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to be eaten in a hurry and soon there was a steady stream of humanity taking the

long dusty road back to Puttaparthi. Swami left His abode in Brindavan exactly

at 1:00 PM on the road home back to Parthi, where He arrived around 4:30 PM and

was received with full honours. FEB 20TH: A PROGRAMME BY THE PARTHI BOYS

After Swami had settled down in Parthi, the third year undergraduate class of

the Institute welcomed and felicitated Him with a well-prepared programme on

the 20th of February on the theme of EDUCARE, to express their love and

gratitude to Him for His benevolence while they were students in the Institute.

Labelled as a "gratitude programme", the graduating class from the undergraduate

programme, the graduate programme and the High

School traditionally present these programmes in the month of February just

prior to their annual examinations in March. It is a time for emotional

farewells, for fond reminiscences, for fervent prayers and sorrowful

leave-taking from the physical presence of Bhagavan, Who has been their Divine

Mother, Father and Friend since their joining the campus. Swami came

unexpectedly early that evening, just before 3 PM. Most of the 64 undergraduate

boys taking part in the programme were seated in the Bhajan Hall and Swami spent

a few minutes chatting with them prior to the programme. Swami questioned them

about the theme and immediately the boys showed Swami the card they had

prepared depicting a pond with a lotus in the centre and some leaves around.

The boys explained to Swami that they were like the pond and that He was like

the beautiful lotus in the

centre of their lives! Swami went on to explain the subtleties and intricate

details of various stories selected by the boys. When the boys were asked by

Swami "Where is Sita?" on seeing a boy dressed as Rama, the entire Hall was

filled with laughter. The boys immediately took the cue and narrated

briefly the story from the Ramayana that was to be depicted. Swami went on to

explain that Rama was the caretaker of all and that Bharatha was the ruler of

Ayodhya. The boys in reply said that Swami was the caretaker of all. Swami then

said that He would come for the programme and asked the boys to get ready and

assemble everything outside.The programme began in the Divine presence at

around 3:20 PM . The various aspects of Educare: E-Education, D-Duty and

Devotion, U-Understanding, C-Compassion, A-Action,

R-Reverence, and ultimately E-Enlightenment were depicted as individual

characters who explained the importance of each value through instances from

Swami's life, various parables and stories from mythology. The importance of

Swami's free education system was highlighted through an incident where a

graduate was asked in an interview what he had received from Swami (the

interviewer was referring to the many rings, watches, pendants etc that Swami

manifests as gifts for those He wills). The boy replied that Swami

had given him the most important gem that had made him what he was - the gift

of free quality education and more importantly, self-confidence! Duty and

devotion was

portrayed through a small skit depicting the story from the Ramayana where

Bharatha on being unsuccessful in convincing Rama to return back to Ayodhya,

then reverentially asks Him for His sandals and with great devotion takes it

back to Ayodhya to fulfil his duty of ruling the kingdom in Lord Rama's

absence. Speakers next spoke about how their hostel life had taught them the

importance of understanding and oneness. Compassion was highlighted by the

story of Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) saving the swan. A contemporary story was

related next of a benevolent Australian who agreed to pay the medical school

fees for a poor boy who had undergone a major heart surgery in Swami’s hospital

after reading about his story in the Healing Touch section of Heart2Heart.

Nishkama Karma - action without expecting the fruits thereof - was

highlighted by a story from Swami's Chinna Katha, wherein a boy is sent by the

father to buy fruits for the puja. The boy however, comes back empty handed and

explains that the fruits meant for the prayer had been given by him to a beggar

boy who had not eaten in days. The father is impressed by the son's act and

declares that he has imbibed the good values of Bharat and had earned the true

fruit of action.

Reverence was highlighted by the Mahabharatha story where Yudhistira removed his

armour and crown, walked across the battle-field and sought the blessings of his

grandfather Bheeshma. Moved by this reverence, Bheeshma blessed Yudhistira to be

victorious even though he was arrayed against him on the battle-field. The boys

also presented that by following Swami's teachings, one could achieve

enlightenment. In an unusual twist, there was a blindfolded boy sitting

dejected on a stone to convey that without these values life is not worth

living. In the end, after all the values had been touched upon, in a dramatic

gesture the boy removes the blind-fold to signify that he has acquired all the

values and then thanks Swami on behalf of everyone for giving us these values

that are so vital to life. The whole presentation was interspersed with

songs between these skits and speeches. Many soul-stirring songs were sung that

day, including "Maa Prana Daivam", "Hum Tere Hain Sai","Dil Yehi Kehta Hai",

"Marichithi Vemo", "Yenta Manchi Teepi", and "Duniya Tere Bina Kuch Bhi Nahin".

As each new song would start, a rose would be presented to Swami

by one boy while another group of 2 boys would present Him the words to the

song written in neat calligraphic handwriting. A rose for the

Lord before every song Lyrics to the song being sung is given to the Lord

Swami spent some time talking to all these boys who went up to Him at the start

of each song, and also blessed them by putting His hand on their heads.

At the end, there was multi-lingual rally wherein 8 boys gave a very short

speech for just a minute or two in duration, in eight different languages, on

the theme of Motherly Love. The languages they spoke in were Tamil, Tulu,

Kannada, Lithuanian, Nepali, Manipuri, Hindi and Telugu. The program was over

just a little before 5:00 PM after which arathi was taken before Bhagavan went

back to His Poornachandra residence. FEB 23rd: A PROGRAM BY THE

10TH AND 12TH CLASS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Not to be left behind, the

10th and the 12th Class of the High School - the graduating class - had also

prepared a programme to express their gratitude to Swami for all that He had

done for them during their stay here. The programme started with the students

singing songs of gratitude and love, after they had their programme card

blessed by Swami. This was followed by some of the students expressing their

feelings for all the grace Swami had showered on them. Among these, some of

the students narrated their personal experience of how Swami had saved their

lives or the lives of their family members on numerous occasions. Students

showing their card to Swami Jeemut expressed how Swami had saved the

life of his grandmother. "Once while Swami was returning to Parthi from

Brindavan and as was the prevailing custom and is even now, Swami broke a few

coconuts before embarking on the journey. Swami called a boy and whispered

something in his ear. The boy nodded his head and got up and started scanning

the students. Spotting my father, he signalled him to go up to the dais as

Swami was calling him. My father rushed and knelt before Swami. Picking up a

broken coconut, Swami handed it to my father. Immediately after darshan, my

father rang up my grandfather in Assam and enquired about his mother’s health.

My father was shocked to know that my grandmother was suffering from severe

gastric ulcer for a month! My

grandfather had not told my father thinking that he would be disturbed.

Surrendering completely to God, my father took the coconut, cut it into

miniscule pieces and with the Lord’s form in his heart and a prayer on his

lips, dropped it into the letter box after addressing it to my grandfather in

Assam. Fortunately, due to Swami’s grace, the envelope arrived

just in time, when my grand mother’s condition was getting critical. Partaking

of the remedy given by the greatest doctor, my grandmother was cured within a

week, with no sign of the gastric ulcer remaining what so ever! The disease had

disappeared completely without a trace! Swami had shown yet again that when

man’s hands fold in a sincere prayer, God’s

open to shower his blessings. " Tarun Bali of the tenth standard talked

about how his brother got into a medicine rack kept by his mother who was a

medical practitioner and happened to rub some transparent liquid into his eyes.

Being a Friday Islamic holiday in the town of Tahalla, Libya in North Africa,

there were unavoidable delays in getting the young child to the hospital. When

they finally reached the hospital, staff gave the desperate parents the bad

news that the liquid had not spared the young child's eyes and he would

probably be blind for life. Day and night the parents prayed to Swami but each

day saw the sight deteriorating further. However, on the 11th day, when the

dressing was removed they found that the eyes had been spared due to Swami's

grace and the child can see even today without the use of spectacles!

Kamal Chand of Std XII related how Swami had saved his father from

not receiving a scratch in a motor cycle accident while the photograph of Swami

in his pocket was torn to pieces. S.Sugeet of the Xth class related how when

his mother met with an accident and was lying seriously wounded in the

countryside, a competent doctor arrived out of nowhere and provided timely

medical treatment that saved his mother's life. He said that the unknown doctor

who disappeared after giving the treatment was none other than our beloved

Swami. "I would like to narrate an experience that changed the course

of my life. For my first few years of schooling I was studying in the United

States. My mother tried to teach me to read but I just could not catch on. I

remember that it was like a torture just to read a few sentences. Eventually I

was tested and it was discovered that I was dyslexic. Many different remedies

were tried but nothing seemed to help. In my third standard I was very

frustrated and somehow wanted to read. I remember clearly that I took an easy

to read children's book and hid under a table so that I can concentrate. I

struggled through 2 or 3 pages word by word and finally gave up. In my fourth

standard we were here in Prashanti Nilayam. One day when I was sitting in the

Mandir for darshan, Swami came out and on his rounds glided up to me and

pressed mysteriously on my head. I began to read. At first my mother did not

believe me when I told her that I was

reading. But when she realized that I really was reading, she knew Swami had

changed my life ". Though out the programme, the students

pleased Bhagavan with some heartrending songs in English, Hindi & Telugu which

were leavened in between the speeches. The various songs sung by the students

were - "Kya Kush Naseeb Jo Sai Ko Paale (Hindi)", " Pyaare Sai Hamaare

(Hindi)", "Dandaalaya Dandaalaya (Telugu)", " Smile your ever loving smile ",

"We want to be with you Oh Lord!", " Kannula Mundara (Telugu)", "Teri Hai

Zameen Tera Aasmaan (Hindi)", and " Dil Yehi Kahataa Hai

Maa (Hindi)". The boys presented roses and the script of the songs.

Swami lovingly accepted and spoke to the students & blessed them profusely.

Swami blessing

the students A beautiful card for Swami T he students also made beautiful

greeting cards which were appreciated by the loving Lord. The

programme concluded with the students thanking Swami in various languages such

as Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali, Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and English. In

view of their coming Board Exams, Swami also blessed Vibhuthi packets and the

pens with which they would write their board

examinations. Getting vibhuti blessed by Swami Pleased by their

effort, Swami blessed them with an unexpected Divine Discourse emphasizing the

path that a student must follow in his life. He said, "It is very nice to know

that so many of you have been here from Primary School and have studied till

your 12th class. It is very heartening to note that you have secured good marks

and a good name. But in the

Primary School your heart was full of compassion, love, feelings of caring and

sharing. There was a feeling of brotherhood. But once you come to Higher

Secondary School your behaviour and actions deteriorate. They become cheap and

mean. Your words are full of devotion and make all happy. But some of you have

taken to the wrong path fostering a perverted mind. Think for yourself, how your

minds are. The Divine Discourse Human life is a combination of Manas,

Buddhi, Chitta, Ahamkara and the Body. These five are most essential for

liberation. Above all, the mind must not be polluted. You must never expect for

that which does not belong to you. Be cautious

with those things that do not belong to you. Whatever you do, do it as an

offering to Swami, to please Him. Tell yourself - this is not mine. Who am I?

>From the microcosm to the macrocosm, everything is Divine. From the mosquito to

the elephant, all are Divine! The characters keep changing just as in a drama,

but all roles are played by Him alone. All words and songs are His. Only the

attire is different. Whatever is said and seen is all Divine. The whole

Viswa is Viswarupa. Therefore, we must have Viswa Prema. Only then you can see

God and be God. Differences and anger make you an animal. Animals do fight

between themselves. But should we also fight like that? Whatever you do, it

should be like gold. God is Hiranyagarbha. What is the specialty of gold? It

remains as gold

even if mixed with mud. You all are golden. But you have joined with the mud. To

purify you all, noble people have to come and clean you. But you all entertain

doubts. Why do doubts come? It comes because of the feeling of difference. I am

different and you are different Special Blessings To A Fortunate One At one

point in His Divine Discourse, Swami beckoned to one student sitting in the

first line to stand up. Pointing to him, Swami said, "I know everything about

everybody. But I act as though I do not know." I know

everything about everyone Swami manifests a ring for a studentin the middle

of His discourse Then Swami narrated the story of another student who had

lost his mother when he was a young child. Since then, Swami had taken care of

this boy and today he was doing his post

graduate studies in Swami's college. Bhagavan then signalled for the boy and he

came to Swami. This boy happens to be the band leader and our readers must have

seen his picture along with that of the band every time they play on festive

occasions. Bhagavan patted him and later materialized a green diamond ring and

slid it onto his finger, saying that green stands for Kshema (welfare). He

further said, "See, I know all about this boy's family. My true property is

Love. I Love all, those whom I see and even those whom I do not. Even at times

when I appear angry it is just that I am pretending to be angry. Iswara Sarva

Bhootaanaam. It is with this Love that God takes care of this entire Universe.


STUDENTS Can one describe the relation between a flower and the fragrance,

the ocean and its waves, the Lord and His children? To express their love and

gratitude to their beloved Lord, the final year post graduate students offered

at the Lotus Feet of their Master a bouquet of songs. The boys were part of the

programme from the MSc, MBA, MA, M.Tech, and the final year Diploma students of

the Music College. Bhagavan requested the Vice Chancellor to introduce the

programme for the evening. He stressed on the need for the passing out students

to keep two aspects ever in their mind. One is the 'spiritual vision' and the

second is 'social service'. He said that they were now entering the phase of

'active participation' in Bhagavan Baba's Master Plan and Mission . At 3.45

p.m. the students began their offering. Two students took a beautiful card to

Swami. The card was a heart-shaped nest with a mother hen feeding its little

chicks. After the "card-boys" were blessed 4 boys took a lovely cake to be cut

by Swami which the boys had baked themselves. The words on the icing of the

cake read 'I in You, You in me. So we begin, so we end.' As the programme began

with a prayer to Lord Ganesha, an ornamental sheet containing the list of songs

was presented to Swami. The cake prepared for Swami A card of

a mother hen and her chicks preparedby the students for Swami This programme

too followed the same format as all the previous programmes. The songs were

interspersed with short speeches expressing their love towards Swami.

Presenting a rose and the lyrics to Swami Among the songs that they

sang were "Jhil Mil Jhil Mil Khilte Taare", " Maa Jeevana Aadhaarama Maa

Hrudaya Sangeetama ", " We Love You Swami ", "Sathya Dharmamu Shanti Premalato

Nee Nitya Jeevana Yatra Saaginchu", "O Maa Sai Maa", "Enta Premayo Swamiki Enta

Premayo Satya Sai Bhagawanuki Enta Premayo", "Ye Bandhan To Pyaar Ka Bandhana

Hai Janmo Kaa Sangama Hai", and"O Nestamaa Priyamaina Bandhamaa". The

mellifluous sounds of a pair of violins playing in the background lifted the

songs to melodious heights. In all about 25 boys expressed their gratitude

in 12 languages - English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi,

Gujarati, Konkani, Tamil, Sourashtra and Nepali. The themes of these little

speeches varied from thanking Swami for the education He had given, poetic

expression of love and gratitude, nostalgic memories of yesteryears in the

primary school, to promising Swami that they would lead their lives by

practising Swami's teachings. The last speech - in Telugu - adored the glory

and beauty of Swami's words. The song following this, expressed the prayer of

the students that Swami should speak to them. Bhagavan blessed the boys and

answered their prayers by giving them a discourse. It was

4.50 p.m. when Swami stood up and began His discourse. He said, "To live in

this world you need secular education (Hemataaraka Vidya). For the life

thereafter you need spiritual education (Brahma Vidya). Even with all great

degrees like MA and MBA, with all wealth, affluence and property, and with all

name and fame; man is not able to win over the worldly life. Worldly knowledge

will only help in living a comfortable life. What great thing do we gain by

merely studying? Chaavu Leni Chaduvu Chaduvavalayu.. one must study that which

leads beyond death. All worldly education is

like bulbs and fans (negative) whereas spiritual education is the current

(positive). The Divine Discourse Man forgets and is ignorant of the

inner current (there is static current even in your hair) and runs after the

outer current. Along with secular education, spiritual education should also be

acquired. Mere secular education cannot even make an ant move. Once you control

your five senses nobody can be greater than you. Everything is contained within

man. All is contained in the Viswa Rupa - Cosmic Form. Without realizing this

truth undertaking any amount of spiritual pursuit is in vain. All our

descriptions of Divinity are waverings of our mind. It has nothing to do with

Godhood. That is why Tyagaraja said - 'Who can ever describe

You O Lord?' When bad thoughts enter your mind, replace them with good

thoughts. If you practise this, you will become virtuous. All great people have

achieved their greatness in this manner. Can anything happen without God's Will?

The human being is the one with a single desire not the one with multiple

desires. Jantu Naam Nara Janma Durlabham. Human birth is very rare and

precious. Do not entertain bad feelings like hatred, jealousy, anger towards

anybody. To be truly human, one must control the bestial qualities. However

fragrant the flower may be, when it is mixed with dirt it will smell foul.

What is Manasu? 'Ma' means 'I', 'Na' means 'No' or 'remove'. Therefore, remove

the ' I' feeling and then 'Su' remains. 'Su' stands for Sugandham - fragrance.

Born as a human being, belonging to the human race, if

we go by 'Ma' and 'Ma' alone it will lead to Maya. Therefore remove the Ma - 'I'

feeling and then Sugandham will come into your life. Su symbolises

Sugandhaswarupa, Supriya, Sunandamaya, Sukhaswarupa..... Good and bad belong

to you. God has no role to play in this. He is the very embodiment of Love and

Peace. Under any circumstances, be peaceful. You will surely find peace in your

vicinity." Swami concluded His discourse by singing the bhajan Hari Bhajan Bina

Sukha Shanti Nahin. After a few bhajans by the boys, Swami took arati and


was quite an evening, on the day before Sivarathri. After Swami came into Sai

Kulwant Hall, He sent a lot of boys scurrying over to Poornachandra. It soon

became clear why - when they came back carrying a couple of watermelons each

from Poornachandra for distribution in Sai Kulwant Hall. It was quite a sight

to see the boys bring the watermelons two at a time and give it to the crowd and

then run back again for more. It reminded all of us of Lord Rama's monkey army

that helped Him build a bridge across the ocean to Lanka by bringing a stone

each and dropping it into the ocean. But the evening was not over

yet. Swami then called Sri AVS Raju, an elderly devotee of long standing. He is

the author of many books of poetry on Swami and Swami blessed him by releasing

some more books that he had written on this auspicious day. Swami later gave

him permission to read his poetry to the crowd and he sat right beside the Lord

and read his Telugu poems of praise of the Lord. Though many in the crowd did

not understand the words, the feelings of devotion came through and were

appreciated by all. Sri AVS Raju reading his poetry But the

evening was still not over. Swami then called

Sri Ajit Poppat a devotee from London and asked him to speak to the crowd. Mr.

Poppat started off by asking the question - 'What is discipline? Is it just

sitting silently or speaking softly and so on, or is it something more

profound.' He then devoted the rest of his speech to addressing this question.

Speaking in a mixture of English, Hindi with a smattering of Gujarati, and

quoting Sanskrit verses often, Mr. Ajit in his humorous style drew upon his

experiences with Swami to get his important message across. He said that we are

not animals or birds but humans and even more - we are Sai Bhaktas. We should

always listen to the inner voice and lead a life in light of Swami's teachings

so we can be considered disciplined and true devotees of the Lord. It was an

enchanting evening and a precursor of the exciting promises that the morrow -

Maha Sivarathri day - had in store for one and all. With Sai love from Sai

brothers - '' Courtesy: http://media.radiosai.org


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