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Sri Narasimha Swamiji, apostle of Sai Baba of Shirdi, was born on

21st August 1874 at Bhavani in Tamil Nadu. He was named Narasimha.

His parents were Sri Venkatagiri Iyer and Smt. Angacchi Ammal.


Young narshimha had his schooling at salem and later did law at

madras he started law practice in 1900. He became president of salem

municipality and member of madras legislature and acquired name, fame

and wealth.


In due course, Narasimha Iyer married Smt. Seethalakshmi and had by

his marriage 2 sons and 3 daughters. There occured in 1921 a calamity

(Death of 2 children) in his home by which Narasimha Iyer was

terribly shaken. This event led to far reaching results which made

him give up legal practise and retiring from political life. This

became a turning point in his career. He completed all pending

responsibilities and totally gave up family life in 1925.


In 1925, Narasimha Iyer joined Bhagawana Ramana. As advised by the

Master he practised medidation in a cave for 3 years. He developed an

awareness within. He published a biography on Ramana Maharshi after

collecting material from his devotees.


In 1928, when he approached Ramana Bhagawan to submit that he still

did not get peace of mind, Ramana just said : 'I am not your Guru. Go



>From Ramana Bhagawan, he went to Hubli where he learnt sanskrit at

siddharuda swamiji for six months. From hubli he went to pandapur

where he spent eighteen months learning bhajans. Then he went to

khedgaon to meet narayana maharaj. He was directed to Avatar Meher

BABA but he had taken a vow of silence for life. From meherbad he was

directed to sakori where upasini maharaj was living and who was guru

to Meher BABA. All this took upto 1933 and narasimha iyer's search

for a guru and seeking peace of mind was still a long way to go.


His meeting Upashini Maharaj at Sakori formed an important landmark

in his career. He came face to face with a perfect master, who had

shaped out so fine as he emerged after undergoing a very hard

training under Sai Baba.


Even after staying in Upashini Ashram for 30 months Narasimha Swamiji

was confused and peace did not dawn on him. He takes a decision on

29th August 1936, the 'Sravan Poornima' day, to leave the Upashini

Ashram and go back to Madras to stay with his son. As he left the

precints of Sakori on 29th August 1936, an old man accosted Narasimha

Swamiji and advised him to visit Sai's Samadhi at Shirdi. It was

around 11 a.m. when Narasimha reached Sai Baba's Samadhi on

29.8.1936. Sai Baba spoke to him in eloquent silence from His

Samadhi. Sai Baba kindled the light in Swamiji. At last, he

discovered his Sadguru. In 1939 he returned to Madras and started All

India Sai Samaj with his office at Mylapur, Madras. He devoted all

his time in spreading SAI's name through out the length and breadth

of India and if we knew SAI BABA today, it is because of him. He

wrote severe books on SAI BABA and for 20 years carried on SAI



He attained Mahasamdhi on 19th October 1956 and he continues to live

in SAI culture.




15.04.1906 TO 14.01.1980)


Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji was born in Poyyamani Village in Kulithalai

Taluk of Trichy District of Tamil Nadu on 15th April 1906. He was the

fifth child of Sri Pudukkudi D. Venkatarama Aiyer and Smt. Lakshmi

Ammal. Even as a child, young Radhakrishna had developed Psychic

power and divine influence. He was a nature lover and it accentuated

and kindled his spiritual thirst and development. He began meeting

Sadhus and Holy Persons and visited temples far and near besides

reading books on religion and the great saints and seers of India.


Search for a Guru


The Kanchi Mutt and Kanchi Acharya had a great influence in moulding

Radhakrishnan's personality. When one of his brothers was in Poona,

young Radhakrishnan stayed with him and made extensive tours of

religious places in and around Poona. He lived in one of the

caves for 48 days and on the 46th day, Dattathreya appeared before

him and asked him to remain in the world helping others.


Radhakrishnan came to Ooty in 1921 and he was there till 1942. He had

abandoned his studies. He stayed with his elder brother. The two

brothers used to go on long walks and had discussions on spiritual

matters for hours together. He used to spend some time daily in the

Shiva temple built by the family alongwith his family members. He

used to identify himself with Radha and Krisha and Andal and taking

their roles he would dance in ectasy during bhajans. He loved music

and he used to sing Thyagaraja and Purandhara Dasa "Kirthans". He was

a lover of Astrology. He widely read books on saints like

Raghavendra, Sadashiva Brahmendra, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu etc.


He met Ramana Maharshi and Seshadri Swamigal at Thiruvannamalai. The

latter gave Radhakrishnan three stones and asked him to cook and eat

them. The former interpreted this that he should go beyond the realms

of "Sattva", "Rajas" and "Tamas", to become a "Gunatheetha".


In 1927, he met Narayana Maharaj of Khedgaon at Ooty. He initiated

him into "Datta Mantra". In 1942, he met Sri Narasimha Swamiji and

his search for the "Guru" was over. He became a spiritual heir to Sri

Narasimha Swamiji.


Marriage and Youthhood


In 1927, he married Parvathi-a relative from his mothers side. He was

against marriage but submitted to parental pressure. He led a family

life which was like a drop of water on the lotus leaf. When he took

Sanyas many years later the shock was severe to his wife and the

family but they accepted the inevitable. His wife who led a secluded

life, never met him again and passed away in 1979.


There was a deep Psychological Crisis in his life during 1936-42. He

had even contemplated suicide while travelling on a train from Trichy

to Madras. As the train was crossing the Coleroon River near

Chidambaram, he opened the door and was about to jump into the river

when he felt somebody was pulling his back. He saw an old man with a

headgear asking him not to do it as he had a mission in life. Later,

he realised that it was Baba.


Meeting the Guru In 1942, Radhakrishnan met Sri Narasimha Swamiji in

dramatic circumstances. It is not known when exactly Radhakrishnan

came to Madras after he accepted Sri Narasimha Swamiji as his Guru.

It maybe in 1943 or 1944.


At Chennai


He was a voracious reader and his favourite haunt was the

Theosophical Society at Adayar, Chennai. He used to practise

meditation and a Sanskrit book "Mantra Mahodari" was his constant

companion. He supervised the accounts of All India Sai Samaj and

helped Sri Narasimha Swamiji in other ways in his pesonal and public

work. He was a man who never pushed himself up. His surrender to Sri

Narasimha Swamiji was total. "Whatever Narasimha Swamiji said was law

to him".


In 1952, Sri Narasimha Swamiji deputed Radhakrishnan to Bangalore for

Sai Prachar work in Karnataka. It was in 1953 Sri Narasimha Swamiji

conferred the title "Saipadananda" on him. That was the Guru's

accolade to his devoted disciple. The Guru attained "Nirvan" on

19.10.1956 and on that Poornima Day transferred all his "Spiritual"

powers to Radhakrishnan. Sai Baba gave Self Realisation to Sri

Narasimha Swamiji on 29.8.1936. That Sai treasure was given in toto

to Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji on the day Sri Narasimha Swamiji cast off

his mortal coil.


Swamiji at Bangalore


Sri Radhakrishnan Swamiji arrived in Bangalore in 1952. By 1956

Swamiji shifted his lodging to an upstairs room in a house near the

N.R. Colony bus stop. This also became the home of Sai Spiritual

Centre and here Swamiji lived for about seven years until a

permanent building for the centre was contructed.


A retired official of the Mysore Government, Sri Domlur Krishna

Murthy, had earmarked a plot of land of 1000 square yards in

Thyagarajanagar for a building to propagate the teachings of Sai

Baba. Sri V.S.Sastri, who held the site in trust, had collected some

funds and had laid the foundation for the construction of the prayer

hall with two rooms. Impressed by the activities of Sai Spiritual

Centre under the guidance of Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji, he handed over

the site to Swamiji in 1961. Funds for a building on the site came

from devotees all over India. The building was formally opened on

June 17, 1965. The centre was registered on May 6, 1970.


Swamiji's Mission Swamiji's mission in life was based on four lofty

principles and his life was a symbol and practical demonstration of

what he preached. The four pillars are:

1. Love

2. Guru Bhakthi

3. Devotion to God

4. Satsangh


Swamiji felt that "Nama Japa"-recitation of Vishnu Sahasra Namam is

the pancea for everything and it should be repeated any number of

times in a day so that it shows the way to all our problems. He

instructed his devotees to read a chapter from Bhagavad Gita. He was

a prolific writer. His only book was on the life of Sri Narasimha

Swamiji. Swamiji was an apostle of love. His universality is depicted

in the divine incantation which he wrote at Dwaraka, which epitomises

his innermost feeling and concern. Here it is:

May the wicked turn good;

May the good attain peace;

May the peaceful be freed from all bondage and

May the liberated redeem others.

May everybody be happy;

May everybody be free from disease;

May everybody have good luck;

May none fall on evil days.

May everybody surmount difficulties;

May everybody have good fortune;

May everybody realise his ambitions;

May everybody rejoice everywhere.


Swamiji lived a full and active life. He was constantly travelling

and propagating Sri Sai Baba's Teachings. He was in tune with Sai

Baba all the 24 hours and his actions were in response to its

motivations. There is hardly a devotee of Sri Swamiji who has not

experienced his grace either spiritually or in material benefit. The

devotees continue to receive it even after he left his body.


Swamiji was waiting for "Uttarayana' to leave his body. January 14,

1980 was the day he had fixed for merging with Sai Baba. He had

joined devotees in chanting "Sri Vishnu Sahasra Namam" and, "Om Namo

Narayanaya". Swamiji was conscious till the last and the final moment

came at 10.40 p.m. as he drew his last breath with a farewell

benediction. He was cremated the next day with full honours amidst

chanting of Vedic Hymns.


Although he is not present in flesh and blood, his devotees have felt

his spiritual presence and his guidance, in times of distress and

want. Many have spoken of seeing him in their dreams, encouraging

them and advising on their problems. His guiding hand and loving eyes

hover over every home of his devotees reminding us of Baba's

words: "Why fear when I am here".





He was born on 12th April, 1927 (SriRamanavamiDay) at Nayakkarpalem

in Coimbatore Dist of TamilNadu, India, with indication of spiritual

significance viz two front teeth and jata on the back side of his

head. This babe was named Sivanesan. Muthiah was his Guru. No doubt

H.H Sivanada Swamy of Rishikesh, H.H. Nityananda Swamy of Ganeshpuri

had influenced Swamiji's spiritual career. The book 'Jeeva

Brahmaikhya Rahasyam' also was his guide. While surmounting Mundane

difficulties He reached Shirdi via Bombay,Vajreswary, Nasik and



During His short but sweet stay in the divine company of H.H

Nityanandaswamy He got an invitation in a dream "Come to Shirdi" one

more reminder also was received He missed His way to Shirdi from

Nasik and went to Triyambak and stayed in Mauni Baba's ashram. The

fakir(Baba) reminded "Why do you stay there I asked you to come to

Shirdi." At last SriSivanesam who later dearly called Baba, Swamiji,

Gurudev, Satguru and Jagatguru." by countless Sai devotees landed on

the holy land of SriKshetra Shirdi shortly after SaiRamaNavami

celebration in the year 1953. Perhaps runanubanda made Saimaharaj

invite him to Shirdi. In Baba's words "He(Devotee) will be drawn to

Shirdi like sparrow with a thread tied to its Feet."





Acharya E.Bharadwaja was born on 30th October 1938 and was a

post-graduate in English literature. After a decade of intellectual

quest for Truth, he was converted by a profound spiritual experience

at the Samadhi Mandir of Sri Saibaba of Shirdi. Thereby he left

Indian Administrative Service(IAS), which is a highly respected

position in the society and took a poistion as Lecturer of English

literature for the ease of spreading his master's teachings.

Thereafter he devoted himself to a lifetime of intensive research

into the lives and teachings of several saints, travelling

extensively and personally contacting many of them. Like many other

great men he also insisted on the necessity of a Sadguru to direct

one smoothly in the spiritual path. The culmination of all this is

a series of books on Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi and many more great



He says, Sai Baba of Shirdi is the matchless saint, is a blend of all

religions and is the answer to all the questions of present day and

spirituality. Other books that explain and prove existence of God in

a scientific manner and the necessity of resorting to a Sadguru are

also invaluable. His writings are getting translated into several

other languages of the world.


He made those who contacted him to start spiritual disciplines easily

and live a richer, purposeful,righteous and peaceful life. Towards

this end in view he founded the Shirdi Sai Cultural Mission at

Vidyanagar and Sai Baba Mission in Ongole. He also founded a Telugu

fortnightly (now monthly), SaiBaba, which continues to spread his

messages, and was the main source of inspiration in the construction

of several Sai Baba temples. After a life of incessant activity

spreading the teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi, he attained Maha

Samadhi on 12th April 1989. Though he has left his mortal frame, even

now He responds to the call of his devotees. Presently, his work is

being carried by the Sri Master Universal Sai Trust & Acharya

Bharadwaja Peace Foundation, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh.

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