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[Compiled from Sri Sai Satcharita]








201. Go to Bai. She is reading Puran in the temple.

202. Get away. Do not message Me.

203. Go back to your place (Poona) via Ahmadnagar. Start now with

Tatya Patil.

204. Go-to the Halway's shop and bring Naivadya.

205. Go to your wada (your-lodging).

206. Get up soon, Babusaheb thinks that I am dead and so he won't

come; you do the worship and Kakad (morning) Arti.

207. He will get some other job, but now he should serve Me and be

happy, his dishes will be ever full and never empty. He should turn

all his attention towards Me and &void the company of atheists,

irreligious and wicked people, he should be meek and humble towards

all and worship Me heart and soul. If he does this, he will get

eternal happiness.

208. His father was My friend, so I dragged him (the son) here. He

never offered Naivadya offering food) and so he starved Vithal and

Me. So I brought him here. I shall remonstrate him now and set him to


209. How can he, whose mind is engrossed in wealth, progeny and

prosperity expect to know the Brahma without removing away the

attachment for the same?

210. How can a greedy man get dispassion and salvation?

211. He should make one more "Saptaha" of the book; if the work be

studied carefully, the devotee will become pure and will be

benefited, the Lord will be pleased and will rescue him from the

bondage of mundane existence.

212. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully that

Guru is the sole Actor or Doer,

213. Hear this story, meditate on it and assimilate its spirit.

Then you always renumber and meditate on the Lord who will manifest

Himself to you.

214. He who attains the Supreme Goal of life is immortal and

happy; all others merely exist (i.e.) live so long as they breathe.

215. He who wants to get rid of the cycle of births and deaths

should bad a righteous lira with his mind calm and composed.

216. He who trusts Me entirety, hears and expounds My Leelas and

does not think of anything else, is sure to attain Self - Realization.

217. How canning the people are! They fall at the feet, offer

Dakshina, but inwardly give abuses behind the back. Is not this


218. He who rests in the shade of Dwarakamai gets bliss.

219. Have you got such faith?

220. Have you not got a Panja (emblem of hand) in your house and

do you not worship the same in tabut (i e.) Moharam festival? Also

there is your house another Mohammedan Deity by name Kadbibi whom you

propitiate and appease on your marriage and other festivals. Is it

not so?

221. He who surrenders himself to the feet of Hari (God) will get

free from all troubles and attain bliss.

222. Hearing My answer, My Guru was pleased with Me, drew Me near

Him and stroking My body with His hand and kept Me with him.

223. He took care of Me as tenderly as a mother-bird does of her

young ones.

224. He put Me into His School; How beautiful it was

225. He (other type of Guru) speaks a lot and sings his own glory;

but His own words do not touch the disciple's hearts and they are not


226. He (other type of Guru) has none, so far Self-realization is


227. How can such schools be of any use to the disciples and how

can they be benefited?

228. He who does anything (spiritual endeavor) will reaps its

fruit and he who remembers these words of Mine will get invaluable


229. He who steps here (Dwarakamai) will soon get health and

happiness and his sufferings will come to an end.

230. He (God) is most merciful. Neither I am God nor Lord. I am

His obedient servant and remember Him often.

231. He who casts aside his egoism and thank Him and he who trusts

Him entirely will have his shackles removed and will obtain


232. How could he be his master? He has got a different Master


233. Have I any home, property or family to look after?

234. How is Gnana upadesh (i.e.) imparting of realization to be

effected? Destroying ignorance is Gnana.

235. He who has many good qualities in him can do so (i.e., to

sleep up on the plank).

236. He who can sleep with his eyes wide open can sleep up on the


237. He himself gets drowsy and begins to nod his bead.

238. How can he, who can't sit and sleep well on the ground and

whose asana (posture) is not steady and who is a slave to sleep,

sleep high up on a plank?

239. He went out and found that a huge serpent was holding a big

frog in its mouth.

240. How shall I allow the snake to eat it up, am I here for


241. He was to keep regular accounts and be honest in all his


242. He was a first class miser and spent very little for the

repairs, which consequently made very little progress.

243. He spent all the funds, swallowed some amount himself and

spent nothing from his pocket.

244. He had sweet tongue and was very clever in offering plausible

explanations regarding the poor and tardy progress of the work.

245. He received it, bat sat as quiet as before without making any


246. He undervalued the ornaments for Rs. 1000/- and bought them

himself and in li'ew of the amount gave a field to God as endowment

or security.

247. His devout wife was born as the daughter of the priest of the

temple and was named Gouri.

248. His (Priest's) daughter Gouri was also devoted to Me.

249. He (Veerabhadrappa) was also first devoted to Me as I

recommended his marriage with Gouri.

250. Half the amount was paid in cash and the remaining was to be

paid in 25 instalments of Rs.2000/-each.

251. Hearing My opinion Veerabhadrappa was worth with Me and said

that I wanted to establish Gouri's claim and embezzle her property.

252. Hearing his words, I remembered God and kept quiet.

253. Hearing the croaking of Chenbassappa (frog) and remembering

My pledge, I came here, saved him and kept up My word.

254. He (God) saved Chenbassappa by sending Me here.

255. He (God) will take him in balloon (Secure him a happy death).

256. He (Tatya Patil) will pass away on Vijayadasami day of Shake

1840 (1918 A. D)

257. He who loves Me most always sees Me.

258. He ceaselessly mediates upon Me and always chants My name.

259. He who thus comes to Me, becomes one with Me, just as a river

gets to sea and becomes merged (one) with it.

260. He who carps and cavils at others pierces Me in the heart and

injures Me, but he that suffers and endures, Pleases Me most.

261. He who withdraws his heart from wife, child and parents and

Loves Me is My real Lover and he merges in Me like a river in the sea.

262. He that slays saves, He that saves slays.

263. How can you gulp down at one gulp an entire bread? Wait for

five years and see.

264. Have restraint, of speech.

265. Hallo, Kaka, Why are you anxious? Bury Me and then go.

266. However much you study, you will not pass this year. However

little you study in the next year, you will succeed.

267. How often, in the past Janmas, have I been with you! And how

many more shall I remain with you! We shall meet again and again.

268. How long have I waited for you Mother! Have you brought any

thing for Me to eat?

269. How sweet, O, Mother is your bread!

270. Have no more anxiety. In two hours your boy will perspire. In

the morning he will feel better.

271. Have you forgotten what I told you? You have written at page

3 of your notebook. Did I net say that he should be named "Daulat


272. Hello! What is this! Muslin! I am not going to return this.

This is Mine.

273. Hello! I have intense pain in the belly, fetch a turban.

Pull, Pull, I have not yet got relief. You may stop now. I have

relief. (This suffering of Baba has enabled a smooth pregnant of a


274. Hello, Kasinath, When you left, you protested you could not

return within 8 days.

275. He must simply sit quiet in Vittoba's temple doing nothing.

He has merely to eat bread and vegetable and sit quiet. I shall

accomplish what I want.

276. Have nothing to do with anybody. Your future is very


277. Humility is not towards all. Severity is needed in dealing

with the wicked,

278. Have consideration for the poor and the wretched.

279. How can he die? In the morning, he will come to life.

280. He has much paisa (literally cash). Brahmin earns much paisa

(punya) by their ways.

281. Here is all the money you have given till now Take it away.

282. Hallo! What matters are being bruited and what deliberation?

283. How much do you want?

284. Hallo, These fruits he has purchased in the market for Me,

and has brought the whole lot to Me without tasting any part of it

quite unlike what the Pandit did the other day.

285. Hallo, call that man back (a stinking feeble leper).

286. Hallo, what is this? Pedas! (Baba put a piece of peda. into

his own mouth, and taking up the balance of the peda and returned it

to the leper as prasad to him.

287. Hallo, pluck one of the fruits from that bunch. He (Sender)

has not yet taken his meal, Send him a wire that Baba has eaten the

plantain and then he will take his meal.

288. If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his


289. If a man sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall

beset in front and back and on all sides.

290. It is My special characteristic to free any person who

surrenders completely to Me and who does worship Me faithfully and

who remembers Me and mediates on Me constantly.

291. I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of Death.

292. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got

rid of.

293. I am the inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts.

294. I envelope all the creatures, the movables and the immovable


295. I am the Controller-the wire Puller of the show of this


296. I am the mother origin of all beings-the Harmony of three

Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and


297. It is not necessary to go so long. Our Prayag is here.

Believe Me

298. It is My special characteristic that I look always to, and

provide for the welfare of those devotees who worship Me whole-

heartedly with their minds ever fixed on Me.

299. If the mind be vagrant, it cannot be called well-merged.

300. I do not mind My arm being burnt, but I am glad that the life

of the child is saved.

301. If anyone does any evil unto you, do not retaliate.

302. If you can do anything, do some good unto others.

303. If you give it a sense object, it will think about it, if you

give it Guru, it will think about Guru.

304. I never knew that I was ever angry with My devotees; that if

mothers kicked their children and if the sea turned back the rivers,

I will neglect the devotees, welfare; that I5 the slave of My

devotees, always stood by them and responded to them whenever they

called upon Me and that I always longed for their love.

305. If the Fakir (Allah) does not allow, what I do? Without His

grace, who will climb in the Masjid?

306. If their turn did not come, I did not remember them and My

Leelas could not reach their ears. Then how could they think of

seeing Me.

307. If you always say Sai, Sai', I shall take you over the seven


308. I do not need paraphernalia of worship either eight-fold or

sixteen fold.

309. I rest there where there is full devotion.

310. I did not expect anything from devotees but grateful

remembrance, unchanging faith and devotion.

311. I know, you have no money, but you are reading Yoga-

Vashistha, Give Me Dakshina from that.

312. It is only in the purified mind that Viveka (discrimination

between the unreal and the real) and Vaira-gya (Non- attachment to

the unreal) crop up and lead on to self-realization.

313. If there be even a little trace of greed in mind, all the

Sadhans (Spiritual endeavors) are of no avail.

314- It is better for one to take only what he can digest and


315- If you listen to Me carefully, you will be certainly

benefited. Sitting in the Masjid, I never speak any untruth.

316. I had Guru, He was a great Saint and most merciful. I served

him long, very long; still He would not blow any Mantra into My ears.

317. I had keen desire, never to leave My Guru, but to stay with

and serve Him and at all costs receive some instructions from Him.

318. I bad no other subject to meditate, nor any other thing than

My Guru to attend.

319. I waited patiently on My Guru very long and served Him.

320. If you practice meditation Continuously, the Vrittis

(Thoughts) will be pacified.

321. If you cannot do meditation on My formless nature, meditate

on My form from top to toe as you see here night and day.

322. If you cake this story to heart and remember it well, your

state will be as sweet as the sugar candy. All your desires will be

fulfilled and you will be happy.

323. If any men or creature? Come to you, do not discourteously

drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due


324. If anybody wants any money from you and you are not inclined

to give, do not give, but do not bark at him like a dog.

325. If you always tolerate hatred, you will certainly be happy.

326. It is on account of Rinanubandh (former relationship) that we

have come together, let us love and serve each other and be happy.

327. I am omnipresent, occupying land, air, country, world, light

and heaven and that I am not limited.

328. If any devotee meditated on Me day and night with complete

self surrender, he experienced complete union (without any

difference) with Me like sweetness and sugar, waves and see, eye and

its luster.

329 It is impossible to describe all My ways and measure.

330. In this spiritual path, you have to put in your best

exertion, as it is very difficult.

331. If you want to see My Light, be egoless and most humble and

meditate on My toe through the opening between the two branches index

and middle fingers and then you will be able to see My Light.

332. If once a person sits in Dwarakamai; all his troubles are


333. It is true that you give to the persons present; if rune be

near by, what could you and I do ? But do you remember Me before


334. I taught that Allah himself came down and saved me. So I gave

this (Vishnu Sahasranama) book to you, read it slowly, little by

little, read daily one name at least and it will do you good,

335. It is not strange that you should covet this book (Vishnu

Sahasranama) so strongly?

336. I took it (Vishnu Sahasranama) up Myself and gave it to him.

You know by heart. I thought that Shama might read it and profit

thereby, and so I gave it to him.

337. I saw her after a very long time; let Me take some sweet

morsels of love from her dish.

338. If you do this (chanting of 'Rajarama-Rajarama'), your life's

object will be gained, your mind will attain peace and you will be

immensely benefited.

339. It is good that you are hungry; take sanza (wheat pudding)

for it and some medicine for the pain in the back.

340. I suffered yesterday night from cough, is it due to some evil

eye? 1 think that somebody's evil eye has worked on Me and so I am

suffering (Baba spoke out what was passing on the devotee

Lakshichaud's mind).

341. I require no door to enter, I have no form nor any extension;

I always love everywhere.

342. I carry on as the wirepuller of all the actions of a man who

trusts Me and Merges in Me.

343. If not in this life, you must have committed some sin in your

past life.

344. Is there any difference between this Namaskar and your

previous ones? Think well and reply.

345. I wish that Rs. 100/- should be paid (settled) as pension.

Will this satisfy you?

346. If you so loved your mother, why did you take Sannyasa?

347. In this wada there are many robbers, bolt your doors, and be

very vigilant; the thieves will carry away everything.

34S. In Shirdi many thoughts and ideas began to rise in your mind

and I sent you here to rest your unsteady mind

349. I was hungry and thirsty and I was moved with the vanjaris

(a. man who trades in certain things such as grain etc., by carrying

them on bullock) extra-ordinary love; we thought ourselves very

learned but were quite strangers to pity and kindness.

350. I was taken to a well, tied my feet with a rope hung Me head

downwards and feet up from a tree near the well three feet above the

water which I could not reach with My hands, nor which could go into

My mouth and by suspending Me in this manner he went away and after

10 or 12 ghatakas (4or 5 hours) he returned and taking Me out quickly

asked Me How I fared.

351. I bliss Supreme, I was. How can a fool like Me described the

joy I experienced? I replied?

352. I thought I should embrace His neck and remain staring at Him


353. If His image were not fixed in My pupils I would like better

to be blind.

354. I had not to seek anything, but everything became clear to Me

as broad day light.

355. In Beedgaum, I got embroidery work (Baba's previous birth).

356. I worked hard sparing no pains.

357. I kept this dress (Given by the employer) intact without

using it.

358. I thought that man might give does not last long and it is

always imperfect.

359. I told her that he (her son) should serve no more, but start

independent business.

360. I assured him that he did not care, as everything, would be

provided for him.

361. I know this man since four years.

362. I was an obedient servant of His and came there to enquire

after the health of the family.

363. I am only their witness. The Lord is the sole Doer and


364. If I take one rupee as Dakshina from anybody, I have to

return in tenfold to him.

365. I never take anything gratis.

366. I never ask anyone indiscriminately.

367. I only ask and take from him whom the Fakir [My Guru] points


368. If anyone is indebted formerly to the Fakir, money is

received from him.

369. If the wealth is used for personal enjoyment, it is wasted.

370. I take nothing from anybody.

371. If you act according to My bidding, you will recover your

money; go to a Fakir, I shall give His whereabouts, surrender

yourself to Him. He will get back your money; in the mean while, give

up your favorite food till you recover your money.

372. I require nothing, I am ever free.

373. I have indeed come for that, I have been feeding you and have

got love and affection for you.

374. If one did, unless one gets into that state, how can one know

it and realize it?

375. I always think of Him who remembers Me I require no

conveyance, carriage, Tonga nor train nor aero plane.

376. I run and Manifest Myself who lovingly calls Me.

377. I would never untrue to My words.

378. I am sitting here ready to give you the whole gold

embroidered Shelia [valuable cloth], then why go to others to steal

rags, and why should you get into the habit of stealing?

379. I asked him whether he understood the Pothi.

380. It is not easy to sleep up on the plank.

381. In their former birth, they were human beings and had the

good fortune to be My companions and sit by My side.

382. I was striking the flint and lighting the fire, when a

traveler turned up, sat by My side, bowed to Me and politely invited

Me to his house for meals and rest.

383. I told him that a frog was in trouble and was tasting the

bitter fruit of its own Karma.

384. I told him that a frog was caught by a big snake and was


385. I said, No, this can't be. I am its father [Protector] and I

am here.

386. In the next life the rich miser was born at Mathura in a

Brahmin family and was named Veerabhadrappa.

387. I told him not to worry about this, as the bridegroom himself

would come and seeking her.

388. I told them that the property belonged to God and was vested

in the priest and Gowri was his heiress and proprietress and no

amount should be spent without her consent and that her husband had

no right whatsoever to the amount.

389. I told her take the principal or capital amount of the

interest to Chenbassappa and that Veerabhadrappa had nothing to do in

the matter. "

390. I tried My best to appease them and 'told them God's vision

to Gowri.

391. I pledged Myself to save him [Chenbassappa] from the wroth of

his foe [Veerabhadrappa]

392. I took many medicines, the pain did not abate.

393. I got sick of the medicine; and they gave Me no relief, but I

am surprised to see now that all pains have disappeared at once.

394. I asked him to go on the streets crying "Hari Ka Beta''

Jarika Pheta" and told him that "If anybody claims these sandals,

first assure yourself that his name is Hari and that he is the son

of K.a [i.e.] Kanoba and that wears lace-bordered turban and then

give them to him.''

395. Is this sign of Sainthood?

396. I draw to Me My men from far off or even across seven seas,

like sparrow with a siring fastened to its feet.

397. It was on account of My wish that the cocoanut was entrusted

to you and ultimately broken on the way.

398. It is not the brick but My fate that has been broken into


399. U was My life-long companion, with it I was always meditated

on the self, it was as dear to Me as My life, it has left Me to-day.

400. If i return, it will be alright; if I do not, bury My body in

that open land [pointing to it] and fix two flags there as a mark.

401. In due time your bad actions (their fruit or result) will be

destroyed, your merits and demerits will be reduced to ashes.

402. I shall consider you blessed when you will renounce all

attachments, conquer lust and palate, and getting rid of all

impediments, serve God whole-heartedly and resort to begging bowl

(accept Sannyasa).

403. I feel indebted to him who surrender completely to Me and

ever remembers Me.

404. I shall repay his debt by giving him salvation (Self


405. I am dependent on him who thinks and hungers after Me and who

does not eat anything without first offering it to Me.

406. If you practice this (a sense of Being or consciousness) of

Existence, you will realize all pervasiveness and thus attain oneness

with Me,

407. Is God so distant ? See the Divine within human personality.

408. It is hard to find a good Fakir.

409. I have been considering long and thinking day and night. All

are thieves, but we have to deal with them.

410. I prayed to God day and night for their improvement or

removal, but God delays and does not approve My attitude and grant

the prayer,

411. I have been seeing you ever since your infancy.

412. If your child breaks its arms, will you cast it into the

water? Worship it daily.

413. I have to visit your house thrice a day.

414. I am speaking with My mouth and not through anything else.

415. If anyone talks ten words at us, let us answer with one word,

if we reply at all. Do not battle with them.

416. It is Anna (your Father) that eats year property. Let him

eat. Do not sue him. God will give you plenty.

417. I want non of your money. You are keeping someone in your

house, is it not? Give it to her.

418. I wondered why they fought.

419. I found near them a pot full of coins. ,

420. I was saying to Myself, who am I? What is this wealth? Who is

it? What confusion and struggle for this?

421. If profits come, then rejoice. If loss comes, they weep, why?

Why say? "This is Mine''? What does it Mean?

422 I am Myself a devotee of God though the Hindus worship Me. I

remember God.

423. I am requesting Allah. He will comply with My request.

424. I say things here. There they happen.

425. If others hate us, let us simply take to "Nama Japa" and

avoid them.

426. I ate Kanda (i. e.,) sweet potato. See (Baba then vomited out

sweet potatoes).

427. I bless (placing a palm on Kusha Bhav's head) you. Think of

Me and hold forth your palms. You will have My Prasad.

428. If you avoid rivalries and bickering, God will protect you

429. If you have nothing to give, then, give a suave negative.' Do

not mock or ridicule the applicant nor get angry with him.

430. If you do not like to part with what you have, do not say

falsely that you have nothing. Decline to give it in polite terms and

say circumstances of your desires stand in the way.

431. I had been to this man's lie-use for a meal He did not give

Me Bendi Baji (Ladies fingers' dish).

432. I went to this man. He seat Me to a Marwadi for food.

433. In 14 days he will be acquitted (Death sentence to a Brahmin).

434. Is Nana pucca Baktha and you a Kuchha (i.e.) unripe?

435. In a former birth, you were with Me for two or three years

and went into Royal service, though there was enough at home to live

in comfort.

436. I have known you for 2000 years. You were always obstinate

and upto monkey tricks.

437. I have to give an account of every pie (i. e. every soul

committed to My care) to God.

438. I was here (at Shirdi or on the banks of Godavari) eight or

ten thousand years ago.

439. I will not forget him. I will always remember him, even if he

is away more than 2000 miles. I will no eat even a bit without him.

440. I do not want this garland of Tuful (i.e.) mental uneasiness.

441. I am mad and the Hindus worshiping Me are mad. I am

responsible for their heterodoxy; not they for Mine.

442. If you want to cut any throat, cut Mine.

443. If Saheb marries, God will give him a son.

444. I know him and I know everyone.

445. I live with everyone. All are Mine.

446. I gave him. Who give what to whom?

447. I am quiet, saying nothing. God is great. He had His offices

everywhere, who are all powerful.

448. I am very powerful. I was here eight or ten thousand years


449. It is all Gods play. He himself cures. Why should we be


450. I had brought numerous asses laden with gold. Robbers looted

all that on the road. So it is very hard to live in the house (or

proximity) of thieves. You have been sent to Me that I may teach you

this. It is very difficult to live in this sapless world. That is

what I was tought. Convey this much to My Brother Madhav Nath




With Sai love from Sai brothers - ''

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