Seva was given to me. When all other

devotees volunteers were involved in such holy activities, I was idle. This

caused mental depression. I was worried about myself.

Then the call came through. A friend of mine from Delhi, also a devotee of

Swami, informed me that he would be going to Shirdi and requested me to join

him. I felt very happy when I heard this. We met in a mid way station and

traveled together to Shirdi. Two days of Darshan at the Samadhi relieved my

depression very much, and I felt very normal, knowing fully well that I was

with Swami, though in a different location.

On the third day, we were to leave Shirdi shortly after lunch. While my friends

were packing, I went to Mandir, for a ‘farewell’ Darshan. I sat in a corner and

prayed to Swami. I was asking Him within me, as to whether I was still with Him.

“Am I with you, Swami?” was my question. After praying for about ten minutes

there, I was passing by the side of the Samadhi to offer my Pranams. Just then,

a khaki clad security staff confronted me to inform that I was wanted by his

officer. I followed him and found myself inside a large room just behind the

Samadhi Mandir. Bundles of currency notes had been stacked in all possible

places; on various tables, Almirahs, book shelves etc. I was taken aback. I

was wondering, why I had been brought there. A gentleman who introduced himself

as the secretary of the Shirdi Samasthan, told me that they had opened up

various ‘Hundies’ that day and had collected all the money offerings made by

devotees. They were supposed to take into account all the collections in the

presence of devotee citizen. They requested me to sign the cash registers as a

witness. They explained to me, the register entries of various currency

denominations in a statement form in the cashbook. I willingly signed at the

appropriate place. I was also requested to write down my residential address

and telephone number below the signature, which was complied with, by me. The

Secretary, there upon stood up, read out my name, and address to the other

members of the Trust, and they also noted down my details in their registers.

I was all the time, thanking Swami for the immediate response He gave, to my

query whether I was with Him. Swami by Divine Will had my name and address

entered in the Samasthan (Trust) registers, thereby implying that I was very

much with Him. He confirmed that I am still close devotee, whatever be my

relationship with the organization. I left Shirdi with this assurance and the

miraculous divine experience.

Very soon after my Shirdi pilgrimage, I received a telephone call from my son,

Ramesh (my second son) who was studying in Swami’s college at Prashanthi

Nilayam. He told me that he was blessed by Swami with an interview. Swami in

His infinite mercy and love called Ramesh nearer to Him and had allowed him to

take Paada Namaskar. Swami they materialized a ring studded with 3 diamonds,

and slipped the same into his right hand finger. He also explained to me in

detail of his wonderful experiences in the interview room.

I could not resist my eagerness to visit Prashanthi Nilayam, and see the Divine

gift for myself. Very soon, I proceeded on yet another pilgrimage to Swami. I

had to go alone, since my wife was away from Madras, where I am settled for the

last two decades. I reached Parthi on 29-9-1995 evening after Darshan was over.

Swami was giving interviews to a group of selected devotees. The next day i.e.

on the 30th was a memorable day. Swami directed me to go the interview room. I

had no words to express my feelings at that moment. Though I had got several

chances of group interviews, Swami had provided a golden

opportunity of personal interview for the first time.

There were in all about 18 persons selected for the interview that day. A group

of devotees from Croatia and members of a rich business family, who had settled

in overseas country, were also blessed by Swami by selecting them for interview

that day. Swami ushered all of us into the interview room. Immediately Swami

enquired me whether I had seen the ring He had given to my son Ramesh. I

replied, “Yes, Swami”. Swami called the boy nearer to Him and asked him to

remove the ring from the finger, and give it back to Him. Bhagawan showed the

ring to all those present inside the room and asked how many diamonds were

there in the ring. Everybody replied that there were 3 diamonds. Swami then

held the ring nearer His mouth and blew

it. When Swami showed it to us again, all the 3 small diamonds had vanished and

a large single diamond was found in the ring. He told my son that the 3

diamonds had merged in one. “Likewise, Swami, you and your father are all of

only entity; and should not be differentiated. All of us are embodiment of a

single Atmic principle”.

Swami then invited the devotees group-wise into the inner room for personal

interview. Our turn came up last. My son and myself were alone with Swami.

Swami asked me what my problem in Madras was. I did not give any reply but kept

my head on His lap. Swami patted me and told my son that I had been visiting Him

for the last 30 years or more. He also revealed that I had come to Him with lot

of mental tension and worries. He did not want me to be sad, having done lot of

Sai Seva. That is why He had bestowed me this unique chance of sitting under His

feet and have an interview.

Swami told us about the rich family said that though they were very rich, there

were problems aplenty for them too. The entire family was very unhappy due to

the loss of their only son. The girl, though alive, was now spastic and living

like vegetable in a wheel chair with no faculty functioning. She is unaware of

her own existence. I prayed that since they had come and surrendered to Swami,

won’t Swami be kind enough to do something for them. Swami in His infinite

mercy made it clear to us, that people doing wrong to others, would have to

face the cause and effect of their action and there would no way of escaping

from ‘karma’. He further said that, however, God can and would interfere and

make things easier, provided we repented for our misdeeds and commit ourselves

to make sacrifices which would benefit the poor and needy persons. The rich

people, who can

afford, can help the needy, by providing charitable hospitals for providing free

treatment, schools for providing free education and so on. But God would not

directly suggest these remedies. It would be for those who afflicted by the

karmic backlash, to think back, and realize by themselves. “This is the self

realization that I would expect from them. They should sincerely repent and

take corrective actions by such deeds of charities which alone would please

Him, and which would move HIM to help them out from the severity of the Karmic


As Swami was explaining the karmic theory, I could almost feel the agony of our

Lord, when He stated that He is unable to help out a devotee whom He loves so

much, in doing away with the karmic results. Swami further said that even if we

take small step, say by way of some charities, it will be like making a small

opening on a closed door, and then Swami Himself will push open the door fully,

and come to the rescue of the devotee. But, if we do not make any effort to make

even such a small opening, what else can He do only other than giving solace and


During the hour-long interview, Swami gave us lot of advice to me and to my son

and discussed various family matters.

“You are wearing a clean white pant, and to keep it unsoiled, you spread a

towel or some sheets on the floor for sitting in Darshan lines. Don’t you feel

that God deserves a better place to sit”, asked Swami. He further said that the

seat for the Lord is in our hearts and it is essential to keep it pure and

unsullied, so that He can reside therein. “We call God as “HRUDAYA NIVASI

(INDWELLER OF HEARTS), i.e. He who resides in the heart. ‘Heart is combination

of two words in Sanskrit. “HRUD+DAYA” It means “The source from where pure Daya

or compassion emanate” One who has no compassion, is often called, a man without

a heart. And in such a place, how do you expect Swami to reside?”

Swami asked us, “Whom do you love most? All the relatives in the world are bound

to depart from this world one day or other and the love towards them is also a

passing phase. Before we marry, there is no wife and until we beget child or

children, there is no father or mother. All the relationships got evolved one

day or pother during this lifetime and your love with such persons are also

developed through attachment and selfish desires. This love is not permanent.

However, one should remember that God is with you through and through, your

past births as well as in this birth and the forthcoming births too. Therefore,

if you love God without any condition, it will be pure and selfless love. We

should develop constant faith and love towards God who alone is eternal.”

Swami was giving us lots of such advices and in the end He directed me to come

again with my wife on 4-11-1995 when I was to step into my sixtieth year of

existence by His Grace. It was another blissful even when further grace of Sai

was showered on us with yet another interview on that auspicious occasion.


He calls us again

The month of November is always a memorable one in Sai Calendar. November 1995,

was however, uniquely memorable for me at Prashanthi Nilayam. And it would ever

remain green in my heart. Yes, it would remain a life time experience for me

resulting from flood of Grace showered on me by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Swami was very much busy with the ongoing water supply project. The Sathya Sai

water supply p[project, catering to the entire Anantapur District was in

progress. Swami had willed that the project should be inaugurated during

Bhagawan’s seventieth Birthday celebrations. A world conference of Sri Sathya

Sai Seva Organizations was also planned for around 10 days, during the Divine

birthday celebrations, including the Sathya Sai University convocation. Very

high dignitaries including the President of India, the Prime Minster and scores

of central and

state ministers were listed to participate.

The November functions started with a 24-hour Akanda Bhajan on the 4th. Swami

had commanded me, during the earlier interview that I should come to Him with

my wife on that day. On this auspicious day, I would have completed 59 years of

existence and then stepping into the 60th year. I had submitted, “Swami, will

you not be very busy during these hectic November days”. Swami replied with a

benign smile that Swami has always got time for His devotees.

Well before the rise of the sun for the day, 4th November 1995, I took up my

seat in the Darshan line with ‘AKSHTHA” (rice colored with turmeric powder).

Sai Kulwant was filled to capacity and devotees were overflowing into the outer

spaces as well. Everybody’s look is tuned towards Swami, hoping for His

blessings or His “ABHAYA HASTHA”, or His “KRIPA KADAKSHAM” , even from a long

distance. That would, indeed be a fulfillment of Darshan, even if it is from a

long distance. They return home after a few days of stay at Prashanthi Nilayam.

As for me, I was praying and hoping that I would be blessed with Paada Namaskar,

and if lucky Swami’s benediction by way of sprinkling of the Akshatha on my

head. It was too much to expect anything

more than such a grace from our Lord under the circumstance. In such a magnitude

of crowd of devotees, what else could I aspire!

The melodious light music over the system signaled the sweet appearance of Swami

from the Poornachandra Auditorium. As Swami entered the Mandap, all our

attention was focused on and traveled along with Swami and we became even

oblivious of the music. Swami was moving along the ladies side. The Mantap was

enveloped in pin drop silence. We were feasting our eyes, on His divine,

movement, accepting letters from some, allowing Paada Namaskar for some who

gained access to His Paada (Divine Feet), and blessing all others with Abhaya

Hastha. Swami looked like floating through the middle of the crowd.

As He was passing along, at a short distance from me, I was trying to catch a

glimpse of Swami’s Divine Lotus Feet. But alas, the long free flowing robe,

came in between His Lotus Feet and my vision. With intense prayers, I continued

to wait for a glimpse. There they were!. Swami’s Lotus Feet came to my vision,

as Swami took a couple brisk steps. And in no time, Swami was standing in front

of me with Divine smile. I lost all consciousness and I was simply staring at

Swami with tears in my eyes. Swami spoke; He asked me who else had come with

me. I spurred to my senses and suddenly held out before Him the cup containing

Akshatha and took Namaskar at His Lotus Feet. Swami sprinkled the Akshatha on

me. When I got up, Swami again asked, who else had come? I replied, “Swami,

only my wife” Swami commanded me to go inside.

This signal from Swami, directing us to go inside, signifies His Grace earned by

us through our previous good deeds and karmas. This He himself confirmed later

during the interview. A coveted interview with Bhagawan is a lifetime desire of

every Sai devotees, and I am no less exception to this longing. I moved on to

the verandah of the Mandir and took up my place. I could see my wife from the

ladies side, also moving towards Mandir. My second son, S. Ramesh who was a

student in Swami’s college doing his B.Sc. final year, joined us in the

veranda. Swami was still among the devotees, blessing them with His Darshan

Quotes from Sathya Sai Speaks:

The center of every home must be the shrine room; the fragrance of flower and

incense emanating from there must pervade the home and purify it. The mother

must set an example in making the shrine, the heart of the household. She must

persuade the children by example and percept to revere elders and to spend some

time both in the morning and evening for prayers, and for silent meditation. The

shrine room has to be kept clean and consecrated. Special festival days marked

out in each religion should be observed, so that the significance will impress

the young minds in the home.


The Spiritual Wedding

The wait in the verandah seemed to be very very long for me. Swami belongs to

every body and He gives His time to everybody. In our concern with self, we

become impatient of Swami’s concern and time for others. I sat through, praying

mentally and reverently. Swami entered the verandah, walked through the devotees

and students, and reached us. With His benign smile, He spoke a few kind words

to on or the other who has assembled there, on His call for interview.

This time, Swami had selected a group of Australian devotees and a Lady devotee

from Thailand whom Swami introduced to us as the Maharani (Queen) of Thailand.

When Swami directed us to go inside the Interview room, we could see the Lady

walking very reverently, her face almost touching her knees. Swami pointed out

this to us and remarked what a devotion this Lady had got towards Swami.

Swami’s remark touched us deeply. Blessed indeed are such souls and it is also

Swami’s way of making us learn to intensify our own devotion.

After ushering in all of us into the interview room, Swami closed the door,

bolted them from inside, and looked at us to see whether everybody was seated

comfortably. Swami the switched on the fan and occupied His seat. Even though

the room was over crowded Swami insisted on ladies and gents sitting apart. One

gentleman from Australia, when asked to mover further away from the nearest

lady, mentioned that she was his wife. Swami sharply said that such wife and

daughter relationships would be true in their individual homes. But in the

Ashram the rules are very strict and should be followed as such.

Swami then materialized Vibhuthi and distributed the same only to the ladies. I

was sitting at His Lotus Feet and my wife was sitting at the far end of the end

room near exit door. Swami called her to come and sit near to Him. Bhagawan then

announced abruptly to all assembled devotees that this couple (meaning us) would

be wedded again in His presence on the eventful occasion of my sixtieth year

birthday. This announcement took me by surprise. At the same time, the Divine

Mercy overwhelmed me. I could feel the warmth of His love overflowing on us. I

could utter nothing.

During the course of general talks on various spiritual matters, my wife prayed

to Swami for a clarification. She told Him that Bhagawan had blessed her

through many Divine dreams during which Swami had told her that he would always

be with her. Though she believed in Swami’s assurances in the dream, she had

never had such experience of His presence. Swami smiled at her and said that he

would explain this matter to her shortly.

Swami then turned to an Australian devotee and enquired where from he had come.

He replied that they were from Australia. Swami asked him the reason for his

visit to Prashanthi Nilayam. Pat came the reply, “Swami, we have to come here

to see God!” Swami, “Oh! Is that so? Then you do not have God in Australia?”

The devotee could not say anything and felt cornered. Some how another devotee

took up courage and expressed that “Swami, there is God in our country also,

but we have intense desire to see God in Human form, who is

none other than Baba Himself.”

Baba was much pleased with this reply. Swami advised that we should love God

without any conditions or reservations in mind, because God is one who is our

ever lasting friend, relation, and everything to you during all our births.

This intense love towards God should be continuous and constant feeling and we

would then develop a feeling to be with Swami as much as possible. In far away

places, when devotees think of Swami, they should pray to Him or sing of His

glory, whenever they feel lonely. They could also reach out for Satsang,

company of other Sai devotees, which would to some extent satisfy their longing

to see Swami.

Swami continued,

“There are some devotees who reply that Swami is always in their heart and they

need not go to Him very often. This shows their lack of enthusiasm. What does

this reply indicate? Here is kerchief, and I am holding this inside my Hands.

This means my hands are bigger than the kerchief and it can hold on the same

inside the hand. Likewise, when somebody claims that Swami is in his heart,

then it means that he is much bigger the Swami. This is not correct. Sure,

Swami is in your heart. But he is also in front of you, behind you, around you

and all over the place. He is omnipresent.”

“There could be some compelling reasons for the inability of the devotee to

come to Me. One reason could be lack of enthusiasm. Then it could also be due

to the pressure pf your work from which you could not escape and come to Swami.

Then there could also be another reason that is, lack of resources. But, if

only, you have the enthusiasm and intense desire to be with Swami, then the

other two obstacles could be overcome by His Grace!”

Swami suddenly reverted to the topic of our 60th birthday. He told us, “When you

enter the 60th year of your existence, you are entering into a new phase of your

life. By the previous wedding during your youthful days, you were allowed to

enter Grihasthasrama, the family life. But when you put your knots today on

this 60th birthday, you are coming out of all the pleasures of your family life

and you should from no onwards proceed into the spiritual life. The wife and

husband could only be supporting each other in their spiritual journey form

now on wards. Thus, if you live for another decade, at the age of 70, you will

be like Saptha Rishis who leads only holy life. You should soon be at the 80th

birthday. What does it mean? By living like Saptha Rishis for over

10 years, you become as powerful as ASHTA DIK PALAKAS. They are the protectors

of the eight sides of the world. You become one among them. Soon you will be

arriving at the 90th year, and you will be like the NAVBAGRAHAS. (The nine

planets in the universe). By then there will not be any effect on you, buy the

transitory movements of the nine planets; what is more, your very presence will

protect others also from such effects. When you enter the 100th year, you would

have lived a full divine life, you are free from all your previous karmas, and

you will be liberated.”

Swami instantly waved His Divine Hands, and materialized a beautiful black pearl

necklace, which was to be the Mangala Soothra for our wedding. He showed it to

me and enquired whether this Mangala Soothra was as per our traditions. I

replied in negative, since the one, which we tie, is Mangala Soothra fitted in

a yellow colored thick twine, or a gold chain. Swami said that he had made it

since my wife had wanted it this way. I did not know her secret desire and

hence told Swami that anything Swami gives would be a blessing and that Swami

knows what is good for us. Swami showed the wonderful black pearl necklace to

everybody. Finally Baba told my wife to look at the small gold pendant hanging

in the chain and also a wonderful Ruby stone placed at the center of the

pendent. Swami told us that this is how AMBAL (Divine mother) wears

Thirumangalyam. It was so cute and beautiful, and

wonderful to receive such a Grace from Swami.

Swami then directed me to get up and then deposit the necklace on the neck of my

wife. He showed me the special hook provided therein, and asked to hook it up

properly. While I was abiding by His directions, Swami kept His Divine Hands on

my wife wife’s head and chanted the Mantra, “Sathamanam Bhavathi, Sathaaya

Purusha…..”! I was choked with emotion and literally in tears and somehow went

through the process. When I tried to fall at His Lotus Feet, He commanded me to

sit down, saying, “It is not yet over!”

Swami again waved His Divine Hands, materialized a very beautiful Ring with a

large emerald stone, and handed over the same to wife. Swami Himself was

holding my fingers and asked my wife to insert the ring. It was a perfect fit!

Swami said that it would be a perfect fit into my finger. Swami further said

that He was blessing me with an Emerald ring, to give me peace, which I needed

very much at that time. My wife and myself got up and offered Pranams together

at His Lotus Feet. Swami sprinkled the Akshatha, on our heads and assured us

that His blessings will be with us all the time. I did not feel like getting up

from His Feet. Swami patted on my head and also on my back and asked us to get


I have no words to put in the feelings, which we experienced by this

extraordinary Grace and the kindness showered by Bhagawan. The Divine Love of

Bhagawan surcharged the entire interview room and the occupant devotees. But,

Swami looked unaffected, in usual poise, as if nothing had happened. The

captivating Divine smile lingered in our minds and could never be erased. The

blissful events are enshrined deeply in our hearts.

Swami later on attended to other devotees, materializing Divine gifts to some of

them and giving them spiritual advices. Swami then got up, and directed the

group of Australian devotees to go into the inner room for private interview.

We waited in the front room basking ourselves in the blissful recollections

from Divine Baba. The emotional feelings continued and we were unable to come

out of it. We felt very small in the Divine presence and nervous as well… Swami

opened the door of the inner room after a while and he allowed the Australian

devotees to come out one by one.


I was there with you

After the devotees from Australia had returned to take their seats in the front

room, Swami directed us to go into the inner interview room. My wife, my son,

and myself were standing inside the room as Swami entered and occupied His

chair. He asked us to sit down. I took my seat by the side of Swami on the

right side and my wife on the left side. My son knelt down in front of Swami.

We did not miss this opportunity to offer Paada Seva. Swami looked at us

lovingly and kindly. He started giving lot of advice to my son.

Swami discussed various matters concerning my family and my business. Suddenly

Bhagawan looked at my wife and asker her, “Did you not pray to me one day, in

front of my picture in your house, asking, “will not Swami gave such a necklace

to me also?” She said, “Yes Swami, but it was many years back, and I had even

forgotten this”. Swami continued, and told her that she had recently visited a

jewelry shop and enquired about the price for a similar chair. “You were short

of funds and could not purchase it, is it not so?” She admitted and started

weeping at His Lotus Feet. Now Swami asked her, very tenderly “Am I with you or

not”. She did not need any further proof of His being with us all the time.

Pointing me to her, Swami said, “At time, this man gets angry and shouts at

you. But he is having problems and mainly financial problems in

his business. What about you? You are also quarrelling and raising your voice.

Do you know that I have to close both my ears whenever you both start

quarreling in your house? You should know that Swami is always with you and you

should behave as such!”

Swami put us back at ease, with further conversations cutting lot of jokes and

teasing my son. I finally told Swami, that I was tired both mentally and

physically and would like to wind up my business and spend the rest of my life

at His Lotus Feet. After experiencing the Divine Love and Grace, I did not feel

like going back to the mundane world. Swami did not give me permission. He

lovingly told me that one should engage himself in his work till he is

physically fit ad that he would definitely call me to His presence later on. He

said that I should go through all ‘Prarabhda’ (karmic duties) or otherwise its

effect would follow me here too and that I will not be happy here also. “Let

your son complete his studies, involve him into your profession, get him

married and hand over the house to him and then you can come to me.”

After taking Paada Namaskarams, we got back to the outer room. Swami called out,

‘Hey! Thailand!” The queen got up, walked reverently inside as on the previous

occasion. After making every body happy, Swami came to the outer room and

resumed His seat. Swami got up again and asked to wait. He went into His

private room and came back with further gifts. He presented a lovely wedding

sari of costly silk to my wife and presented me with a set of clothes for

safari suit. He went inside again, came with a Polythene bag, and held it to my

wife, asking her to put the clothes inside the bag. It was really an experience

that Swami looks into every minutest aspect all by Himself. We did not feel

like going out. But Swami filled our hands with lots of

Vibhuthi pockets and opened the door signaling that we should move out. With

tears in our eyes we took leave of /Swami and joined the devotees sitting


Soon it was morning Bhajan time and we joined the group singing. There were

surprises for us. In the evening, the 24 hour long Akanda Bhajan were to start

at the Mandir from 6 P.M. onwards and to go on till 6 P.M. the next day.

Immediately after Aarathi, there was an announcement over the public address

system. It was announced that there would be a devotional music programme in

the evening at Poornachandra Auditorium by the famous cine play back singer,

Ms. Chitra & Party. Normally there will not be any such cultural programmes

during the Akanda Bhajan day. Anyway, Swami had willed it that way. Whatever

may be the reason or it might be just a coincidence that a cultural programme

was scheduled on that day; it appeared to me, that it was an added gift

programme by Swami for my 60th birthday wedding.

When Swami decides to give Ananda (bliss) to somebody, He does it in a grand

manner and showers His Grace abundantly, and then He will ask us what else we

want. If and when such questions do come from Him, I feel we should not ask for

anything or crave for something. We should pray to Him that we want Him only.

Swami had once told a devotee what one should ask Swami in time of a crisis.

The advice of Swami on this question will come up in another chapter elsewhere

in the book

Swami spoke thus:

You come to Prashanthi Nilayam, as cars come to a workshop. You must go out,

with a new paint, with all the damaged and loose bolts and nuts replaced, with

the engine cleaned and r-reconditioned. Every part pick and span, beautiful,

trouble free, in perfect trim, ready to speed on your journey that has head.

Every bad habit has to be replaced by good one, no trace of vice must be

allowed to persist, the heart must be drained of all egoism. This is the fruit

of this pilgrimage that you must acquire”


With Sai love from Sai brothers


Bombay Srinivasan

E-Mail: "Venkatachalam Srinivasan" <vsvasan99 >

Telephone: Mobile: 9382685217

Residence: 044-24837093

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