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Mantras for daily prayers

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A lover asked his beloved, "Do you love yourself more than you love me?" The

Beloved replied, "I have died to myself and I live for you. I have disappeared

to myself and my attributes. I am present only for you. I have forgotten all my

learnings. But from knowing you I have become a scholar. I love myself - I love

you...I love you - I love myself."


The spiritual teacher is the guiding light, the one who dispels the darkness of

ignorance in exchange of perception into divine life, the divine reality.

The guru being the link to the Divine is invoked before any spiritual reading or

practices are undertaken, by prayers of verses which expounds the teachers

divine attributes and reminds us of Him. Thus seeming absent, He becomes

present and the recipient of the prayer and giver of Grace.

The following Sanskrit verses, translated into English, are examples of a few

old and new Slokas chanted by the students of Sai Baba’s educational



OMSai Iswaraya Vidmahe Sathya Devaya Deemahi Tanna Sarva Prachodayat


OMBrahmarpanam BrahmahavirBrahmagnau BrahmanahutamBrahmeva tema

gantayamBrahmakarma samadhinahaShanti shanti shanti


Verse One

Pradosa kala darsanam visala kesa bhusanam Susantakantapalakam namami sai

sankaram Aneka nama dharinam sanatanatma darsakam Vinodavisya posakam


I salute Sai Shankara, adorned with majestic hair, who grants His Darshan in the

auspicious hours of the day, and protects His devotees: who is always serene,

who bears many names and leads us to the Eternal Spirit and for whom sustenance

of the universe, and fulfillment of our aspirations is a play.

Verse Two

Anantaprema sagaram anantasantidayakam Nirantaram bhajamyaham krpakaram

prabhakaram Akhanda visvanayakam pracandakarya sadhakam Acintya jyotirupinam

dayadi bhava prerakam

I serve constantly the Lord who is the ocean of infinite love, who showers

infinite peace, mercy and light, who is the Lord of the entire universe and

achiever of many great tasks and who is the incomprehensive embodiment of light

and who inspires in us noble feelings like kindness.

Verse Three

Sudhairyahastasucakam prabhava bhavasthavaram Tvameva sarva pavanam mamatma

sakti karanam Sakala bhakta palakam sadanukulakarakam Visalabhava murtitam

susila sai cinmayam

I salute the effulgent Lord Sai who grants us courage with an upraised hand, who

is the mountain of beneficent influence, who protects His devotees at the

appropriate time, grants us favorable situations, and who is the very

embodiment of all noble feelings and attributes. O Sai, You are the sole

purifier of all and the source of my inner strength.

Verse Four

Pravinavina vainikam prasadasarvaraksakam Sudharma murti raghavam supavanatma

manusam Survesarammunisvaram mahesvaram saisvaram Vibhutidhari sundaram yajami

tam pratparam

I worship the supreme Lord Sai, whose beautiful form is adorned by the sacred

ash, who is the master on Veena (musical instrument) and protector of all, and

who is Raghava, the embodiment of dharma and the Lord of all angels and sages.

Verse Five

Trilokapujyanayakam vinita bhaktapalakam Suniti pritidayakam vibhutidana

sankaram Prasanti vasi mohakam susanti marga darsakam Prakanti sobhitammukham

sadakaromi cintanam

I contemplate on Lord Shankara, worthy of adoration by the three worlds, and

protector of devotees who bow to Him with humility, the bestower of Love and

the sacred ash (Vibhutti) who resides in Prashanthi, charms everyone, and leads

us to the path of eternal peace, and whose face shines with great effulgence.

Verse Six

Mahagunajna raghavam prasannarupi madhavam Parantu adya sai nama ekadeva rupinam

Namami partinayakam smarami sirdipalakam Sadavidhata bhagyatam tvameva sai


O, beautiful Lord Sai, the bestower of all prosperity, You were the great and

virtuous Rhagava, and ever blissful Madhava; but now You embody the one God. I

meditate on You, the Lord of Parthi and Shirdi.


Verse One

Sadasatsvarupam cidananda kandam Jagatsambhavasthana samharahetum

Svabhaktecchayamanusam darsayanam Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor who is the personification of Truth,

Awareness and Bliss. He is the great cause for the creation, sustenance and

dissolution of the universe. He has taken the human form to fulfill the

aspirations of His devotees.

Verse Two

Bhavadhvantavidvamsamartandamidyam Manovagatitam munirdhyanagamyam Jagadvyapakam

nirmalam nirgunam tvam Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor who is the adorable sun destroying

the darkness of birth and death. He cannot be known through mind and words. The

sages meditate him upon. He is omnipresent in the world. He is pure and devoid

of attributes.

Verse Three

Bhavambhodimagnarditanam jananam Svapadasritanam svabhaktipriyanam

Samudhharanartham kalou sambhavantam Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor who has manifested Himself in this

Kaliyuga to uplift the devotees who are troubled being drowned in the ocean of

birth and death, and who are restored to His Lotus Feet, and who are devoted to


Verse Four

Sada nimbavrksasya muladhivasat Sudhastravinam tiktamapyapriyam tam Tarum

kalpavrksadhikam sadhayantam Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor, who resides at the base of the Neem

tree and spreads nectarine joy and who makes that bitter and disliked tree

dearer than the wish-fulfilling tree.

Verse Five

Sada kalpavrksasya tasyadhi mule Bhavadbhavabudhya saparyadisevam Nrnam kurvatam

bhuktimuktipradam tam Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor, who grants affluence in this world

and also liberation from bondage to those who worship and serve Him under that

tree seeking His divine presence.

Verse Six

Anekasrutatarkyalilavilasaih Samaviskrtesanabhasvatprabhava Aham bhavahinam

prasannatmabhavam Namamisvaram sadgurum saintham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor, whose matchless glory founded on His

divine prowess glows with Leelas, which are unheard of and beyond rational

comprehension. He is completely devoid of any sense of ego and exudes infinite

inner joy.

Verse Seven

Satam visramaramamevabhiramam Sada sajjanaih samstutam sannamadbhih Janamodadam

bhaktabhadrapradam tam Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor, with the most charming and

delightful form. His divine shelter is the resting place that removes the

tiresomeness of all good people who adore Him with devotion. He grants joy,

auspiciousness and protection to the devotees.

Verse Eight

Ajanmadyamekam param brahma saksat Svayam sambhavam ramamevavatirnam

Bhavaddarsanatsampunitah prabho ham Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

I salute Lord Sainath, the great preceptor, who is the very embodiment of the

highest divine principle 'Brahma' and who knows no birth nor death (He who has

no beginning or no end). He has come down to earth by his self-will as the very

manifestation of Rama. O Lord, I am completely sanctified by your divine glance.



Aasato Ma Sad Gamaya Thamaso Ma Jyothir Gamaya Mrtjyor Ma Amritham Gamaya

>From death lead me to life From darkness lead me to light From mortality lead me immortality


Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu

May all the (three) worlds be happy

OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti-hi

Peace, Peace, Peace

OM Sri Gurubyo Namaha

Obeisance to the preceptor

OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti-hi


Source: http://saionline.org/

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