Guest guest Posted July 28, 2005 Report Share Posted July 28, 2005 Divine Cure - Stranger than Fiction - Dr. K. Kanwar Baba is the greatest healer who treads this earth. He can heal with His look or touch, a mere brush of His robe, and also when He ignores you. He is the Doctor of doctors. As a Doctor, I have witnessed numerous patients suffering from very serious ailments who, despite treatment in the best hospitals of the world, could not be cured, but Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba miraculously cured them. Towards the end of March 1995, it was my turn to be a patient of a fatal disease. I started feeling very weak and suffered from pain all over the body, which remained throughout the day. I had much difficulty in micturition, and that too with frequency of burning sensation. Constant headache and drowsiness made my work in the consultation chamber a torture for me, and I had to rest for about half an hour before starting examining the patients. I consulted a number of specialists who advised me to undergo a battery of tests and ultrasound examination of the prostate gland. Cancer of the Prostate Gland Diagnosed The urologist whom I consulted examined my pathological reports and remarked that the results pointed to cancer of the prostate gland. The specialist advised me to undergo extensive open surgery as the disease by then may have spread to the surrounding area and elsewhere. In view of my handicaps of obesity, history of ischaemic heart disease for which I had balloon angioplasty done and the cancerous process, etc., he advised that "the cardio-thoracic surgical unit was to be kept ready for any emergencies" during operation. I was completely shocked and remembered Swami in this hour of crisis in my life. "Swami", I thought, "Whatever You do is for my good as You are my Divine Mother and Father. You only know what is best for me and I would gratefully accept Your verdict." On my returning home after the consultation, my wife inquired about my diagnosis and the result of the investigations. When I told her what had transpired, she suggested that both of us should go to Whitefield (Bangalore) to have Swami's Darshan and guidance. On reaching Swami's Ashram at Whitefield, we found Sai Ramesh Hall jampacked with devotees, giving us little chance of attracting Swami's attention, particularly when it was difficult for me to sit on the ground. In case I sat on a bench, the possibility of Swami coming there was remote. On the second day of our visit, Mrs. Safaya, wife of Dr. A.N.Safaya, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, happened to be sitting next to Nimi, my wife. Nimi told her about my illness and our purpose of visiting Whitefield. Mrs. Safaya informed us that after Darshan, Dr. Safaya would be in his room for a few minutes when he could be consulted. When we met Dr. Safaya, he told us that he along with his wife was shortly proceeding to Delhi and as such he could be of little help. However, he said, before leaving he would speak to Swami about me. Later he spoke to Swami about my illness. Swami told him that I had cancer of the prostate gland for the last 10 years but He had checked its deterioration. Next day, during Darshan time, Swami spoke to, my wife, Nimi and told her to proceed to the interview room. Nimi tried to call me for interview but I could not see her calling me. However, later Swami asked me too to proceed for interview. In the interview room, first He spoke to a team of officers who were working on Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Project, a huge multi-crore project for providing water to Rayalaseema region in Andhra Pradesh, which for centuries did not have enough drinking water and efforts by the British and Indian governments completely failed to yield any worthwhile results. Operation with Divine Touch After giving final instructions to the group, Swami looked at me and with His outstretched hand, fingers apart and palm directed to the ground, He waved His hand and materialised a beautiful ring on which AUM in Hindi was written. He pushed this ring on my right ring finger where it fitted perfectly. He then told me, "Doctor, you have had this cancer for 10 years". Again He waved His hand and materialised Vibhuthi, gave some to me and the rest He distributed to the ladies sitting in the interview room. After this, He asked us to proceed to the inner interview room. The first question I asked Baba was: "Swami, how do You say that I had cancer for 10 years?" Baba looked into my eyes and I suddenly remembered that 10 years ago I had acute retention of urine and had to be kept in the Emergency Department of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi overnight and the obstruction was relieved only the next morning. Following investigations, I was found to have adenoma of prostate, for which I had to undergo surgery by trans-urethral resection twice. Swami lovingly looked at me and said, "Do not worry, I shall still look after you. But this time you require extensive surgery. I shall phone Dr. Bhat, the chief of Urology Department in Super Speciality Hospital at Puttaparthi. Dr. Bhat will look after you." Both Nimi and I hesitated for a moment as the weather was very hot, and so, we thought, that there was much risk for sepsis. Before we could say anything, Swami said, "Do not worry, I can make all arrangements in Bangalore also or wherever you like." I then realised my folly. It dawned on me that Swami's arrangements are always perfect and because He first mentioned Puttaparthi Hospital, why should I hesitate to go there? Moreover, it was more a temple of healing than a hospital where Swami had treated numerous cases and sanctified the entire environment. We both requested Swami to arrange surgery in the Super Speciality Hospital at Puttaparthi. Then Nimi spoke to Swami thus: "Swami, each year when we come to You, he develops a new problem. We feel very much ashamed of constantly begging boons from You". To this, Swami replied, "No, there is absolutely no shame in asking Me, because I am your Father and Mother and, in fact, everything". Nimi then prayed to Swami, "Swami, You please operate on him". Swami replied, "Do not worry; My blessings are with him. I will protect him". Swami then put His hand on my head lovingly. What a delightful experience it was! I felt very powerful as blissful vibrations passed throughout my entire body. It was a unique experience, something very difficult to describe. Next, Swami ordered me firmly, "Doctor, you go and sit on the chair outside - not on the ground". I obeyed His command, the meaning of which I understood later. When He came out of the inner interview room, He told me that He would call me again for interview. Next morning, He again called us for interview and we found that a chair had been kept next to Swami's. As we entered, Swami asked me to sit on the chair. Miraculous Cure of Cancer It was Tuesday. Swami told me that He had spoken to Dr. Bhat, a very famous urologist and nephrologist, who heads the team in Puttaparthi Super Specialty Hospital. He also told me that the surgery was fixed for Thursday, two days later. We were called for a thorough check-up the next morning. Next day, before leaving for the hospital check-up, we offered our Pranams to Swami. After receiving His blessings, we proceeded to the hospital for check-up. When we reached there, we found a team of doctors waiting for me. They conducted various tests. Dr. Bhat spent a good deal of time on my physical examination and reading the various reports. He then scanned through the ultrasound films very carefully. After thorough examination, he said, "Well, Dr. Kanwar, I find absolutely no abnormality in your prostate gland." I was completely surprised at this observation of Dr. Bhat and asked him in disbelief, "But doctor, what about all these reports? They are from the best specialists in Delhi." To this Dr. Bhat replied, "With all the years of experience that I have, I can very confidently reassure you that there is nothing wrong with your prostate gland. Baba must have cured you." Nimi, however, was far from satisfied and told him that we had come fully prepared for surgery from Delhi. "Moreover, why did Baba tell us that the operation would be done on Thursday - the next day?", she asked. Dr. Bhat replied, "Swami's very clear instructions to me were to operate, if necessary. I find no abnormality." To further satisfy us, he repeated uroflometery, which showed excellent, results. So, he asked us to return with confidence. Baba: the Doctor of Doctors Next morning, Swami came to me and asked, "Doctor, did you not go to Puttaparthi?" Before I could answer, He had walked across several Darshan lines. Next day, He said, "I shall telephone Dr. Bhat and inquire about the results" and walked away. I smiled to myself, for I was now absolutely sure that He had cured my cancer during the interview when He had put His hand on my head, and I had felt very powerful vibrations. It was only then that I realised why He had asked me to sit on the chair for two days - perhaps then after the divine operation, the wound was not healed. Afterwards, He never asked me to sit on the chair. He gave me Padnamaskar for five days consecutively, two times in the interview room and thrice afterwards. He not only blessed me with Divine Padnamaskar but gave me a new life also. On the following day, Baba told me, "Dr. Bhat says, operation is not indicated" and then He walked up to Nimi and told her that He had cured my cancer. I was convinced that once Swami said, He had cured the cancer, then it was not necessary to repeat the tests. But because of the insistence of my colleagues, I repeated the investigations seven times, but they were found alt normal. Baba is the greatest healer who treads this earth. He can heal with His look or touch, a mere brush of His robe, and also when He ignores you. He is the Doctor of doctors. I offer my most humble obeisance at His Divine Lotus Feet. Swami explains the secret of the cure that many afflicted persons experience in His Presence. He says, "It is My experience that I am one with every sentient thing, every human being. My love flows out to everyone for I see everyone as Myself. If a person reciprocates My love from the depth and purity of his heart, My love and his meet in unison and he is cured of the affliction. Where there is no reciprocation, there is no cure." Source: Sanathana Sarathi, March 2002 Issue Phantom Footprints Appear In South African House [Original headline: HOUSE OF 'MIRACLES'] Are these Sai Baba's footprints? Devotees and tourists seeking cures for ailments and help with domestic problems have been flocking to a Durban home said to be blessed by the miracles of Sai Baba. Kay Pillay, 59, owner of the home in Silverglen, Chatsworth, said the miracles began 11 years ago when honey started forming on a framed picture of Sai Baba. "We knew it was the miracle of Baba, because we heard of it happening elsewhere. Soon we saw ash on the walls, kungu (coloured powder), turmeric powder, holy water, brass statues of deities, sugar candy, dates, prunes, cloves and coloured string representing the different deities," said Pillay. He said brass figurines representing deities appeared on auspicious religious days. "I believe we are highly blessed. This is Baba's way of asking us to help others," said Pillay, a former supervisor at a packaging company. The room where Baba's miracles are said to take place has been converted into a shrine by the Pillays. Visitors can see honey dripping across a framed picture of Sai Baba, and two red velvet-covered throne-like chairs with a little stool from which ashen footprints lead to a burning lamp. On the floor are offerings of sweetmeats by devotees. Pillay said every Wednesday and Saturday Baba's footprints are washed from the carpet and everything is cleaned. The following day, the powder and footprints reappear. Dr Thillayvel Naidoo, a former lecturer in the science of religion at the University of Durban-Westville and author of Sai Baba, An Analysis of Documented Manifestation, said it was difficult to explain such phenomena. • Story originally published by: Sunday Times, Johannesburg / South Africa | Taschica Pillay - Mar 24.02 Baba In Croatia One year during the vacation period, Swami asked a Greek lady to address the gathering. This lady happens to be a doctor, actively involved in Sai service. One of her service campaigns was in Croatia, then torn by war and conflict. She organized a volunteer group and took it to Croatia for rendering assistance to the war victims. The members of the group distributed packets containing food, medicines, clothing, and along with these, a small photo of Swami. Recalling the service experience, the doctor said, "The people were very happy that we had come to help them. One of the people there held up Baba's photo and said, 'We know this person'. I was very surprised and asked, 'How do you know Him? Have you heard about Him?' They replied, 'No, we have actually seen Him here.' I was astounded and asked, 'Seen Him? Here in Croatia? And what was He doing here?' They said 'Just what you are doing; distributing food, blankets, and medicines.' I was stunned." After the electrifying narration was over, one of the devotees present remarked, "Swami this is absolutely extra-ordinary!" Swami replied, "For you it is extra-ordinary but for Me, this quite ordinary and routine." A hush descended on the audience - naturally. Source: By R.D. Awle Here are four representative stories, from among the thousands I’ve heard and read, which reveal a glimpse of Sai Baba’s divine power, compassion and sense of humor. The first is the account of Bhagwandas Daswani, a prosperous businessman of Hong Kong (reprinted from Face to Face with God, by V.I.K. Sarin, former senior journalist at one of India’s leading newspapers): “On May 10, 1977, I was struck with a massive heart attack. I was admitted to the Queen Mary Hospital on May 11, and I learned later that at 4 a.m. on the same day Baba had called my son, who was studying in Swami’s College at Whitefield, and told him, “Go to Hong Kong immediately, as your father is having a little heart trouble.” Daswani said, “I actually died for two minutes and was revived by doctors.” Although Daswani came around, there was no improvement in his condition and he was confined to the Intensive Care Unit. On May 20, he suffered a relapse and started hemorrhaging from the anus. He was losing about four pints of blood a day. He had drips in both arms and a pad over his heart. The hemorrhaging continued for three days and by May 24, his family had lost hope for his life, and so had the team of doctors. “On the morning of May 25, at exactly 4:10 a.m.,” recalled Daswani, “Sathya Sai Baba walked through the wall of the room and sat on the bed. He showered vibhuti all over me. The vibhuti came pouring out of his hand in a never-ending flow. With the vibhuti bath I suddenly felt a surge of strength all through my body. I was completely baffled by the appearance of Baba in the room, and thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I therefore said, ‘Baba are you really here or am I dreaming?’ He said, ‘I am here all right. What would you like me to do?’ I said, ‘Just put me on that couch over there next to the bed, so that I know I am not dreaming.’ He then lifted me up as though I was a feather and placed me on the couch. The drips in my arm remained intact, nothing was disturbed. Baba then left the same way as he had come. “I then rang the night bell to call the staff nurse. A horde of nurses came rushing into the room. Their astonishment was beyond description. ‘How did you get here?’ they asked. ‘I walked,’ I said, aware that it would be impossible for them to believe the truth. ‘Who has been in here? And what is all this dust all over the bed, and all over you?’ they asked. I said, ‘Don’t ask me. Just collect that dust and put it in a paper bag for me.’ They did this and collected one and a half kilograms of Vibhuthi.“I began to improve rapidly after this, and the doctors and the staff kept questioning me as to what had happened. Finally an Indian doctor showed up and he said to me, ‘Look, I am an Indian. You can tell me what happened.’ I told him, and he kept my secret. On May 29 I was able to walk by myself to another ward. I made a complete recovery, and what is more, my diabetes has disappeared and my blood sugar is normal. I owe my eternal gratitude to Bhagavan Baba.” Here is the testimony of Kitty Lamonte of Scotland (as related in Divine Glory, by V. Balu & Shakuntala Balu): “My story begins sometime last summer, when I first became aware of Baba. I was invited to visit some Indian friends of a friend of mine and they talked so lovingly and honestly about Baba that I decided to read more about him. I read ‘The Holy Man and the Psychiatrist’ [by Samuel Sandweiss], and in fact used it almost like a Bible, in that I read the writings of Baba everyday. “At this time I had something of a drinking problem and was consuming far more alcohol than was good for me, but was unable to stop. I decided that I would enlist the help of Baba, so for three nights I sat there with the book, Baba’s photograph and the whisky. I poured my drink on the 27th November, at 11:45 p.m. and sat down to watch T.V. I put my hand on the book, looked at the photograph and said, ‘You really will have to help me to stop this.’ There was an almighty noise and the glass exploded into a million bits. It went everywhere in the room, it was under tables, on top of books in a bookcase and some of it was found by my housekeeper the following day, under the cushion I had been sitting on ... “The most interesting thing for me happened two days later. I was on a train and had not been able to get the sound of this exploding glass out of my mind, when a voice in my head said, “Did you notice that not a bit of it touched you?” I cannot tell you the feeling of absolute joy I experienced at that moment. I suddenly realised that only a miracle could have stopped this glass from damaging me very badly. It was no more than a foot away from my face. “I have now made a firm commitment to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, never to drink alcohol again.”One day Baba called a poor Muslim family in for an interview, and along with them, one Hindu man. (The person who told me this story heard it directly from the Hindu man.) A boy in the family was distraught because his two best friends had gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and his parents couldn’t afford to send him along. (As a consolation, they’d brought him to see Sai Baba.) Baba started the interview by saying to the boy, “So, you want to go to Mecca.” The boy burst into tears, and Baba then turned and spoke to the others for a while. The boy continued crying, and finally Baba turned to him and said, “You really want to go to Mecca, don’t you!” Baba then tapped the wall of the interview room with His hand, and the wall disappeared - and in its place, a street scene from Saudi Arabia appeared. “Look, there are your two friends. Now go! You have half an hour.” The boy walked into the street scene... and the wall reappeared. Baba spoke with the stunned family for another half an hour, and then tapped the wall again. The street scene reappeared - and the boy walked back into the interview room, proudly carrying some souvenirs from Mecca! A month later, when his friends returned home, the boy’s parents asked them, “How long was he with you?” Confirming the boy’s account, his friends replied, “Two weeks.” (Clearly Baba is a Master of both time and space - as well as being That which is beyond time and space! That’s the fourth story I’ve heard about Sai Baba instantly transporting someone to a distant land through His interview room wall.) Here is an account of the resurrection of V. Radhakrishna, as told by V.I.K. Sarin in Face to Face with God: “The miracle took place in 1953. Radhakrishna was seriously ill with gastric ulcers and other complications, when he visited Puttaparthi [from his home town of Kuppam] in the hope that Baba would cure him. His wife Radhamma and daughter Vijaya accompanied him. On arrival at the ashram he was put straight to bed. Baba, who was then only 27 years old, visited him but made no attempt to heal him. Radhakrishna complained that he would rather die than continue to suffer the extreme pain he was in. Baba smiled but made no comments. A few days later Radhakrishna went into a coma and his wife and daughter, who were at the bedside, heard the “death rattle” in his throat. Swami came and examined him, but still did nothing. An hour later Radhakrishna’s breathing stopped. He turned blue, and then went cold and stiff. A male nurse pronounced him dead. Baba examined him again. “Don’t worry,” he said. “Everything will be all right.” But he still made no attempt to revive him. The faith of the wife and daughter was put to severe test. The following day they sat loyally by the bedside anxiously awaiting any signs of returning life. But there was no indication of revival. Somehow the two women managed to cling on to a vestige of faith that in His own way and in His own time Swami would revive Radhakrishna. On the morning of the third day the body turned dark, quite stiff and began to smell. It was suggested to Radhamma that the “corpse” should be removed from the ashram, but she refused adamantly to countenance such action without the authority of Baba. His aides asked for instructions as to whether the body should be sent back to Kuppam or be cremated at Puttaparthi. Baba replied enigmatically, “We’ll see.” The two women were in despair. They went to Baba and pleaded with Him. He simply said, “Have no fear. I am here.” He did, however, promise to visit their room and examine Radhakrishna later. An hour went by, then two and there was no sign of Baba. It was then that Radhamma and Vijaya gave up hope. Then, suddenly, Swami appeared in the doorway of their room, calm and smiling. The two women burst into tears, like Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, weeping before their Lord who, they thought, had come too late. Gently He asked them to leave the room, and as they moved out He closed the door behind them. They do not know - nor anyone else knows till this day - what really transpired in the next few minutes in that room where only Swami and the dead man were present. But in just a few minutes, Baba opened the door and beckoned the women in there, to see their loved one sitting up in bed and smiling! The stiffness of death had vanished and his natural colour was returning. Baba said to him, “Talk to them, they were worried.” Radhakrishna, with a puzzled look said, “Why are you worried? I am all right!” He was not aware that he had been in a deathly coma. Swami then said to Radhamma, “I have given your husband back to you. Now give him a hot drink.” Thereupon He blessed the family and left. The next day the patient was strong enough to walk. On the third day he wrote a seven-page letter to a relative in Italy. A few days after that the whole family returned to their home in Kuppam. Not only was Radhakrishna raised from the dead, but the gastric ulcers and the other complications were completely healed. It was a repetition of the raising of Lazarus.” With Sai love from Sai brothers -'' Source and courtesy: Start your day with - make it your home page Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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