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Dr. John S. Hislop is a distinguished academician, businessman, administrator

and philosopher who is presently the Chairman of the Central Council of the Sri

Sathya Sai Seva Organisation in America and a member of World Council of Sri

Sathya Sai Seva Organisations. He and four others left Brindavan for

Puttaparthi by a taxi at about 8 P.M. in the month of February 19173. Some

distance away, the driver negotiated the taxi to overtake a bus. During the

process they were caught in a precarious situation. They confronted a speeding

car coming towards them from the opposite direction. The other side of the road

was under repairs, leaving not an inch of space on their right. A head-on

collision between the on­coming car and their taxi was therefore imminent

within a few seconds of time and

space. The bright head-lights of the on-rushing car had reduced the visibility

to almost nil for the driver and the occu­pants of the taxi. They were

terrified and began tensely awaiting the inevitable. In a split second they saw

the car behind them. Both the vehicles had escaped a devastating crash and were

now speeding in their original directions.Next morning during the darshans,

Hislop thanked Baba for saving their lives the previous night. Bhagavan Baba,

smiled and said, "Yes, that was a close one. You were so shocked that not one

of you called for Me. But Baba saved you anyway.Dr. Bapi Raju of Vishakhapatnam

writes about another instance, demonstrating Baba's complete control over time

and space. One day he was going in his car. His son was driving and he was

sitting by his side. As they were passing an unmanned railway crossing the car

was hit by a railway engine coming from their right. Dr. Raju was thrown out of

the car. To their utter amazement, they

saw, that both the car and the rail engine had instantaneously stop­ped dead.

The engine driver seemed quite astonished when he said that he did not know how

his engine had halted although he had not made any attempt to stop it. The

impact though of a crushing magnitude had created only a small dent on the

right side of the car. Dr. Raju and his son escaped unscathed. A few days later

during darshans at Puttaparthi, Baba spoke to DT. Raju and said, "In a sudden

calamity or happiness always think of God first. At the time of the accident to

you, I had to stop the rail engine and the car and I had to throw you on your

left, otherwise you would have fallen on the railway lines in front and

received fatal injuries.”source:excerpts from hislop narrative


The Cosmic Form The concept of Brahman, the Ultimate Conscious Reality,

manifesting itself as the Universe, and Its being the material and the

efficient cause for creation, represents the pinnacle of philosophical quest.

Yet, the cognition of the truth of the Immanence of Brahman is difficult to

achieve, for it is impossible for man to rend the veil of Avidya or Maya. Such

understanding of Brahman comes best to man when the Lord vouchsafes

'Viswavirataswaroopa Darsana' to the ardent seeker - not by jaded disquisition

of self-designated philosophers.

During the Summer Course on Indian Culture and Spiritually held in 1974 at

Brindavan, Bhagawan had been discoursing on "Brahman" and other related topics

with remarkable clarity and lucidity, quite characteristic of Bhagawan's

expositions on any subject. One day, He walked up to me and asked me, "Have you

been able to follow the discourses?Yes, Swami! They are so nice," I replied

immediately. He then said, "you shall see something more" and walked past to

the waiting congregation. During the early hours of the next morning, around 3

A.M., I was awake to a unique and astounding experience. In the open where I

slept Baba appeared in a magnificent, glorious, gigantic form, sitting in the

lotus posture, 'padmasan' on the ground. I was standing before him and I could

see the width of His knee, in that splendorous form, exceed my own height. I

had to lift my head up a considerable angle

to look at Baba's face, resplendent and beautiful, with matted locks of hair of

luminescent copper-brown hue. To the right Lord Ganesha was sitting, while on

the left Lord Subramanya was standing. Baba said "Behold!" and I looked into

His eyes and later fixed my gaze on His Chest. Lo! In Him, vast space teeming

with millions of stars, many of them being formed and fading out then, the

planets and their moons whirling past, the earth with its variety of flora and

fauna, forests deserts, oceans, mountain ranges, industrial workshops, railway

lines, sky scrapers, airplanes and all things that are found on this tiny

little earth. The whole Universe in Him! My body became warm at this marvelous,

awesome, wondrous experience. What a majestic, glorious, Cosmic Form!

Immediately thereafter, Baba diminished in size, to His normal height, and

appeared as an ethereal, enchanting Form glowing with bluish luminosity. This

is Sai as Vishnu, I felt.

The two visions I had the good fortune to have as described above clearly

demonstrate the Immanence of Brahman in the Universe and also that our Lord Sri

Sathya Sai is none else than that Supreme Being who is the Lord of the Universe.











Sai Baba is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. Event after event that have

happened in the lifetime of SRI SATYA SAI BABA have proved that beyond doubt.

One such incident that did just that occurred in South Africa.

Mr. Ronald has been a devotee of Swami for last 6/7 years. He stays in South

Africa and keeps coming to Parthi often. Once on such a trip, Ronald came to

have Baba's Darshan at Brindavan. After Darshan, Ronald went straight to the

cabin of Mr. Narasimhamoorthy, the warden of Brindavan campus of Sri Sathya Sai

Institute Of Higher Learning and asked for Vibhuthi (sacred ash), which many

have seen Baba give to people who assemble for His Darshan everyday both

morning and evening.

Seemingly a common request by Ronald, Sri Narasimhamoorthy picked up two small

packets of Vibhuthi and handed them over to Ronald. Ronald accepted them and

was expected to leave the office premises; at least that is what the warden

would have expected Ronald to do and continued looking through the papers that

had been placed before him for his guidance or approval. "Sir, I need Vibhuthi

to take back to my home in South Africa,” asked Ronald. Looking up to him, the

warden said, " That's what was given to you Ronald" pointing to the Vibhuthi

packets in his hand. " But sir that's not enough" replied Ronald "I want

Vibhuthi to shipped in a 10-tonne container to South Africa." Surprised at such

an answer from Ronald, the warden sir enquired about the reason for such a

peculiar request form him. Ronald narrated his story, which stunned the warden


rendered him speechless.

Ronald stays in Natal province of South Africa, a province that is notorious for

anti-social activities. It was a rainy night at Natal, when Ronald heard a knock

at his door. Ronald enquired as to who it could be. They replied "Pedestrians

sir. It's raining cats and dogs. Please allow us to stay in your place for the

night." Not doubting for an instant, Ronald opened the door. As Ronald opened

the door, the so-called pedestrians opened fire and shot him at point blank

range. Once in to his house, they ran amok collecting all that they could in

his house and ran out shutting the door, leaving Ronald in a pool of blood.

Ronald lay in semi-conscious state, looking at SAI BABA's photograph and called

out, in pain, to Swami from within. As he cried out, the large photograph of

Baba towards which he was looking seemed to move and as his call became even

more fervent, the movement became even more vigorous. As the photo shook

vigorously, Ronald found SAI BABA coming out of the photograph and walked the

space unto his wounded body. As He reached Ronald's wounded body, Baba waved

his hand and manifested huge amount of Vibhuthi (sacred ash) and Himself

applied it on Ronald's body near liver region. Baba then told him " Worry not,

Ronald, for I shall take care of your wound. The bullet is embedded in a small

corner near the liver. I have given you Prasadam (divine and potent medicine in

form of sacred ash. You need not undergo any operation. That bullet shall get

automatically dissolved."

As Ronald finished narrating, he showed the warden an x-ray of his abdomen -

liver area, which clearly showed the 9-inch bullet resting in the area. "This,

sir" continued Ronald "has been in my body for the last 3 months. Only

difference being that it was 9-inches long then, now it has been dissolved to

mere 3 and 1/2 inches. The rest too will dissolve."

Ronald's experience became the talking point among the people, who had assembled

at Baba's ashram. Many wanted to question him in person; many even had a look at

the x-ray film.... Strange are Baba's ways of responding to those who call on

him. Ever heard of a person living, without even a slightest amount of

difficulty, with a 9-inch steel-rolled plate inside his body for 3 months?

Well, as far as we could remember... 'Never'.

Next day too people were discussing this till Baba arrived to give darshan. As

usual, Baba started from the ladies side, went to the children and then to the

men's side. As HE crossed over, His eyes suddenly fell on Ronald. HE

immediately went towards him and gave him HIS hand. Ronald stood up; Baba

placed HIS hand at Ronald's abdomen and enquired, " Hello Ronal, How is the


Swami", replied Ronald, "by your grace, its dissolved 5 ½ inches in 3 months."

"The rest 3 ½ inches" continued Swami "too, will dissolve in next 2 months".

Having said that, He materialized Vibhuthi and Himself put it into Ronald's

mouth, patted him, calling him " Good boy ... good boy ".

Ronald returned back in full bliss to South Africa. Two months later, the warden

sir received a parcel for Natal, bearing the name of Ronald as its sender.

Inside it was a letter from Ronald accompanied by a fresh x-ray of his

abdominal region. The bullet was nowhere to be seen, it had been dissolved.

Source: http://www.geocities.com/sai_ram108/mira23.htm

This photograph was taken at a Sai Bhajan session in Paris. When the photograph

was developed this image of Sai Baba leaving the hall was seen on the


Miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba

The villagers of Shirdi and afar soon found out that this was no ordinary fakir

but an avatar (incarnation) of a very high order. He demonstrated through his

miracles and utterances, the purpose and intention for which he had come. He

would often say, "My Leela is inscrutable". To each one he met, he imparted

knowledge according to the capacity of the recipient to absorb it. Baba's

Leela's (miracles) were plenty and varied, and we recount just a few which

occurred during and after his lifetime.

Baba's Leelas (Miracles)

Lighting lamps with water

Long before Sai Baba's fame spread, he was fond of burning lights in his Masjid

and other Temples. But for the oil needed in those little earthenware lights

that he lit, he depended on the generosity of the grocers of Shirdi. He had

made it a rule to light earthenware lamps in the Masjid every evening and he

would call on the grocers for small donations. But there came a time when the

grocers got tired of giving oil free to Sai Baba and one day they bluntly

refused to oblige him, saying they had no fresh stocks. Without a word of

protest Sai Baba returned to the Masjid. Into those earthenware lamps he poured

water and lighted the wicks. The lamps continued to burn deep into the midnight.

The matter came to the notice of the grocers who now came to Sai Baba with

profuse apologies. Wouldn't Sai Baba kindly pardon them? Sai Baba pardoned

them, but he warned them never

to lie again. "You could have refused to give me the oil, but did you have to

say that you didn't have fresh stocks?" he admonished them. But he had made his


Premonition of burning fields

Once, harvesting in Shirdi had been completed and the food grains of the entire

village had been stored in a yard. The summer was on. The heat was intense, as

only those who have lived in Shirdi know. One afternoon Sai Baba summoned

Kondaji Sutar and said to him: "Go, your field is on fire" Frightened, Kondaji

ran to his field and. frantically looked around for any sign of fire. There

wasn't any. He returned to the masjid and informed Sai Baba that he had looked

everywhere but had found no trace of fire and why did Baba have to frighten

him? Unfazed, Baba said : "You better turn back and look again." Baba was right

after all. Kondaji noticed that a sheaf of corn was indeed on fire and smoke was

billowing from it. A strong wind was fanning the fire and word had gone round to

the villagers who now came running to the scene. "Sai Baba," the people shouted,

"help us,

help us put the fire out!" Thereupon, Sai Baba walked casually towards the yard,

sprinkled some water on a stack of sheaves and said: " There now! The fire will

die down!" And so it happened.

Stopping the rain

There is the story of one Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Fradhan who had come to Shirdi

to take Sai Baba's Darshan along with his wife. As the couple was about to

leave, it began to rain heavily. Thunder and lightning rent the air. As the

Pradhan couple looked round in dismay, Sai Baba prayed. "Oh Allah!" he intoned,

"let the rains cease. My children are going home. Let them go peacefully!" The

storm thereupon ceased, the downpour reduced to slight drizzle and the Pradhans

were able to reach their destination safely.

Raising the water level in well

When Sai Baba first came to Shirdi it had of no basic facilities. There was a

well put only in name. It had no natural spring water and if ever there had

been one, it must long ago have dried up. Water had to be fetched from a

distance. When, therefore, Sai Baba gave his permission to the villagers to

celebrate the Ram Navami Fair, (Baba's Birthday) the big problem facing the

organizers was one of water supply. So What should they do but go to Sai Baba

with their problem? "'Oh yes," said Sai Baba, 'so you want plenty of water, do

you? Here, take this and drop it in the well and wait and see.'This," turned

up to be a platter of flowers on which some prasad (blessed food) had been

placed along with the remnants of alms Baba had received earlier in the day.

The villagers had no qualms about doing as they were did. Their faith in Sai

Baba was total. No sooner had

that platter of leaves been dropped in the well, it is said, water rose from the

bottom as if by divine command and completely filled it. And great was the

rejoicing of the people.

Saving a child from drowning

One report has it that word had spread that the 3-year old daughter of a poor

man called Babu Kirwandikar had fallen into the well and had been drowned. When

the villagers rushed to the well they saw the child suspended in mid-air as if

some invisible hand was holding her up! She was quickly pulled out. Sai Baba

was fond of that child who was often heard to say: I am Baba's sister!" After

this incident, the villagers took her at her word. "it is all Baba's Leela",

the people would say philosophically. They could offer no other explanation.

Flow of Godavari (river) from Baba's feet

These were instances of things they had seen with their own eyes. It was not

secondhand information they had gathered. Sai Baba was to them as real as their

homes and their fields and their cattle and the distant hills.Das Ganu once had

an unforgettable experience. On a festive occasion, he sought Baba's permission

to go to a place called Singba on the banks of the Godavari to have a bath in

the holy waters. "No," Baba replied resolutely, "where is the need to go all

the way when the Godavari is here right at my feet?" Das Ganu was vexed. He was

willing to concede that Ganga the holy river (Baba frequently referred to

Godavari as Ganga) rose from the feet of Sri Narayana (one among the Hindu

trinity of Gods) himself, but his faith was not deep enough to believe that the

waters of the Godavari could spring form the feet of his master, Sri Sai. Baba

who was reading

Das Ganu's mind decided that this was the time to strengthen Das Ganu's faith.

He told his devotee: "come closer to me and hold the hollow of your palms at my

feet!". As soon as he did so water flowed freely out of the toes of the master's

feet and filled the hollow of Das Ganu's palms in no time. His joy knew no

limits. He sprinkled the water on his head and his body and distributed some

more among the assembled devotees as tirtha (holy water).

Other miracles

There was that other occasion when many thought that the Masjid, which housed

Sai Baba itself, would be consumed by fire from the flames which leapt up from

the Dhuni. All that Baba did was to take some swipes at a wooden pillar in

front of him. With every blow the flames subsided and the fire died down.

"Miraculous," said his devotees. Often they would notice him stirring some hot

concoction over the kitchen fire, not with a ladle but with his bare hands.

There never was a time when his hand was scalded. What supernatural powers did

he have? On yet another occasion, Sai Baba was partaking of food with three of

his devotees in the Masjid when, without any cause for provocation, he

exclaimed- "Stop!" Then, as if nothing had happened, the four continued with

their meal. Lunch over and the dishes cleared, they stepped out of the Masjid,

when large chunks of

the ceiling fell on the very spot where they had been seated only a few minutes

earlier. Did Sai Baba's powers extend even to inanimate matter, the devotees

wondered. His devotees have quoted instances as to how Sai Baba commanded the

rains to stop and the winds to cease.

With Sai love from Sai brothers -''

Source and courtesy: http://www..com

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