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(Indweller of Hearts)

By Bombay Srinivasan






Swami has christened it as "The Super Specialty Hospital". Can there

be a more appropriate and apt expression of the most noble objectives

and services that inform and activate this Hospital? The Hospital

is "Super Specialty" In terms of the excelling treatments and

facilities it provides. It is "Super Specialty" in terms of the

most dreaded diseases it seeks to tackle. It is "Super Specialty"

in terms of the category of persons it emphasizes and covers. It

is "Super Specialty" in terms of the Divine impulses and vibrations

that pervade the hospital activities. Above all, it is "Super

Specialty" because it has happened and it is marching ahead under

Bhagawan's Grace and Will.


The Hospital offers health care and specialized treatments for Heart,

Kidney, Liver, eye and other such diseases. The treatments for such

ailments are very costly and are beyond the reach of many. Sai had

willed and had made it possible to provide free treatment for those

who cannot afford such expensive treatment elsewhere, by establishing

such a Super Specialty Hospital in Puttaparthi. Much has been said

and written about this miracle. And yet, I do not feel discouraged to

add my own about this Hospital


>From the planning to the execution of the project, every experience

has been SUPER. All the projects of Swami are time bound and He says

very often that His Will or Sankalpa is "Vajra Sankalpa" It would

happen according to the Divine plan normally all such big projects

are blessed and initiated by Bhagawan during His Birthday

celebrations and inaugurated by the next year Birthday celebrations.

The Super Specialty Hospital is also of one of such manifestations of

His Grace. Swami blessed and lad the foundation stone during the

64th birthday celebrations and announced that the first Heart

Operation would be conducted on His very next birthday, i.e. the 65th

year of His Divine Advent.


There was a devotee friend from Kerala present during the functions

when Swami was personally blessing the foundation stone laying

ceremony. He referred to the belief in Kerala that the divine bird

Garuda (eagles with white bands on its necks) would circle the place

during the Initiation of any Divine Program. He said that he had

experienced such happenings many times in Kerala. He was wondering

why the eagles were not showing up when Swami was embarking on a

Divine program. Within a few minutes, we were taken aback to see 4

such eagles approaching the venue and circling the area. Quietly all

the four of them flew down and perched individually on four different

poles erected for decoration. They sat through the function and till

Swami drove away from the scene. We were delighted at this strange

and extraordinary event, happening within a few minutes of my

friend's utterance. It is only a reminder that all the programs of

Swami are auspicious bringing Mangalam, i.e., well being and

happiness to His devotees nay, to the entire mankind. We were

visiting Parthi several times during the year and nothing seemed to

happen in the site after the foundation laying ceremony. During the

summer, Swami had left Parthi for Kodaikanal and then Whitefield.

Eventually Swami returned to Parthi by the first week of June that

year. And suddenly the place was humming with lot of activities. The

rocky terrain was being cleared and much machinery was seen moving

towards the site for construction activities. From June that year

till November 22nd, it was only 5 months period left and the entire

project costing couple of hundred crores of Rupees was to be

completed within this short period, something unimaginable.


In Dwapara Yuga, the devotees of Sri Krishna witnessed the miracle of

the Govardhana Giri being lifted by the tiny hands of the Divine Boy

Krishna. Here in this Kali Yuga, the greatest miracle was unfolding -

the multi crore Hospital project was coming up within the shortest

possible time, something beyond human comprehension. In addition to

motivating a large work force, a detailed micro level planning had to

be undertaken assessing all facilities available in the remote place.

The state of art technologies had to be imported and installed after

establishing ground facilities. A lot of coordination jobs were

involved with the State Government and the construction contractors.

And the head of the project, our own Swami had no Personal assistant,

secretary or any other staff for Himself. The Will of Sai was



Only a day more was available for the inauguration. As a

representative from a vernacular newspaper, and also a Seva dal of

the organization, I was fortunate to witness the happenings in the

work site for longer periods. Though the huge structure was ready,

the floor had not been laid; the filling to the plinth level was not

done and then the floor dressing had to be made with granite slabs.

The latest imported equipment and other utilities needed for the

Hospital were being unloaded outside the building, which was nearing

completion. The old road towards Prashanthi Nilayam had

been 'consumed' by the Airstrip, which was also taking shape,

adjoinmg the Hospital. Any new approach Road had been formed and

asphalting was going on. By evening, I saw hundreds of students of

Swami's college, in their neat white dresses, carrying granite slabs,

into the building. Late in the night, l visited the site once again.

In a few hours time the entire place had changed. Plinth had been

leveled and granite slabs had already been laid along the corridor

and things were happening inside the rooms as well. Before morning

the entire department had to be made ready with all the equipment

installed at their appropriate places, electricity connections given

and tests and trials taken out. A couple of selected patients for the

surgery had already been admitted in one of the wards. Wall coating

was going on. Some of the overseas technicians were trying to

assemble and install a very big chandelier in the central dome of

Prayer hall. It is a marvelous piece. Many more things had to be done

before the twilight of the morning. We could not sleep. Every devotee

was engaged in one or the other job somewhere in the vicinity. Added

to this, the existing general hospital near the bus stand in

Prashanthi Nilayam was also being expanded and upgraded, awaiting

inauguration the next day.


One has to see it to believe; thousands of volunteers and workers

were working with one pointed devotion. They were conscious that they

were participating in a divine mission. We have read and heard about

the devoted services of the vanara sena (monkey brigades) in the

construction of a bridge over the sea to have access to Sri Lanka for

Shri Rama. Something akin to that divine event was happening at

Prashanthi Nilayam.


On the appointed day, all the chosen devotees had taken their place

in the open lawns outside the central dome of the hospital. In time,

Swami arrived. The next year calendar, depicting the photograph of

the hospital, and some New Year diaries were distributed for those

who had been lucky enough to witness the function. There was no sign

of the arrival of the VIP dignitary, the then Prime Minister of

India, Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao and others invited for the inaugural

function. Swami was waiting and all the devotees were basking in the

morning sunshine and in the warmth of Swami. There were a few iron

chairs placed in the pathway. They were wet due to the overnight dews

and they were rusty too abruptly, our beloved Sai, sat in one of

those chairs. Immediately, all those present that were wonder stuck

to see Swami taking an ordinary and dirty chair to sit on could hear

whispering sounds. Swami was all smiles, as if He understood the

agony of the devotees.


At least, the Prime Minister arrived, amidst the chanting of Vedas,

by about one hundred students from the College. He walked straight

and fell at the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan. Swami with a benign smile,

lifted the Prime Minster, had a few kind words with him and invited

him to officially inaugurate the hospital by cutting the ribbon and

entering the magnificent Prayer Hall in the central dome. In their

presence, the first two heart surgeries commenced. The two patients

already admitted earlier in the Hospital, were the lucky



Later in the public meeting Swami announced that the operations

conducted in the morning had been successful. Swami blessed many

important persons, who had bigger roles to play in the Divine

Mission, with gifts on the stage.


Since then, thousands of patients had received and have been

receiving treatments in the Hospital; all free of charge. Swami is

spending Lakhs of Rupees each on such treatments. It should be noted

that there is no billing department in the Hospital. Even the blood

for the purpose of transfusion is organized by Hospital from among

the devotees, visiting Prashanthi Nilayam.


We have to go and see the Hospital, to know what it means by NEATNESS

& CLEANLINESS. Not even the most privileged private Hospital can

claim to be so neat as our Lord's Super Specialty Hospital.


I used to visit this Hospital as often as possible. I had seen many

little boys and girls getting admitted and waiting for the surgery.

When asked, if they were not frightened on the prospects of heart

operation, they used to smile and say, 'Why should we be afraid of?

After all this is Swami's Hospital and He would save us' Where else

other than in this Hospital could we see patients so cheerful, as if

they had come to participate in some functions? Later, in His Divine

speech, in a function, Swami said that after the successful

operation, patients got up and walked on the second day and took

normal food on the third day. They were discharged very soon. The

message for us is that the cure is already effected; only the

formalities of the operation are being gone through!


Then, why, if Swami, by His Divine Powers, can cure the heart

ailments, is there a need for such a grand Hospital? Swami had

Himself replied to this point. Many of the devotees are bound by

their Karmas and they have to undergo both treatment and anxiety.

Many still have not developed that much firm faith in Swami. And

still many other patients are not devotees and they are all poor and

they have to be provided with the facilities.


Bharathi Nagar is a little slum in T'Nagar, a suburb of Madras, which

had been adopted by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization for offering

Seva. Devoted doctors are treating patients thrice a week and free

medicines are distributed, as a part of the Seva. In this slum, a

small boy had heart Problems. The specialists recommended surgery as

an only option to save him. Since then he was given regular

medicines. In one of the medical camps, conducted especially for

screening the heart patients,. This boy was also included and the

diagnosis was confirmed. The volunteers from T'Nagar took the boy to

Prashanthi Nilayam, to admit him in the Super Specialty Hospital.

There was a long waiting list of patients and this boy's name was

also registered in the waiting list. Till his turn came, he had to

live on medicines and he was prohibited from over exertions by

indulging in running and playing. He was subjected to dietary

restrictions too. What a life for this little tot!


After a prolonged waiting, the call came from the hospital. He was

duly taken to Parthi once again and was admitted. On the day of

operation, he was kept on a wheeled stretcher and moved towards the

operation theater. During the formal preliminary checks, the doctors

to their amazement found the boy to be quite all right and wondered

why he had been selected for operation. Further investigations were

carried out. The boy was kept under observation for another two days

and then he was discharged. There was no need of any medicines and

restriction on food for the boy. And he was free to play in the

streets or playgrounds with his friends!


Earlier once, Swami had graced this slum, by His Divine visit and

now, almost all the dwellers of Bharathi Nagar are Swarm's devotees.

This event of Divine mercy strengthened their devotion further. And

the volunteers doing Seva were more and more motivated in Seva



I spoke to the boy subsequently. I enquired as to how he feels now

and how he felt earlier when he was taken inside the operation

theater. He laughed and told me that he felt thrilled to experience

Swami's Blessings, which had cancelled the operation. While being

taken on stretcher, he said, he had been praying to Swami whether

this operation could be avoided. He felt with full conviction that

Swami had heard his prayers and cancelled the operation.






Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations in India were planning to

celebrate Bhagawan's 60th year of advent, on a grand scale. During

the 59th Birthday celebrations itself, several proposals concerning

the manner and modalities of celebrating the unique event, were

discussed. It was proposed initially to select about 600

villages/slums all over the country one year in advance and start

rendering Seva to such villagers and offer the same at His Lotus feet

on His 60th Birthday. Targets for every state were fixed. The

proposals were submitted to Bhagawan on His 59th Birthday. Swami

blessed the project but with a minor change in the number of villages

to be adopted Swami advised that Seva would be a sacred form of

Sadhana and directed the members of the organization to adopt 6000

villages/slums for this purpose. Swami exhorted them to move into

villages and assured them of His Presence in such places even before

they actually arrived. By this He was also assuring them of His

constant blessing in their endeavor. Swami thus provided a strong

motivation and inspiration for "Seva" promising a continuous flow of

His Blessings.


The State Heads of the organizations decided to abide by His Will and

implement the Seva activities in the villages/slums with utmost

devotion and dedication. The Divine Will prevailed which helped to

exceed the target before the 60th Birthday celebrations. The Sevadal

volunteers visited the nearest villages and slums and persuaded the

villagers to accept their services. The enthusiasm caught up and a

total miracle was happening all over India. Over 6000 villages came

to be adopted for service activities and was placed at His Lotus Feet

during the inaugural functions of the World Conference of Sri Sathya

Sai Seva Organizations coinciding with Bhagawan's 60th Birthday



The Heads of various State Units addressed the gathering and narrated

their experiences during the one year between 59th-60th birthdays. A

particular incident narrated by a State President of a particular

State, however, made a deep dent into my feelings. The volunteers

were planning a Free Eye camp in an adopted village near a Forest in

a dacoit-infected area. A couple of days before the scheduled Eye

camp, they met in the village under a tree to discuss whether they

could go ahead with the camp. The problem was they could not raise

enough funds from within themselves. (It is a strict rule in the

organization that the members must meet the requirements of money

from within themselves and they should not seek donations.)The

volunteers were planning to abandon the camp reluctantly regretting

very much for their inability to raise funds. At this point of time,

a dacoit riding a horse appeared near them.. In a stern tone, he

asked them what they were doing there. The Sai Sevadal got frightened

and explained that they were discussing the problems on a seva

project to be undertaken in the nearby village. When asked further,

they told him of their interest to hold a free eye camp in the

village but which had to be abandoned for want of funds.


The Dacoit, reacted by throwing before them a bag containing lot of

money, and asked them to use it for going ahead with the Project. The

Sevadal were dumb founded. They believed that it was Swami's Leela

and they pressed ahead with their project with all devotion and



Numerous such events and indications have been happening in many

adopted villages. It is Swami's dictum that hands that serve, are

holier than the lips that pray. The selfless service is the best form

of Sadhana. All creations are but the manifestation of divinity. It

is important that we recognize this truth and attempt to see GOD in

all His creations. It is this truth, which should inform and inspire

our service to the poor and needy. Set at least 4 hours a week for

the service activities; that is all what Swami is asking for. Swami

has allowed us to use His Divine Name for the Service Organization,

providing institutional support and opportunities to the members for

offering service activities.


The Sevadal and volunteers are expected to arrange for the basic

needs of the residents in the adopted slums/villages. We are supposed

to undertake an initial survey of the village and earmark the scope

of service activities in that area. The scope of service activities

is quite large including provision and arrangement of facilities in

the areas of Health, Hygiene, Approach roads, and Education and BAL

Vikas classes. The volunteers should endeavor to arrange for such

facilities that are lacking in their areas. But Swami had cautioned

that "service" should not end with mere provision of all the

materials facilities/help. The aim of the volunteers should be to

inculcate spiritual orientation amongst the villagers. The villagers

should also be given training in spiritual activities. If the

volunteers have helped or contributed only to the material facilities

but if the villagers have not progressed in spiritual activities,

then all our Seva would be a total waste. Swami has advised that we

should catch them young and try to lead them to spiritual Sadhana.


Bharathi Nagar is a small slum village in T'Nagar area in Madras.

The T'Nagar Samithi of the Sai Organizations has adopted this small

slum where the members have undertaken various service activities. I

was most fortunate to be rewarded with chances to participate

directly in seva activities in Bharathi Nagar With Divine Blessings;

we hoped to transform this slum into a model village Swami was with

us always in this task. In fact this village became a holy place:

Bhagawan visited this slum and walked through the streets blessing

the dwellers It was a pleasant experience to receive the Divine

blessings from our Lord. The Divine visit made a big impact and the

devotees and slum people experienced great joy having Swami amongst



Various innovative ideas and programmes were experimented in this

slum. The central leaders of the organizations stood by us giving

constant guidance. I have attempted a brief resume of the activities

undertaken in Bharathi Nagar, as a study case, in the modest hope

that it may provide some guidance and direction for similar

activities that can be thought of and put through in the adopted



The very choice of Bharathi Nagar for our "service" was an

interesting experience Immediately after Bhagawan's 59th Birthday

celebrations the members of T'Nagar Samithi were trying to locate a

slum within their area for adoption in order to undertake service

activities as per the guidelines provided to us. It was on Mother's

Day, (Eswaramba Day) that we established contact with the leaders of

Bharathi Nagar. We explained to them about Bhagawan Baba and our

interest in service activities. They readily agreed to allow us to

undertake service activities. We made it clear to them, that we did

not wish to entangle ourselves with their personal problems and that

we would not indulge in any political activities. They appreciated

our idea, and assured us of their cooperation in our efforts. A

general call to all the Sevadal in Madras city was issued by the city

organization calling them to be present at Bharathi Nagar on the

inaugural day and join in the combined Seva. The roads around the

slum were tar coated, but it was virtually impossible for the motor

vehicles to go through. Heaps of garbage, even up to 6 to 7 feet

height could be seen all over. The place was stinking. The children

were using the surroundings as open lavatory. Civic sense was totally

absent among the residents and we felt that our initial job would be

to clean up the entire area and make it livable. A massive number of

volunteers were deployed on the inaugural day and by evening the

place had changed completely.


It is a custom in South India to clean the entry doorstep of every

house early morning and put KOLAMS (designs made on the floor using

Rice flour or any other such smooth powder). But this practice was

not being followed in this slum. They were all living like rats, with

no thoughts or ideas or aspirations for good or clean living. As a

first step, our lady volunteers started visiting house to house, with

a bucket of water and broom, cleaned the entrance, and made beautiful

kolams in front of each house The impact was tremendous. The lady

folks in the slum felt embarrassed and came out insisting that they

would do the job. There were smiles and cheers all over. From that

time onwards every hut in the slum looked good with kolams. Our lady

volunteers did not get any second chance to do this job.


We thought of another idea to attract cooperation from the lady

inhabitants of the slum. Every Sunday morning we started conducing

Nagarsankeerthan in this area. Immediately afterwards we distributed

milk to all the children. The mothers liked it. Very soon almost all

the children were persuaded by the mothers to Join the

Nagarsankeerthan. `Catch them young'; is the advice given by Swami.


Soon our interest in the children became evident to the parents. A

weekly medical camp was organized in the slum, solely for the

children. A child specialist Doctor residing nearby watched our

enthusiasm and offered his services every week. Initially, he himself

brought all the medicines needed. A systematic door-to-door survey

was conducted and relevant data were collected. During a general

screening of the children, it was observed that all of them were

affected by ring worms.. Many of them suffered from skin disease, and

they were put on medicine during the next few weeks. The children

were given tonics regularly.


Mothers were provided with soaps so that they could give their

children bath regularly. They were advised of the necessity of bodily

cleanliness. Gradually, every evening tuition classes came to be held

in the slum. When we entered the picture most children were dropouts

from the school, and there was not single child who had studied

beyond 3rd or 4th standard. After our coaching and inducing interest

in the studies, a totally different children education scenario

emerged. About 20 boys came to complete their graduation and some

boys came to pursue computer-based education. The girls were also not

far behind. All the youngsters who had been trained under the scheme

started earning and supporting their parents.


The volunteers helped the villagers to build a small temple in their

area which is a focal point for all the activities. Three years back

the temple was renovated, and we prayed that Swami visit Bharathi

Nagar once again during the Kumbabhishekam. Due to shortage of time,

Swami directed us to bring the entire team of Pundits, Architects

(called Sthapathi) and other volunteers to Abbotsbury, where the

Divine Darshan had been arranged. Swami presented clothes and gifts

to Pundits and "Sathapathis", created Vibhuthi and blessed every one.

It was a memorable day for all of us.


In the initial period when we started offering Seva at Bharathi

Nagar, the elders used to participate in all the activities with us.

Some of them had accompanied us to Prashanthi Nilayam for Prashanthi

service together with other Sevadal from the city. Presently the

younger generation boys and girls have become full time Sevadal.


Swami had cautioned us that if the villagers did not show any

inclination towards spiritual activities, all the efforts should be

considered as waste. The desired change became however visible. Now

Bharathi Nagar has a full-fledged Bhajans Mandali. They conduct their

own programs, gents and mahilas (ladies) separately. They have their

seva dal wing. More than anything, the most amazing fact is that all

the younger generation coming up from this slum had been trained in

Veda chanting. One has to see and experience it to believe how

perfectly they chant Vedas like any other trained Vedic chanters.


In an earlier chapter, I had narrated the experience of a small boy

whose heart operation was avoided in the last minute by the Grace of

Swami. This boy belongs to Bharathi Nagar.


Before concluding this chapter I would like to recount another divine

incident at Bharathi Nagar. All the Sat Seva Smithies in Madras

celebrate anniversary in their respective areas. Special spiritual

activities such as special Bhajans, BAL Vikas children's cultural

programme and some service activities including medical camps etc.,

are organized. During a particular year, immediately after Swami's

visit to Bharathi Nagar, we had planned to celebrate our anniversary

in this slum area. However, due to unavoidable reasons, we had to

shift the venue to our Samithi Center itself. Meanwhile invitation

cards had already been printed indicating the venue as Bharathi Nagar

and the first copy submitted to Swami.


The Nagarsankeerthan on that day started from the Samithi center and

was going through various streets in T'Nagar area. It also passed

through the main road of Bharathi Nagar. One of the girls from this

slum reported later with excitement that she saw Swami standing near

the temple, with His Divine Hands blessing the participants of the

Nagarsankeerthan. This is how, Swami encourages the devotees in

their endeavors, wherever selfless services are offered Swami says

that the doer of service seemingly benefits others but it really

results in a spiritual gain to the "doer" Swami's Grace flows to the

doer of the service.


God First; the world next; myself last! That is the legitimate

sequence for the Sadhak. And, who is not a Sadhak? You have to be

one, now or later, so that you can be liberated from the cycle of

birth- death! Now, man, in his callousness rewards his own welfare

has turned it topsy-turvy! It is "myself first, the world next, and

God is last' So, God is lost, too! Hold fast to God then, you will

he safe. – Baba


The chaos and misery of the world today are the creation of persons

who have climbed to positions of authority but, do not discharge the

responsibilities of those positions. No one is entitled to such

position who is unable or unwilling to shoulder the responsibility

inherent in it and who does not discharge them sincerely. Whatever

be their status, however deep be their Scholarship, however rich they

are, they do not deserve the position they crave for, or hold In the

Units of this Organization too, the same rule applies. No one has a

place who does not posses the skill the capacity and willingness to

carry out the responsibility. Before you enter the organization or

seek any office therein, consider well whether you have the yearning

and the capacity; else, If you join and then, complain against some

person or some programme, you are only revealing your own smallness

or weakness. Make due inquiry, give full consideration, before you

join the Organization. Having joined. co- operate with others

vigorously and carry out all your duties conscientiously. - Baba



With Sai love from Sai brothers



Bombay Srinivasan

E-Mail: "Venkatachalam Srinivasan" <vsvasan99

Telephone: Mobile: 9382685217

Residence: 91-44-24837093

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