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A beautifull Interview With Dr.Jack Hawley

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"I, love you! I love you," He said, and whop! He slapped my face!

Hard! What I could not believe it! My beloved Bhagavan just jacked me-

and I was so happy, all I could do was giggle joyfully like a little



My wife next to me in the inter view room, was also happy and

laughing too. Then Swami took my namaste, hands in His and leaned

close to Him. His face only a few inches from mine, I am always with

you". He intones in DEFINITE, serious voice." Always with you".


The message burned itself into me. Later when I said "I am worried

about one of my grown up sons, he turned quickly to me, "Why do you

worry? He snapped, He is my son! I will take care of him."


Soon after our return to our home in California, the grown up son

came to pay respects. It was mid-day and I could already smell the

alcohol in this breath. With that, sadness wafted across my mind

recalling the problems and grief that his drinking had brought him

over the years. And then, I remembered Swami's words.


Son asked. "How was the trip? " Fine ", I said and proceeded to tell

him of our interview with Sai Baba. I took his two hands into mine

and said, Swami looked at me in the eyes, like this, "and I looked

into the eye in the same manner, And Swami said to me I love you! I

used the same force in my words as Swami's. The boy started smiling

broadly. Then, I said Swami slapped me!" and I slapped my son's face

as hard as Swami slapped mine and repeated His words, I love you!"

Whap!" The sound of it startled my wife. The son, jolted, giggled

joyfully like a little boy. Then I told him that Swami said that he

was His son, not mine and not mine, he would take care of Him. The

boy's eyes squint a bit as he took in the importance of those words,

and slowly nodding his head in agreement.


Sharing this episode with him made me experience again the utter joy,

I felt when it actually happened half a world away. And I could see

that the boy was also enjoying it. I was also aware that I had

omitted the part of Bhagavan's message about always being with me/us,

but trusted that it will come out when that time is right.


It was several months later; I was on a flight to a town in another

state. I had been asked in to go there by a company that I had worked

for several years previously. (I am a management consultant

specializing in organization behavior-, which means I help companies

improve communication, develop team spirit, and so forth). The work I

do is positive and thus the people in the companies that call me

usually look forward to my coming. Especially in this case, they

already knew me, so I settled in and relaxed as the plane carried me

to this assignment. "This will be an easy one, a piece Hotcake, I



How wrong! The people who met me at the door (the personnel Director

and Operation Manager) were shaken. "We have got a big problem" were

their first words. They briefed me on it as they hurried me down the

hall to the conference room. The union had become quite belligerent

over the past year, had god wind of my coming, and was determined to

use my coming there to bring a number of grievances to a head. So

instead of a pleasant project with some old friends, I found myself

the centerpiece of a nasty conflict.


By then, we were at the conference room and they flung the door open

for me. I entered hesitantly into an atmosphere so tense, it pinched

sitting stiffly on the other side of rectangular table, a sour look

on their faces, were four union delegates. The company official

motioned me into a chair and took their seats along the wall to my

left. I was alone facing the angry delegation. Without fanfare or

introduction the Personal Director began. I have filled Dr'Hawley in

on the situation and have told him that we have agreed to your demand

that a union representative sits in all every talk he conducts with



I was taken a back what he said. In my work confidentiality and

anonymity are critical- it is a part of the ethics, the dharma of

what I do. I sat there in shock growing more concerned. I came

expecting to solve problems, not to be one! Here I began, an instant

failure! Dread began to creep in. `Well" I said. "I do not work that

way.' I noticed my voice beginning to pinch, as it does when fear

takes over.


The Union representative butted in. " If you don't agree, we are

going to call in the National Labour Relation Board, and we will walk

off the job in protest" The company people flinched, Oh dear, I



The personal Director nervously picked up the phone and dialed the

company President, said a few words and handed the phone to me. "Hi

Jack", the president said, "Glad you are here, hope you have a nice

trip. Uh we have thought about this and decided to agree to the

union's demand. That is okay with you, is not it? I paused to catch

my breath, the quite in the room was deafening. "Um That is not the

way I work." I said my voice dry. "Oh", it was his turn to pause. "I

will call you back", and he hanged up.


I Cradled the phone and turned toward the angry faces, wondering

what's is next. Then rising up slowly out of the center of the table

between the Union People, and me came a life size two-dimensional

image of Swami! It was his head and shoulder, as though He were

sitting" in the table with us." He was moving His head, there was a

playful, impish smile on His face, and His hair and robe were of

lighter color than usual


I realized that he was transparent! It is like one of those

TelePrompTer devices that T.V speech gives-giver, but the viewers

can't see the words and think the speakers are looking at them. Well,

here I could look at the union people "through" Swami, and they

looked back at me, but they could not see him. The company people

could not see him either from they sat, only me.


I was fascinated with Swami's Leela, with this _expression of His

love for me. I was taken by His peacefulness. The atmosphere in the

room began to change. Calmness had entered and was setting in.

Swami's strong love was dissolving my fear. My power returned my

voice came back. I sat up and squared my shoulder. There was a laugh

inside me, close to surface.


As though trying to catch me before it is too late, the Union Chief

piped up, more loudly that before, "Well, agree to it or we walk" I

answered my voice fully recovered. You do what you have to do and I

will do what I have to do."


At that moment the phone rang, the personal Director handed to me. It

is the President, who had apparently been talking with some advisors.

Do it your way. Jack," he said, " Let the chips fall where they have

to ".


The whole thing had a happy ending. The project goes smoothly. I

talked to, privately, with many employees. After some initial

ratting, the union people got along with the program many of them

saying how glad they are to get this chance to discuss issues

confidently. Within six month most of the long-seething problems were



Now several years later, I still look back on that wondrous pop up

image of Sathya Sai Baba with great love in my heart. He is always

with us! He does not speak in metaphors Everything He says He means

even when we were too troubled or hurt or sacred to ask. He comes!


I did not call out to Him in the conference room. I didn't mutter "Om

Sai Ram". I did not say "Om" in my head like Krishna directed Arjuna

to do. I wish I did, but I forgot to! All I did was need him.


He did not slap me that time to grab my attention. Nor did he have me

slap my son to grab His. The drinking problem worsened for a time and

then in my deepest bottom, it abruptly ended! Did the boy also

receive a visit from the calm, loving see-through Baba? I do not

know, but he joined a 12-step program, got a good job, a car and new

friends and had not taken a drink for four years. Not one. It is as

though he had been granted a new life…. All needed only one thing: We

need him!


Aum Sri Sai Ram ( Unique Experiences of Divinity )


Sent by Ram Chugani, Kobe, Japan


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