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(Indweller of Hearts)

By Bombay Srinivasan


Can we escape from the fate?

Other than the two Ashrams familiarly known as Prashanthi Nilayam at Puttaparthi

and Brindavan at Whitefield, Bangalore, the three magnificent Sai centers,

namely Sathyam in Bombay, Sivam at Hyderabad, and Sundaram in

bold">Madras would also compel a mention.

Sathya Deep at Dharmakshetra in Bombay stands out as a gem of architectural

beauty. It stands atop small hill like a fully blossomed Lotus in a Pond. Swami

on the 12th May1966 inaugurated Dharmakshetra. The first World Conference of Sri

Sathya Sai Seva Organizations was also held during this period, the venue being

the vast grounds of Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan in Andheri East. I had the good

fortune to be present and participate in these programme. Swami was present for

full five days conferring a blissful time for all of us. During the days of the

conference, it became increasingly evident and clear to me that Swami belonged

to all the community spread all over the world.

Bombayities had just then been coming to know of Swami and it was amazing to

learn of so many millions of devotees that Swami had, from all parts of the

world and of the thousands of Sai centers already functioning.

We became aware of the concept of and the opportunities for integrated service

activities. I felt very happy indeed over the ample chances available for Seva,

which Swami likes very much.

I got thrilled when Swami, in one of His discourses announced to the world that

He is the embodiment of all the Gods being worshipped in various forms by the

humanity. This left a deep influence on me to be so humble and devoted from

that day onwards, motivating my spiritual self-advancement.

My brother Sri V.S. Mani had a friend in New Delhi who was the then resident

reporter of the American Magazine, “News week”. This man was a very much feared

and respected journalist with an imposing personality in political circles. He

had an assignment to interview Swami. Having come to know of Baba’s visit to

Bombay, he also cane down to Bombay

bold"> from New Delhi. But Swami’s schedule remained very busy and tight, the

Divine visit being restricted to around 5 days only, with so much demand on

Swami including the International conference in session. And we also knew that

Swami would not like any introduction or recommendation. Only He decides whom

He will talk to or select for personal interview. Swami had never given any

interview to any journal and He strictly put down any effort on publicity at

the media. “I know how to contact my devotees and I need no publicity

whatsoever” is the command from Him.

Some how we could manage to get permission for allowing this reporter to sit in

the Dharmakshetra mini hall, named Sathya Deep just below the Lotus shaped

structure. Only very important personalities from the organizations would wait

in this hall when Swami climbed down from His room. Normally, during the

morning hours, Swami would pass through this hall when He goes to give Darshan

to the devotees assembled at Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan campus, some 6 kilometers


That day als0kl radiant with Divine Smile, Baba appeared in the hall and

immediately walked towards our friend, the reporter. Swami called him by name,

patted on his chest, and asked him what he wanted. The great journalist, who

normally puts any senior politicians in uncomfortable position, was dumb

founded at the Divine sight and could not bring himself to reply. The avowed

purpose of his visits to Bombay skipped out f his mind. Instead only a prayer

from his lips for some Vibhuthi from Swami slipped. Instantly he Divine Hand

moved in circular motion and poured out a pinch of Vibhuthi to him with a

benign smile. Swami further had a

few kind words of information to him that Devotees were waiting for the Darshan

and that He would come back very soon and talk to him.

And Swami was back very soon and called out those who were outside the hall, to

come and sit inside. He announced that there was a journalist present who

wanted to ask a few questions and that Swami would give replies, which would be

beneficial to all. Swami then invited the questions. Our friend who had come

prepared with a set of questions started with the first question…

“It is mentioned that we are bound by acts of our past karma, the so called

fate. Is there any way for us to escape from this fate, especially by the Grace

of Divine personalities like Baba?”

Swami smiled at him and started explaining. Indeed it became a fulfilling

discourse lasting about an hour.

“Yes, not only man, by all the creations in the universe takes birth again and

again based on their past karmas. The evolution takes place on the merits of

their karma. From birth to birth, man very often indulges in dushkarma (bad

deeds) and he will have necessarily to pay for it by way of retribution some

time or other. There is no way of escape at all from the effects of such bad

Karmas, which act as the preordained fate or destiny, deciding the births, the

pain, the sufferings etc. If there have been good deeds to his credit, he will

get good rewards of such good karmas. In short man is the author of his own

destiny, from which he can not escape”

“God may choose to influence or soften the destiny of a man but in some extreme

situations. He himself decides how far He can come to the rescue of the devoted

calls of a man who sincerely repents and engages in Sathkarmas. Or sometimes

God can also make things easier for him to pass through the sufferings, which

he has to undergo as a result of past bad karmas. Much depends on the efforts

of the incumbent.”

Swami illustrated this with an example.

“in a vast slush green field, a cow is tied to a peg, with a rope of about 100

meter long. The fate of the cow is now fixed. It can choose to graze in a

circular area of 100-meter diameter. By a foolish act, if the cow chooses to go

round, round very often, the length of the rope gets reduced, and it cannot even

enjoy the allotted area of grazing. On the contrary, if the cow uses its own

strength to uproot the very peg to which it is tied down; it can reach out a

much larger area without any limitation. Thus many options are available for

the cow. The cow’s specific choice of the option and the effects of such option

becomes it fate. By using its intelligence and making efforts, it can overcome

the so called fate, or the limitations enforced upon it.”

“Likewise, man can also over come the effects of the fate destined for him. He

may either choose and determine to live a pure life which helps to retain what

is allotted to him or opt for an easy and impure life,. and further slip down.

By leading a pure spiritual life, he can cleanse his chitha, his intellect. He

will then engage himself in “Nishkama Karma” Seva activities, which will go

beyond his self-interests and benefit people beyond him or his family. The

rewards of those good acclivities will start accruing to his account, which

will slowly erase the effects of past misdeeds”.

“If one the contrary, resulting from pride and ego, the man indulges in

dushkarmas.- bad deeds- he stands to loose the opportunities available to him

to bring about a purification of his thought, word and deed. (Thrikarana Sudhi)

and thereby getting over his destiny or fate in the present birth. This is the

lesson one should learn. Always engage in ‘sath’ karmas, engage in service

activities, live a life useful to the humanity at large, and then pray to Him.

In such cases, God will definitely hear your prayers and will show compassion

and reward you with His merciful Grace to mitigate or overcome the so called

fate, to which the human beings are bound in bondage”.

During the hour-long discourse, Swami touched on various other matters also. Our

friend did not ask his second or any other further questions; for whatever

questions he wanted ask, had already been replied to by Swami during his long


Swami spoke thus:

When the pot has a leak, even a tiny as a needle prick, the water drains out

whole. When the heart is full of faith and strength, of light and love, a tiny

prick-leak caused by anger, malice, or pride is damaging, that the precious

wealth is spent away quick and fast.


Sai, the Omnipresent

The first world conference of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations brought in us a

sea of change. We came to recognize fully, the Divine Mission of the Advent of

Sai and the part we were to play in it. Life seemed to assume a meaning and

purposeful as we began participate in all Seva activities with a feeling of

involvement and enthusiasm. We were very careful not to miss the chances of


Our approach to the spiritual practices gained a new orientation. We took keener

interest than before in our daily poojas, meditation etc. Gone were the days

when we performed the rituals in a mechanical and routine way. Now utmost

devotion and dedication came to characterize our performance of the daily


I felt always cheerful and elated, whatever be the turn of events, petty, small

or big. I attributed everything to the Grace of Sai. I further learnt to adjust

myself even to adverse situations, submitting to the Will of Sai.

We, as limited beings can never claim to know all about the limitless Swami.

Every Satsang with a Sai devotee, or participation in any functions, provides

us with an opportunity to know more and more of Swami. After all, learning is a

continuous process. The glory of the Divine gets unfolded gradually and we

should consider ourselves lucky to come across such glorious occasions to

listen to and learn. The second World conference was one such an occasion.

As a delegate from Maharashtra state I was blessed to get an opportunity to

participate in the Second world conference of Sri Sathya Sai organizations held

in Puttaparthi. Besides the daily Divine discourses, we could listen to talks by

some of the Swami’s close devotees. Each such talk unraveled more of the Divine

glory. I was particularly impressed by the talk, in the immediate presence of

Swami, by Dr. Nithyananda Menon, who was at that time a faculty member of

Swami’s college at Whitefield. No doubt, I was well aware of the many ‘Leelas’

of Divine Avatar of Swami; but the great miracle narrated by Dr. Nithyananda

Menon that day, was astounding to me. I am trying to put down a gist of that

glory to the best of my memory.

God is Omni Present; Sai is God; Sai is Omni Present. He can be present in all

the places, at the same. He can manifest Himself in Human form anywhere any

time. There are innumerable instances of His Omnipresence, many of which have

gone unnoticed and unpublished.

This incident under narration is concerned with a gentleman in “Zimbabwe”

(earlier called Southern Rhodesia) in Africa. When the incident took place, the

white minorities ruled country and the native blacks were simply treated as

slaves, till that country attained political independence. The natives were a

poor lot and the rich landlords subjected them to very bad treatment. A rich

gentleman, who owned lot of properties in that country, had come down to

10pt">India and was staying in a fashionable hotel in Bombay. He came in contact

with many overseas visitors in that hotel. Some of them happened to be devotees

of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Naturally, in the informal dialogues, the

subject matter would be Baba Himself. He was hearing about Baba for the first

time and came to be impressed by some of the miracles reported by others.

Incidentally, Bhagawan Baba had also come to Bombay at that time on a Divine

visit and was in Dharmakshetra. Our gentleman form Zimbabwe, accompanied others

to hive

Baba’s Darshan. Having been so strongly drawn in, by the Divinity of Bhagawan,

he followed Swami to Puttaparthi and stayed there for the next few months.

In Prashanthi Nilayam, several opportunities came hi way to witness the Divine

Miracles. He was also blessed with many interviews. Swami had explained to him

the purpose of human birth in this planet and the necessity to live a pious and

spiritual life. He was made to understand that divinity is inherent in all the

creation and that love should be extended to and shared with all others

especially those who work for him. Gradually Swami brought about in him a new

orientation in his attitudes and molded him into a good character. After a few

months of stay in the Divine presence, he was directed by Swami to go back to

his country. Without any mind to return, he had to leave Prashanthi Nilayam

reluctantly and reached Bombay on his way back to his

country. During the entire period of his blissful days in Prashanthi Nilayam, he

was unaware of the happenings around the world, especially in his own country.

On reaching Bombay, he came to know of the political upheaval in his country,

involving the take over of the country by the black people from the white

minority government. The black people’s attitude appeared hostile towards the

white people especially the rich landlords. All the property had been taken

over by the workers. He was very much worried. What would have happened in his

ranch and the landed properties? At the earliest opportunity, he put through a

long distance call to his ranch manager and enquired about the condition. He

was surprised to hear from his manager that though the country was passing

through a state of turbulence, his range and properties had not been affected.

On the contrary, the workers very considerate and

demonstrated a total loyalty, something unbelievable. He promised to rerun back

soonest by the first available flight. “All by Sai’s Grace!” he thought.

On arrival in his country, the landlord found the report of the manager to be

true. He invited all the workers to his ranch the same night to have food with

him. A large size photograph of Bhagawan Baba brought by him from Prashanthi

Nilayam, covered with a piece of cloth, was kept near the chair. He mingled

very freely with his workers enquiring about their welfare, which he had never

done in his earlier days. After the food was served, he addressed the workers.

He conveyed his heartfelt thanks to all of them for their noble behavior even

at the time of crisis in the nation. He, on his part, had returned as a changed

man, after his pilgrimage to India. He told them of his meeting with the Living

God in

India and of the blissful days he spent in His Divine Presence, which had

mellowed him into a true human being. The unique experience had fostered love

and affection in his hitherto barren heart, which earlier cared only for

selfish comforts and prosperity without a single thought for those who worked

for him. He further announced that he was going to show them the Living God and

removed the cloth covering the photograph of Bhagawan Baba.

But this evoked neither any trace of surprise not curiosity among the laborers.

On the contrary they were laughing by themselves. They were admonished no to

think lightly of Sai Baba, whose picture he had shown to them. The labour

leader got up and said; “You might have seen Him in India. But till yesterday,

we were seeing Him, here every day in our fields. First, we sighted Him one day

far away in the Horizon when the sun was rising early in the morning. He raised

His hands and blessed us. Later on He came down to us and conversed with us.

This was going on during all these days when you were away. He used to teach us

all the good manners and discipline and about various subtle spiritual matters.

He had

taught us the importance of remaining loyal to those who were giving work and a

living to us . He had directed us to live a life of love towards everyone. He

had taught us the same path of love, which had been taught to you also. It

seems, the very same God who happened to be with us had taken you also under

His merciful fold. Yes sir, we were seeing Him almost everyday!”

This amazing disclosure or the black laborer astonished the landlord. Would it

be possible? Swami was all the time at Prashanthi Nilayam, and yet He had made

Himself available to the poor people in his country as well. He felt that he

and his workers were truly blessed by Swami. He assured the workers that from

that day onwards; they would all live like a single family with mutual love and


There are innumerable such Leelas (Divine sport) of Bhagawan Baba having

documented in various books. Even by reading these divine glories, one can

drink deep the divine bliss and gain an access to spiritual benefit.

Bhagawan Baba spoke thus:

The very first lesson of yoga is the conquest of Kama or desire. The ‘Will’ has

to be fashioned as an instrument for the beneficial Deed and the Deed has to

sub verse the awareness of reality. The mother cannot move about the house

doing the daily chores of washing and cooking, so long the child is clamoring

and wailing in the cradle. She has to put the child to sleep as the first

chore, so that she can attend to more important work. So, too, you have to put

the mind out of action, before you can travel to the realm beyond duality.


The Dream Comes True

It never tires me to recount the loving admonition of Bhagawan Baba to my wife

that she should never cry again. Yes, she had no reason to cry thereafter. True

to his assurance, Sai’s Grace started pouring into our life. Slowly and

steadily, the income considerably increased and with it, the comforts and

conveniences also increased. We moved into a spacious flat in Andheri near

Dharmakshetra. WE could acquire many of the modern gadgets and fittings to make

life as much easy and pleasant as possible. We had no more grumbling. We

continued our spiritual path with full confidence and faith in Swami. By the

Grace of Swami, we were blessed with another son. Happiness filled our lives.

Not a day passed with out our thinking and thanking of Swami for all that He

had been doing for us. All these days we make innumerable trips to Prashanthi


One day, while I was going through newspapers in the morning, my wife who

brought me coffee looked somewhat concerned. In enquired what the matter was.

She recalled the dream she had in the previous night in which Swami warned her

of some impending troubles being the backlash of past karma and advised to be

careful. I reacted that if that happened to be the Will of Baba, we should

suffer it reposing full faith in Him and praying to Him to protect us from any

adverse situation.

The dream of Sai is not illusory. Swami had Himself mentioned several times that

all dreams prompted by His Will, are very much real and dream is one of the

methods of Swami to communicate with His devotees. Thousands of devotees have

such dream experiences, which sometimes Swami Himself had confirmed later on

during a chance interview. As such I could not brush aside the import of my

wife’s dream.

I started observing great care and caution in my daily activities. I avoided

traveling on foot boards in the electric trains even it resulted in delays in

keeping up my timings to attend my office and other appointments. I was trying

to be attentive whenever I visited the banks or else I used to ask someone to

accompany me, so that the money would be safe. Food habits too totally changed.

I tried to put a stop eating outside. Every precaution was taken to avoid oily

and heavy foods. Thus, observing all possible care and caution, I continued

praying to Bhagawan to shield us in the event of anything happening untoward.

Nothing happened that might affect me, but this hope was short lived.

Sai’s dream advice did come true. One day, in spite of all the precautions, the

inevitable happened and Sai’s words in the dream came true. We fell on bad days

due to my impulsive behavior and action. How did it all happen?

I was occupying a fairly good position in a company, graduating from lower

levels. With dedication and devotion to duty and good behavior, I earned a good

name and gained confidence of the owner of the firm. I commanded good respect

from his family members also, who were being inducted into the business

administration gradually. One day, during some heated discussions with the

youngest brother of the owner, I burst out that I would have to resign if I was

pushed further. It was indeed a slip of the tongue. Has not Swami said, ‘Slip of

a limb, you can repair; but slip of the tongue, you cannot repair’. The

impulsive outburst of my tongue could not be repaired indeed. The other party

challenged me to do so, if I dared. In a fit of temper I walked out of office,

without thinking of the further consequences.

However careful I was to heed of Swami’s caution, in a fleeting moment I lost my

balance of mind and the inevitable happened. The family members of the company

were firm against any amicable settlement for calling me back. Even the owner,

who held me in high esteem, did not wish to do anything in the interest of his

family. I was left high and dry and the slide down of the slope started for me.


Young age had passed and I was entering into the middle age stage. I could not

secure any employment, for quite long. There were prayers and prayers but

nothing moved. At times, hopeful positive developments seemed to be emerging

but all ended as a mere mirage in a desert. All the savings vanished and we had

to part with many of our valuables too. I was indeed being squeezed by the

clutches of cruel fate. Did not Bhagawan caution us timely about the impending

troubles? Still I rendered myself vulnerable to get sucked into the inevitable

march of events.

At long last, I could sight some light at the end of the runnel. One of the

disciples of my Guruji, Dhynai Maharaj Madhusdhan Dasji, had an industry

manufacturing electricity measuring meters, bulk of which were sold to the

various state electricity boards. They offered me an agency for the southern

states. Feeling happy at the prospects, I moved and settled down at Madras with

my family. Very soon I succeeded in establishing myself. I felt elated and I was

ready to start business of my own with good monetary prospects. However, the

hand of the fate was much longer. This development also proved to be another

mirage. The Managing Director of the manufacturing unit suddenly expired. The

industry itself could not be run and it ultimately

collapsed. The worst days of suffering followed us to the unknown territory of Madras.

With all my savings vanished, I was stranded in a place (Madras) where I was a

stranger without any friends or relatives whom I could have perhaps approached

for assistance. Living with a family became a hellish experience. However, I

stood firm on my faith in Swami and I utilized all my time in prayers,

meditation, and Satsang. I took active part in the local Sai Center activities.

It was only the love showered on me by Sai Devotees of Madras that sustained me

in those turbulent days. They spent considerable time

with us. Many of them visited my house regularly, gave us consolation, and tried

to help us within their meas. But for their love and affectionate company, I

would have been a physical wreck in Madras. I was surviving by Swami’s loving

concern for us manifested through innumerable experiences I had. I was passing

through all the pains and sufferings in a detached manner with the full faith

that Swami was protecting us and that no harm would come to us.

The deliverance came at the end of the yearlong agony. My elders in Bombay, in

spite of their limitations, invited me back asking me to prepare for the

homecoming. Perhaps this was also the Will of Sai. I packed off from Madras. My

wife and my son were also anxious to get away from Madras, where they could not

adjust themselves having lived in a totally different situation in Bombay. We


farewell to our Sai Brothers and Sisters in Madras who all the time acted as

pillars of confidence for me during those fateful days. I could catch a glimpse

of the break of bright dawn after a dark night. This time there were no more

mirages and things were turning positive though in small way.

I got fixed up in a very small firm. I did not mind. I accepted anything coming

my way as the Mercy of Lord Sai. Miraculously, I got back my own old house at

Thane from the tenant. We started our life all over again. We did not having

anything left with us except a few vessels for cooking purposes. What was

important to me was, that after a gap of 18 months or so, I felt secure with a

house, and a job. I could manage my affairs by myself. Gradually I could work

for improvements in my career and in that hope I put in my best efforts, giving

my utmost to the growth the new company. It was small manufacturing unit and I

played my part to bring it up. With my sincere efforts and Swami’s Grace, I

could build up the new company. My new boss was very happy with my efforts and

within his limits he tried to alleviate my financial problems.

After seemingly an indefinite period, there was the Divine contact. One day,

Swami appeared in the dream and enquired, “How do you feel now?” And said, “One

cannot escape the fate”. It is better to go through the travails at a convenient

time, when you have the mental and physical strength still with you. With God’s

grace one can come out of it lightly. On the other hand, if such travails were

to occur at early or later stages of life, it would have proved very difficult,

causing irreparable damage. Because you love God so much, Swami selects an

appropriate time for you to go through the act of repentance and effects of

Karma guarding you through and through. You may not be aware of it but Swami

had been by your side

all the way through; Otherwise you would have a different entity altogether.”

Swami continued. “You had been away from your relatives and you thought that

your wee stranded in a strange place where there were none to come to your

rescue. Yes, I was very much with you! And you had the best friends and

well-wishers in the Sai devotees in Madras. You did experience their pure love

and affection. The pure love of such devotees was in no way inferior to that of

the Love of Swami. Whatever might have been the situation; you were living a

life of love. You felt

that you had lost everything in your life. What did you lose? The luxury items?

You were used to travel outstations and stay in comfortable hotels for long

duration. When the job is finished, you are leaving behind everything back in

the hotel and hurry back to your own home. Do you regret for leaving the costly

utilities back in the hotel? No! You had a chance to enjoy and when the period

was over, you had no more attachments to those items outside. You love what you

have in your own home. Likewise, in your life also you had a chance to own some

items, which you had to leave behind. The most important thing is that you have

comeback in one piece and you should be thankful to God. You can always rise in

life and get back every thing that you feel, had been lost!”

This dream prompted by Swami left a deep impact on me. When we earn, we think it

is our ability that makes it possible. If we loose, then we start cursing

ourselves, curse God Himself. And if we happen to have some faith in God, then

we say that God is testing us unnecessarily. Why should God test us? Has he no

other work? No, God is not testing at all. We are tested by our own past

actions. We are ourselves creating our destinies by our own acts. If God is

doing something, it is only that He is helping us out, toning down the effects

by His mercy and grace, provided we have deserved it. Swami is blessing us all

without any partiality. But the blessing should convert into Divine Grace, if

we are to benefit from such blessings.

Swami spoke thus:

Maam anusmara – with Me in memory ever! Do not distinguish this task as Bhajan;

this task as Bhojan (eating) this task of Pujan (adoration of God). All acts

are Pujan; Food is given by Him, eaten by Him, for His sake, to yield strength

for His work. Each moment is worthwhile, for He gives it, He uses it, He fills

it, He fashions it, and He fulfills it. When He is fused with every breath, you

can achieve the sovereign task of merging in Him. You have the might; the Atma

cannot be gained by the weak; so long you are a weakling unfit for the

suprement adventure.


Back to Madras

I wished to erase from my memory, the yearlong life of agony in Madras as a bad

dream. My devoted, dedicated hard work saw me through and up. During the next

five years, everything was very smooth without any undue concern. Both my sons

were studying well. The eldest one had finished the school finals and by Sai’

Grace, he got admission in Swami’s college at Whitefield campus in the

pre-degree course. Due to the hectic building activities at Parthi, Swami used

to spend considerable time at Brindavan, Whitefield. During those days my son

was something like a radio transmission center conveying Swami’s Leelas in some

form or other to us. In all his correspondence with us, the main subject/object

would be Swami. My son was a natural singer from childhood and

in no time; he made his mark in the campus. In addition to Bhajan songs, he

participated in many musical programmes also.

Although I was well settled in Bombay, I could not write off Madras from my

mind. The devotees were so lovable, as confirmed later by Swami in my dream.

Many long-term devotees of Swami, devotees who were with Swami during His

boyhood, and who had intimate experiences with our Lord, were living in Madras.

We had opportunities to spend time with them and talk to them about Sai, either

in private or in public while giving talks on important functions.

I felt very happy to be in their association. More ever, I also found ample

opportunities to participate in Sai Seva activities since there were integrated

efforts in the organization to pool all available resources and man power to

bring out the best outputs there from. The leaders of the organization enforced

total discipline. Major General S.P. Mahadevan, who was the State President of

Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations in Tamil Nadu State, used to express that Sai

Discipline is much stricter than Military discipline, and that we should subject

ourselves to it while participating in Seva activities. In fact he used to

emphasize repeatedly in all his public speeches the importance of Sai’s dictum

of 3-Ds; Discipline, Devotion, and Dedication. They were staunch devotees of

Swami in every bit. It was so enjoyable to participate in Seva with their

guidance and in their company.

No wonder, I longed to go back to Madras. However, it should not be and could

not be on any hope of finding a job. That situation was really frightening.

Thoughts started firming up, to go and start some business on my own in Madras.

Instead of myself looking for a job, why not I provide jobs for a few people

within my limitations! Sai could only have prompted such thoughts.

Swami in His own subtle ways set the path for me. I was provided with the

opportunities to visit Madras again a couple of times for selling products of

my company, where I was employed. I could succeed in securing considerable

orders too. This process helped me to build a close rapport with some of the

clients in Madras. They gradually took me into confidence and suggested that

instead of transporting materials all the way from Bombay incurring heavy

transport charges, I could think of putting up a plant in

Madras and manufacture them for local requirements. The clients assured me of

all possible assistance and encouragement. The seed thought was planted in my

mind and it started sprouting out. With Lord on our side, anything could be


I took some initial steps in this direction during 1982. I needed a factory

shed. During my next official visit to Madras, I approached the Tamil Nadu

Industries Development Corporation to know the possibility of getting a

work-shed. I learnt that new constructions were coming up in the Ambattur

Industrial Estate near Madras. I submitted my application in the prescribed

form before returning to Bombay. There were two other colleagues of mine who

promised to become my partners in business. With their assistance,

necessary advances were paid to purchase Machineries. During my next trip to

Madras, a loan application was also submitted to finance the capital cost.

Everything was moving as per schedule.

Without any recommendations or back up, I received the allotment of work shed in

the normal course, though there were several contenders for the same. The

allotment was subject a condition that 25% of cost of shed has to be paid

within 15 days. Though the allotment of a shed was an encouraging and positive

development, I could not raise such a big amount during the next 30 days. I

received notice that in case payment was not made within the next 2 days, the

shed allotment would be cancelled and the shed re-allotted to somebody who are

in the waiting list. I could not find any sources for money. I placed this

letter as usual before the picture of Swami. I gave up hope but Swami did not

give me up.

Unexpectedly I received yet another communication from the Small Industries

Development Corporation, enclosing an official stamped receipt, acknowledging

receipt of initial payment. I was dumb founded. I did not send any money. It

was impossible. I did not have that much money.. Then how did it happen? It

remains a mystery for those who do not know about Swami. But I felt sure that

it was apparently Swami’s intervention, which had made this possible!

How do we thank Swami? He does not expect anything from us not even thanks. The

mere pronouncement of the word and thoughts carry no meaning in Sai’s

dictionary. We have to practice and demonstrate our thought and words in our

action and devotion. It is in the living on His teachings, in our daily conduct

that would make Him happy. He is happy if we can bring happiness to others. If

we do Seva to the needy, He acknowledges as our Seva offered to Him. The more

we love Him, the more we can experience His closeness with us. He urges His

devotees to reduce their own desires and divert the savings to the needy and

the poor people. Seva offered to the needy, with devotion becomes worship. And

I participated in all Seva activities with more vigor and devotion than before.

After I had settled in Madras in my new endeavor, I got an immediate opportunity

to visit Parthi as a Sevadal. There was an All India Conference of Sai

Organizations at Prashanthi Nilayam.15 Sevadal were selected for this purpose,

being the cream of talents from the large Sevadal force available in Madras. I

was fortunate to be a member in this team. We were allotted the task of

registering the delegates arriving at Prashanthi Nilayam from various states,

and guide them to their allotted accommodations and other related jobs. With

the blessings of Bhagawan Baba, we thought, that we did our best in discharging

the allotted duties without any complaints from any quarter.

On completion of the conference, when we were about to take leave from

Prashanthi Nilayam, we were directed to be present inside the Mandir for we

were likely to be offered a chance for having Pada Namaskar. Very eagerly all

the 15 Sevadal, including me, gathered in the Mandir. The office bearers of the

World Council and State Presidents of the Sai Organizations in India were also

present. We realized that it was Swami’s mercy, because of which we the 15

Sevadal also got included in the chosen beneficiaries of this rare opportunity.

I had earlier mentioned in the first chapter about my first encounter with Swami

when I caught hold of His Divine Hands. I had then learnt the lesson that I

should wait for my chance to have a ‘Sparshan” of His ‘Charan” (Pada Namaskar).

Such a chance could only happen with Swami’s blessings. After waiting for 16

years, the chance has come now. Swami’s knows well, when, where, and how to

create a situation to bestow His Grace. We have to simply wait for such a


Swami entered the Mandir and quietly closed the doors behind Him. Holding a

basketful of Vibhuthi pockets, Swami moved along the rows, blessing each one of

us individually, and offering a chance to touch His Divine Feet. I became

emotional as Swami was nearing me. And when he stood before me, I got up on my

knees and prayed to Him to perform the sacred thread ceremony for my son, S.

Venkatesh Iyer who was then studying In Swami’s Whitefield College. Swami

patted me on my back, offered Vibhuthi pockets and whispered that He would do


Before I could realize what had happened, Swami had moved away from me, and I

missed the chance of touching His Lotus Feet! I regretted that I missed the

chance for which I had been longing for the last 16 long years! I felt like

crying out to Swami. Yes, there is the rule of discipline. Swami always advises

to control emotion. I could only feel sorry for myself. But who could know

Swami’s intention? After finishing the line in which I was seated, Swami was

gliding through the middle of the next row just behind me. I looked back. I

could not believe myself. The seat just behind me was vacant and immediately I

turned back and occupied the vacant seat. When Swami was again near me in the

next row, I kept my head on His Lotus Feet! When I looked up, Swami was looking

at me with a smile, perhaps to convey me that he

understood the situation. I felt fulfilled. The captivating Divine smile was

lingering on my mind for many days.

My application to Swami to perform the thread ceremony for my son was answered

shortly. The very next year Swami arranged a mass sacred thread ceremony for a

group of boys studying in his college, and my son was also selected. What was

more; Swami gave us a double benefit. We went to Prashanthi Nilayam with our

second son who was at that time only 8 years old to participate in the

function. Swami called my second son, S. Ramesh, nearer to Him and offered him

also the yellow dhoti, indicating that Ramesh was also included for the thread

ceremony. Yes, Swami performed sacred thread ceremony and also Gayathri Mantra

Upadesh for both my sons, on that day!


With Sai love from Sai brothers


Bombay Srinivasan

E-Mail: "Venkatachalam Srinivasan" <vsvasan99 >

Telephone: Mobile: 9382685217

Residence: 044-24837093

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