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SAI THE GOD ON EARTH [Part 1 of 2]

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By N. M. DAS




It was on Twenty Fourth July Nineteen Hundred Eighty Six (24-7-1986)

my wife Smt. N. Ganga Devi underwent open-heart surgery at Durgabai

Deshmuk hospital, Hyderabad (A.P.) I prayed Lord Sai Nath for her

life. The Lord of Events heard my panic voice and came to my rescue,

and saved her life. This event of the Lord SAI inspired me to write

something significant on the sayings of BABA in the shape of booklet

to be dedicated to HIM.


I am grateful to SHIRDI SAMSTHAN, which has been the ins­trument

of my inspiration to contribute articles to 'SAI LEELA' magazine for

the last seven years, the articles published so far are: SAI's





to continue to contribute articles till I breath last.


If Ramayana and Bhagavath Gita are the sacred books to Hindus, Quaran

to Muslims, Bible to Christians, SAI SATCHARITA, written in Marathi

by late Sri Govind Rao Raghunath Dabholkar (Hemadpant), is sacred

book to all sorts of religions in the world. I request the SAI

brothers and sisters who intend to write about SAI not to deviate the

original script. Small is beautiful. This publication is only a brief

version of some of the most important events/maxims depicted in SHRI

SAI SATCHARITA, with the sole intention of creating awareness amongst

the readers and devotees who do not know or know a little about SAI

BABA. "If you know more about SAIBABA much more remains to be known".


My thanks are due to Sri Naresh Gunaji, Author of English SAI

SATCHARITRA. I make an appeal to the readers to pardon me in case of

any mistakes in this small publication.


Putting my head on the Lotus feet of SAI forever with a sincere

prayer to help and guide all of us in all the times and bless us by

HIS boon bestowing hand.



N.M. DAS. Warangal (A.P.), Dated 8-9-1988



"I shall draw out my devotees from the jaws of Death" - SAI BABA


SAI, a naked fakir whose existence was ignored by many in the second

half of nineteenth century, is mostly recognized at present. Though

he is not in blood and flesh, he is widely celebrated now. Readers or

devotees are likely to come across many doubts as to the omniscience

of SAI, the GOD.


When the entire treasure of the world was under SAI's feet where was

the need for HIM to knock a few doors with a begging bowel? Was HE a

juggler who performed some tricks to get livelihood? Why did HE

extract Dakshina (money) from the people or devotees who went to HIM?

When SAI is omnipresent, then why should the people go to SHIRDI?

When whatever is written in our fate (Karma) is bound to happen, why

should we pray to HIM?


The answers to the above questions, which appear to be conflicting,

controversial, and critic are attempted hereunder:


When a supernatural power descends on earth, Godly wonders are hidden

and never exposed unless the circumstances strongly warrant. Lord

Shri Rama is worshipped as GOD or an Avatar. Why did HE Wander in

search of HIS beloved wife, Sita kidnapped by Ravana? As an Avatar or

omnipresent did HE not know the whereabouts of Sita? Had HE acted

like GOD, Valmiki would not have constituted the big epic of

Ramayana. Rama wanted to teach the people that the wicked should be

punished to establish Dharma, and to prove that suffering is

inevitable to each and everyone, however great or small one may be.


Lord. SHIVA, the GOD went with a joli to test the depth of devotees

and not to quench HIS thirst or satisfy appetite. Similarly SAI acted

like an ordinary man around us. HE never created an impre­ssion

that HE is GOD. Of course HE performed miracles not for Himself but

to drag the devotees from calamities.


Whatever the money HE collected was distributed to the poorest of the

poor on the same day and was not used for HIS personal ends. HE

never bothered about worldly life and went on serving the humanity



HE was neither, a juggler nor a magician who performed tricks but

acted as a representative of GOD, an holy Saint, not for HIS

live­lihood but for others who suffered.


HE did not go for alms to all, except a few devotees who had full

faith in HIM. Whatever the edibles HE collected was cooked

distributed as prasad to all the people.


People need not go to SHIRDI, as SAI is all pervasive. HE is

everywhere and gives Darshan and fulfills the desire of those who

worship HIM devotionally. Once SAI BABA said to a friend of Shri B.A.

Tarkhadkar "was I not with you in Bombay. People or devotees who

think that I AM in SHIRDI only have not seen ME". When surrendered to

SAI whole heartedly, HE Himself went to devotees in disguise of many

unrecognized forms and fulfilled their desires. The example of Mataji

Shivamma Tai who hails from Tamil Nadu is cited here, She is

surviving at present aged ninety-eight years and had the good fortune

of seeing BABA in her lifetime. She saw SAI BABA in September 1918

after taking Maha Samadhi, BABA came to her in the guise of a boy of

fifteen years and gave two books. The next day, SAI BABA gave Darshan

to her in a dream and made clear that HE himself had gifted her two

valuable books 'PARIJATHA' and 'JANANA MARGAM'.


BABA said, "it is My special characteristic that I look always to and

provide for the welfare of the devotees wherever they may be even

thousand miles away from Me provided they fix their minds on Me". For

all BABA proved a supernatural power.


Devotees feel that in the daily walk of life it may not be possible

to concentrate towards GOD whole heartedly and do full justice to

prayer. That being the reason they prefer sacred places temples

mosques churches etc., to purify their minds.


SHIRDI is supposed to be one of the holiest places because many

Saints came to this place and BABA came and lived till HE took Maha

Samadhi. As such it is believed that the soil of SHIRDI is most

sacred and blessed one.


So far as the belief in Karma is concerned some argue that when

whatever is written in our fate happens without fail then why should

pray to GOD and nothing emerges from the Pooja. Many a Saints say

that punishment for the misdeeds and sin is a MUST and as such

inescapable but by meditating and praying to GOD one is likely to

miti­gate the volume of deserving punishment.


SAI BABA'S yogic powers, giving Darshan as Lord Sri Rama, Lord Shri

Krishna, producing prayag (i.e., sacred, place where Ganga and Yamuna

meet) from his feet, controll­ing the elements of nature,

eradicating the epidemics and endemics, turning water into oil,

curing the most incurable and dreadful diseases, rescue from snake

bites, fulfilling the various desires of HIS devotees, HIS sleeping

styles (keeping the eyes opened while sleeping), reading of minds,

HIS reminiscence knowledge about the past telling people about the

present and future, HIS fruitful advise, HIS udi producing magic

effect and averting the deaths of HIS favorable devotee Late Shri

Ramchandra Patil - all those are the greatest and supernatural

achievements. HE had taken on HIM all sorts of diseases of the people

with the result that HIS healthy body was reduced to skin and bones.

HE sacrificed HIS whole life for the sake of people. Above all, to

save HIS most beloved devotee Tatya Kote, HE Himself exchanged


HIS life for Kote


Can an ordinary man do all the above? The answer is "Nay". The above

supernatural deeds lend support to the effect that SAI BABA is

VISWATHAMAN an Avatar; more over it is not an ancient history of

Ramayana or Mahabharatha. It is a reliable modern history.


A few out, of some who saw BABA in flesh and blood are still alive in

various parts of the country. Mention may be made of Sri Lakshman Rao

Alias Bala Sabeb Naik, Yashwant Potdar, Mataji Shivamma Tai, Swami

Ram Babu and Sri Morarji Desai.


Late Sri Govind Rao Ragunath Dubholkar (Hemandpant the author of SHRI

SAI SATCHARITA in Marati) Mrs. Sarojini Mulve, Shri Nana Saheb

Ramsane, Dr. K. B. Gavankar, Sri Radha Krishnaswamy, Parvati Bai

Sapatnekar, Lakshmi Bai Shinde, Bhagat Mahalsapathi and his son

Marthand, Kaka Saheb, Dixit Gopal Rao Booti, Bhogoji Shinde (a leper

devotee) Nana Saheb Nimmonkar, Madhavarao Despande, Alias Shama are

some of the luckiest devotees whom BABA blessed.


When Avatars incarnate in the world, they embody themselves, mix and

act with the people. SAI acted like a very poor man (fakir), lived

like a beggar and died like a man. God's life is always wrapped in

mystery. SAI is no exception to this fact.


Lord Krishna says in Bhagavath Gita "whenever there is a decay of

Dharma, the righteousness, I manifest Myself for the protection of

virtue and destruction of evils. When the Lord's creation dwells in

ignorance misery and injustice, eternal light (Avatar) descends in to

the world to elevate the people and bestow salvation. SAI BABA

fulfilled the vow of Lord Krishna and came to earth us an Avatar.




BABA is Pandharinath Vithal incarnate and merciful Lord of the poor

and most helpless. (Sri Gouli Buva);

BABA was the original SATCHIT ANNAND SWARUP. (Upasani Maharaj);

The crest Jewel Best of the Saints. (Shirdi Sansthan);

If you know about SAI BABA what I know about HIM you will call HIM

the Master of Creation. (Saint Meher Baba);

SAI is equal to hundred mothers and hundred fathers (H.H. Basheer


SHIRBI SAI BABA was a saga in the old Indian, tradition. HIS life and

teachings continue to inspire people. (Late Smt. Indira Gandhi);

SAI BABA is a great spiritual soul. (Sri Morarji Desai);

I have placed Sri SAI BABA amongst the house hold gods we worship

daily. sai baba is god. (Sri g.g. Narke);

HE appeared to know the inner most thoughts of everybody, relieved

their wants and carried comforts to all. HE fulfilled my idea of god

on earth. (Sri Dida Saheb Khaparde);

SAI BABA is Tirloknath and Kohinoor. (Saint Madhavnath);

SAI BABA is an incarnation of Lord SHIVA (MEGHA);

SAI BABA Light of All Light. (Swami Ram Babu);

SAI BABA is the incarnation of GOD DATTATEEYA. (Sri Das Ganu);

SAI BABA raises a storm and makes us restless and then calms it

down and comforts us. (Sri Madhava Rao Deshpande Alias Shama);

SHIRDI is lucky to be blessed with a precious Jewel, (Saint Sri


In fact BABA is a precious and most valuable DIAMOND. You will

realise this shortly. (Saint Sri Anand Math);


SAI BABA is omniscient, Omni Present and Omnipotent. SAI BABA

possessed the qualities of Lord Shri Krishna, Sri Rama, Buddha,

Christ, Mohammed, Adi Shankaracharya and Gandhiji.


Human birth is the result of karma but SAI's incarnation is a Leela.

The result of Karma is inevitable but by repeating the name of SAI

the evil effects shall be mitigated.


An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty where as a

pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.


If adverse circumstances arise, we should look upon these as mere

trials to test out spiritual strength.


GOD is like a magnet. The magnet does not attract the needle as long

as it contains mud and once the mud is washed off and made clean the

magnet attracts the needle. Same is the case with GOD.


GOD can only be experienced cannot be explained. baba's sweet and

nectar like words and his boon bestowing hand are everlasting.


By SAI's mere touch, the blind, deaf, dumb and other physically

handicapped have got restored the normality.


SAI BABA peculiar, some times mad, tender, merciful, casteless,

simple, humble, childish, Bhola and inscrutable. Baba's life was like

a rain bearing cloud and his heart is softer than wax.


Just like a child gets the natural food from the breast of mother so

also we get our spiritual strength from the lotus feet of SAI.


Sri SAI baba is Kalpa Vriksha (wish fulfilling tree).


Though BABA has cast off his mortal coil yet HE now appears and

showers his blessings on HIS devotees.


BABA neither left nay nor advocated any particular method of worship.


HIS Udi is like the arrow of Sri Ram. It cured the enumerable and

dreadful diseases. Barren woman begot children, and pregnant woman

had easy and safe delivery.


The true test to find out how much we have neared SAI is to find out

how much patience and. concentration we have.



"Brahma is MY Father, Maya is MY Mother, and Universe is MY House" -



Who is SAI BABA? When and where was HE born? Who were HIS parents?

What was HIS Religion?


When questioned. SAI BABA never gave straight and clear answers to

the above questions. HE gave two different answers to the same

question Perhaps SAI baba does not want us to bother about HIS



However, the answers as recorded in SHRI SAI SATCHARITA are

reproduced for the information and ready reference.


Once BABA said to Mahalsapathi that His parents were very pious and

staunch devotees of Lord SHIVA. HE was born to them as a boon

conferred by Lord Shankara. After some time the parents left PATHRI

for performing penance and left the child SAI BABA under the tree. A

childless fakir couple brought HIM (SAI) up from childhood days and

drove HIM out when found attached to Lord Shankara


At the Dhulia magistrate's court BABA said that people call HIM SAI

BABA. HIS Guru was Venkuasa, HIS Religion was Kabir, caste parvat

digar (GOD). BABA addressed the mosque as Brahmins Masjid.


Saint Madhavanath told that SAI BABA was the eldest son of a Brahmin

Yajuredi Deshasth who handed over HIM to a Fakir.


SAI BABA came to SHIRDI in 1854 when HE was a lad of sixteen years

and lived for about three years left SHIRDI and again; came with

Chand Bhai Patil's marriage party in about 1858 and lived for sixty

(60) years till HE attained Maha Samadhi on 15-10-1918.


The mother of Nana Chopdar said that she saw this young Saint

attractive and very handsome under the Neem tree, left SHIRDI came



God Khandobha said that BABA practiced penance for 12 years beneath

the present Neem tree. It is also agreed that BABA was first seen

under the same Neem tree in the year 1854.


When SAI BABA came to Khandoba's temple along with Chand Bhai Patil's

marriage party, as soon as Bhagat Mahalsapathi, a priest saw this

young fakir addressee Him `YA SAI' Welcome SAI, SAI is derived from

Persian word meaning Saint. Since then the Fakir is known to one and

all as SAI BABA. From this Khandobha temple, SAI BABA came to a

dilapidated mud walled mosque and stayed there till the Maha Samadhi

on 15-10-1918.


The people who say SAI BABA was a Muslim argue that BABA uttered very

often "Allah Malik", "Bismilia". During HIS childhood a Muslim fakir,

perhaps named Roshan Shah, brought HIM up. Baba stayed in mosque.

BABA expressed the desire that His mortal should be buried. HE used

to speak Urdu very frequently and inher­ited Islamic customs,


The people who oppose and contradict the above points say that one of

the Islamic practices is reading of Quaran and performing Namaz. This

Baba did so.


Like Hindu, Baba had holes in his ears. He allowed worship of photos,

statues, local deities, Muslims condemn idolatry. He kept dhuni

burning which was a not Islamic ritual. He addressed mosque as

Dwarakamai, Brahmins Masjid and in the mosque Tulsi plant was also

worshipped by some Hindu Devotees.


Baba's mortal were taken to a temple (closed shelter) meant for



>From the material narrated above it is seen that Baba's birth,

parentage and religion as agreed by Shri Narasimhaswamy and others

are still wrapped in mystery.


The most compromising and the judicious approach about HIS religion

may be based on HIS frequent utterance i.e. Subke Malik Ek Hai. It

means all the religions are in HIM.


Therefore it is superfluous to think about HIS religion, birthplace

and parentage. BABA was Ram as well as Rahim. HE was all in one and

one in all. HE is Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. HE is

Casteless, Birthless and Deathless.



"I require no door to enter, I have no form nor any existence. I

always live everywhere" - SAI BABA


Is it not a wonderful thing to note that BABA's eyes are

every­where fulfilling the cherished desires of devotees sooner

or later? One may shed tears while facing calamities in life but the

same eyes may bring tears of joys in the long run. This is popularly

known as SAI LEELA. If what is expected happens then there is no

wonder in it. If unforeseen or unpredicted thing happens then it is a

miracle. Some times with the best efforts put in, people fail and say

bad luck and in some occasions with little efforts they get success.

This is a matter of luck; if joys and sorrows are not mixed and

interwoven then the very purpose of life is defeated. SAI BABA

performed a number of miracles but the following are exceptionally

wonderful and worth recording.


1. Once Chand Bhai, the Head mm of Daoop Khade village in Aurangabad

district, was searching out for his more, SAI BABA who sat under a

mango tree called Chand Bhai by his name and pointed out the mare.

After finding the mare Chand Bhai was wonder-struck and bowed before

SAI and uttered that the young lad was not an ordinary man.


2. SAI BABA every night used to light earthen lamps in mosque with

the oil given by the grocers of SHIRDI village. One day the grocers

refused to give oil. SAI returned to mosque with the empty oil tin.

HE lit the lamps by pouring the water into the earthen lamps and kept

the lamps burning the whole night very brightly. The grocers who came

to make a fun of HIM were taken away by surprise and felt at HIS feet

asking HIM to pardon.


3. Sri Nana Saheb Chandorker's daughter developed very acute

delivery pains at Jamner. He could do nothing except praying BABA for

the safe delivery. BABA heard the panic voice of Chandorker and gave

sacred UDI to Bupugir Bava who was leaving for his native village in

Khandesh to hand over to Nana Chandorker at Jarnner. Bupugir Bava had

only Rupees two, which was a meager amount to meet the expense. SAI

BABA read the mind of the messenger and told him that he should not

worry. Allah will arrange every thing. Accordingly, Babugir reached

Jalgaon at midnight. SAI in disguise of a tanga wala asked Bipugir

whether he had come from SHIRDI and told that Nana had sent a tanga

for HIM. By dawn these two reached Jamnere,. Nina applied the Udi to

her daughter's forehead. She delivered to a child very safely. There

after Babugir told Nana that had he not sent the tanga he would not

have reached in time. Nana very amazingly said that he did not know

anything about tanga. Then both came out from the house and searched

out. Neither they found the tanga nor tangawala, Nana shed tears of

joy and said "O BABA how merciful you are".


4. SHIRDI SAI BABA used to prepare prasad in a big Hundi; HE put

rice, dal, vegetables and even meat with the required masala, in

Hundi and put HIS hand to see whether the rice boiled. The devotees

wondered to note that the hand placed in the boiling water did not

burn. The devotees used to partake the prasad irrespective of caste

creed or religion.


5. Once cholera epidemic broke out in Shirdi. The helpless people

approached BABA and requested HIM to save them. BABA grinds wheat in

the grinding stone in Dwarakamai. HE asked the village women to throw

the wheat flower on the out skirts of SHIRDI village. The

epi­demic was arrested completely and was driven away. The people

joyfully enjoyed this miracle.


6. Once the devotees who sat near BABA were taken away by surprise

to see that BABA put both the hand in the burning firewood of Dhuni.

Had I waited a moment longer she would have been burnt to death. The

girl saved was Blacksmith's daughter who slipped from the lap of her

mother and fell into the flames. Immediately the Blacksmith shouted

BABA who took no time to save the girl.


7. Once Dasganu asked BABA to permit him to leave SHIRDI for

Pandharapur to have the Darshan of VITHAL. BABA said for him SHIRDI

itself is Pandharapur. Why leave SHIRDI and go so far? BABA

manifested HIMSELF Vithal and Das Ganu became extremely happy and

fell on HIS feet.


8. Once a doctor from Bombay who was a very close friend of SAI's

devotee visited SHIRDI. He was a staunch devotee of Sri Rama; The

Doctor accompanied his friend on the express on condition that he

would not bow before BABA. When the doctor neared BABA, he saw Lord

Sai Rama instead of SAI BABA. He went to BABA and fell at HIS lotus



9. Once a terrible storm broke out in the evening at SHIDI. The

rainfall was in torrents. All frightened and came to Dwarakamai

shouted "BABA, BABA". SAI ordered the storm to be calm. The storm

ceased and the moon shone on the sky very brilliantly. The normalcy

was res­tored and the people went to homes safely.


10. Once SAI BABA poured water in the burning DHUNI. When the

devotees asked about it, BABA replied that HE was putting out the

fire in Tajuddin's Dargah. Next day a word came from Tajnddin that a

fire had broken out at his Dargah.


11. Once a lizard on the wall of Dwarakamai was tick ticking. A

devotee who heard this told BABA that it was a bad omen. BABA said

no, the lizard was very glad and singing because her sister was

expected to come to her shortly. Just then a person came from

Aurangabad and put his luggage on the ground. Immediately the lizard

jumped out and climbed up the wall. Both sisters who met after a long

time kissed and embarrassed. This wonder in advance proved BABA's



12. Shri Mule Shastri a palmist who had strong faith in Gholop Swami

was put to great astonishment when he saw BABA assuming the form of

his Guru Gholop Swami at the time Arati while all recited BABA's

Arati Shastri recited the Arati for his Guru. After the Arati'

Shastri prostrated before BABA and thanked for fulfilling his desire"

This wonderful event moved all the devotees beyond measure.


13. Shri Gulam Hussain Jaffarally a Muslim surprised to BABA in

guise of his beloved prophet Alliaa horse. He bowed before BABA.


14. Once a Parsi devotee from Koporgaon (district Ahmed Nagar) came

to BABA He had strong belief in Paygambar Zarthostra. BABA satisfied

his inner cherished desire by assuming himself, as Prostrated The

Parsi was wonder struck and prostrated before BABA.


15. Once a lady devotee who prepared bread for BABA was just ready to

start Meanwhile, a dog came she offered bread to the dog. She went to

take another bread for BABA. now a pig came to her. She offered

second bread. Later on seeing her BABA said 'MA, I ate two breads

because I am in these creatures. From this miracle BABA proved that

HE is all pervasive.


16. BABA used to sleep keeping HIS eyes opened on wooden plank tied

to the rafters of the Masjid with old shreds or rages. People

wondered as how BABA slept on it whose rags were weak and how he got

up and down the plank.


17. Once the fire in the DHUNI flared up fiercely. The fire started

rising higher. The devotees in Dwarakamai took fear. BABA ordered the

fire to come down. Within no time the fire obeyed the order of BABA,

and calmed down. This shows how SAI BABA had full control over the

elements of nature.


18. In 1914 Shri Ganapath Dhod Kadam was going to SHIRDI in a

train with his family. After the train left Nasik, a gang of Bhils

boarded his compartment. At that time, Kadam was reading the holy

songs. Seeing BABA the gang frightened and left the compartment

within five minutes. When Kadam turned his face neither he saw the

gang nor the old fakir. When he came to BABA to pay his homage BABA

said, "Well have you come safe, "well guarded" Kadam felt at HIS feet

and thanked for protecting him from the gang.


19. The greatest miracle performed by BABA is in case of lady Mrs.

Malan Bai who was restored to life after death. This is the highest

supernatural power exercised by baba, This lady suffered from a very

serious t.b, disease. All sorts of medicines failed miserably. Having

lost all hopes she came to SHIRDI and took refugee in SAI. The

merciful SAI took pity on her, and she was advised to lie down on

blanket and consumed water only and nothing else. She very obediently

and devotionally followed the instructions. Unfortunately she died

after a week early in the morning. Her parents wept bitterly and were

preparing for the funeral. To the greatest surprise of one and all,

the lady started breathing slowly and after a few minutes she opened

the eyes and said that an unknown black person was carrying her she

cried for BABA's help who came immediately and gave a blow to the

black man and snatched her from the hand of the black person. Without

seeing Chavadi, she gave a correct picture of it. This is the first

time in the life of baba to leave Chavadi after 8. A.M. Tears of joy

rolled on the cheeks of all the devotees who witnessed the

unbelievable and invincible miracle of SAI NATH.


After BABA took Maha Samadhi on 15-10-1918 the devotees are

experiencing innumerable miracles even now in different parts of the

country. Some of the experiences are being published in the books and

in 'SAI LEELA' Magazines.





SAI BABA's teachings are light giving and fruit bearing. They are

easily adoptable by all sorts of religions, and have universal

vali­dity. BABA knew no caste, creed, except Humanism. Rich and

poor were treated equally in his Durbar. HIS grace just like sunrays

show­ered on all equally. HE neither left any heir nor advocated

any particular religion. HIS teachings are through HIS sweet words.


According to HIM God is universe and universe is GOD. It means GOD is

all pervasive, everywhere in all greatness. SUBKA MALIK EK HAI. Lamps

may be many but the light is the same. GOD is one,


So far as karma is concerned, SAI BABA said that punishment for past

deeds and sins is a MUST and not escapable but by praying to GOD the

evil effects may be mitigated. The merits and demerits determine the

assignment of heaven and hell respectively. Souls get their births or

transmigration according to deeds.


Damu Anna who sat near 'BABA was just thinking whether all the people

who take Darshan of BABA are blessed and their desires fulfilled. SAI

BABA, who was omniscient, read the mind of Damu Anna said that the

mango tree bears a number of flowers. Each flower is expected to

bring a fruit but this does not happen for the simple rea­son

that most of the flowers, or unripe fruits fall as a result of

whirl­wind or storm and a few remain. Same is the case with

people, who come to him.


BABA said that the nine forms of Bhakti are hearing, praying,

remembering, padaseva, service, worship, bowing, friendship and

surrender of the soul. If all these nine are achieved, GOD will be

pleased and you will be the happiest man.


Real royalty is renunciation. Fakir's is the real Lordship and it is

over lasting and the so-called Riches are evanescent. The saying of

BABA calls for sense of Non-attachment amongst devotees.


BABA used to utter very frequently ALLA MALIK, ALLA ACHA RAKHEGA,

ALLA HU AKBAR. In, these divine words, bAba never claimed himself as



NISHTA (faith) and SABURI (patience) are the two valuable gilts of a

true devotee. Faith, as Rabindranath Tagore says, is the bird that

feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark, and patience

in the words of Sarvapalli Radhakrisbna is tolerance, which is human

culture. In the words of BABA. "Let any body speak hundreds of things

against you, do not resent by giving any bitter reply". If you always

tolerate such things, you will certainly be happy.


Once Kaka Dixit spoke ill of Christianity at his lodge. Later on he

went to BABA to massage HIS feet. baba angrily told him to get away.

Kaka Dixit who knew the omniscience of baba repented for having

abused Jesus Christ. HE begged pardon. BABA forgave and allowed him

to massage HIS legs. Prom this example it is quits clear that BABA,

respected all sorts of religions.


About human behavior, HE says that he who craps and cavils at others

pierces ME in the heart and injures ME but he that suffers and

endures pleases ME most". HE further says that our mind is fickle by

nature. It should not be allowed to get wild. Sconce may get

restl­ess, the body however should be held in check and not

allowed to be impatient. One should not do harm even by thoughts,

speech or action.


Beauty is to be admired. In this connection HE says, "God has created

this beautiful world and it is our duty to appreciate its beauty. The

mind will get Steady and calm slowly and gradually, when the front

door is open why go by back one. When the heart is pure there is no

difficulty whatever, way should one be afraid of any one if there

bore no evil thought,


Most of the divine aspects, which BABA preached, are based on ethical

codes. HE says "Hari (God) will be certainly pleased if you give

water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked and verandah to the

strangers for sitting and resting. Feeding the hungry is one of the

ways of pleasing the Almighty.


Once seeing Mahalsapathi unwilling to give SAI BABA entry and stay at

Kandoba temple BABA uttered these sweet words. "All Gods are, one,

Hindus Muslims temples and Mosques are the same".


Baba did not approve fasting for HE felt that the mind of a faster

will not be peaceful to concentrate fully towards God. The soul has

to be appeased.


BABA's philosophical interpretation of UDI and DHUNI are worth

noting. HE says light removes darkness i.e., ignorance. Atman body

will be reduced to ashes like "UDI.


Ram, Rahim were HIS right and left eyes. HE encouraged Muslim

festivals like 'Muharram' equally on par with Hindus festival like



HIS teachings are beacon lights and fulfilled the spiritual and

mental aspirations of all sorts of people on one hand and on the

other brought unity between Hindus and Muslims.


BABA said many a time "I give you what you want. You need not ask me.

I know". This assurance was witnessed in a number of cases. Of many

Mahalsapathi's case is worth mentioning. He had only daughter but

never expressed his hearty desire of having a son. HE led the life of

a Brahmachari for he slept daily with BABA in mosque. BABA told

affectionately `Bhagat a daughter is a tamarind fruit whereas a son a

mango fruit". Go and sleep in your house. You will have a son. These

words of BABA proved and Mahalsapathi had a son by the grace of SAI



BABA stressed the need to have a guide to walk in right direction.

Avatars like Lord Shri Rama, Krishna had submitted to their Gurus.

SAl SATCHARITA has already recorded the incidents faced by devotees

when they disobeyed BABA's advice to have a guide along with them.

Let all of us have SAI BABA as guide (Guru) and his teachings the

golden principles of spiritual life.


All HIS teachings put together constitute SAI ISM, which combines all

sorts of religions Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism,

Hebruism, Tavism. Confiucisim, Zordastraianism and Hinduism,


BABA's preachings contain the following assurances.


"If MY Leelas are either heard or told the diseases will disappear".


"I have no form nor existence-I always live everywhere", This

assurance was proved by HIM in a number of cases on different

occasions when devotees prayed him. HE assumed the form of a dog,

cat, pit, some times snake, Sanyasi and so on, Human beings should

not only treat each other generously but all creatures as well.

"He who dives deep into MY Leelas would get precious jewel of


"If you look to ME I look to you. Why fear when I AM here. If you

cast your burden on ME I shall surely bear it". This HE had proved in

a number of instances with the devotees who suffered from different

diseases. To quote one Mr. Dadha Saheb Khaparde who approached SAI

BABA and begged for the life of his son who developed Bobonic plague.

BABA took the disease on HIM and lifted HIS kafini up. People saw

Bubbles like eggs under the arms.

BABA said, "see how I suffer for MY devotees. Their difficulties are


"If you give ME ONE I shall give you TEN". This assurance proved in

innumerable cases.

"Be whatever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well

that all what you do is known to ME. I AM the Inner Ruler of all and

seated in their hearts. I Am the Controller, the Wire Puller, of the

show of this Universe". Simple remembrance of MY name SAI SAI will do

away with sins of speech and hearing.

SAI BABA said that there would never be any dearth or scarcity of

food and clothes in MY devotee's house. It is fact that SAI BABA kept

up the assurances given by HIM even now.


Today SAI cult is spreading far and wide like passing the current

when the switch is made on why? The answer is very simple. SAI

teaching is easily adoptable by any person without observing any hard

and fast dogmas or religious practices.


HE is responding to the call of thousands of devotee who pray to HIM

devotionally even after taking Maha Samadhi. This is in need a great

blessing to mankind.



"Oh! Playful Rama come come bring with you sacks of udi" - SAI BABA


In Dwarakamai, BABA kept the DHUNI burning. The ash from the fire is

called UDI and regarded as most sacred. BABA explained the spiritual

implication of UDI. He says that the dead human bodies when cremated

will be reduced to ashes. Nothing remains except ashes-We come alone

and go alone.


UDI cured many physical and mental diseases. It is like Sri Rama's

arrow. Never proved futile.


Out of innumerable miracles the Jamner miracle of UDI is the most

wonderful and well known already explained in the chapter on 'SAI'S

MIRACLES'. Now a few memorable UDI miracles are narrated below.


Even in case of non-availability of UDI on the spot the alternative

used thinking that it is BABA's UDI by staunch devotees cured the

diseases of others. The examples of Shri Narayan Rao Jani of Nasik

and a devotee of BABA stand proof to this statement. They are a as



Scorpion and the pain become unbearable stung once a friend of Sri

Narayan Rao Jani. As Sri Narayan Rao was not having udi with him, he

burnt jass-sticks before BABA's photo picked up a pinch of the ashes

of joss sticks thinking that it is BABA's udi, applied on the spot of

pain. The pain diminished gradually and his friend became all right.


In another instance a devotee's daughter at Bandra developed bubonic

plague. HE came to Than railway station and told Nana Saheb

Chandorker who was travelling with his wife to Kalyan. Nana Saheb was

not having UDI. He took up soma dust from the earth mediated on BABA

and applied it on the forehead of his wife praying for the life of

devotees daughter. See the greatest miracle. The devotee's daughter

became alright at Bandra.


The effect of applying UDI had proved in a number of cases.

Some are as follows:


A doctor's nephew at Malegaoa District Nasik suffered from incurable

tubercular-bone abscess. All sorts of medical treatments failed. The

parents of the nephew came to SHIRDT and begged BABA who took pity on

the boy and gave UDI. It was applied on the affected part for some

times and the boy became healthy.


Dr. Pillay a staunch devotee of BABA suffered from Guinea worms. The

pain was so acute that he became desperate and preferred to die He

approached BABA who mixed UDI with water and gave to Dr. Pillay. The

disease was arrested with in ten days.


Once Shama's sister-in-law got Bubonic plague. BABA gave UDI. It was

applied on the Buboos and was mixed with water and given to her. As

soon as she consumed it she got very sound sleep. When got up she

found relief.


An old gentleman of Harda suffered from a stone in his bladder. He

was advised to undergo operation. Ho was very old and feeble. The

gentleman's son brought some UDI poured in water and gave to his

father. Within some minutes UDI did wonders. The stone was dissolved

and came out through urine and the old man got relief.


Once an Iranian gentleman's daughter got fits and fell down

unconscious. Shri Kakasaheb Dixit gave UDI on request. It was mixed

with water and was drunk. After its for some days she became quite



A lady from Bombay experienced very acute and unbearable pain at the

time of delivery. She came to SHIRDI along with her husband-At that

time she was pregnant. They both worshipped BABA and came back; again

as usual she developed considerable pain at the time of delivery. A

lady who was her neighbor put UDI in water and gave her to drink. She

got rid of the pain and thanked BABA for her delivery.


BABA gave UDI and blessed a gentleman of Horda by name Dattapant who

suffered from acute stomachache for fourteen (14) years. Within few

days he was completely cured by UDI.


A Kayastha Prabhu of Bandra suffered from Insomnia for a long time.

One of the devotees of BABA gave him UDI and asked him to apply a

little of it to his forehead before going to bed and keep the udi

packet under pillow while going to sleep. The gentleman followed the

instructions and prayed BABA, got sound sleep and became healthy as



Another worth appreciating power of UDI was witnessed by Mrs.

Newaskar and others on the anniversary day of Late Sri Balaji-The

participants in the function were three fold to the invitees. Mrs.

Newasker was puzzled. Her mother-in-law who was a devotee of BABA

encouraged her by advising to put some SAI udi in all the vessels SAI

would save from dishonor. See the effect of SAI's UDI. After

satisfying all the participants with bellyful meals still plenty of

food remained in the vessels. Their joy knew no bounds and the saying

of a friend (udi), in need is a friend (udi) in deed had become a



Udi is proving numerous effects now and devotees are experiencing

wonderful miracles throughout. A mere test with full faith is likely

to bring the most desirable and successful results it is certainly

the Master of all medicines.



"Saint is MY soul I am HE, HE is MY pure soul" - SRI KRISHNA


Saints like Samartha Ramdas, Ananda Murthi, Kabir, Gajanan maharaj,

Janaki Das, Gangagir, Ananath, Samrath, Sadguru, -Sri Sainath Maharaj

and others are the great spiritual souls incarnated in various Parts

of the country from time to time. Most of the saints who had the GOD

vision are the true representatives of the GOD, came to earth to lead

and guide the people on right path for self-realisation. What ever

may be the method of preaching; the divine mission is one and the

Same. They were found to be very simple, humble and above all

merciful. Their mutual relations have been very cordial and

supplementary. Shri Das Ganu Maharaj has nicely and very clearly

inducted the spiritual linkage in his famous book "SAI HARI KATHA".

Ha says "that BABA was saint Kabir in HIS previous birth and Venkusha

was none other than Ramanada Maharaj who was the Guru of Kabir.

Tajuddin Baba was a contemporary of SAI BABA". Saints are the best

benefactors. The reincarnation of saints or sages on earth is ordered

by the Almig­hty to carry out mission.


Some of the worth appreciating, harmonious cordial rela­tions of

saints are illustrated below.


Shri Bhai Krishnaji Al Bagkar a groat devotee of Akkalkotkar Maharaj

wanted to go to Akkalkot (Sholapur District) for taking darshan of

Padukas (foot prints) of the Maharaja of Akkalkotkar. The Maharaj

appeared in his dream, asked him to visit SHIRDI, as it is HIS

resting place. Accordingly, the gentleman visited SHIRDI, had the

Darshan of SAI and as a reminiscence of the vision he installed the

Padukas under the Neem tree. BABA told Krishnaji that HE himself is

Akkalkotkar Maharaj. This shows how Saints supplement the work of

each other.


Once Shri Ruttonji Wadia of Nanded approached BABA for having issues.

BABA asked Es. 5/- as Gurudakshina and at the same time informed that

he has already received Rupees three and annas fourteen. The balance

of one rupee and annas two was to be paid. Mr. Wadia paid the balance

willingly. Mr. Wadia said to Das Ganu that it was his first visit to

SHIRDI and he had not seen BABA earlier, How is it, that BABA

received rupees three and annas fourteen. It was revealed that he

spent rupees three annas fourteen on a Muslim saint towards reception

and the expenditure incurred, exactly tallied with rupees three and

annas fourteen. That a great wonderful event is this to note the

unity between one saint and the other.


Shri Schinde of Harda had no male issue except seven daughters. In

1903 he prayed to Lord Shri Dattatreya at Gangapur for a son and

vowed that he would bring the son to the Lord with in a year. 'He was

granted a boon but he failed to take his son to Gangapnr, In 1911 he

visited SHIRDI. SAI BABA uttered that male issue was not in his

destiny HE Tore up HIS body and gave him one. Mr. Schinde felt very

deeply and begged for pardon.


Once Upasani Maharaja did not offer Naivedya to SAI BABA 'who come to

him in disguise of a black deg. He offered to his celebra­ted

Ditty who did not accept it on the plea that he failed to recognize

sa! BABA.


Another striking incidence of co-ordination and affectionate

relationship was witnessed in a cocoanut case. A pleader by name Shri

Pundalikar Rao was given a cocoanut by saint Vasu Devanand Saraswati

known as Tembey Swamy at Rajahmundry (in Andhra Pradesh State) to be

handed-over to his beloved brother SAI. Shri Rao broke-down the same

cocoanut given by the Saint at Manmad station to quench his thirst.

No sooner he reached SAI BABA the later demanded the cocoanut sent by

his brother. Shri Rao became helpless beyond words, fell down on the

feet of BABA and asked him to pardon, He wanted to bring another'

cocoanut in place of it. BABA did not agree saying that the cocoanut

sent by his brother was matchless and was mere than any precious

thing on earth and no cocoanut can compensate it.


Shri Harishchandra Pitale from Bombay who prayed BABA was given

rupees 3/- and was asked to worship along with Rupees 2/- already

given. Pitale did not understand Rs. 2/- since it was his first visit

to BABA. On reaching home his mother informed that Swami Akkalkot had

given Rs. 2/- to his father. Thus BABA proved that HE is Akkalkot.


A Kanerese Saint Appa (near Belgaum) advised Shri V.H. Thankur to go

through Vichar sagar a very sacred book on Vedanta. He was informed

that by his good luck he would meet a great Saint in near future who

would lead him further. As predicted by Saint Mr. Thankur met BABA

who reminded him about his meeting with Appa and guided him in

spiritual matter. This strange incidence is nothing but the divine

assignment and promoting co-ordination of the two saints.


Shri Haribhau Karnik of Dahanu (Thana district) after offering

dakshina to Sri Sai Baba left the Masjid. While stepping down the

Masjid he thought of paying one more rupee but did not do as he had

already taken the permission of BABA to leave SHIRDI. After some time

he met saint Narsing Maharaj in Kalaram temple. The saint demanded

rupee one it was gladly given by Karnik. What a wonderful event and

co-ordination of two great saints.


Now let us see how saints treat and respect each other.


Once Meher Baba met Shri Sai Baba. The later addressed him as PAR VAR

DI GAR". Meher Baba who knew the real worth said that 'SAI BABA is

the Master of creation".


Once Nanavalli asked BABA to got up. BABA smilingly and willingly got

up and offered his gadi (Seat). Nana wali after sitting for while got

up and prostrated before Baba and then requested him to ensure the

seat. Every one there wondered as why Baba had submitted to Nana

Wali. This shows the love and affection of Baba for a real devotee.

HE fulfilled the idea of becoming a slave to a model devotee.


Let one be a saint or a devotee, if found very proud or showy was

disliked by Baba. This is seen in the case of Haji Sidik Palke. This

gentleman after Haj (visiting the sacred place i.e., Mecca and

Madina) came to SHIRDI and stayed in Chavadi. Baba used to see him

daily but never spoke to him months together. He was not allowed to

step into Masjid. All wondered to note that such a holy person was

ignored by BABA. After nine months Shama asked BABA about his strange

behavior with this holy man BABA replied that Allah has not permitted

him to do so. After putting Haji to many trails, one day Baba went to

Haji scolded him by saying that be was very proud of his pilgrimage

to Mecca and pose himself to be a very great man. Haji became

helpless and could not answer. There after Baba went to Masjid and

sent mangoes to him and then he went to him and took rupees fifty-

five from his pocket and gave them to Haji. Later on Baba allowed

Haji to stay with him and treated him pleasingly. This is how Baba

behaved with an holy man.


He who took the name of Allah or GOD was liked and respected by bAba.

This is seen in Rohilla's case. This man used to recite (Allah Ho

Akbar), so loudly that the villagers in SHIRDI were disturbed. Many

times the villagers approached BABA but BABA never drew him out of

SHIRDI. Nobody knew the secret of Rohilla except BABA. To get rid of

bad thoughts and to get peace of mind the Rohilla used to recite the

name of GOD round the clock loudly, BABA never took objections to the

ways of Rohilla's remembrance of GOD. After some time the Rohilla

left SHIRDI.


Shri Javahar Ali (a fakir) lived in SHIRDI with SAI BABA He was

highly learned man and used to recite Kalma from Quran very sweetly.

Ho attracted a very good number of people in SHIRDI. BABA took no

objection to become his disciple. The Fakir did not understand the

greatness of BABA whereas the later knew the weaknesses. As desired

by his Guru BABA accompanied him to Rahta but the people of Shirdi

soon brought both of them back to SHIRDI, At that time a saint Sri

Devi Das Janani was already residing at Maruthi temple in SHIRDI. He

tested Jawahar Ali found wanting and defeated in many religious

discussions. The Fakir left SHIRDI and after some time retu­rned

to SHIRDI- Ho came to know the supernatural power of BABA and

prostrated before BABA. BABA received him with great respect. The

Fakir became the Chela and Sai the Guru. BABA never disgraced him for

his handicaps on the other hand he loved him, Thus BABA set up an

example as how an ideal saint should behave with the saints and so

called saints.



With Sai love from Sai brothers - ''

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