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A pilgrim to Puttaparthi suddenly developed acute appendicitis. At the time,

there was no hospital there nor was there a surgeon, so Sai Baba was asked to

come to the room where the patient lay groaning. He waved his hand in the air

and produced a surgical knife out of nowhere. A second wave materialized

vibhuti which he used as an anaesthetic. With these aids he performed the

operation to remove the inflamed appendix. Then the surgical knife vanished

into thin air. He applied the vibhuti on the wound which healed immediately,

leaving only a small scar. - Source: Book- God Incarnate

A certain person was a captain during the second World War, but since he died

of a commonplace disease in a civil hospital his widow did not get much by way

of pension. So she had to earn some money teaching music, in order to keep her

three children - two daughters and a son in elementary ease. The son passed his

B.Sc examination with a first class from the Madras University, while still in

his teens. The army authorities gave him a job in their cantonment office at

Bangalore. His mother, who was overwhelmed with joy, sent him to offer homage

to the family deity, Venkatachalapathi on the Tirumala Hills in Andhra Pradesh

, so that he could join duty at Bangalore with divine blessings.However what

did happen was the boy got drowned in the holy tank of the

temple. His body was in police custody for two days as it was unidentified. The

anxious mother was confronted by the photograph of her son's corpse which

appeared in the daily papers. But , Baba appeared to her in a dream and

directed her to come to Puttaparthi. Bhagawan called her and her children for

the precious interview. " Don't weep", He said , "for your son who led a

disciplined life and was full of devotion, has now merged with God. When he has

found the lotus feet of Bliss, you should not indulge in grief". But she could

not be consoled.Then Baba said, "I know your heart is broken since you could

not have even a last glimpse of his body. See, it is here." Saying this, He

spread His palm in front of her, and she could clearly see the events of that

faithful pilgrimage appear upon it: The son slipped on the steps of the tank,

and a few people jumped in to save him. A lotus like bunch of flames rose from

his body and proceeded towards the innermost shrine where

the idol of Venkatachalapathi is installed, disappearing in a blaze of glory of

the Lord's feet. Then she saw the idol come alive and change into a charming

image of Baba Himself.After sometime Baba spoke to her, "Mother, the one you

loved as your son was a staunch devotee of the Lord during his previous life.

He was engaged in tapas for 12 years on the steps of this very holy temple

tank. His deepest desire was to attain Jala samadhi(water-mergence) in those

sacred waters. To fulfil that desire he took birth again. Remain in

Puttaparthi, ever singing the glory of Venkatachalpathi, who has accepted you

on into His fold".


Once Swami picked up a south african devotee for the interview. This devotee is

full of doubts about Baba and that was the first time he came to Parthi with an

intention to understand Baba.

After talking to him for a while Swami asked him what do you want then the reply

came I want a watch. Baba immediately materialised a watch and gave him. The

testing devotee asked further that I want the bill. Well, Swami waved His hand

in the thin air to give a bill, which, to the astonishment of the devotee had

the address of this very devotees home town in South Africa, with that days

date. Totally surprised devotee took that invoice and came out of the room

wondering how could on earth Swami could buy a wach from his own town which was

more than 10,000 miles away from Parthi.On his return to his town he went to the

shop which issued that invoice to find the duplicate and checked. It was there.

No magic, the duplicate was existing, the shop owner recollected the incident

and narrated "On that day a small tiny person with curly hair and red robe came

to my shop to buy the watch. He spend a long time to select this

one and took it, paid the money. He immediately left the place. But after a few

minutes He came back and asked for the receipt. Very pleasing personality

........... The shop keeper continued.

>From Sai journal published by South African devotees.


On one occasion Group Captain Bose, driving with his wife and father-in-law from

Ambala to Gauhati in a high powered car with low clearance was unable to move on

the slushy road near Hariharganj. The entire area was dangerously flooded by

serpentine heavy rains; the road was a lake. The back wheels of the car sank

completely into the mud, while upfront, one wheel was stuck in a ditch! At that

late hour of 11.30p.m. no help was available, nor would it have been of much

avail since all efforts to free her only succeeded in making her sink deeper.

The occupants were able to procure shelter in a nearby school, and slept on

bare benches at night, but her husband was determined to reach Gauhati where he

had to preside over a Court Martial. "Duty is God. Work is Worship," he quoted

Baba.When dawn broke, no passing car or truck would agree to help, nor would

the small crowd

of amused villagers lift a finger! Their enjoyment of the pitiable spectacle

only fanned the flames of despair. Unfortunately Mr. Bose had a little bit of

ego left in him: he decided to rely on horse power rather than Sai power! Ropes

were procured, but the car would not move: the engine was restarted, but she

only sank further into the slush. Eventually, an exhausted Bose flopped to the

ground, saying, "The Lotus Feet of Baba is our only refuge.." Almost

immediately a gentle looking man with a strong physique came towards them. No

one seemed to recognise him, nor could they guess his whereabouts. Handing his

umbrella to Mrs. Bose, he became master of the situation. Bose was asked to get

into the car and take the wheel . A sweet fragrance flooded the interior, but

before the engine could be switched on, or the gaping crowd could offer

assistance, Mrs. Bose saw the man put his right hand under the bumper, and with

one lift, he placed the car forward upon hard ground, all wheels safe

out of the awful mire. Then all the occupants were requested to get into the

car! Puzzled, they tried to thank him to ask who, and what he was. "Oh, I am a

chowkidar."(watchman) he said, and walked away. Disengaging itself from the now

vociferous crowd, the car moved away, and soon caught up with the man, walking

briskly down the road. Bose begged the man to accept something but he refused.

Then he spoke one sentence. "Why did you not call for me last night itself?".

The Lotus Feet had indeed come to


We all caught our breaths, as Swami created a most powerful object. It had a

round black onyx base and on it was a silver map of India. Surrounding the map

were 18 jewels that glistened in the dark, from some mysterious inner light. He

said that on the map were inscribed 100 Sanskrit verses giving the history of

the Avatar from birth to the time when it leaves the body. He said, "All great

works of the Avatar and all leaders chosen from my students are recorded here".

He took it around for all to see and touch. Spiritually it was very powerful and

esthetically very beautiful. The writing was too small to decipher. When asked,

He answered, "I will not reveal the future. Everything will be revealed in due

time. Why do you hanker after this object when you have its creator? You have

Me and I have you. You are all sacred souls and have roles in the mission. No

force can delay this mission even by one instant. I

will appear in many manifestations of my form. Wherever you are, there I will

be". He was not just speaking to the students, but to all of us... fortunate

souls whom He has gathered in. It continues to be a great wonder to me, that

not only is Swami still quite easily accessible, but there are so very few who

have committed to become His devotees and live His teachings. Swami said His

devotees are one in a hundred thousand. He said that one among ten, you can

find one truly good person; one among ten such has some deep feelings for god;

one among such ten will yearn for a direct experience; and one out of such ten

will be ready to let go totally, to renounce, and surrender completely to God.

"That is My devotee, and He is very dear to me", Swami said. Al DruckerFrom the

book: Love in Action, Proceedings of the Meeting of Sai Organisations of Europe,

Hamburg, 12-15 May,


The story of the construction of the Mandir building at Prasanthi Nilayam is a

chain of miracles wrought by Bhagawan's grace. The most astounding was the

transport of the huge girders for the central prayer hall from the railway

station at Penukonda sixteen miles away. Girders of 40 feet length had come

from Trichinopoly (now Tiruchirapalli) to Penukonda by train. The road from

Penukonda to Bukkapattanam was a district board road with a sandy stream at the

seventh mile and it passed through a few villages with delicately built

houses(!) flanking the narrow road on either side with a few acutely angled

curves. There was a track of three miles, from Bukkapatanam to Puttaparthi with

a few dilapidated culverts and low-level causeways and a broad expanse of the

sand of the river Chitravathi. Then there was the task of hoisting the heavy

girders on the twenty-foot high walls. Therefore, the engineers

gave up all hope of transporting the girders from Penukonda to Puttaparthi and

placed before Baba some alternative proposals for roofing the prayer hall. But

Baba did not relent.One fine morning, the Road Transport Officer of Anantapur

district, who was a devotee of Baba, woke up to find a surprise in front of his

house. It was a huge crane from the Tungabhadra Dam site that had stopped there

and refused to move forward. It had struck work! The driver was grappling with

the engine in vain. He could not make it move. He sought the help of the Road

Transport Officer who thought that the crane was Baba sent(!) for transporting

the girders from Penukonda to Puttaparthi. It was agreed that the crane would

transport the girders if it were repaired. The R.T.O. hurried to Puttaparthi

and prayed to Baba, who materialised some vibhuti (sacred ash) and gave it to

him. This vibhuti was smeared on the engine and the driver was asked to start

it and lo! the crane started moving. The

surprised driver went happily to Penukonda railway station, lifted the girders

with the giant arms of the crane and started towards Puttaparthi. The sight of

this giant carrying the girders was a great surprise for the villagers who

greeted it by lining up on the roadsides. The crane somehow passed over the

culverts, negotiated hairpin bends, lurched over the slushes and puffed its way

up the Karnatanagapalli hill! It did not move further, may be on seeing the

broad sheet of sand of the Chitravathi River! Baba himself went to the crane,

sat with the driver and handled the steering wheel. Thrilled by the touch of

the Lord, the crane moved happily to the work spot and unloaded the girders.


A Mirror of the Moon

Early on the morning of Dec. 8, 1973, Swami departed Prasanthi Nilayam for

Brindavan. After an hour or so of driving, he directed the three accompanying

cars to turn off the road to a clearing in an uninhabited area of the forest.

Everyone got out. Baba was in a delightful mood, moving about among the party

and cracking jokes with the men. Beside the picnic area was a wood-apple tree

with a few large wood-apples in view in the upper branches. The men tried to

knock some of these to the ground by throwing stones, but without success. One

small wood-apple, about two inches in diameter, did fall to the ground, and

Baba picked it up.Holding the small wood-apple between thumb and forefinger

against the morning sun, Baba said, "Here

is the moon." Then he closed the small object in his hand for a moment, and when

his hand opened, the wood-apple had disappeared, and in its place there was a

most extraordinary object.The object was a translucent disk (of stone?) thin at

the edges thicker at the centre. It reflected light in a brilliant way, and

throughout its body there was a puzzling variety of modifications. There were

dark areas of uneven shape and size; there were short and longer veins of

luminous mineral-like materials of all shades of colour; there were specks and

dots of colour that reflected brightly in the sunlight. The total effect of the

disk was one of great beauty.Everyone gazed at the object with intense interest

and wonderment. Holding the disk to the sun, Baba said that it was the moon in

miniature, comprised of the moon's matter; that it was a mirror of the moon."

Nobody understood what he meant, and we started to ask questions. At length, we

understood that the two sided disk was

an accurate miniature in stone and minerals of the two sides of the moon.It was

as if one were to photograph the moon as it is seen from Earth, and then to

journey to the opposite side of the moon and photograph that side. Each side

photographed would appear on a photographic plate as a circular disk. Thus, one

side of the translucent disk created by Baba mirrored one side of the moon, and

the other side of the translucent disk mirrored the opposite side of the moon.

The darker, unevenly shaped areas on the disk were the very large features of

the moon's surface; the brightly reflecting specks and dots were individual

mountains and smaller mountain ranges; the shorter and longer veins of

brilliant varicoloured minerals were additional features of the moon's

landscape.Indeed, the visual modifications to be seen in the disk were so

complex that we did not readily understand them. Baba said that the mineralized

appearance of the luminous features of the disk were in

fact moon minerals, that they could be seen in the disk because it was thin and

therefore translucent, and that the same mineralization was in the moon itself.

The miniature moon was exact and fully accurate, and were there to be a

photographic enlargement, scientists would at once recognize all the landscape

features with which they were familiar.At this point, food taken from the cars

was ready, and the ladies of the party served a delicious breakfast. I had the

moon-disk in my hand, so I put it in the pocket of my jacket and kept it there.

After breakfast, with a smile, Baba held out his hand, and I reached in my

pocket and returned the moon-disk to him. He again held the disk up to the sun,

and all along the edge of the disk there was the rich golden light. Baba said,

"See there is the sunrise!."After every one admired the golden light, Swami

again closed his hand, the moon-disk was gone, and in its place was the

original small


Pearl garland from ocean

When a devotee told Baba, "I heard that your Kerala tour was most pleasant and

wonderful. I am sad that I was not destined to join," Baba replied, "Have the

confidence and hope that when next such an opportunity arises, you may be able

to join. Meanwhile, listen to the account given by those who joined, and be

happy."A word about that adjective, 'wonderful': The devotee was referring to a

very dramatic, indeed astounding miracle that happened at Kanyakumari. In the

evening when the sky had turned into a carnival of pink and purple, and the

clouds had decorated themselves with golden fringes, Baba proceeded to the

seashore and with His Bhakthas around Him, played with the waves of the seas

that mingle there. Each succeeding wave seemed to be more eager than the

previous one to touch His lotus Feet, and to offer Him its own special homage.

Suddenly, as if aware of the yearning of the

seas, Baba stood facing the waters and said to those beside Him, 'See! The Ocean

is welcoming Me, with a Garland.'At the very moment one could discern a stately

wave a few yards away, advancing majestically towards the shore and, soon it

swept Baba's Feet and receded. Imagine the wonder and amazement of every one

when they found, round Baba's Feet a bewitching pearl garland, swaying and

swinging with every surge of the waters around Them! One hundred and eight

translucent pearls each a priceless gem, strung on a thread of gold! O, how

charming Baba looked! The Avathar of the Lord receiving the homage of Varuna

again!Source:Sathyam Sivam Sundaram

He knows how to rescue his devoteesThis is a true storey happened to me last

year.The house next to my house had cut off two big trees and I am sure they

have snake of the big venom like MAMBA a definite poisonous killer was there.

When they cut the tree, I think in all my opinion that I framed which later

Swami confirmed to me in my dream, the snake entered into my house through the

gate and found itself in my rock garden.Normally I go to my garden to pick up

flowers and do some gardening in the evening hours and all saturday. One fine

morning Swami said while picking up flowers, where radiant Swami appeared

before me and said please wear the chappels (footwear), and he didn't tell me

why. From that day I was wearing the chappals (footwear) and go to the garden.

After a

gap of some days when we came from dinner and got out of the car and when my

wife got out of the car the snake passed under the car but slightly edge

between the legs. We saw it, before I could park the carthe snake went inside

the garden. Immediately I have to call the men from the local tribe and told

them to find where the snake could have hidden itself.Then after a whole long

hunt, the snake was beneath the rock garden and they took it out and they told

us it is dangerous snake of African variety worst than cobra.We prayed to swami

that day and thanked Swami for saving us.Swami said that night in my dream that

He knows best at what time He should help the devotees and bless me and

disappear. The next day Vhibuti was there in my house in all the photos. I have

only video coverage and not photos and I do not know how to clip into the

computer.This illustrate Swami is omnipotent, omni presence, and wherever we

are He will be

there. What He wants our faith and love, once we surrender to Him, He will take

care of us. SairamSource:Ramakrishnan Ramanarayanan Sun Mar 21, 2004

7:21 pm saibabanews group-

Dr. John S. Hislop is a distinguished academician, businessman, administrator

and philosopher who is presently the Chairman of the Central Council of the Sri

Sathya Sai Seva Organisation in America and a member of World Council of Sri

Sathya Sai Seva Organisations. He and four others left Brindavan for

Puttaparthi by a taxi at about 8 P.M. in the month of February 19173. Some

distance away, the driver negotiated the taxi to overtake a bus. During the

process they were caught in a precarious situation. They confronted a speeding

car coming towards them from the opposite direction. The other side of the road

was under repairs, leaving not an inch of space

on their right. A head-on collision between the on­coming car and their taxi was

therefore imminent within a few seconds of time and space. The bright

head-lights of the on-rushing car had reduced the visibility to almost nil for

the driver and the occu­pants of the taxi. They were terrified and began

tensely awaiting the inevitable. In a split second they saw the car behind

them. Both the vehicles had escaped a devastating crash and were now speeding

in their original directions.Next morning during the darshans, Hislop thanked

Baba for saving their lives the previous night. Bhagavan Baba, smiled and said,

"Yes, that was a close one. You were so shocked that not one of you called for

Me. But Baba saved you anyway.Dr. Bapi Raju of Vishakhapatnam writes about

another instance, demonstrating Baba's complete control over time and space.

One day he was going in his car. His son was driving and he was sitting by his

side. As they were passing an unmanned railway

crossing the car was hit by a railway engine coming from their right. Dr. Raju

was thrown out of the car. To their utter amazement, they saw, that both the

car and the rail engine had instantaneously stop­ped dead. The engine driver

seemed quite astonished when he said that he did not know how his engine had

halted although he had not made any attempt to stop it. The impact though of a

crushing magnitude had created only a small dent on the right side of the car.

Dr. Raju and his son escaped unscathed. A few days later during darshans at

Puttaparthi, Baba spoke to DT. Raju and said, "In a sudden calamity or

happiness always think of God first. At the time of the accident to you, I had

to stop the rail engine and the car and I had to throw you on your left,

otherwise you would have fallen on the railway lines in front and received

fatal injuries.”Source:excerpts from hislop




The Creator

by His Student

Year after year, students have the good fortune to photograph Bhagawan. We are

mesmerized with the illusion that we have a lot to do with taking a good

picture. Bhagawan has a way of teaching the simple yet profound messages.

In April'94, in Kodai Kanal. Nearly all the students on this trip had a camera

with them. Four of us had been taking pictures of Bhagawan for over 4 years,

and were known to have a camera handy, in His presence.

One crisp and beautiful morning, Bhagawan instructed the students to get ready

for taking pictures and prepare to leave after morning darshan. We boarded the

bus and made our way to a devotee’s house in Kodai Kanal. The garden was in

spring bloom overlooking the clouds hugging the mountain ridges.

After taking several pictures in various locations around the garden, we were

preparing to return to Sai Sruthi. Before getting on the bus, we asked for one

more pose. It so happened that, I needed to change the film in my camera. To

keep out of the way for other photographers, I moved behind a small post with a

creeper clinging to it. Before I knew it, Swami was walking towards me. HE came

up to the creeper and plucked a few leaves. Swami turned His palm upwards and

showed me a pair of fruit.



He asked, “What is this?” I replied, “Swami, they are plums.” Swami gave his

sweet smile and said, “Do plums grow on creepers?” Swami instructed the

students to board the bus and Swami graciously joined us. As we started to

move, HE put the “Plum” into the mouth of one of the boys and asked, “How does

it taste?” he replied, “Like chocolate and no seed!”

There isn’t day that passes when Swami reinforces the principle of GOD -

Generation, Organisation and Destruction.

Source: http://www.radiosai.org/Journals/Vol_02/12June15/05



Materialization of jewels belonging to the time of Rama From an interview with

Prof. Anil Kumar


....AK: At times, Swami takes the boys out on a picnic, where He almost plays

with the boys. Sometimes, He even sings with the boys. All sorts of funny

things happen.GV: Does it all remind you of Krishna and His cowherd boys, the

Gopalas?AK: Yes, I think it is all action replay, like a tape being

replayed.GV: Except for the age difference between the physical body of the

Lord and those who are with Him this time?AK: May be, but Bhagavan crosses all

time barriers when He materialises certain things. I know Sir, one year He

materialised the ring worn by Lord Rama that was presented to Him by His father


GV: Oops! The ring that Dasaratha gave?!! AK: That is right. It was a diamond

ring, and Swami was smiling as He looked around while materialising another

ring – this time it was a sapphire ring that was presented to Lord Rama by His

father-in-law, Emperor Janaka.GV: I am told these rings are very big?AK: Very

big indeed. I said, “Swami, it is almost the size of my wrist. How come this

ring is so big?” Swami replied, “Lord Rama was an Aajanubhau, meaning one of

very tall stature.GV: Eight feet or so?AK: Yes, Swami then materialised the

Mangalsutra or sacred wedding medallion, complete with the sacred thread that

holds the medallion. This was worn by Mother Sita at the time of the wedding. I

have also seen Swami materialising the chain worn by Ravana.GV: Ravana?AK: Yes,

complete with 365 Shiva Lingas and a pendant at the

bottom made up of three large Shiva Lingas, one yellow, one green and one blue.

All the 365 were made of gold while the three in the pendant at the centre were

made of crystal. This was the chain that Ravana wore. GV: What happens to these

jewels afterwards?AK: They go back to SAI STORES (laughter). Swami also

materialised a golden replica of the deer that captivated Sita, later landing

her in trouble. GV: Are you allowed to touch these objects?AK: Yes, sir. On one

occasion, Swami said, “Tomorrow is the wedding function of Balarama [brother of

Krishna] and Revathi. All of you are invited for lunch!” Sure enough, on the

following day, there was a fabulous lunch and in the afternoon Swami spoke

about the marriage of Balarama with Revathi. And at the end He materialised a

magnificent diamond-studded necklace with three or four rows of diamonds.GV: My

GOD! How big was the necklace?AK: About 15 cms. At the centre of the arch-like


there was a Swan suspended by a gold chain. The Swan was clear and you could

look through its eyes, beak, stomach, and so on. Every body started looking at

it. Swami came to me and said, “Look, look deep”. I did so and there in the

middle of the stomach of that bird I could see Bhagavan Baba in a reclining

posture, the classic reclining posture of Lord Narayana, reclining on His

Thousand-hooded snake, Adisesha. That is what I saw. It was absolutely

fantastic. Swami also materialised the CHOODAMANI or the ornament that Sita

used to wear on her head. This was the CHOODAMANI that Hanuman brought back as

proof of having met Sita, when he reported back to the Lord Rama. GV: How do

the boys feel on such occasions? They must be transported to a different

world.AK: That is right, into a totally different world. They had come so close

that they even took the liberty of almost pestering, saying, “Swami, let us see,

let us see!” Swami gave ample opportunities for all to see

these manifested objects at close quarters. He would keep them on the table so

that everybody could later see at some leisure. Photographs would be taken and

some of them are here in our MUSEUM also. [...]

Source: Radio Sai E-Magazine, February 15, 2004

The Kanayazhi Ring, which was sent to Mother Sita through Hanuman


Sri Sathya Sai Baba materialised the pearl necklace that Sita gifted to Hanuman

Rama Navami is the festival that marks the advent of the Lord as Rama. Many

years, the festival occurs when Swami is in Kodai. On such occasions, the

festival becomes a truly memorable day for the boys. On one such Rama Navami

day, Swami materialised the pearl necklace that Sita gifted to Hanuman at the

time of Rama's Coronation. Rama was distributing various gifts to members in

the assembly but somehow, He seemed to skip Hanuman. Sita was troubled by this

apparent indifference; how could such a loyal one like Hanuman be overlooked on

an occasion like this? So, she whispered to Rama that Hanuman should not be

forgotten. Rama whispered back that Hanuman was way above material gifts. Sita

was not quite satisfied by this reply; so she took out a pearl necklace that

she was wearing and offered it to Hanuman. While receiving the necklace,

Hanuman gave it a suspicious look. He

then placed the necklace near one of his ears as if to check whether the

individual pearls were emitting some sound. He appeared to examine every pearl

in the necklace, and once in a while, he would bite a pearl. Sita was shocked

by this behaviour. Was Hanuman proving that, after all, he was a monkey? She

demanded an explanation from Hanuman for what he was doing. With great humility

Hanuman replied, "Mother, for me the Name of Rama is supreme. An object is

worthless if it does not resound with the Name of Rama. Some of these pearls

are not emitting the proper sound and so I am chewing them up." Sita was

neither convinced nor amused and tersely remarked, "Pearls do not emit sound."

Hanuman replied, "Everything that is saturated with the Rama Principle will

always chant the Name of Rama. Let me demonstrate." So saying, Hanuman plucked

a hair from his body and offered it to Rama. When Sita took it near her ear,

she could clearly hear the chant of Rama's Name! This was the way Hanuman

proved to the world how intense true devotion really is. After narrating the

story and materialising the necklace, Swami passed it around and asked the boys

to carefully examine it. Sure enough many pearls had teeth marks! After everyone

present there had had a look, Swami made the necklace disappear! Source:


With Sai love fromSai brothers - ''

Source and Courtesy: http://www..com/sai_display.htm

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