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[Compiled from Sri Sai Satcharita]








451. I once changed the lower part of My body for that of a

parrot, and after a year's experience,, I discovered that it was a

serious loss. I lost a lakh of rupees (Aims).

452. I sat near a post and then a great serpent woke up and was

very hungry. It used to jump up and also fall from above.

453. I do not want your prasad. Why do you take the trouble to

bring it here? I was there?

454. I won't like to sleep up, having Mahalsapathi down on the


455. I say clear off all that lies on the gadi (matters) and dust


456. If a rich man wears a gold ornament, the poor man gets

jealousy, and thinks he must have one. This is Lobha.

457. If the six enemies are conquered, waves of passion will not

arise. Else they will enslave you.

458. If the six enemies are subordinated and reason made the

commandant, then the delusive pleasures and pains will no longer hold

sway over you.

459. If wealthy, be humble.

460. Inquire always, "Who am I? "

461. I have no residence.

462. I am the attributeless Absolute Nirguna.

463. I am you. You are I. There is no difference between you and

Me. That which constitutes Me constitutes You (To Upasani Maharaj).

464. I draw My devotee to Me, at the time of his death even though

he may die a thousand miles away (from Shirdi).

465. I do not speak falsehood. I am Mahalakshmi. Mother, I came to

your house. You gave Me things to eat, is that not true?

466. I went as a cat to drink this man's (Hansraj's) curds to save

him despite his cussedness, But be beat Me to-day.

467. I do not bite (i.e. instruct through) the ear; our

traditions are different.

468. I will not take this (A ten rupee note). I am Fakir.

469. I do not want your fruits, Take them away,

470. I am daily going to his house.

471. I have been so ill, as to live on mere bread and water for

two years.

472. I have string worm.

473. I have to suffer the ill till I go back to the place of My


474. I do not mind My sufferings because, I care more for My

people than for My own life.

475. In a former birth, I, You, Jog, Kaka, Shama and Dada Kelkar,

were all living together with our Guru in a blind alley. I have

therefore brought all these again together.

476. I would reborn and that I would appear before people as a boy

of eight.

477. Just remember that Guru's tortoise like loving glance gives

up happiness.

478. Just think for yourself whether your dream is true or not?

479. Just take out the lid and see.

480. Just see how I release it.

481. Jnanis do not talk of Saints as dying. They take Samadhi

482. Joy and sorrow are mere delusion.

483. Knowledge of the Vedas, or fame as a great Jnani and mere

formal Bhajan (worship) are of no avail unless, they are accompanied

by Bhakti (i.e.,) devotion.

484. Kick out that rascal, you are a high caste Brahmin and I am a

low Moslem, you will loose your caste by coming here. So get away,

485. Knowing this, do your duty, leaving all attachment to this

thing of this world and the next.

486. Know for certain that he who feeds the hungry, really serves

Me with food. Regard this as an axomatic Truth.

487. Knowing this (a sense of Being or Consciousness of

Existence), You see Me inside yourself, as well as in all beings.

488. Kusha Bhav, go and see person with three faces (Datta).

489. Keep the money. She (her spirit) has already come to Me. What

has to be taken from you has already been taken from you.

490. Kush Bhav, Stop all your majical feats (i. e.) (black magic)

and then come to Me.

491. Kama (desire), Krodha (anger) etc., any mixture of these is


492. Kaisa Desh- Vaisa Vesh (i. e. we must confirm to our


493. Kondaji's son who died recently was previously a mang and

before that he was My grandfather who died of leprosy. In all three

lives, I helped and played with or near him.

494. Let all the senses and mind ever devoted to the Worship of

the Lord, let there be no attraction for any other thing; fix this

mind in remembering Me always, so it will not wander elsewhere,

towards body, wealth home. Then it will be calm, peaceful and care

free. This is the sign of the mind being well engaged in good


495. Ladies, are you gone mad? Whose father's property are you

looting away? Have I borrowed any wheat from you so that you can

safely take the flow? Now please do this. Take the flour and through

it on the village border limits.

496. Let us all four do some Bhajan, the doors of Pandhari are

open, let us merily sing.

497. Leave off all cleverness and al ways remember 'Sai-Sai'. If

you did that, all your shackles would be removed and you would be


498. Look at Me whole heartedly and I in turn look at you

similarly. Sitting in this Masjid, I speak the truth, nothing but the


499. Let anybody speaks hundreds of things against you, do not

resent by giving any bitter reply.

500. Let the world go topsy-turvy, you remain where you are.

Standing or staying in your own place, look on calmly at this show of

all things passing before you.

501. Look at the mango tree in blossom. If all the flowers brought

fruit, what a splendid crop it would be ! But do they ? Most fall off

(either as flowers or as unripe fruits) by wind etc., Very few remain.

502. Let My devotee be at any distance, a thousand koss away from

Me, I will draw him to Shirdi like a sparrow with a thread tied to

its feet, (koss=3 Miles).

503. Let us do our prescribed duty and surrender our body, mind

and five pranas (life) to the Guru's feet. Guru is God, all

pervading. To get this conviction strong unbounded faith is necessary.

504. Lie calmly here and be at case.

505. Let all our humbag (paraphernalia) be with us, you go back to

your home, beware if you come to this Masjid.

506. Let the senses do their allotted work, or duty, we should not

meddle with their work.

507. Leaving out pride and egoism and with no trace of them, you

should surrender yourself to me who am seated in your heart.

508. Living or dead, I will have, what I have been praying for.

509. Let him place there only the ancient stones that his family

has been worshipping from old times and no new image.

510. Let us have nothing to do with such ill-fated wealth.

511. Look at this Haridas who leaves you and go away. Have friends

that will stick to you till the end, I will never leave anyone in the


512. Look at the Bamniya (corrupt and contemptuous from the word

Brahmin) He eats onion on Ekadasi.

513. Let the man (Jawar Ali) claiming to be a Guru claim. Let us

humble as Sishyas. We must depend upon somebody or have somebody

depend upon us. Other courses will not lead us the Supreme goal.

514. Lust ruins mental balance and strength or firmness. It

affects the learned also.

515. Lo I there was a tree (or log). One came down. The other went

up. You will come to know.

516. Look! He would not be content to come alone on others being


517. Let this man go and beg food for Me.

518. Last night you fed Me, but gave no Dakshina. Now give Me


5! 9. Let Me see who dare to beat you.

520. Last evening we were thinking of this, were we not?

521. Mother, I had been to your house in Bandra with a view to

have something to eat. I found the door Locked. I some how got an

entrance inside and found to My regret that Bhau (Mr. Tarkad) had

left nothing for Me to eat. So I have returned unappeased,

522. Mother, you have fed Me sumptuously upto My throat, My

afflicted pranas (life forces) have been satisfied. Ever Act like

this. First give bread to the hungry and then eat yourself. Note this


523. My property consisted of one kowpin (codpiece), one stray

piece of cloth, one kafni and a tumrel (tinpot), and all the people

troubled Me with bringing all these unnecessary useless things and

costly articles.

524. My abode is in your heart and I am within you.

525. Many people come to Me and ask for wealth, health, power,

position cure of diseases and other temporal matters.

526. Mumuksha or intense desire to get free and he who thinks that

he is bound and that he should get free from bondage and works

earnestly and resolutely to that end and does not care for any other

thing, is qualified for spiritual life.

527. My treasury is full and I can give anyone what he wants, but

I have to see whether he is qualified to receive what I give.

528. My Guru had His own way. He first got My head shaved and

asked Me two pice as Dakshina and I gave the same at once. If you say

that My Guru was perfect, why should Hs ask for money and how should

He be called desireless? I replied plainly that He never cared for

coins. What had He to do with them? His two pice were (1) Firm Faith

and (2) Patience or Perseverance. I gave these two pice or things to

Him and He was pleased.

529. My Guru was full of love nay, He was love incarnate How can I

describe it? He loved Me most. Rare is a Guru like Him.

530. My Guru was My sole refuge and My mind was always fixed on

Him. This is Firm Faith and that this is one piece of Dakshina.

Saburi (Patience or Perseverance) is the other piece of Dakshina.

531. My Guru never expected anything from Me than Faith and


532. My Guru never neglected Me, but protected Me at all times.

533. My Guru always protected Me by His glance, just as the

tortoise feeds her young ones whether they are near her or away from

her on the other side of the river bank by her loving looks.

534. My method is quite unique. Remember well this one story and

it will be very useful.

535. Mediate always on My formless nature which is knowledge

incarnate, consciousness and bliss.

536. My word is the decree of the Brahma (Almighty).

537. Mere reading won't do, you have to think and carry out what

you read, otherwise it is of no use.

538. Mere book learning without the grace of (he Guru and self

realisation is of no avail).

539. Megha, draw a Trident.

540. My Guru become My all-in-all, My borne and property, Mother

and Father everything.

541. My master (Guru) was of different type. By His grace,

realization flashed upon Me of itself, without effort or study.

542. My Sircar (God) says 'Take, Take,' but everybody comes to Me

and says 'Give, Give,'

543. My Sircar's (God's) treasury (Spiritual wealth) is full, it

is over flowing. I say dig out and take away this wealth in

cartloads, the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself this


544. My arms, abdomen and waist are paining for a long time.

545. My Fakir's wife left Me with "Venkusa" at Selu and I stayed

with Him 12 years and left Selu.

546. Mansions will arise in this village (Shirdi). Bigwigs will

come. Guns will be fired. Grand Procession will be held.

547. My art also is a sort of Astrology. But you people do not

understand this.

548. My Gajanan is gone (Gajanan Maharaj).

549. My Guru was a Brahmin, "Venkusa" of Selu.

550. My Children arrived and none looked after them and you made

them upas (i.e. eat light Tiffin).

551. Mother, I am coming to your house. Tell your husband not to

reject me.

552. My money was carried away by people. I said nothing, but

quietly followed them killed them and recovered My money (Money is

not the real money and killing the people is also likewise).

553. Mere appearance of worldly Joy is not happiness.

554. Mukti (Release) is true joy or happiness; Coursing through

births and deaths is unhappiness. All the joys and sorrows of Samsara

are unreal.

555. My name is "The embodied-Dehi"

556. Mother, when will you go to Pandharpur?

557. Mother, now a days, how deceitful people are! He had a rupee

in his pocket and yet said no.

558. Nothing will harm him who turns his attention towards Me, but

Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me.

559. Nobody could come here of his own accord, nobody could stay

here long if he so wished.

560. Now take care, you should not purge anymore, The vomiting

must also stop.

561. Now your diarrhea has stopped and you may attend to the work

of the pavement.

562. Night and day I gazed at My Guru with no thought of hunger

and thirst.

563. Nishta (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) are like twin sisters

loving each other very intimately.

564. No sadhanas, nor proficiency in the six Sastras are necessary,

565. No body should take the labour of others in vain. The worker

should be paid promptly and liberally.

566. Not only Myself, but my tomb would be speaking, moving and

communicating with those who would surrender themselves whole-

heartedly to Me.

567. Now you are well caught, officers will come and arrest you.

568. Now you see and determine yourself whether the person you see

here is the same you saw at Shirdi? It is for this reason that I sent

you here.

569. No quest can be successfully carried out on an empty stomach.

570. No one who entered it once could return empty banded. Such

was the school.

571. No other gift from any man can be compared to His (God's).

572. Nobody attends carefully to the meaning of what I say.

373. Neither you have seen It with your eyes, nor tasted it with

your tongue, then how could you say that it was good.

574. Nana, I do not want this sort of collected purport of the

whole stanza. Give Me each word, its grammatical force and meaning.

575. Nana, is it -enough to make prostration merely?

576. Nana, why does Krishna refer Arjuna to Jnanis? or

Tattwadarshis to do his prostration, interrogation and service? Was

not Krishna a Tattwadarshi, in fact Jnani Himself?

577. Nana, it is not enough merely to prostrate before the Jnanis.

We must make Sarwaswa Saranagati (complete surrender) to Sadguru.

578. Nana, mere questioning is not enough. The question must not

be made with any improper motive or attitude or to trap the Guru and

catch at mistakes in the answer, or out of idle curiosity. It must be

serious and with a view to achieve moksha or spiritual progress.

579. Now I will do this, I will again bring that very child back

in his wife's womb.

580. Nana why are you getting agitated in vain?

581. Now you need not worry yourself anymore about the matter?

582. Nana, See, mother has cut off and carried away My feet.

583. Nachne, go to Deopur, and worship the stones your forefathers


584. Nana, I am not angry with you. You My children can angry with

Me. If "Venkusa" were alive, I could be angry with Him.

585. Never worry, not a leaf moves-but by His consent and will,

586. Nana, if anyone begs of you anything, if that were in your

hand or power and if you grant the request or get it granted, do so.

Do not say 'No'.

587. Nana, if anyone comes and begs for anything give him as much

as you can, and if that person be not satisfied and asks for more,

answer him suavely in the negative. Do not pour out your wroth or

display all your official authority against that person.

588. None dies, See with your inner eye. Then you realize that you

are God, and not different from Him. Like worn out garment, the body

is castaway by God.

589. Nana, you stay here, bury Me and then go.

590. Nana, is thirsty. The heat of the summer is very great.

Should we not give him at least a palm of water ?

591. Nana, you were thirsty. I gave you water, Did you drink it ?

592. None cares to take from Me what I am prepared to give

abundantly. But they want from Me what I am unable to give.

593. Nevermind, do send for the boy.

594. Nevermind, Masudi Ayi will tesch you Sanskrit and gradually

you will learn, begin.

595. No one should leave Shirdi today without leave from Me.

596. Narayan beat him well, when he comes here. He owes Me three

of four thousand rupees and delays payment.

597. None escapes Samsara.

598. Now celebrate your son's marriage.

599. No one comes to us without Runanubhanda (Some prenatal

connection) so, when any dog, cat, pig, fly or person approaches, do

not drive it or him, away with a" Hat-Hat, "Jit-Jit."

600. One need not go far out to Dwaraka to see Krishna; to

Dankapuri to see Dakurnath, to Pandhari to see Vithal. Will Vithal

come here from some outside place? He is here. Only when the devotee

is bursting with love and devotion, Vithal will manifest Himself here


601. Oh what is there in Akkalkot? Why do you go there? The

incumbent Maharajah of that place is here, Myself.

602. Oh. My dear friend, do not be anxious, I shall immediately

show you the Brahman.

603. Oh, My dear friend, did you not understand all the procedure

that I went through, sitting in this place, for enabling you to see

the Brahma?

604. Our senses have been created by God with a tendency to move

outward and so Man always looks outside himself and not inside and he

who wants Self-Realization and immortal life, must turn his gaze

inwards and look to his inner Self.

605. Oh, mother, why are you subjecting yourself to unnecessary

tortures and meeting death?

606. Oh, mother, My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how

shall I blow any Mantra in your ears?

607. Once a Soudagar (Merchant) came here. Before him a mare

passed her stool (nine balls of stool). The merchant intent on his

quest, spread the end of his dhotar and gathered all the nine balls

in it and thus, he got, concentration (peace) of mind.

608. Oh, Abdul, some devilish creature is dashing against the side

of My bed.

609. Oh, Nana, he who has the power to digest union should .eat it

and none else.

610. Oh, Vile Bhaturdya (priest) do not climb up. Beware if you do

so, Get away, come down. Don't; be afraid. Don't care a jot, the

Merciful Fakir will save you, you go and sit quiet at home, don't go

out, believe in Me and remain fearless and have no anxiety.

611. Oh Anna, why are unnecessarily raising this hue and cry ? I

do not understand what harm or impropriety is there when the mother

is kissed?

612. Oh Shama4 this book (Vishnu-Sahasranama) is very valuable and

efficacious, so I present it to you, you read it.

613. Once I suffered intensely and My heart began to palpitate and

My life was in danger. At that critical time, 1 hugged this book

(Vishnu Sahasranama) to My heart and then, Shama, what a relief it

gave Me.

614. Oh Ramadasi, what is the matter with you? Why are you so

turbulent? Is not Shama our boy? Why do you scold him unnecessarily.

How is it that you are so quarrelsome?

615. Oh Megha, do at least this favour, head is the most important

organ of the body, so pour the water over that only, it is equivalent

to the full or whole bath.

616. Oh, Tatya went ahead of us, he won't be reborn.

617. Offers of bread and food should be regarded as auspicious

signs of success.

618. Oh, playful Rama, come, come and bring with you sacks of Udi.

619. Our Karma is the cause of happiness and sorrow therefore put

up with whatever comes to you.

620. Oh, welcome Sir,.

621. Oh Shama, during the 72 generations that you are with Me. I

never pinched you till now and now you recent My touching you.

622. Oh Shama, Tatya, you think that I have been deceived in this


623. One morning after taking My breakfast I strolled along till I

came to a small river.

624. Oh, Veerabhadrappa, has not your enemy Basappa yet repented

though he has born as a frog, and you too, though born as a serpent,

still maintain bitter enmity against him? Fie upon you, be ashamed,

give up your hatred now and rest in peace.

625. Oh, why do you prostrate yourself now and then?

626. Oh, Laxmi, I am very hungry.

627. O, God, Enough. Stop the rain! My children have to go back

home. Let them go back without difficulty (Rain Stopped).

628. O, Kaanda (i. e.,) onion you eat. Well, here you have onion.

Eat it.

629. Our (your) end will get so bitter or wretched. Once or twice,

I will warn. The end will be hard indeed if one does not heed the

advice given. Even the child in the womb, we will cut to pieces and

through away if it falls athwart.

630. One's sin (papa) does not cease till he falls at the feet of


631. One must perform one's vow. Else he has to bear the

punishment in the manner.

632. One must rest content with one's lot.

633. On this side of my body there is excruciating pain. It

will be all right in two or four days.

634. Poverty is better than kingship, far better than Lordship.

The Lord is always brother (befriender) of the poor.

635. Purification of mind is absolutely necessary, without it all

our spiritual endeavors are nothing but useless show and pomp.

636. Practice meditation thrice a day on the Gadd.

637. Place or keep me in the wada.

638. Protect my body for three days.

639. People mostly think ill and talk ill of others. But I do not

retaliate; I do not care to listen such talks.

640. People became more and more ascetical; they are disposed to

look more at the evil side of things.

641. People are not good and devoted and are unsettled in mind.

642. People have gone bad and give trouble. They are pestering me

for money. Moreover, they became shameless. Now I am disgusted.

643. People must put full faith in the Lord's providence. They

should not worry about food and clothing. They should not waste time

on these.

644. Prepare pitla, sauce of onions. Give me a part and eat the

rest of it.

645. Plants bend when they have fruits.

646. Purandhare. Stay two days at Nasik and then leave.

647. People rush and give me no rest.

648. Please go there (Masjid) quickly and cover me with Bhakkal


649. Rama (the God of Hindus) and Rahim (the God of Mohammedans

were one and the same, there was not the slightest difference between

them; then why should their devotees fall out and quarrel among

themselves. You ignorant folk, children, join hands and bring both

the communities together, act sanely and thus you will gain your

object of national unity. It is not good to dispute and argue. So

don't argue, don't emulate others. Always consider your welfare and

interest. The Lord will protect you.

650. Rare is the person who comes here to me and asks for Brahma


651. Roll up your bundle of Brahma, (i.e.) Currency notes.

652. Remember me always, believe in me heart and soul and then you

will be most benefited.

653. Read this (Gita Rahasya by Lokamanya Tilak) completely and

you will be benefited.

654. Return this to its owner with the prasad of udi, tell him

that T want nothing from him, ask him to live in peace and


655. Relaying on your own cleverness, you missed your way, a guide

is always necessary to show us the right way in small or great


656. Read Adhyatma (spiritualism).

657. Remain here not a moment.

658. Rao Bahadur M. V. Pradhan. You can bring in Ganapathy for


659. Rouge (Kusha Bhav) why do you eat the vomit?

660. Rouge (A Revenue commissioner and a host of other officials

were on the way to see Baba). What is there to see in me? I am only a

Fakir with normal limbs and organs.

661. Restrain yourself from forbidden food and drinks.

662. Restrain lust. Wholly in respect of others wives and partly

in respect of your own wife.

663. Strive not much for food and clothes. If you want anything,

beg of the Lord, leave worldly honour, try to get Lord's grace and

blessings and be honoured in His Court.

664. See, how I have to suffer for my devotees, their difficulties

are Mine.

665. Stay, cast off your anxiety, your sufferings have come to an

end. However oppressed one may be, as soon as he steps in the Masjid,

he is on the path way to happiness.

666. Saburi will ferry you across the sea of this mundane


667. Saburi is manliness in man, it removes all sins and

afflictions, gets rid of calamities in various ways and caste aside

all fear and ultimately gives you success.

668. Saburi is the mine of virtues, consort of good thoughts.

669. Shri Hari (God) will be certainly pleased if you give water

to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the naked and your

verandah to strangers for sitting and resting.

670. See, Sankar is come, protect (i.e. worship) Him now.

671. Seeing my cleverness, the employer loved me, praised me and

honoured me with a full dress, a turban for the head and a shela for

the body etc.

672. Still you disbelieve me.

673. See, our Bahu is all right now and singing.

674. Sometimes he dropped the burdens and other times carried them

again. His mind knows no steadiness.

675. Seeing his state, a took pity on him and said, "Now keep your

faith on any one place (point) you like" why roam like this? Stick

quietly to one place.1

676. Shama, this is rolling, see what it says.

677. She will have an issue in 12 months.

678 See to keep my words, I would sacrifice my life.

679. She told her vision to her husband. He was afraid that it

would involve him in some expenses and therefore laughed it out

saying that it was a mere dream, a thing not to be relied and acted

upon, or else why did not God appear to him and tell him? Was he far

off from her? This looks like a bad dream having for its object the

creation of ill feeling between husband and wife.

680. She had to remain quiet.

681. Some days after, God again appeared in her dream and said "Do

not bother yourself about your husband and the collections with him.

Don't press him to spend any amount for the temple. What I want is

feeling and devotion. So give, if you like, anything of your own.

682. She consulted her husband about this vision and decided to

give God her ornaments given by her father.

683. She was not able to redeem it for long.

684. So this cunning miser cheated all, his wife, Dubaki and even


685. Sometime later on strange things happened.

686. She was growing fast and her father was seeking a good

husband for her.

687. Sow morgosa and afterwards reep margosa. Cut off that tree.

688. Seva is not rendering service, retaining still the feeling

that one is free to offer or refuse service. One must feel that he is

not the Master of his body, that the body is Guru's and exists merely

to render service to Him.

689. Stay (Santharam and a goldsmith boy who were addicted to

drink) here for six days (From that time love of drink left them and

they continued free from that vice even after they left Shirdi).

690. Satsanga (i.e.) moving with good. Dussanga (i.e.) moving with

evil minded people is evil and must be avoided.

691. Shama, in bringing this thief, to me, what a load of

responsibility you are placing on My shoulders.

692. See, Re. 1 is in your pocket. You must give Re. I to

a "Fakir".

633. Some sense is required to ask questions. What a silly

question you ask? I look on all with equal eye.

694. Some cover with laced shawls. Others with barks. Both serve

only one purpose, covering the body.

695. Samsara is of various sorts. It is like the surface of the


696. See the difference between the rich man's dog rolling on sofa

and the poor man's dog running about in search of crumbs. That is due

to Deha Prarabdha.

697. Shama, take this man and tell something.

698. Stop, let the creature remain. I will kill it myself but not

at the Mosque (Baba carried it a few yards and it fell dead).

699. Save the child's life (By giving udi).

700. Send up Sankaranthi Halwa now.



With Sai love from Sai brothers -''

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