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Sai Baba a Geologist

A noted geologist who heads the Geology Department of a major University was

witness to one of Baba's materializations. Baba picked up a rough piece of

granite to ask the scientist what it contained. The geologist mentioned some

minerals. Baba insisted, "I don't mean those, but something deeper." He

continued, "Well molecules, atoms, electrons, protons..." Baba wasn't

satisfied, "No, no, no, go deeper still." The geologist professed his

ignorance.The Baba took the rock, blew on it, and gave it back to the

geologist. The geologist was flabbergasted, for the rock had been transformed

into a statue of Krishna playing the divine flute. Baba admonished him, "You

see, beyond your atoms and all, God was in the rock, God is sweetness and joy.

Break off Krishna's foot and taste it".The geologist found no difficulty in

breaking the statue

and tasting the foot. It was candy with a sweetness all its own. No wonder

Howard Murphet one of Baba's biographers, has said, "Science gives but the

first word; the last word is known only to the great spiritual scientists like

Sai Baba."If Baba can transform rock into God... and we have the geologist's

word for it - then why not the human being already charged with the divine

afflatus or divinely imparted knowledge?Apart from his own prodigious spiritual

image which encompasses millions of devotees, Baba uses the 3000 and more Sai

spiritual educational, and social service institutions throughout the world to

spread His message with the objective of transforming the common people into a

race of enlightened Godmen and Godwowen.Spiritual Impressions,

Puttaparthi, Mar-Apr. 1997, pag. 52

On Sunday, the 13th day of December, 1964, Baba was at Venkatagiri town. He had

reached the place a few days earlier in connection with a heavy schedule of

discourses in the Chittoor and Nellore Districts, in Andhra Pradesh. But, Baba

is not bound by the limitations of space and time. On that very day, about

8.a.m, "Baba surprisingly appeared in front of my house" says, U. Ram Mohan

Rao, Superintendent of the Junior Technical School, Manjeri (28 miles south Of

Calicut on the West Coast, in the State of Kerala). As the crow flies, the

distance between Manjeri and Venkatagiri will be more than 600 miles! But,

distance is only a game that Baba plays to keep us, poor mortals, apart.Mr. Ram

Mohan Rao describes Bhagawan's visit thus : "I and my wife were indoors with our

daughter. The maid told us that a Sadhu had come. We went out to see who it was

and we were

surprised to see Sri Sathya Sai Baba! Baba said, Hari Om, Santhi Santhi Santhi;

we prostrated ourselves at His Feet. We led Baba into the office room, but on

the way, He saw our Pooja room where His Photo was hung, along with several

holy pictures. He said He would sit in the pooja room itself. He told us that

He had come to us that day, being very pleased with the Bhakthi of Sailaja, my

daughter. He asked me to send word to devotees if any were available for Bhajan

and Pravachan." . He sent word to his neighbours and people collected

immediately", says Ramesh Rao, his cousin. "He sang "Nandamukunda Sayinath",

"Om Bhagavan", "Jayaram Jayaram," along with the Bhakthas. After Bhajan, He

talked to me in Tamil, to my wife in Canarese and to the others in the mixed

dialect of Tamil- Malayalam. He blessed us by the gift of a Sankhamala and

Himself placed it on His own photograph. He told me that my father had decided

on a rite to propitiate the Snake-God (Sarpasamskaram) at Bangalore on

25th February, Thursday ('My day' He added), but He told me that he need not

perform it, since He had already wiped off the calamity it was intended to

avert and the sacrilege it was designed to atone"."He took some light

refreshment. Then, He told the persons around Him that all will be anxiously

awaiting Him at Kalahasti. So, he took leave of us and asking, us not to follow

Him, went through the gate. He disappeared in a few seconds. We all felt happy

at this unexpected Darshan and were struck by the 'disappearing miracle',

within the twinkling of an eye".Nor was this all. There are a few more

paragraphs in the letter, which prof. Kasturi quotes : "24th December,

Thursday, was a holiday; we felt lonely since our Sailaja was away at

Mangalore. So we went out in the afternoon to visit some friends and returned

home at 6.30 P.M. We were shocked to see the lights burning within the house.

My wife asked me whether I had forgotten to switch off all the lights. I first

examined the lock of the main door and finding it intact, went round the house

to see whether the other doors were bolted from within. They were o.k. Then,

both of us came to the front door, opened the lock and walked in. We found

everything intact; all the lights were on. We saw Baba sitting in our Prayer

room. We prostrated ourselves at His feet. He asked us (in Kannada) whether we

were afraid ! We replied that we were very lucky and that we felt very happy!

Baba -said that He had come because we were lonely and said. 'Let us sing

Bhajans. If Sailaja were here, she would have liked to sing', He said. He sang

a few Bhajans. He took food later, we discussed some general topics together.

Then, Baba retired for the night.Early next morning, Baba had His Bath; He had

coffee with us and then, discoursed on Bhakthi and the Basic Truth of Nature.

All of a sudden, we saw a rosary of Rudraksha beads in His hand; He put it on

my neck with His Blessings, with the direction that I

should wear it during my Sandhya rites. After those rites, I was to place it on

Baba's photograph. We had breakfast together. The Puja room was decorated

specially with garlands and flowers. Bhajan began. Meanwhile, devotees came to

know that Baba had come; so they too assembled for Bhajan. Baba discoursed on

Bhakthi in the Tamil-Malaylam dialect. He granted every one the coveted

interview.At 12 noon, Baba himself waved the Sacred light of Mangalarathi and

distributed Prasadam, to every one present. The quarter kilogram of dates that

I had, sufficed for 100 persons ! We had our lunch with Baba. He rested for a

couple of hours and we had 'tea' at 4-30 P.M. Then He told us that several

devotees were eagerly waiting for Him at Kalahasti. He blessed us again, when

we fell at His Feet. At 5 P.M., He went out on the road through the gate and

suddenly disappeared. what a wonderful miracle ! We could not believe our own


Lame hand "Naa Cheyi Baaga ayyindi" When I was working, unofficially as sub

Editor of Telugu Sanathana Sarathi, I came across a lady who had an experience

- a miracle - to narrate. However, as per the then practice, such miracles were

not to be mentioned in the Sanathana Sarathi. However, a friend of mine, Sri

Krishna Mohan Raju, who heard of this miracle, investigated the same personally

and wrote an article, published in his monthly magazine - Sri Vani, in Telugu.

Here is the narrative, in brief: -Janapati Lakshmi, a resident of Piduguralla

village of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh was married at an early age of 12,

but due to some high fever, her left hand became paralyzed, weak and twisted.

Due to this handicap, her husband did not take her at all.

God, however, had bestowed her with a melodi­ous voice and she used to sing

Annamayya Kirtans and Bhajans to eke out her livelihood, supporting her mother

as well. Even to tie her own sari was a difficult task for her. Because of this

handi­cap she was nick named as "Kunti Lakshmi" or "Lame Lakshmi" in the nearby

villages.As per some well-meaning people, they advised her to get the defect

set right in Vellore and she set about collect­ing funds for her journey and

surgery. When this was accomplished, she set about for the journey, escorted by

her music teacher. When they reached Vijayawada, by bus, all of a sudden, after

seeing the bus for Puttaparthi, she changed her plans and requested her guide

and teacher to travel to Puttaparthi first and then proceed to Vellore after

having Swami's Darshan. Accordingly when they reached Puttaparthi, at the bus

stand it­self, they learnt that Swarni was at Brindavan. As per advice of some

local residents, they went to

Brindavan to have Swami's Darshan. By a stroke of luck (or is it Swami's Grace!)

she was seated in the second row, behind a lady who was awaiting Swami.s

blessings on her birth­day. When Swami came near the lady, Lakshmi touched the

Lotus Feet with her right hand and then wanted her left hand also to touch the

Lotus Feet. With great trepidation she extended her left hand and touched His

Feet and lo and behold! Her left hand became perfectly all right and straight.

Joyously she cried out in Telugu "Naa Cheyi Baaga ayyindi" meaning, my hand has

become alright. Swami smiled and graciously went off but other ladies nearby

asked her to keep quiet, as she was shedding tears of joy and repeating the

sentence - my hand has become alright. This was on 12th April 1990- after

paralysis of seventeen years.Thereafter, abandoning her plan to visit Vellore,

she returned to Puttaparthi. narrated her experience to a few here and returned

to her village. All people of the Piduguralla

village who came to know of the miracle were exhilarated and happy to note that

"Kunti Lakshmi" or "Lame Lakshmi" had her hand perfectly restored. In one

voice, they proclaimed that only God could do such miracles and Sai Baba was

God. This episode is a thing of joy to (heists and a puzzle to atheists and

rationalists but to the people of that village Sai Baba is God.sourced: SAI

SPANDAN - Journal of SSSIHMS Prasanthi Gram - Third Issue

Resurrection of Walter Cowan John Hislop writes in his book "My Baba and

I"Walter died in his room at the Connemara Hotel in Madras. He and his wife,

Elsie, had arrived there on December 23, 1971 to see Baba, who himself was in

Madras to preside at an All-India Conference of Sai Organizations.Early on the

morning of December 25, a rumour quickly spread that an elderly American had

died of a heart attack. My wife, Victoria and I immediately thought of Walter.

We went to the hotel and found Elsie there. Walter had fallen to the floor in

the very early morning hours. Elsie had called Mrs. Ratanlal whose room was

just down the corridor. The two women managed to lift Walter to the bed, and he

passed away in Elsie's arms a few minutes later. An ambulance was called, the

body was taken to a hospital, pronounced dead upon arrival, placed in an empty,

storage room, and covered with a

sheet to await daylight and decisions about the funeral.Elsie and Mrs. Ratanlal

had already been to see Baba when we arrived. He had told them he would visit

the hospital at 10 a.m. The two ladies were ready and waiting to join Baba at

the appointed hour. They did go to the hospital, but Baba had arrived earlier

and had already departed. To the joy of the ladies, but also to their total

amazement, they found Walter alive and being attended to. Nobody sawBaba with

Walter, nor has Baba chosen to say how or why Walter was resurrected, but on

returning to the devotee family who were his hosts, Baba told the people there

that he had brought Walter back to life.Walter's own story throws some light on

what happened, and later on, I was a party to a fascinating episode; for

Walter's life continued to be in danger and, in fact, Baba told me that Walter

died three times and had to be returned to life three times.Walter described

his experience. He said he realized that

he had died and that he had remained with the body, in the ambulance, looking at

it with interest. Then Baba came and together they went to a place, which seemed

to be at a great height. There they entered a conference room where people were

seated around a table. There was a presiding chairman who had a kind face and

who spoke in a kindly way. He called for Walter's records and these were read

aloud. The records were in different languages and Walter did not understand

what was said until after some time when Baba started to translate. Walter was

surprised to hear that he had occupied a lofty status in various times and

cultures and had always been dedicated to the welfare of the people. At length,

Baba addressed the person presiding and asked that Walter be given over to

Baba's care, for Baba had work for Walter to do. Then, when Baba and he

departed the room, Walter felt himself descending towards a place where his

body was, but felt great reluctance. In terms of direct

experience, he had realized that he was not the body, and he had no wish to be

subject again to anxieties and miseries.After hearing Walter, I asked Baba if

Walter was just imagining the incidents. Baba replied that it was not

imagination. The events were real. They had occurred in Walter's mind and Baba

himself had guided the thoughts. I then asked if everyone had a similar

experience at death. Baba answered that some people had similar experiences and

some did not. Several years later, I brought up the question again. Baba

answered that the corpse was common to all, but beyond that there was no common

experience. The day after Walter returned to life was one of high interest for

me. Sri Appa and I accompanied Baba to the home of a devotee. From there we

went to a meeting of lady members of the Nigara Sai Samiti where Baba was to

give awards and speak. Sri Appa and I were sitting on the platform, just a few

feet from Baba, and were able to observe him closely. He

made the awards and gave a spiritual discourse, all without any break or any

moment of hesitation. From that meeting, we were to go to the home of a devotee

for lunch. As soon as we got in the car, Baba turned to us and said, "While I

was talking in the meeting, Mrs. Cowan called me. I at once went to the

hospital and did what was necessary. Mr. Cowan's health had taken a bad turn

for the worse."So, even while busy on the speaker's platform, Baba had gone to

the hospital, and had done what was necessary. But, to the eyes of Sri Appa and

myself, Baba had continued in action and speech on the platform for the whole

time without any break or hesitation whatsoever. How does one explain this

mystery?When we arrived at the devotee's house for lunch, Baba turned to us and

said, "You will not be able to join me for lunch. Take this vibhuti to the

hospital, give Mr. Cowan some in his mouth and rub the rest on his forehead and

chest. If you will walk to the corner there, you

will find Mrs. Hislop in a taxi. She will take you to the hospital."Now the fact

was, that my wife had been following in a car. How ever, she had taken great

pains to stay out of sight, but her effort was to no avail for, as usual, Baba

knew everything. When we reached the hospital with the vibhuti, Mrs. Cowan

said, "Walter took a very bad turn just a little while ago. I thought he was

dead, and I was terrified. I at once called Baba in a loud voice. Now, Walter

seems a little improved. When I called Baba I felt his presence at once." At

the hospital, Elsie experienced exactly what Baba had told Sri Appa and myself

in the car.Other instances of Baba's powers of resurrection are known to other

devotees. The Raja of Ventagiri told me of his experience when, some twenty or

so years ago, he witnessed Baba's resurrection of a man dead some six days in

whom body decomposition was taking its normal course. About these mysteries,

one can make no comment; they are outside the

customary human experience.

The Glimpse He Granted

It was a bright sunny morning. We had all just settled on the portico for

Swami's Darshan. The rustle of His robe and the sweet fragrance announced His

Divine Presence. To my delight I was called for an interview with my parents.I

was a most badly behaved boy indulging in 'Modern' behavioral attitudes. I

would like to admit that the entire family believed in Swami, except me. When

we came to Prasanthi Nilayam in 1980, my brother got admission in the Sri

Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and we got Swami's grace for the first

time. Swami poured his love on us. Even then, my natural instincts turned

lovingly towards the enchanting Person but my weaknesses and worldly habits

turned me away from Him. I lacked the moral fibre to transform myself. I was

scared that He would reveal my nefarious doings. In fact, I loved and dreaded

Swami's Interview. In fact I wanted to get away from

Puttaparthi and I wanted to avoid joining Swami's School. But Swami's infinite

mercy and grace did not throw me into the jaws of the world.I went inside with

bated breath and beating heart. As usual groups of devotees were taken in by

Bhagavan, into the inner interview room. I was relieved when our turn was over

and Swami moved to distribute Vibhuti packets. Suddenly He halted. The

expression on His countenance changed from motherly Love to fatherly sternness.

He beckoned me back into the inner interview room, alone!My hands would not stop

shaking and my heartbeat raced beyond the range of my E.C.G. scale. He was

already seated and commanded me to sit at His Feet. I sweated profusely. Then

He asked me a question, "Tell me! Do you believe in Swami or not?" (By now it

had become a choice between wanting to believe in Swami or not). He then gave

me an undeniable and incredible proof of His omnipresence, of which even my own

mother did not know. He told me how, utilizing

my pocket money, I had gone to a Hindi movie, instead of attending school. He

even told me the name of the film I had gone to, the name of the friend with

whom I had gone, a Sarabjit Singh and even the amount of money I spent on

'Samosas' during the interval, which was incidentally Rs. 10/?. This revelation

jolted me into the realization of my aimless derogatory living and opened new

vistas of a happy, joyful life, in which I have made and am making sincere

efforts to transform myself.—B. Dutt, II B.Sc.(1987), Sri Sathya Sai Institute

of Higher Learninghttp://www.radiosai.org/Journals/Vol_02/11June01/05

"The Cave of Vasishta"

The twenty-sixth of July, 1957, was full of pleasant memories for the devotees

and the residents of Sivanand ashram, for Baba boarded a bus and proceeded

along the bank of the Ganges to a palace of the Rani of Garhwal for a quiet

morning.On the way back Baba stopped the bus at a place where a thin little

iron post carried a half-distinct nameplate reading "The Cave of Vasishta"

(Guru of Rama). He descended the rather precipitous incline to the river bank

as if he had been there often before, and as if he were aware of a prearranged

engagement with the occupant of the cave. The Ganges curves widely near the

cave, and so the scenery was doubly attractive. The cave bears a hallowed name;

it has been sanctified by the austerities performed therein by many great

recluses and monks in the past. Swami Purushotamananda, a disciple of Swami

Brahamananda of the Ramakrishna order, had

been initiated into monastic life by Mahapurushji, another direct disciple of

Sri Ramakrishna. The Swami had been in the cave for thirty years. he welcomed

Baba as if expecting him. He was more than seventy years old and had spent the

major part of his life in asceticism of a most rigorous kind and in the study

of the scriptures. His face had the genuine glow of spiritual joy and the

slightest mention of the glory of the Godhead sent him into samadhi, the depths

of inner bliss. When a young man of twenty-seven, Brahamanandaji had read his

palm at Kanyakumari and predicted that he would go into a cave for continuous

meditation.Baba repeated the visit the next evening in spite of a thunderous

sky and the grumbling of those who accompanied him, but both ceased by his

grace. Baba sang a number of songs while at the cave. Hearing that the Swami

had been suffering from chronic stomach-ache for many years, Baba "took" some

candy from nowhere and gave it to him with instructions

about diet. More mysterious and significant was the Vision that he gave to Swami

Purushotamananda that evening. As early as 1918, the Swami had written to his

Master, "All is false and I cannot rest satisfied until and unless I come face

to face with Truth!" After sending everyone outside the cave, Baba and the sage

went into the inner room. Sri Subbaramiah, President of the Divine Life Society

at Venkatagiri, describes what he was able to see from outside the cave: "Even

now that picture is imprinted in my memory. I was standing near the entrance to

the cave. I could see what was happening through a chink in the door. Baba

placed his head on the lap of Swami Purushotamananda and lay himself down.

Suddenly his entire body was bathed in divine brilliance. His head and face

appeared to me to have increased very much in size. Rays of splendor emanated

from his face. I was overwhelmed with a strange inexplicable joy." When later

asked to divulge the nature of the vision, Baba

informed us that it was a vision of the darshan of Padmanabha as installed,

since childhood, in his heart. "It was Jyothirpadmanabha". He said Jyothi

meaning Light.After a minute or two, Baba rose and sitting by the side of the

septuagenarian, called him by name and slowly brought him into the

consciousness of space and time. Baba sang a song on Rama, composed by

Thyagaraja and when he concluded, he waved his hand and materialised from the

air a rosary of sparkling sphatika beads for Purushotamananda.Five years later

when the Swami left his body behind and merged in that Truth, Baba announced

his departure to me at Puttaparthi (thousands of miles away). It was a few

minutes after the emergence of the Lingam from Baba's stomach where it grew for

days. It was Mahashivarathri; Baba told me that Swami's body will be buried with

the Sphatika Rosary on the chest. (It was!)The incidents at Vasishtha cave were

literally mind-blowing. When we were allowed in, we hung

on every word that Baba uttered and gathered every signal of adoration that

emanated from the aged monk - the rising eye-brow, the twinkling eye, the

smothered gasp, the folded palm, the smile that shone atop the beard. Baba told

him of his early trials at the cave, of his struggles to light a fire and of his

amazement, one morning, to find a package of match boxes hiding in a corner.

Baba confirmed "I placed it there for you". The monk sat up at this surprising

revelation. The attendant monks explained that for many years they were using

fire-stones to get the spark which they would nourish, feed and foster into

flame. They too were aghast at the discovery, that Baba was aware of their

Guru, of his travails and his needs. "He knows all: He is all" they exclaimed.

Man has no means to identify what cannot be accounted for, explained or

measured. He can only sit silent, dumbfounded in deep dismay.Source: N.

Kasturi-Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram

With Sai love from Sai brothers - ''

Source and courtesy: http://www..com/

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