Guest guest Posted July 22, 2005 Report Share Posted July 22, 2005 Prashanthi Bulletin July 21st, 2005 - Gurupoornima On this most auspicious occasion of Gurupoornima, in the most auspicious year of the Avatar's 80th Birthday, let us all offer our sincere and respectful Pranaams at the Lotus Feet of our Sadguru, Bhagawan Baba. This morning, we were all seated in the Mandir by 6.45 a.m. Five minutes later, the Naadaswaram team began playing their mellifluous tunes, starting with Mahaganapatim Bhaje….This Gurupoornima, there were no floral decorations in the Mandir. Instead, the pillars and the inside Portico were all decked with pearl garlands, decorative hangings, and colourful chandeliers. The main Kulwant Hall was shining with the red Chinese lamp shades. At 7.35 a.m. the Porte car stationed itself in front of PC. All the lights in Kulwant Hall went on. The Naadaswaram was now accompanied with Pancha Vadyam played by the Institute students and Vedam chanting. It was a mix of so many sounds and tunes merging into an indescribable symphony! Swami took a full round of the Hall. By 7.45 a.m., Swami was seated in the centre of the dais. The Naadaswaram group stopped playing and Swami was now watching the students playing the Naadaswaram. After a while He smiled at them and asked them to sit down. Swami then asked the Vedam group to chant the Rudram. The Primary School joined the chanting with full enthusiasm. In between, Swami too was chanting some lines along with the students. A few minutes later, Swami called the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Anil Gokak and spoke to him. He also spoke to the All India President, Mr. V. Srinivasan. At 8.05 a.m., the mikes were placed on the dais. Mr. V. Srinivasan was the first speaker. He began by offering Pranaams to the Jagadguru on this auspicious day of Vyasa Pournami. This is the day when we pay homage to the Teacher of all teachers. He spoke extensively on the Universal Love of Bhagawan that encompasses all of humanity. His Love brings rain to the parched deserts and it is this Love that drives His Divine Mission. He described how Swami is touching the lives of millions of people all over the globe, giving several instances of Divine miracles. He emphasized on the magnanimity of Bhagawan who not only practices and sets an example Himself, but also exhorts us to follow other good and great leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Easwar Chandra Vidya Sagar and others. The three most important teachings of Bhagawan, according to the speaker were, Faith in God and oneself, Service to humanity and Naamasmaran. There is nothing impossible with His Grace and Love. The word `impossible' does not exist in God's dictionary. Swami was very pleased with the talk delivered by Mr. V. Srinivasan and to his surprise, materialized a gold ring for him. It was a ring studded with diamonds all around and a diamond `S' on it. Swami put it on the finger of the speaker. At 8.20 a.m., Prof. G. Venkataraman was summoned to share his views with the audience. Prof. Venkataraman commenced his talk saying that this most unique day should be etched in our hearts for ever. He elaborated on the role of a Guru, stating that the Guru can never give Jnana to any disciple. Jnana is right within our own self. All that the Guru does is to remove Ajnana (ignorance) that covers the Jnana (wisdom) in us. However, a Sadguru does something much more special. The Sadguru, said the speaker, creates a thirst in us for Jnana. The Love behind every smile of His, and every word of His, propels us to look within and search for our Truth. This is possible for Him as He is absolutely selfless from top to toe. There is no word called `selfish' in God's dictionary. He also brought to the attention of the audience the fact that, in 1963, it was on this very day that Swami had cured Himself from a paralytic stroke and declared the secret of this Avatar to all gathered there. Again in 1968, on this very day, the Anantapur College was inaugurated by Bhagawan. That very day, Swami had sown the seed which today has become a huge Banyan tree. Prof. G. Venkataraman concluded his talk lamenting over the state of affairs today where knowledge is being marketed like a product. This, according to him was the worst sin. Prof. Venkataraman was followed by a student speaker, Sri R. Satish of the II MBA (Finance) class. Finally, we had the Vice Chancellor, Sri Anil Gokak speaking to us. Sri Anil Gokak, elaborated on the meaning of the word Guru. `Gu' stands for Gunateeta (Attributeless) and `Ru' stands for Rupa Varjita (Formless). In olden days, it was a matter of shame for any person to be without a Guru. That is how the word `Anatha' came into existence. He then went on to differentiate between an ordinary teacher and a Guru. The teacher provides Shiksha but a Guru provides Diksha. A teacher imparts knowledge while a Guru imparts impulses. This day is celebrated as Gurupoornima. Purnima means a full moon day. The full moon has significance for both the Guru and the disciple. The cool light of the full moon symbolizes the serene and fully illuminated mind of a Guru. The full moon also symbolizes the inner awakening in a disciple. There are 4 ways in which a Guru impacts the Shishya, according to the speaker. They are: Look and Touch (illustrated by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Vivekananda), Thought (as in the case of Ramana Maharishi) and Word (Mantra). Transformation of the disciple is the Guru's task. Transforming involves two aspects: Unmaking and Remaking. It is a journey from Sensuality to Spirituality. The speaker drew a very good analogy, stating that God is like a generator, the disciple is like a lamp and the Guru is like the wire which connects the generator to the lamp. He then went on to give the examples of disciples like Hanuman who stood for obedience and servility, Arjuna who stood for Nishkama Karma and Svadharma, and Vivekananda who propagated the Unity of all religions. He concluded his talk on the note that today we have only transmitters of information and not initiators of transformation. Educare, he said, is the only solution to this problem. Educare comes from the root word, `educe' which means to develop the latent (Divinity within) and make it patent. At 9.00 a.m., Bhagawan's Discourse table was arranged. They tried to place the stand mike next to Swami's sofa, so that Swami could speak while sitting, but Bhagawan was particular that He should stand and speak. Therefore, the normal mikes were arranged. Swami stood up with the help of our brothers who assist Him, amidst loud applause. All devotees were delighted to see Swami standing after so many days. Bhagawan then smiled and began His Divine Message. Who can estimate the consequences of our actions in life? It is as strange as an inverted bat. The bat flies around like other birds but at night, when it retires, it hangs upside down on the branch. Is it not its destiny to be like that? Each one has to face the consequences of his/her actions. No one can escape destiny. Actions are therefore very important. Be it a saint or an ignorant one, no one can escape the results of their actions. The consequences of your actions will follow you like a shadow. Bear in mind the good and bad that you have done. One may live long, but he will have to face the results of his actions. So be it, so be it….is continuously being repeated. Ignoring this, we keep acting the way we like. Knowing what is good and bad, we still are not able to give up the bad. It is all our own making, just as the bat's life too is of its own making. None can gauge the Divine Will. You can cover your mistakes at a human level, but the consequences will never leave you, be it good or bad. A man may look mighty and talk in a bombastic manner, but when faced with the consequences of his actions, he is unable to show his face. At such times the true colours get manifested. You may not be able to understand all that I am saying. But your own experience will reveal the Truth to you. Results of your actions are inevitable. In fact, the consequences come back with ten fold intensity. The only way out of this cycle is to be the recipients of God's Grace. With God's Grace, the consequences will not cause any pain to you. For example, the medicine in a bottle will have its effect only within the expiry date, beyond which it ceases to make any impact. So too, God's Grace can postpone the Karmic consequences to a date after which, they will have no significant impact on you! At this point, Swami described the case study of Maarkandeya, whose life story is an ideal example of God's Grace modifying the destiny of an individual. With Divine Grace, you can win over any obstacle in life. The noose of death will fall only on those, who yet have to face the consequences of their actions in this world. It was after the episode of Maarkandeya, that people started praying to the Lord as their final days approached. In the case of Maarkandeya, Eswara Himself appeared and said, "I gave your parents that boon in an emergency, now I am withdrawing the same." Thus God can give boons and can also cancel the same. God has removed obstacles from the lives of so many devotees. But some people try to test God. This is a mere waste of time. God will never yield to such tests. Deserve God's Grace; then nothing in this world can touch you. Animals, birds, and all beings can escape the consequences of their actions by God's Grace. Whatever Sadhana you may do, never forget God at any moment of your life. Life is very important, even more than the human body. With prayer, you can sustain this life. You need not pray loudly. Even a silent prayer will do. God is in the heart of man. Life may come and go. Worldly difficulties will come and go. But never disconnect yourself from God. To deserve God's Grace, chant His Name. Nothing can happen to you if you keep singing His Bhajans, singing His Glory. All of you who have assembled here today have earned the highest profits. Retain it safely with you. Swami is aware of the fact that you students are always thinking of Him. Swami is not concerned about the volume of your prayers. You sing Bhajans perfectly. Swami will listen to it and protect you. Never give scope for any weakness. Your life is Blessed by Sai. You may sing any name, but God is One. I have no objections even if you do not call Me by any name. You may also call me as the one with a huge mop of hair. I have no objections! The East and West Godavari Water Projects are through. Officials from L&T and Mr. Kondal Rao have gone into the forests areas, to identify the villages deep inside, and plan out the water supply for them. They encountered the Naxalites in those areas. But when the Naxalites came to know that they have come from Swami, for helping them in providing water to them, these same Naxalites took them around and guided them. All of them will be coming to Puttaparthi shortly, to share their joy and Gratitude with Swami for the great boon that He is showering on them. Water is very important. It is life itself. I do not want their prayers, worship etc. I will provide whatever you need, even before you can ask Me. No government has come forward to take up such tasks, but Sai alone will provide water to all countries of the world. Swami wants all of you to pray for the welfare of all people around the world. Never give up this prayer. Many are worried that Swami is not able to walk. But remember, I have nothing to do with this body and these legs. Swami is beyond and transcends all these. In fact, the devotes from East and West Godavari districts have arranged a helicopter to take Me around to their places. Very soon I will Bless them with My visit! (Loud applause) Bhagawan concluded His Discourse at 10.00 a.m. Bhajans followed. At 10.15 a.m. Aarti was offered. During the Aarti, Mr. Narasimhamoorthy – Warden of the Brindavan Hostel of SSSIHL and Mr. Rajan – Convenor of the Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust, offered the fifth volume of `Sathyam Sivam Sundaram' at His Lotus Feet. Swami Blessed His biography penned by Sri Narasimhamoorthy, with His autograph. Sri Nagananda, Central Trust member offered to Swami the set of five souvenir volumes on Swami and His Mission called the Pancharatnas prepared by the Prasanthi Digital Studio , on the major projects of Bhagawan that have been great boons to humanity – Education, Healthcare, Water Supply, and Grama Seva and the fifth one being Divine Glories. These too were Blessed by Swami. In the evening, Swami was out by 3.00 p.m. He went into the interview room. The Music Programme produced and Directed by Swami was to be presented this evening by the Institute students. The two singers, Om Prasad and Sai Krishna were Blessed to have their make up done under the direct guidance of Swami. The Costumes team and the singers went into the interview room. Swami wanted the singers to be dressed as Lava and Kusha (Children of Lord Rama). He had made arrangements for their Dhotis and Shawls. The entire make up was done right under His supervision. Who else than Lord Rama alone, can perfectly guide the make up of His Lava and Kusha? Swami came out at 4.25 p.m. The initial plans were that Swami would be seated down, next to the Vedam group, to watch the programme. However, out of His compassion for the devotees, Swami chose to sit on the dais on the extreme right side. The Music group members took their seats. At sharp 4.30 p.m., the charming young students dressed as Lava and Kusha made their appearance on the stage. Seeking Swami's Blessings they took their seats and the Presentation began at 4.30 p.m. Though we had witnessed the rehearsals a number of times with Swami, the experience today was totally different. The sacred atmosphere of the Kulwant Hall, the cool breeze caressing our faces, our Divine Lord seated in front of us and the yearning hearts of devotees all around, made the setting totally unique. As the singers presented their songs one after the other with commentaries interspersed, devotees were charged with ecstasy. Every song was followed by loud applause. It was a soothing and soul stirring experience! The programme concluded at 5.45 p.m. Swami spoke to the singers and Blessed them. This was followed by Bhajans rendered by the lead singers themselves. Aarti was offered at 6.00 p.m. and Swami retired for the day. Our Sadguru had saturated our heart with Love and joy and filled our lives with hope and light. Even as the Porte car moved towards His abode, the faces of all the devotees shone like the full moon of the Purnima, reflecting the splendour of our Divine Sadguru! With love and Light Deepak Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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