Guest guest Posted July 20, 2005 Report Share Posted July 20, 2005 DIVINE DISCOURSE ON GURU POORNIMA DAY - 6-7-1963 and 7-7-1963 SHIVA SHAKTHI 6-7-1963 (Baba was brought down the winding stairs into the Private Room on the ground floor, because He insisted on giving Darshan to the thousands of devotees who had come on that auspicious day. He had an attack of cerebral thrombosis (or tubercular meningitis?) and was in bed for eight days from the morning of Saturday, 29th June to the evening of 6th July. His left hand, leg and eye were affected; His right hand had also slight palsy; the tongue was indistinct and the face was twitching. He was placed on the Silver Chair in the Prayer Hall and His hand and leg were adjusted in proper position. As soon as He was seated, He communicated the following message, which was interpreted and announced). THIS is not Swami’s illness; this is an illness, which Swami has taken on, in order to save some one. Swami has no illness, nor will He get ill at any time. You must all be happy; that alone will make Swami happy. If you grieve, Swami will not be happy. Your joy is Swami’s food. Then, Baba signed to Kasturi to speak, and after his short speech was over, Baba wanted the mike to be held before Him. He asked through it, "Vinipisthundhaa?" (Do you hear Me?) But, though He asked again and again, the voice was so indistinct that no one could make out what it meant. He then signed for water and when it was brought, He sprinkled a little with His shaking right hand on the stricken left hand and on His left leg. He stroked His left hand with the right. Immediately, He used both hands to stroke His left leg; that touch was enough to cure it. He doffed the disease in a thrice! He started to speak! It was the same musical voice.). God is the refuge for those who have no refuge Dhikkulenivaariki dhevude gathi---"For those who have no refuge, God is the refuge." That is exactly the reason why I had to take on the disease that one helpless Bhakta was to get. He had to suffer this dire illness, as well as the four heart attacks that accompanied it; and he would not have survived it. So, according to My Dharma of Bhakta samrakshana (protection of devotees), I had to rescue him. Of course, this is not the first time that I have taken on the illness of persons whom I wanted to save. Even in the previous sareeram at Shirdi, I had this responsibility The suffering that you saw was too much for this particular devotee and so, I had to save him, by Myself going through it. This is My Leela: My nature. It is part of the task for which I have come: Sishyarakshana (protection Of disciples). Persons who were near Me during the last week were asking Me to give them the name of the person whom I had saved. I told them that it will make them angry against that person, for Swami they would say, "had to undergo so much of pain in order to save that one person." Then, they replied, that they would honour the person, because of the extraordinary Bhakti that persuaded Swami to run to his rescue, on Saturday morning. Baba's Identity, Mission and Advent revealed Some people even asked Me whether it was this person or that, giving names of those who had attacks of paralysis, especially on the left side! This is even more ludicrous, because when I save a person, I save him completely. I do not wait until he gets the disease and I do not leave in him a fraction of the disease, so that he may be identified later. It all looks so funny to Me, the guesses and surmises that you make. Even in Shirdi, Dhadha Saheb, Nandharaam, Balawanth, all were saved by these means. Balawanth was destined to get plague, but, the bubo was taken over and the boy saved. This is perhaps the longest period when I kept the devotees wondering and worried. That was because of the heart attacks, which had to come later on the Bhakta, from which also he had to be saved. Then, there is another reason too, why the 8-day period had to be observed. Well, I shall tell you why. That means I must tell you about Myself, about something I have not disclosed so far, something which I was keeping within Myself, for the last 37 years. The time has come to announce it. This is a sacred day, and I shall tell you. You know I declared on the very day when I decided to disclose My Identity, My Mission and My Advent, that I belonged to the Aapasthamba Sutra (Code of conduct) and the Bharadhwaja Gothra (lineage). This Bharadhwaja was a great sage, who studied the Vedas for full one hundred years; but, finding that the Vedas were anantha (endless) he did thapas for prolonging life, and from Indra he got two extensions of a century each. Even then, the Vedas could not be completed, so, he asked Indra again for another hundred years. Indra showed him 3 huge mountain ranges and said, "What you have learned in 3 centuries form only 3 handfuls from out of the 3 ranges, which the Vedas are. So, give up the attempt to exhaust the Vedas. Do a Yaga (ritual sacrifice), instead, which I shall teach you: that will give you the fruit of Vedic study, full and complete." The Yaga performed by sage Bharadhwaja Bharadhwaja decided on performing the Yaga; Indra taught him how to do it; all preparations were completed. The sage wanted that Shakthi must preside and bless the Yaga. So he went to Kailash but, the time was not opportune for presenting his petition. Shiva and Shakthi were engaged in a competitive dance, trying to find out who could dance longer. Eight days passed thus, before Shakthi noticed Bharadhwaja standing in the cold. She just cast a smile at him and danced along as before! The sage mistook the smile as a cynical refusal to notice him; so he turned his back on Kailash and started to descend. To his dismay, he found his left leg, hand and eye put out of action by a stroke. Shiva saw him fall; He came up to him and consoled him; Bharadhwaja was told that Shakthi had indeed blessed him and his Yaga. Then, Shiva revived him and cured him, sprinkling water from the Kamandalu. Both Shiva and Shakthi granted the Rishi (sage) boons: They would both attend the Yaga, they said. All past assurances accomplished by one incident After the Yaga was over, They were so pleased that They conferred even more boons on the sage. Shiva said that They would take human form and be born in the Bharadhwaja Gothra (lineage) thrice: Shiva alone as Shirdi Sai Baba, Shiva and Shakthi together at Puttaparthy as Sathya Sai Baba and Shakthi alone as Prema Sai, later. Then Shiva remembered the illness that had suddenly come upon Bharadhwaja at Kailash on the eighth day of the waiting in the cold on the ice. He gave another assurance. "As expiation for the neglect which Shakthi showed you at Kailash for 8 days, this Shakthi will suffer the stroke for 8 days, when We both take birth as Sathya Sai and, on the 8th day, I shall relieve her from all signs of the disease by sprinkling water, just as I did at Kailash to cure your illness." It was the working out of this assurance that you witnessed today, just now. This had to happen, this stroke and the cure. The assurance given in the Threthaa Yuga had to be honored. I may tell you now that the poor forlorn bhakta who had to get the stroke, which I took over, was, a convenient excuse, which was utilised. You see, a railway engine is not made available to haul just one bogey; they wait until a number of bogeys are to be taken along and then, they put the engine into action. So too, the disease had to be gone through, the Bhakta had to be saved, the assurance to be carried out, the mystery had to be cleared, the Divinity had to be more clearly announced by the manifestation of this Grand Miracle. All these were accomplished by this one incident. Let Me tell you one more thing: Nothing can impede or halt the work of this Avatar. When I was upstairs all these days, some people foolishly went about saying. "It is all over with Sai Baba" and they turned back many who were coming to Puttaparthy! Some said I was in Samadhi, as if I am a Sadhaka! Some feared I was the victim of black magic, as if anything can affect Me! The splendor of this Avatar will go increasing, day-by-day. Formerly when the little boy raised aloft the Govardhanagiri, the Gopis and Gopalas realised that Krishna was the Lord. Now, it is not one Govardhanagiri, a whole range will be lifted, you will see! Have patience, have faith. Tomorrow morning, I shall give every one of you the Namaskaaram blessing that you missed today. Guru Poornima Day, 6-7-1963 To discover one's reality and to dwell in that Divine peace, one need not give up the world and take to asceticism. - Sathya Sai Baba PROTECTION OF THE DEVOTEES 7-7-1963 YESTERDAY, when I came into the Hall, I could see the agony you all felt. That was because you identified Me with this body, that was having the illness. If you had known My truth, you would not have been sad; in fact, if you had known your Truth, that would be enough. The illness came and went; I was its master, throughout. One day, when it reached its climax, I was watching its behavior and directing it to finish its Dharma. For I had taken it on Myself and so, I must allow it to do its Dharma! All kinds of silly stories were circulated when I was ill! Some people feared that when I went to the South recently, some black magic was inflicted upon Me and that the stroke was the consequence. Let Me tell you that nothing evil can affect Me. Nothing can harm Me. I am the Master, the Shakthi (Power) that overpowers everything else. I knew that short explanation: some people were saying that I was in Mounam or Samadhi (silence or a state of concentration in Yoga). Now why should I keep the vow of silence? If I am silent, how can I carry out My Task of reforming you and making you all realise the aim of life? And, why should I seek Samadhi, I who am the Ananda Swaruupam, the Prema Swaruupam (Embodiment of Bliss and of Love) Myself. It is the wavering doubter, the ignorance dabbler, who will lend his ear to such talk. The true bhakta will discard all such news. For the bhaktas here, the 8 days were days of intense thapas; they had no other thought than of Swami. To think low or mean is also egoism Once, Krishna too pretended to be suffering from headache, intense, unbearable headache! He acted that role quite as realistically, as I did last week. He wound warm clothes around His head, rolled restlessly in bed. His eyes were red and He was in evident distress. The face too appeared swollen and pale. Rukmini, Sathyabhama and the other queens rushed about with all kinds of remedies and palliatives. But they were ineffective. At last, they consulted Naradha and he went into the sick room to consult Krishna Himself and find out which drug would cure Him. Krishna directed him to bring---What do you think the drug was?---the dust of the feet of a true Bhakta! In a trice, Naradha manifested himself in the presence of some celebrated bhaktas of the Lord; but, they were too humble to offer the dust of their feet to be used by their Lord as a drug! That Is also a kind of egoism. "I am low, mean, small, useless, poor, sinful, inferior"---such feelings also are egoistic; when the ego goes, you do not feel either superior or inferior. No one would give the dust wanted by the Lord; they were too worthless, they declared. Naradha came back disappointed to the sickbed. Then, Krishna asked him, "Did you try Brindavan where the Gopis live?" The Queens laughed at the suggestion and even Naradha asked in dismay, "What do they know of Bhakti (devotion)?" Still, the sage had to hurry thither. Do karma, which is approved by higher wisdom When the Gopis heard Krishna was ill and that the dust of their feet might cure Him, without a second thought they shook the dust off their feet and filled his hands with the same. By the time Naradha reached Dwaraka, the headache had gone. It was just a five-day drama, to teach that self-condemnation is also egoism and all Bhaktas must obey that the Lord’s command without demur. When I said that I had taken on the illness that was destined for some one who could not have suffered it or survived it, many of you felt, "Why should Swami, for the sake of a single person, plunge so many of us in grief?." Well! Did not Rama proceed to the forest though all Ayodhya wept? My Dharma of Bhaktharakshana (protection of devotees) must be carried out; the Dharma of the disease must also be worked out. Krishna could have stopped the rains, however powerful Indra was; but, Indra had to do his Dharma and by lifting Govardhanagiri to protect the cows and cowherds, Krishna manifested His Divinity! In this case also, it is the same Leela (Divine sportive act). Using the chance to demonstrate to a doubting world the Divinity inherent in this Human Form. I told you yesterday that even this lucky bhakta was just an instrument to work out the promise made in the past to the Sage Bharadhwaja; it served to announce My real Nature to you all. You are indeed fortunate that you could witness on the sacred Guru Poornima Day this magnificent proof of My Divinity. Karma of a higher order leads to jnaana There is no Sathyam (Truth), without Shivam (Goodness); there is no Shivam, without Sundaram (Beauty). Truth alone can confer Mangalam (Auspiciousness) and Mangalam alone is the real beauty. Truth is beauty; Joy is beauty; falsehood and grief are ugly, because they are unnatural. Buddhi, chittham and hrudhayam (intellect, sub-conscious mind and heart)---these are the three centers in the individual where reside jnaana, karma and Bhakti). The effulgence of Sathyam will reveal Shivam; do karma (action), which is approved by the higher wisdom, not karma, which is born of ignorance. Then, all karma will be Shivam (auspicious, beneficial, blessed). The experience of that Shivam is what is called Sundaram; for it confers real Ananda. That is my Reality. That is why My Life is named "Sathyam Shivam Sundaram." Do karma based on jnaana, the jnaana that all is One. Let the karma be suffused with Bhakti; that is to say, humility, Prema, karuna and ahimsa (love, compassion, non-violence). Let Bhakti be filled with jnaana; otherwise, it will be as light as a balloon, which drifts along any current of air, or gust of wind. Mere jnaana will make the heart dry; Bhakti makes it soft with sympathy and karma gives the hands something to do, something, which will sanctify every one of the minutes that have fallen to your lot to live here. This is why Bhakti is referred to as upaasana, dwelling near, feeling the Presence, sharing the sweetness of Divinity. The yearning for upaasana prompts you to go on pilgrimages, to construct and renovate temples, to consecrate images. The sixteen items of Upachaara (honoring) with which the Lord is worshipped satisfy the mind, which craves for personal contact with the Supreme. All this is karma of a high order; they lead to jnaanam. First, you start with the idea, "I am in the Light;" then the feeling "the light is in me" becomes established. This leads to the conviction, "I am the Light." That is the supreme wisdom. See yourself in all; love all as yourself. A dog caught in a room whose walls are mirrors sees in all the myriad reflections, not itself but rivals, competitors, other dogs, which must be barked at. So, it tires itself out by jumping on this reflection and that, and when the images also jump, it becomes mad with fury. The wise man, however, sees himself everywhere and is at peace: he is happy that there are so many reflections of himself all around him. That is the attitude you must learn to possess, that will save you from needles bother. Prashanthi Nilayam, 7-7-.1963 With Sai love from Sai brothers – ‘’ Source and Courtesy: Start your day with - make it your home page Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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