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(Indweller of Hearts)

By Bombay Srinivasan

CHAPTER – 15 Advance indication &; the rescue

While I was employed in Bombay, I never thought that I would be moving over to

Madras to settle down there. I had no relatives or friends there. Yet, Swami

had predicted that I might go over to Madras. This indication came to me

through a letter received from my eldest son, who was at that time studying in

Pre-University course in Swami's college in Whitefield.

He had written that Swami was teasing him, asking, "How is your girl friend at

Madras." He could not make anything out of it. The teasing became a regular

feature in the days that followed, and he expressed that he was unable to bear

it, especially so when Swami was cutting jokes in the presence of other

students. We wrote back telling him that he should feel proud to receive

swami’s attention and to be engaged in constant conversation with him. He

should consider it a Special Grace of Swami.

We did not understand the implications of Swami's joke, which always carried the

message of a fact or development. Sai is Sathya and His words are nothing but

Sathya (Truth) In the earlier chapters, I had referred to the developments

leading to my shift from Bombay to Madras. My first attempt to do some business

there resulted in a total failure and I had to return to Bombay in search of

job. But, Swami's Will would seem, to berth me back in Madras to start my own

business. By the time I was stabilizing myself in the new environment in

Madras, my son. Venkatesh completed his post graduation in Chemistry and joined

us in Madras Initially he was assisting me in my factory I suggested that he

should specialize in some fields, and pursue his further education, while he

was with us. He joined the prestigious institution NIIT to study Systems


One evening, I was attending a technical seminar with my son, in one of the five

star Hotels in the city. While we were having dinner, he was trying to convey me

something but was feeling shy to express himself I asked him what was the

matter, and if it had anything to do with any romance. He replied in the

affirmative and put me wise about it. He had met a girl in the NIIT campus and

he liked her very much. Instantly the so-called jokes of Swami, flashed through

my mind when He used to tease him about the girl friend in Madras. Swami's jokes

came true. I had moved to Madras and my son cultivated a girlfriend in Madras

With kind words, I put my son at ease and asked him to invite the girl and her

parents to our house. Soon we received their family members in our house. The

father of the girl Mr. Vaidyanathan was an officer in one of the nationalized

Banks. We exchanged information about each other and I told him that subject to

the acceptability of the alliance, we could go ahead further in the matter. The

girl, Sow. Vijaya was just completing her graduation course in one of the local

colleges, and was studying in the NIIT evening classes as well. I felt that my

son had not settled yet in life and I suggested that while we might agree for

and settle the alliance, it would appear advisable to wait for some more time

for the actual marriage. It was so agreed. I went to Whitefield with my son,

handed over a letter to Swami during the Darshan time, and could have Sparshan

of the Lotus Feet.

A little later, Mr. Vaidyanathan informed me that his aged father-in-law was

suffering from cancer and that the doctors opined that he would not survive

long. He pleaded that the marriage be conducted at the earliest, while his

father-in-law was still alive. Although I had my own problems, after prolonged

deliberations, I had to yield. We informed that we are devotees of Bhagavan

Baba and we would adhere to His teachings in all our endeavors. There was no

question of any expectations for us from the Bride's side. We undertook that

even the Mangala soothra would be made from our side. Accordingly, the date for

the marriage and a Marriage hall was fixed. All the arrangements were going on

full swing. On an auspicious day, we got the Mangala soothra ready and kept it

in the Pooja Mandap of our house. All our relations from Bombay had arrived in

time for the wedding.

According to our customs, we moved into the Wedding hall the previous day before

the marriage, when we were supposed to go through certain religious

preliminaries. We were very careful to take with us the "Mangala Soothra"

(Thirumangalyam) and kept it in our suitcases, along with other gold ornaments.

I had decorated the marriage hall to the best of my ability \with an imposing

photograph of Swami and a chair for Him. The members of the Sai Samithi had

arranged for Bhajans. My son, Sri Venkatesh also rendered a couple of songs. We

prayed that, with His blessings, everything should go on without any hitch.

In the early hours of the wedding day we all woke up and after taking bath were

ready to commence the various rituals before the actual muhurtham (the

auspicious time for tying he knot). The muhurtham was to take place by about 7

'O clock in the morning. The priest asked for the "Thirumangalyam” in order to

put it through the yellow threads before the ceremonies began. My wife went to

our allotted room and opened the suitcase in which the Thirumangalyam had been

kept. She was shocked to find the Thirumangalyam missing. A thorough search and

Ransacking of all the suitcases, was made. We felt totally lost, since without

Thirumangalyam the marriage ceremony could not be conducted. Even emergency

arrangements would not be possible since the jeweler shops would not open

before 10 AM., for us to buy ready made ones. The muhurtham time, fixed at 7 AM

could not be delayed. In panic, I called my eldest bother, who had come from

Bombay, and apprised him of the situation. He tried to calm us down and

suggested that we should take our in-law Mr. Vaidyanathan into confidence and

to find a way out. We did not wish to "publicize" our predicament and tried to

hide our feelings within ourselves. Mr. Vaidyanathan displayed a cooperative

and considerate attitude and told us not to worry. He suggested that the

marriage could be conducted by using a simple yellow thread with a piece of

turmeric and that Thirumangalyam could be added later on. This suggestion did

not find favor with the lady folks. Even we were reluctant to accept such a


The elders present suggested a way out. Normally, in our practice the

Thirumangalyam consists of two golden pendants specially designed. One of such

pendants from the mother of the bridegroom (here it was my wife) could be used

for the daughter-in- law. Even this solution presented a problem. It relates to

an entirely another incident. Long back I had gone on a pilgrimage to Sabari

Hills in Kerala to visit the temple of Lord Ayyappa located in the Western

Ghats amid thick forests. Due to some communication gap, I did not inform my

wife in Bombay about my delayed return. She feared that I was lost to her.

Those days, in case somebody did not return within a reasonable period, it was

presumed that he had met his end in the forest. My wife was a staunch devotee

of Lord Krishna of GURUVAYUR in Kerala and she prayed to Him for my safe return

and took a vow to deposit one of the pendants of her Thirumangalyam into the

Hundi of the Lord Guruvayurappan. I returned home safe and subsequently we

visited Guruvayur together and offered one of the "Thirumangalyam pendants" to

the Lord. Hence, at the critical juncture of the wedding of my son, she was

left with only one pendant and she refused to part with it. She was too

sentimental absolutely normal for our ladies.

My wife hurried back to our residence to make a search there also It could not

be located or sighted. The pundits were going on with the rituals connected

with the marriage. I did not know what to do under the circumstances. Meanwhile

according to our customs, the bridegroom goes to the temple and there the father

of the bride personally confirms the offer of his daughter to him. They come

back and after such rituals such as sitting in Joola etc. the Thirumangalyam

dharanam (tying of the sacred Thirumangalyam around the neck of the bride) is

to be performed in accordance with this custom. At the appropriate time, the

bridegroom and the party with the priests had gone out to the temple and would

be returning back very soon when I was supposed to provide the main item

required for the ceremony. There in the Mandap, Bhagavan Baba's picture

beckoned me. I realized only He could rescue us from the predicament and total

humiliation. I knelt before His picture and spoke out, " Swami, I do not know

why I am in such a situation. I am not capable of doing anything in this

situation. Only you can save us, and I am leaving it to you. Please take

control of the situation." I meant every word of it, and prayed to Him with all

my heart. I thought that only such surrender would impel HIM come to our rescue.

I telephoned to my house, and told my wife that she should return to the hall

soonest and be present during the auspicious time, leaving everything to Swami.


After the Joola function, the couple was entering the Hall. I was following them

mechanically. I noted that my wife had come back. While entering the hall, I

felt that somebody was trying to place something into my palms. I halted and

looked into my hands. Something, packed in a small piece of paper was thrust

into my hands by my sister-in-law. She is the wife of my wife's elder brother

who had also come to attend the marriage. She told me that it was a new

Thirumangalyam, and requested me to make use of it and go through the marriage.

She further informed that it so happened, that she had got it made for a future

necessity and the present situation was much more important than her own

personal needs. I was instantly in tears. With moist eyes, I opened the pocket.

Lord my dear, what did I find! It was a beautiful pair of Thirumangalyam

pendants put through in a thick twine made of pure gold. It looked very grand.

It was handed over to the priest and other functions including the muhurtham

went on well.

I thanked my sister-in-law and prayed to Swami with all my heart for Swami’s

profuse blessings on her I further prayed that by the Grace of Swami they

should enjoy all prosperity in their life.

Recalling all these events, I did not know why Swami willed in that way. Might

be it was to prevent any calamities that were destined to happen later. Swami

knows better. But the most important lesson we learnt learn was, that through

total Saranagathi (surrender unto Him) alone could we draw His Grace. He gave

me the courage to withstand the pressure and even made immediate alternate

arrangements through our sister-in-law. When once we surrender everything to

Him and pray, he then takes complete control of the situation and then His

grace envelops us and protects us.

The snows on the mountain peaks soften during the day, as a result of the sun;

they harden during the night since the sun is absent. So too your heart hardens

me; your soft heart soften me. Understand this; each of you knows the love of a

single mother only. But, my affection, My Love towards each one of you is that

of a thousand Mothers! Do not deny yourself that affection that Love by denying

me your Love!


Cancer plucked away

By Swami's Grace, the work shed was got ready, the machinery arrived and were

installed. Yet there were many other loose ends to be tied up, such as Bank

finance for working capital, power connection and many other related works.

Swami was always with me through and through wherever I went in connection with

my work.

Let us take the issue of bank loan facilities. I had opened my account with the

Sate Bank of India, Guindy, a distant suburb in Madras. Mr. Subramaniam, a

senior officer was entrusted with the responsibility to evaluate and recommend

my proposals. As I entered his cabin for the first time, I felt happy to find a

small photograph of Swami underneath the glass top of his table. Naturally,

after our mutual introduction was over, our talks turned towards Sai Baba. And

during the subsequent months I was rewarded with plenty of opportunities to

discuss with him about Swami.

In the suburban city of Guindy, there is temple dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba,

the previous incarnation of Swami, when He was still in His teens. There is a

lengthy story about this temple, vividly explained by Mr. Howard Murphet, in

his book on “MAN OF MIRACLES.” Scores of devotees visit this temple daily and

offer worship. Sai bhajans are conducted here on all Thursdays and Sundays.

Initially on my arrival in Madras, I was posted as a Seva dal to handle the

book stall on the days of Bhajans. My friend from the State Bank, Mr.

Subramaniam was also a regular visitor to this temple.

Mr. Subramaniam has bereavement in his family. His father passed away in their

native place. On arrival back after finishing the obsequies for his father, he

joined duty. I had planned a visit to Parthi and he said that he would be

giving me a cover to be submitted to Swami whenever I got the fist chance. I

accepted the cover and went to Parthi. In fact I was going there to attend the

sacred thread ceremony of my sons and other students. Swami provided plenty of

chances to me during those 4 days to give the letter to Swami. But It was not

accepted. On the last possible Darshan before leaving Parthi, I again tried to

submit the cover and again Swami’s avoided it. I felt sad. How could I carry

back this letter and return to my friend? Or should I deposit it in the post

box of the local post office? When such thoughts were passing through my mind,

Swami retraced a few steps and asked me “is it yours?” I replied that it was

not but it was given to me by a close friend of mine. This time Swami extended

His divine Hand and accepted the letter. I realized then that we should not

normally carry letters to Swami except on personal inconveniences or when the

devotees are from distant places. It was sheer mercy on the part of Swami or

some other compelling reasons that made Swami accept the cover after some

hesitations. And indeed there was some reason for it which I came to know after

another fortnight or so. On my return back to Madras when I went to Bank,

Mr.Subramaniam was not in his seat. I was told that his mother had also passed

away and had to go back to his Native place. It was shocking news for me. When

he returned back I offered my condolence and enquired what exactly he had

written to Swami, and he could tell me if he felt so. He was very glad to give

me all the information. He even mentioned that he knew that Swami had accepted

the letter, for Swami had come to him in dream one day and spoke to him. At

that time he knew well what Swami said, and remembered having cried at His Feet

at that time. But after waking up he did not remember anything of what Swami had

told him. He said that he had written to Swami about the sad demise of his

father and that his mother was very weak and had prayed that she should be

looked after by Swami. But within a day or two the mother also passed away. So

it was surmised that Swami might have in dream forewarned him about the

impending development and then made him forget about it.

Mr. Subramaniam was later on transferred to Coimbatore and then to some other

cities in North India. After a lapse of about 5 years, I met him again in

Madras, when he told me that he had been posted back in Madras. I felt very

happy to have him with us. He attended a Bhajan held in our house with is

family. His wife at that time spoke to us about the Divine Mercy which they had

enjoyed sometime back and how Sai had given her a new lease of life. Mr.

Subramaniam had left his wife and children in Coimbatore when he went to the

North on transfer. The wife fell sick and was in very bad condition. She was

frightened since her husband was also away. She was put to lots of tests and

ultimately it was diagnosed she had a tumor in the brain which was found to be

malignant. At that time, the cancer was almost a terminal case and doctors had

given up hope of her survival. A period of less than a month was the maximum

life period expected by the Doctors. Srimathi, which is her name, was

frightened at these prospects, especially when her husband was away from her.

She lost interest in her food and was literally starving. A heavy dosage of

medicines had made her very weak.

At this crucial juncture, she felt sorry, that though a Sai devotee, she had not

participated in any Seva activities and she did not wish to leave the world

without doing any service in the organization. To her good luck, Sevadal from

Coimbatore were proceeding to Parthi for their group service, and she persuaded

the leaders of the organization to take her along with them. On reaching Parthi,

in spite of her illness and weakness, she was discharging the duty allotted to

her to the best of her ability. The Sevadal colleagues were considerate and

sympathetic with her and were helpful too. In any event, she did not feel like

taking food though her friends tried to persuade her. One day late in the night

when all the lights were off at Prashanthi Nilayam and after the canteen had

also been closed for the day, the other female Sevadal tried to convince her of

necessity of taking food, as she was already very weak. Irritated as she was,

she retorted by telling that if then could bring some tamarind soup with rice

and some papat, and then she would relent and eat. She had expressed an

impossible proposition since the canteen and other eating houses in the area

had already been closed for the day. The friends had some bread and fruits,

which she refused to accept. They all slept over.

Shortly afterwards Mrs. Srimathi woke up her friends and told them that she just

had her food. They were surprised because she looked very fresh. They told her

to sleep back not to dream and wake them up again. She told them that Swami

Himself had come into the dormitory and provides the same food, which she had

asked for earlier. They did not believe. They were shown the left over of the

Papat, which nobody could get at that time. Swami had persuaded her to partake

the food, which she was refusing for many weeks now because of her illness.

>From that day onwards she felt stronger and was enthusiastic in her service

activities. At the end of the service period, she with others, returned back to

Coimbatore. Within a week or so she had a dream of Swami when she was asked to

lie down and relax. Swami then plucked away the tumor from within her head.

Later on she had a nice sleep, and in the morning she did not know whether it

was a real experience or a dream. However the pain in her head had subsided and

she felt some relief. Immediately afterwards her doctors examined her again and

found that the tumor had actually vanished.

Her most loving and understanding husband had since been transferred back to

Madras and both of them are actively engaging themselves in Samithi activities.

Swami had taken care of their children also. The eldest daughter had finished

her studies at Anantapur campus of Swami’s college and was working in the Sri

Sathya Sai Hospital at Whitefield. By the Grace of Swami and in a miraculous

way, she had since been married and leading happy life. The second one is a son

and he is now studying in commerce group in the Whitefield campus.

They were looking for a flat to purchase Mrs. Srimathi had another dream in

which Swami had appeared and told her that she should look for a house bearing

the number ‘9’ It proved to be a real clue and within a very short period. even

without sufficient funds they were able to get a house on nominal payment and

move into it. The seller waited for their convenience to get his payment Mrs.

Srimathi Subramaniam and Her husband Mr.Subramaniam attribute everything that

is happening in their life as sheer Grace of Swami and His will alone.

Spiritual progress and bliss depend on disciplined effort. It can come only

through hard and difficult toil; not through pleasant easy paths. Life becomes

worth living, only when one has disciplined habits, concentration of mind,

renunciation of sensual pleasures and faith in the Atma (the Self) - Baba


Another cancer cancelled

The special Grace of Swami, canceling cancer had been narrated in several books

in the recent years. In the last chapter I had mentioned about the recovery of

Mrs. Srimathi Subramaniam from cancer. There was yet another instance of

Swami’s miraculous cure of the dreaded disease of cancer; the lucky devotee

happened to be my neighbor. After setting up an industry of my own, by the

Grace of Swami was also able to purchase a residential flat for ourselves,

located in the Gemini Complex in the heart of Madras city. A pious couple were

living in the adjoining building within the same complex Both Mr. Raghavan and

his wife Mrs. Sulochana Raghavan are ardent devotees of “Guruvayurappan”. The

Lord of Guruvayur, a pilgrim center in Kerala State and also of Lord

Venkateswara of Tirupathi. And more importantly, having immense faith in Sai.

Mr. Raghavan, an old time law graduate, is a retired officer from the Life

Insurance Corporation of India. After retirement, he has been very active

leading a busy life. Even after crossing the sixty-year mark, he has been

earnestly practicing Veena because of his love for classical music. He has also

enrolled himself as an advocate in the Madras High Court, and is now practicing

law. We have become very close friends having common interest in many aspects

of religion and sadhana. We used to exchange our views on such subject areas of

mutual liking, during our daily morning walk along the Marina Beach sands.

Earlier, after moving into our new flat at Gemini, my wife invited Mrs.

Sulochana to our house, and introduced her to me. Subsequently I too chanced to

meet her again in our house. She was very emotional and she narrated how Swami

had saved her miraculously from the jaws of death. Yes, she was suffering from

breast cancer and was undergoing prolonged treatment for namesake in the Tamil

Nadu Hospital in a distant suburb of Madras. The administration of severe drugs

and Chemotherapy, over the years had its after effects. She had become very weak

and her body had been mauled by the after effects of drugs, which did not even

spare her hair. In fact, the days of her physical existence in this world,

according to the doctors were only numbered. It was during this crisis period

that she happened to learn of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. She got into the

sat sang. She started praying to Bhagavan to save her. The prayers were heard,

as it seemed evident from the unfolding of events. During thus period, Bhagavan

had been staying at Kodaikanal. She was invited by a group of devotees to

accompany them to Kodaikanal to have Swami’s Darshan. Readily she agreed and

accompanied them in spite of herm suffering physical condition.

Early next morning after her arrival at Kodaikanal, she joined the ‘Q’ of the

waiting devotees and sat in the Darshan lines she could get a place only in the

3rd row. She was carrying with her, a letter that she was anxious to hand over

to Baba. It was a letter crying out her deep agony and of her pain, sufferings

and the fear of impending death. As Swami was passing along the lines, she was

perhaps in a total state of surrender to HIM. Ultimately, Swami positioned

Himself standing opposite her and she stretched her hands to Swami with her

letter from the third line. Swami reached out to her and accepted the letter.

While passing through, Swami picked up a handful of chocolates from the plates

offered by a devotee and flung them. One chocolate fell on the lap of Mrs.

Sulochana. She considered it a Divine Prasad and ate it with all reverence. She

returned back to Madras in a couple of days after the pilgrimage, and her

experience. Slowly, and miraculously her health started turning for the better.

As a first indication, her hair started growing. She was feeling some relief

from the persistent pain and sufferings undergone by her. She had survived and

lived for a longer time than her doctors had expected. In due course, she

submitted herself for further investigation. There were surprises for the

doctors too. No trace of any malignancy could be detected and the cancer seemed

to have disappeared. They were wondering whether this was the same lady whom

they were treating all these years. Mr. Raghavan, her loving husband is however

not taking any chances and he was taking her to the Tamil Nadu Hospital for

regular check ups. By the Grace of Swami there is no more health problems for

Mr. Sulochana Raghavan. She is very active and looks after all the household

works since then; they have been visiting Prashanthi Nilayam as often as

possible. Tamil Nadu Seva Dals use to go to Parthi for Seva during the hot

summer of May, and this couple also goes with them.

Mrs. Sulochana Raghavan and Sri Raghavan have only a daughter who is named and

living in the United States. The son-in-law is holding a very high position

over there and living a comfortable life. And yet wholesome happiness was

lacking because they did not have any issues. The tragic part of it was that

the wife had conceived several times, but the pregnancies used to get

terminated prematurely, denying them of any child. However, this ‘gap’ did not

last long. Their sincere prayers were answered again; by Swami. Last year Mrs.

Raghavan informed us that her daughter had conceived again and that the danger

period was over and that by Swami’s Grace everything seemed to be all right.

She was proceeding to the States very soon so that she could be near her

daughter when the baby was expected. In due course they conveyed to us the

happy news of the arrival of a healthy grand daughter, and importantly their

reverential gratitude to Swami for His blessings.

Scatter the seeds of Love in dreary desert hearts; then, sprouts of Love will

make the wastes green with joy. Blossoms of Love will make the air fragrant,

rivers of Love will Murmur along the valleys and every bird beat and child will

sing the songs of Love - Baba


The curing fragrance

Swami’s Grace flows unto him who surrenders himself totally to the Lord. Even

when we fail to cry out for Him in the critical time of our trials and

tribulations, He will still respond to the devotee who has surrendered himself.

Be it pain or pleasure, good or bad, the real devotee does not bother. He

considers it, as His Will to go through it as fruit of his own Karma. With this

attitude he prays for His Grace to carry him through the happenings and make the

pain as bearable as possible.

And, along with our prayers we are to play our part and take our own initiatives

for possible remedial measures. His intervention or non-intervention, the timing

of such intervention, the nature of such intervention etc., are all matters

beyond the human ken and should not be a subject of reasoning or concern. They

should be accepted with unshakable FAITH. Whatever happens or does not happen,

be attributed to His Will only.

There are innumerable instances in the Puranic stories and other Epics of the

Grace of the Lord manifesting to save His devotees. In this Kali Yuga also,

countless number of devotees are experiencing the saving Grace of Lord Sai from

the innumerable diseases, physical, mental and spiritual I had myself witnessed

several such instances of His Grace flowing to various devotees. Some instances

and such information just happen to come my way.

I had mentioned in the earlier chapters how Sai blessed me, in getting an

industrial shed in Madras. Those days, it was very difficult to get electricity

power connection for industries due to severe shortage in the generation of

power in the state. I had applied long back for the power connection and

considerable delay had taken place, I took the chance of visiting and meeting a

Senior Engineer of the Electricity Board. The name board on the door of the

cabin displayed the name "Mr. Aravamudan". As I pushed open the door and

entered into the office cabin, a beautiful photograph of Bhagavan Baba on the

wall, with His "Abhaya Hastha" struck my vision. I was delighted to see

Bhagavan's photo in the most unexpected place. There were a couple of smaller

photos too on the table. I responded to his invitation and quietly sat down on

a chair across his table. We discussed my problems including the necessity for

the need of enhanced supply of power for my unit. There had been some

reassuring kind words from the Engineer and after a little persuasion he

informed me that the situation had since improved and my connection should be

forthcoming very soon. I was about to take leave and stood up to shake hands

with him. At the last moment, I told him how happy I was to spend few minutes

in the presence and company of a Sai devotee, as was evident from the Sai

photographs in his cabin. I introduced myself to him as a Sai devotee. He said

he had heard about me, and invited me to sit a little longer, since he felt

happy to talk to me. He had something to tell me about his own experience, as

to how Swami had saved him miraculously from undergoing a serious heart


Yes, Mr. Aravamudan happened to be a heart patient having punctures in his

heart. He was advised that surgical cure alone could save him. Being a Sai

devotes, he prayed to Swami, while accepting the suggestion of the doctor. He

was admitted in a Hospital in Madras, but his operation got postponed twice for

different reasons.

At last a fresh date was fixed for the operation and he was admitted again in

the hospital, a couple of days in advance so that he could be properly prepared

for the surgery meanwhile, some happening in his ward gripped his mind with

fear. A very close friend of Mr. Aravamudan had also been admitted for heart

surgery but the operation was not successful, resulting in the death of his

friend. He was witnessing the body being removed. As the day of his own

operation dawned, the fear in his mind increased. He resorted praying to Sai

with all fervor and devotion to be saved. Those days as the open heart surgery

was a new medical development, the patients used to get greatly concerned and

worried. Mr. Aravamudan was no exception to this fear psychosis. He prayed and

prayed for His blessings to save him.

He was wheeled to the operation theater and was kept outside, since another

surgery was being performed inside. After finishing the earlier operation, the

surgeon and the staff were coming out. The surgeon experienced the scent of

some perfumes in the room, which had been earlier sterilized. He got annoyed

and shouted who had lit the Incense in the sterilized room where the patients

were kept ready for surgery. None was aware of any "incense" material in the

room and in fact there was no incense at all. But the sweet fragrance was

pervading the room. The Sai devotees know well that such manifestation of

fragrance in unexpected place, indicates the Omni Presence of Sai in their


Mr. Aravamudan was now moved to the operation theater. All preliminary checks

before the operation were conducted in his systems with the monitoring

equipments. Surprisingly enough, the surgeon, on reading through the monitors,

developed second thoughts on the need for subjecting him to any surgery.

Everything looked normal in the heart of the patient. He arranged for further

tests and found everything to be fine. After prolonged investigations, it was

decided that there was no necessity for any surgery. Ultimately he came to be

discharged without any operation. Back in his house, relieved of all his

tensions, Mr. Aravamudan slept well for the night. He woke up very late in the

morning and that too after his wife had tried to wake him up. There it was, the

same fragrance of divine Vibhuthi filling the air in his house too! He

remembered the scent of the fragrance in the hospital. He knew too well, that

Sai had been with him through and through, responding to his prayers and that

the Grace of Bhagawan had avoided the surgery which he feared most.

While Mr. Aravamudan was narrating the touching events, I was watching his face

intensely. His devotion and his surrender to Sai were all evident on his

emotionally charged mien. The very Satsang with such devotees, listening to the

Leelas of Sai would ward off many of the karmas of the devotees. "Sravana,

Patana Mathrena Janma Samsaara Bandhanad Vimchyuthe."


With Sai love from Sai brothers


Bombay Srinivasan

E-Mail: "Venkatachalam Srinivasan" Telephone: Mobile: 9382685217

Residence: 91-44-24837093

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