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Greetings for Varamahalakshmi Pooja

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Devi - Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi [ Goddess of Prosperity ] :

Lord Sri Narayana or Mahavishnu is known as the preserver. The beloved wife of

Sri Narayana is Sri Lakshmi. Mother Lakshmi is always identified with the Lord,

and hence they are known as Sri Lakshmi Narayana. Mother Lakshmi is a mother of

prosperity, peace and illumination. Without Her grace one can't have inner

peace or perennial joy.

Lakshmi is commonly known as Goddess of wealth. Wealth is not only the money.

Tradition and values of life is also wealth. Our family and progress is also

wealth. Our belongings such as land, properties, animals, grains, etc as well

as virtues like patience, persistence, purity etc in the form of a character

are nothing but our wealth and so also glory or victory. Thus this eightfold

Sri Lakshmi is known as Sri Ashta Lakshmi.

Mother Lakshmi is the source and provider of the following enumerated well-known

sixteen types of wealth and many more. (1) Fame (2) Knowledge (3) Courage and

Strength (4) Victory (5) Good Children (6) Valor (7) Gold and other gross

properties (8) Grains in abundance (9) Happiness (10) Bliss (11) Intelligence

(12) Beauty (13) Higher Aim, High Thinking and Higher Meditation too (14)

Morality and Ethics (15) Good Health (16) Long Life. Let us glance upon the

glory of mother Ashta Lakshmi´s individual nature and forms.

Adi Lakshmi: Mother Lakshmi resides with Lord Narayana in the Vaikuntha, the

abode of Lord Narayana. She is known as Rama, means bringing happiness to the

mankind. She is also known as Indira (who holds lotus or purity in the hands or

heart.) Divine Mother's this form is normally seen serving Sri Narayana. Lord

Narayana is omnipresent. Adi Lakshmi or Rama Lakshmi serves Sri Narayana is

symbolic of her serving the whole creation. Though Sri Narayana is attended by

innumerable devotees, still she personally loves to serve the Lord. Actually

mother Adi Lakshmi and Narayana are not two different entities but one only.

Many a place we see her form sitting in the lap of Sri Narayana.

Dhanya Lakshmi: Dhanya means grains. This includes all kind of purified food

containing all essential vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium, carbohydrate and

so on. With the grace of mother Dhanya Lakshmi one gets all essential nutrients

grains, fruits, vegetables and other foods.

Dhairya Lakshmi: This form of mother Lakshmi grants the boon of infinite courage

and strength. Those, who are in tune with infinite inner power, are always bound

to have victory. Those who worship mother Dhairya Lakshmi they live and lead a

life with tremendous patience and inner stability.

Gaja Lakshmi: In the holy book of Srimad Bhagavata the story of the churning of

the ocean by Gods and demons is explained in detail. Author, the Sage Vyasa

writes that Lakshmi came out of the ocean during the churning of the ocean

(Samudra Manthan). So she is known as a daughter of the ocean. She came out of

the ocean sitting on a full-bloomed lotus and also having lotus flowers in both

hands with two elephants by her sides, holding a beautiful vessel filled with

milk and pouring it over Sri Lakshmi. Many a time we see Sri Lakshmi standing

in the lotus and elephants are pouring nectar over her. During the festival of

the lamps or the Deepavali along with Sri Lakshmi the Ganapathi or the Elephant

God also gets worshipped; that signifies the protection from evils as well as

abundant grace and blessings for additional prosperities!

Santan Lakshmi: In the family life, the children are the greatest treasure.

Those who worship this particular form of Sri Lakshmi, known as a Santan

Lakshmi, are bestowed with the grace of mother Lakshmi and have wealth in the

form of desirable children with good health & long life.

Vijay Lakshmi: Vijay is victory. Vijay is to get success in all undertakings and

all different facets of life. Some are strong physically but weak mentally while

others are economically rich but poor in their attitude and cannot exert any

influence. Vijay is to have all encompassing victory. Vijay is to rejoice glory

of our real nature - Vijay is to conquer the lower nature. Vijay is the victory

in external and internal wars and of course eternal wars! Hence those, with

grace of mother Vijay Lakshmi, have victory everywhere, at all time, in all

conditions. Victory to Vijay Lakshmi!!

Dhana Lakshmi: Dhana is wealth. But as per Rigved´s Purush Shukta Dhana is not

only a wealth in coins and currency. Even Sun and moon, fire and stars, rains

and nature, oceans and mountains, rivers and streams, all these are our wealth,

so are the progeny, our inner will power, our character and our virtues. With

the grace of mother Dhana Lakshmi we will get all these in abundance.

Vidya Lakshmi: Vidya is education. Education is not mere studies to receive the

degrees and diplomas certificates from the educational institutes or

universities. Serenity, Regularity, Absence of Vanity, Sincerity, Simplicity,

Veracity, Equanimity, Fixity, Non-irritability, Adaptability Humility,

Tenacity, Integrity, Nobility, Magnanimity, Charity, Generosity and Purity are

the eighteen "itis" that only can give immortality.

Education, which cannot give peace to the soul or cannot give the knowledge of

the Self and the inner satisfaction, is not education. Education, which cannot

wipe the tears of others, known or unknown, is not education. Education is the

understanding the situation and silence or art of living and leading the life

that can make the life, the Life Divine, where the ultimate Goal of the life is

the God-Realization.

Such Education can come only through discrimination and dispassion. One can have

abundant amount of money, but if he does not know how to make good use of it, it

will work to his disadvantage. If an alcoholic or a drug addict gets a big sum

of money, it will only hasten his downward journey to destruction. Vidya

Lakshmi is the understanding and the knowledge to mold the ordinary life into

the Divine Life. A life of Service, a life of feeling for a fellow being, a

life of charity and generosity, a life of purity, a life for seeking a soul

within the soul and a life with an ultimate aim of the realization of the

ABSOLUTE is the only real education, which can come only with the grace of

Vidya Lakshmi.

Thus all these eightfold Sri Lakshmi is ultimately one single power only. That is Adishakti.

The perennial and unchangeable, ever lasting, eternal truth or the absolute is

this Supreme blessedness, the mother Adishakti. She is the origin. She is the

light. She is the power, the wisdom and the strength. She is the Supreme Joy,

peace, bliss and illumination.

Year after year we have seen the lamps being lit for Diwali, the birth day and

the wedding day of Goddess Lakshmi. In the dark night the glowing flames herald

the advent of longer nights-the early days of an Indian winter.

The essence of this light is Shri Lakshmi-arising, at the beginning of time, out

of the waters at the churning of the Milky Ocean by gods and demons for a

thousand years. Regarded as the goddess of love, beauty and prosperity,

Lakshmi, Kamla or Padma (Sanskrit words for lotus), the beloved consort of

Vishnu, along with the dearly loved pot-bellied, elephant headed, auspicious

god of the Hindu theology, Siri Ganesha, is a presiding deity of the festival

of lights. They are worshipped in every household so that the year may be full

of prosperity. Throughout the night a lamp is kept burning before her image so

that she may continue to dwell in the house and bestow upon it the wealth of


May Mother Adishakti´s and Sri Ashta Lakshmi´s grace be ever upon us all, to

receive her divine grace for being befitting servant of the mankind in her

cosmic kingdom. Om Shanti.

Prayers to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune

These are Prayers to all of the qualities of the Goddess and the blessings that She gives.

The First is the Lakshmi-Stuti, from Vishnu Purana, 7.9.116-138,

The Second is the Sri Suktam.

This Stuti eulogy of Lakshmi, which was spoken by Lord Indra, is the source of

all opulence. In this world, poverty never dwells among those who recite this

stuti daily.

indra uvacha

namasye sarva-lokanam

jananim abja-sambhavam

Shriyam unnidra-padmaksim

vishnor vakshah-sthala-sthitam


Indra [the demigod king of heaven] said, "I offer my obeisances unto the

lotus-born mother of all beings, unto Sri [the Goddess of fortune], having

full-blown lotus-like eyes, and reposing in the bosom of Vishnu."

padmalayam padmakaram

padma patra-nibheksanam

vande padma-mukhim devim

padma-nabha-priyam aham


"I offer my obeisances unto the Goddess who is the abode of lotuses, who holds

the lotus, whose eyes resemble the petals of a lotus, whose face is a lotus,

and who is dear to the Lord who has a lotus navel."

tvam siddhis tvam svadha svaha

sudha tvam loka-pavani

sandhya ratrihi prabha bhutir

medha sraddha sarasvati


"You are siddhi, nectar, Svaha and Svadha, O purifier of the worlds. You are

twilight, night, effulgence, opulence, intelligence, faith and Sarasvati."

yajna-vidya maha-vidya

guhya-vidya cha shobhane

atma-vidya cha devi tvam



"You are the knowledge of sacrifice, the worship of the universal form, and

occult learning, O beauteous one. You are the knowledge of Brahman, O goddess,

and the bestower of the fruit of liberation."

anvikshiki trayi varta

danda-nitis tvam eva cha

saumyasaumyair jagad rupais

tvayaitad devi puritam


"You are the science of dialectics, the three Vedas, Varta, the knowledge of

chastisement. O goddess, this universe is filled with your gentle and

terrifying forms."

ka tv anya tvam rte devi

sarva-yajna-mayam vapuhu

adhyaste deva-devasya

yogi cintyam gada-bhritaha


"O goddess, who except you can dwell in the person of that God of gods, who

consists of all forbearance, the bearer of the mace, who is contemplated by the


tvayi devi parityaktam

sakalam bhuvana-trayam

vinashta-prayam abhavat

tvaye danim samedhitam


"O goddess, the three worlds, having been abandoned by you, were on the verge of

destruction--because of you, they have again recovered their position."

dara-putras tatha garam

suhrid-dhanya dhanadikam

bhavaty etan maha-bhage

nityam tvad-vikshanam nrinam


"O exalted one, men are endowed with wives, sons, houses, friends, grain and

wealth due to your constant glance."

sharirarogyam aishvaryam

ari-paksa-ksayam sukham


purushanam na durlabham


"O goddess, freedom from bodily ailments, riches, destruction of enemies, and

happiness are not difficult to attain for persons who view your glances."

tvam mata sarva-bhutanam

deva-devo harih pita

tvayaitad vishnuma chadya

jagad vyaptam-characharam


"You are the mother of all creatures, as that God of gods, Hari, is their

father. And this universe, consisting of moving and nonmoving entities, is

presently permeated by you, as well as Vishnu."

ma nah kosham tatha goshtham

ma griham ma paricchadam

ma sariram kalatram cha

tyajethaha sarva-pavani


"O purifier of all, if you forsake us, neither our treasures, nor our cows, nor

our houses, nor our possessions, nor our bodies, nor our wives, are secure."

ma putram ma suhrid-vargam

ma pashun ma vibhushanam

tyajetha mama devasya

vishnor vaksah-sthalalaye


"O you whose abode is the chest of Vishnu, if you forsake me, neither sons, nor

friends, nor animals, nor ornaments can be mine."

sattvena satya-shaucabhyam

chatha shiladibhir gunaih

tyajante te narah sadyaha

sansyakto ye tvayamale


"O spotless one, men who are forsaken by you are also forsaken by goodness,

truth, purity, good character and other virtues."

tvayavico kitah sadyaha

shiladyair akhilair gunaih

kulaishvaryaish cha muhyante

purusha nirguna api


"And those who are glanced upon by you, although devoid of any good qualities,

are infatuated by all good qualities, such as good character, lineage, wealth,


sa shlaghyah sa guni dhanyaha

sa kulinaha sa biddhinam

sa shurah sa cha vikranto

yas tvaya devi vikshitaha


"O goddess, he who is glanced upon by you, is praiseworthy, accomplished,

fortunate, intelligent, high-born, heroic and possessed of power."

sadyo vaingunyam ayanti

shiladyah sakala gunaha

paranmukhi jaga-dhatri

yasya tvam vishnu-vallabhe


"O nurse of the universe, O beloved of Vishnu, all virtues, character, etc.,

immediately abandon him from whom you turn away."

na te varnayitum shakta

gunan jihvapi vedhasaha

prasida devi padmakshi

masmams tyakshih kadachana


"Even the tongue of Brahma is incapable of describing your qualities. O

lotus-eyed one, be auspicious unto me. Please do not abandon me."

[Thus ends the Lakshmi-stuti]

Sri [the Goddess of Fortune] said: "I shall never turn my face from one who

praises me every morning and evening with this hymn."


Om Hiranya Varnam Harineem

Survanam Rajatas Rajam

Chandraam Hiranmayim

LakshmeEm Jatavedo Mamaavaha


Sloka 1

O all-knowing fire-god (Agni), would you kindly propitiate Mahalakshmi, the

Goddess of prosperity, one whose body has the golden color; one who is decked

with gold and silver garlands; one whose sari is yellow colored and one Whose

face is like the full moon and whose eyes bless humanity with soothing grace. O

Jata Veda, the fire-god, kindly tell Her of our supplications.

Taamma Aavaha Jaatavedo

LakshmeEm Ananpagammineem

Yasyaam Hiranmyam Vindeyam

Gaam-Asvam Purusham-Aham


Sloka 2

O, Agni, the great fire-god, with the blessings of Mahalakshmi, wealth and

prosperity, gold and cattle, horses and useful animals, family and children and

every type of prosperity will come to me. By the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi in

my home, the prosperity will be imperishable. Health, friends, knowledge,

everlasting peace and finally freedom -- all these types of wealth will be mine

by the arrival of the Universal Mother, Lakshmi, into my home.

Aswa-Poorvaam Ratha-MadhyaAm

Hastinaada Prabhodineem

Sriyam Deveem-Upahvahe

Sreemaa Devirjushataam

Sloka 3

That Goddess Lakshmi in whose procession the celestial horses and the divine

chariots are used, as the elephants roar the OM sound which pleases that

Goddess. She being Gajalakshmi or Lakshmi Who is worshiped by the elephants. O

Agni, I am invoking that power, the spouse of Vishnu. May I attain Her grace.

Kaamsosmkitaam Hiranya PraakaaraamAardraam

Jvalenteem Truptaam Tarpayantim

Padmastitaam PadmavarnaAm

Taamihopahvaye Sriyam

Sloka 4

One Who is sitting on the blossomed thousand-petalled lotus; one whose body has

the color of the lotus; may that great Goddess. The compassionate, radiant,

ever-smiling, fulfiller of all the desires of Her votaries, hear my prayers. I

invoke that Mother, Mahalakshmi of golden color.

Candraamprabhassaam Yasasaajvalantim

Sriyamloke Devajustamudharam

Tam Padmineemim Saranamaham

Prapadye Alakshmeerye

Nasyatam twaam vrine

Sloka 5

I invoke Mahalakshmi Who shines like the full moon and like lightening. Her fame

is all-pervading. Denizens of heaven constantly worship Her. She is minificent.

Her benevolent hands are like lotuses. I take refuge in Her lotus feet. Let Her

destroy my poverty forever. O Mother Mahalakshmi, I take shelter at Your lotus


Aadityavarne TapasodhijaatoO

Vanaspatistava Vrikshothabilvaha

Tasya Phalaani Tapassaanudantu

Maayaantaraayaastcha Baahyaa Alakshmehim

Sloka 6

O Universal Mother, shining like the sun, it is through Your penance that the

holiest trees of Bilva and Tulasi are born. They symbolize the tree of life.

The fruit of that tree of life removes our poverty from both within and

without. In other words, bless us with inner light and outer independence and


Upaitumaam Devasakhaha

Keertishtcha Maninaa Saham

Praddour-booto smit rastresmin

Keerthimrudhim dadaatume

Sloka 7

O Devi, the great Goddess, with Your blessings let Kubera, the treasurer of the

gods; his friend, Manibhadra, the protector of wealth, and Keerti, the goddess

of fame who was the daughter of Daksha Prajapati.

Ksutipaasaamalaam JyesthaAm

Alakshreem naasayaamyaham

Abhootimasamriddhim cha

Sarvadh Nirmuda me grihaat

Sloka 8

That goddess of hunger and thirst, one who is reduced to a skeleton; I would

like the death of the goddess of poverty. O Mahalakshmi, may You kindly drive

away any fear of poverty and inauspiciousness from my home. In other words,

bless me always with abundance and joy.

Gandhadvaraam duradharshaam

Nitya Pushtaam Karishineem

Eesvareehim sarvabhoottaanaam

Taamihopahvaye Sriyam

Sloka 9

I invoke that supreme Goddess Lakshmi to dwell in my home forever. She is the

supreme power of protection and Goddess of all the universes and cosmic

elements. She is Mother Earth, the bestower of great contentment. Her blessings

are bringing us the fragrance of the sandalwood paste. May that Ishwari be ever

present in me.


Vaachasatya masheemahi

Pashoonam Roopamanasya

Mayi Sreesrayataam Yasaha

Sloka 10

May Mahalakshmi fulfill all my desires. May I attain perfection. May my words

come true. May I be bestowed with cattle, wealth, food, milk and honey to share

with all. May that Sri Devi come to my home in the form of undying fame.

Kardhamena Prajaabhuttaa Mayi

Sambhava Kardhamam

Sriyam Vaasayame KuleE

Maataram Padma maalineem

Sloka 11

We are the progeny of our forefather, Sage Kardama, who is one of the sons of

Goddess Lakshmi. We invoke that Sage Kardama to install in his family the

Universal Mother, Mahalakshmi, who is decked with the garland of lotuses. So be


Apahasrujantu Snigdhaani Chikleeta

Vasa Me Gruhe

Nicha deveem MaatarahamM Sriyam

Vaasaya Me Kule

Sloka 12

We invoke another son of Lakshmi named Chikleeta. May he dwell in our home and

may his mother, Mahalakshmi, dwell in our family.

Ardraam Pushkarineem Pushtim

Pingalaam Padmamalineem

Chandramm Hirnamayeem LakshmeEm

Jaatavedo Mamaavaha

Sloka 13

O Agni, may You propitiate Mahalakshmi, the destroyer of demons but merciful to

Her devotees, abode of auspiciousness, bestower of total protection,

extraordinarily beautiful, bedecked with valuable ornaments, shining like a

thousand suns; may that Hiranmayi, the golden colored Goddess, be pleased with


Ardraam Yah-Karineem yastiIm

Survarnaam Hemamaalineem

Sooruyamm Hirnamayeem LakshmeEm

Jaatavedo Mamaavaha

Sloka 14

O Agni, the fire-god, I once again pray unto you to invoke the presence of the

Lakshmi Devi with us. The Mother Who is merciful blessings with Her lotus hand.

May that yellow-clad, lotus-garlanded, moon-faced Goddess shower Her choicest

cup of blessings upon us.

Taama Aavaah JaatavedoO


Yasyam Hiranyam Prabhootam Gaavo

Daasyoshvam Vindeyam Purushanaham

Sloka 15

O Agni, please pray to that Lakshmi that we should be blessed with inexhaustible

wealth. May that wealth bring that greatest joy and peace along with all

material comforts of cows, servants, horses, family and good children, and the

highest of all, freedom.

Om Mahalakshmi cha Vidmahe Vishnu

Patnyaicha Dhimahi

Taano LakshmihiprachodayaAta

Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

Sloka 16

Let that Mahalakshmi be invoked on Whom I meditate upon, Who is the consort of

Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Mother. Let peace prevail everywhere.

Goddess Lakshmi or "Sri Devi" is the consort of Vishnu. She is the Goddess of

wealth and prosperity. Wealth includes nobler values of life, power of mind and

intellect, moral, and ethical qualities that constitute the spiritual

wealth.Fridays are considered auspicious for Lakshmi puja. The Friday before

the full moon in the Hindu month of 'Sravan' or 'Shravan' (August-September) is

considered especially sacred and Varalakshmi Vrata (puja for boons and

longevity) is performed on that day by women whose husband's are still alive.

Lord Shiva describes the glory of this Vrata in the "Skanda Purana".Lakshmi-The

Goddess Of Wealth And WisdomHindu Goddess Lakshmi not only bestows wealth and

all sorts of material prosperity, but also imparts divine wisdom to all Her

devotees. She is "Vidya Shakti" and She is the one who introduces Her devotees

to Her Lord for their

salvation.Goddess Maha Lakshmi is the power of "Lord Narayana" who is also known

as Lord Vishnu or Lord Hari. Narayana is God's aspect of preservation. He is an

embodiment of "Shuddha Sattwa". Lakshmi is His causal body. She is 'Maya', the

illusory power of Nature. She deludes the whole world by Her veiling power and

projects it through Her projecting power. She Herself as Vidya-Lakshmi

enlightens the spiritual aspirant. Beauty, grace, a picturesque scenery or

charming landscape, modesty, love, prosperity, music, the five elements and

their combinations, the internal organs, mind, 'Prana', intellect - all these

are Her manifestations. Without Lakshmi even 'Sannyasins' cannot do propaganda

or preaching work or run their institutions. They are in fact more in need of

Lakshmi than the house - holders because they have to do great dynamic work for

human weal. Sri Shankara worshipped Devi, Lakshmi and Saraswathi for success in

his work. All great prophets and divine

messengers who have done great spiritual work in the past were devotees of

Mother Lakshmi, Devi and Saraswathi.The FestivityAfter a purificatory bath, the

lady performing the puja should put on a clean, fresh cloth and make a mandala

(place where the puja is performed) with the drawing of a lotus upon it. A

kalasha (pot) filled with rice and topped with fresh mango leaves, a coconut

and cloth are placed on the mandala and Lakshmi is invoked therein. Fresh

grains are used in the worship as they convey the idea of growth and

prosperity.After the worship of the kalasha, follows the worship of Ganesha,

then the worship of the 'Raksha' or the sacred thread. Now the main worship of

Vara Lakshmi begins and the 'Raksha' is worshipped a second time and is then

tied to the right hand of the lady who is performing the puja. Special

varieties of sweets like 'Paayasam' and 'Laddu', fruits, milk etc are offered

to the goddess.She is

worshipped with different varieties of flowers like Lotus, Jasmine, Marigold

etc. Many devotees buy gold ornaments on this day and place it near the goddess

and take her blessings. After the worship various auspicious articles are given

as charity to some deserving ladies whose husband's are alive.

With Sai love from Sai brothers - ''

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