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The good are always the target of malice and envy, slander and abuse from the

wicked. Be assured that your goodness can be made tough enough to stand these

ordeals. Avathars (or divine incarnations) too are not exempt from the

attentions of these wicked forces.

Truth Always Triumphs

Krishna had to encounter these obstacles from the very cradle, right up to the

finish of His life on earth. Personal spite, false slander, unfounded abuse and

defamation followed Him at every step. Demons who could not tolerate the Light

and the Love that He cast around Him conspired to tarnish His Name and obstruct

His Mission. They tried to bind Him, to foil His plans and pervert His

instruments. But Truth triumphed and falsehood stood exposed and disgraced.

Truth may be clouded for some little time by the fog of slander but victory is

certain. The forces of hate will be de­feated by their own wiles; they dig for

their own downfall; their action results in reactions, ruinous for themselves.

In the Court of Dhritarashtra (in the epic Mahabharata), the Kauravas (those who

did not follow righteousness) planned to bind Krishna and put Him out of action

when He went to His Court on the mis­sion of peace; but what happened? The

stratagem recoiled on themselves and they were destroyed. Krishna was unscathed

by their wiles and their campaign of defamation.

When the Kauravas were indulging in their campaign of slander, many devotees

were greatly distressed. For example, Sahadeva, the youngest of the Pandava

Brothers (who followed righteousness), welcomed Lord Krishna back to their

camp, with the words, “I am not concerned at fail­ure of your mission; I know

that it is all part of your plan. But I am overjoyed that you have returned

unharmed, from that nest of demons.”


Krishna is undefeatable, ever pure, ever bright and ever effulgent in renown.

Those who try to foil Him are forever tarred by their own blackness. The

malignancy of those who cannot bear His Glory will cause their eternal

disgrace; it cannot affect Him in the least. His Glory will increase a

hundredfold with every challenge from these peddlers of slander. Wicked men

tried to bring the Lord into disrepute by persecuting and torturing krishna’s

devotees; but when they stood up to every challenge with joyful fortitude, they

failed ignomin­iously. They gained vaster glory and the Lord’s Truth was

magnificently vindicated.

False Campaign – A Feature of Every Age

Persons who cannot tolerate the Glory of the Avathaar have indulged in such

campaigns, in every Age! They have contributed to the heightening of the

splendour and the spread of the message, in every age. Their activities are all

instruments to the propagation of the glory throughout the world.

Even today, such things happen; but all of you must recognise their

inevitability and their fundamental falsehood, and carry on your spiritual

practise in full faith and assurance, with undiminished enthusiasm and joy. The

Sai Principle, the Sai Divinity can never be affected by any slander; it can

never be shaken by any tactics; its progress can never be halted. Do not pay

heed to the barkings you hear.

A stray dog stops and looks at its own shadow in the stream; it mistakes the

shadow for another dog and starts barking aloud. This sets all the dogs in the

neighbourhood, and later in the region, bark in unison. The reason why the

first dog barked is its own ignorance of fact. The reason why the other dogs

followed suit is that the first dog called the tune. A huge scare is built on a

patent falsehood. Thus the story goes on, adding one thing to another.

Just as devotees remained unruffled in the Age of Krishna, you too must stand

firm and be unaffected. Faith must endow you with courage and calmness. The

life of Krishna teaches you this lesson more than others: do not lend your ears

or mortgage your minds to purveyors of scandal.


Devotion to the Divine Will Give You Prosperity

Krishna had to meet these malicious slanderers and destroy them one by one,

throughout His life. His parents, His companions, His devotees - no one had

peace from that tribe of Kauravas. The message is that you must see the Truth

that is covered by all the tales and legends that tarnish the Name.

Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, and prosperity and peace. It cannot

inflict pain, perturbation or personal anxi­ety. It fosters love and brings all

together as one band of broth­ers. The Avathaar will not be affected in the

least by these triv­ial tactics. It is love itself; so, it is always bliss,

always happy in song and dance.

Krishna lived all His years singing and dancing in the ecstasy which was His

very nature. He was humming a tune within Himself all the while, whether He was

on a flower bed or a battlefield.

I too am unaffected by praise or blame. My bliss (or Ananda) never suffers

diminution. Where there is love, there is Ananda; where there is Ananda, there

is music. That is the reason why Krishna sang the Bhagavad Gita (the Celestial

song) while the clarion calls to start the battle were rising from the serried


Love knows no fear, no untruth, no anxiety, no grief. I am love; I shower love;

I share love; I am pleased with love; I bless that you have more and more of

love to more and more Beings. Love is God, Love is Love—that is the message of

Sri Krishna.

- Bhagawan Baba on Krishnastami Day, 10 Jun, 1974 .

With Sai LoveRam.Chugani, Kobe, Japanrgcjp

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