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mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">Udbhavah: One who is the material cause of

creation.Kshobhano: One who at the time of creation entered into the Purusha

and Prakruti and caused agitation.Devan: `Divyati’ means sports oneself through

creation and other cosmic activities.Shrigarbhah: One in whose abdomen (Garbha)

Shri or His unique manifestation as Samsara has its existence.Parameshvarah:

`Parama’ means the supreme. `Ishvarah’ means one who hold sway over all

beings.Karanam: He who is the most important factor in the generation of this

universe.Kaaranam: He who is the most important factor in the generation of

this universe.Karta: One who is free and is therefore one’s own master.Vikarta:

One who makes this unique universe.Gahanah: One whose nature, greatness and

actions cannot be known by anybody.Guhah: One who hides one’s own nature with

the help of His power of Maya.Vyavasayo vyavasthanah samsthanah sthanado


parama-spashtas tushtah pushtah subhekshanah ..42Vyavasayo: One who is wholly of

the nature of knowledge.Vyavasthanah: He in whom the orderly regulation of the

universe rests.Samsthanah: One in whom all beings dwell in the states of

dissolution.Sthanado: One who gives their particular status to persons like

Dhruva according to their Karma.Dhruva: One who is indestructible.Parardhih:

One who possesses lordliness of this most exalted type.Parama-spashtas: One in

whom `Para’ or supremely glorious `Ma’ or Lakshmi dwells. Or one who is the

greatest of all beings without any other’s help.Tushtah: One who is of the

nature of supreme.Pushtah: One who in fills everything.Subhekshanah: One whose

Ikshanam or vision bestows good on all beings that is, gives liberation to

those who want Moksha and enjoyments to those who are after it, and also cuts

asunder the knots of the heart by eliminating all doubts.Ramo viramo virato

margo neyo

nayonayahVirah shaktimatam shreshtho dharmo dharma-vid uttamah ..43Ramo: The

eternally blissful on in whom the Yogis find delight.Viramo: One in whom the

Virama or end of all beings takes place.Virato: One in whom the desire for

enjoyments has ceased.Margo: That path by knowing which the liberation-seeking

ascetics attain to immortality.Neyo: One who directs or leads the Jiva to the

Supreme Being through spiritual realization.Nayo: One who leads, that is, who

is the leader in the form of spiritual illumination.Anayah: One for whom there

is no leader.Virah: One who is valorous.Shaktimatam-shreshtho: One who is the

most powerful among all powerful beings like Brahma.Dharmah: One who supports

all beings.Dharma-viduttamah: The greatest of knower of Dharma. He is called so

because all the scriptures consisting of Shrutis and Smrutis form His

commandments. Vaikunthah purushah pranah pranadah pranavah

pruthuhHiranya-garbhah shatrughno vyapto vayur adhokshajah ..44Vaikunthah: The

bringing together of the diversified categories is Vikuntha. He who is the

agent of it is Vaikunthah.Purushah: One who existed before everything.Pranah:

One who lives as Kshetrajana (knower in the body) or one who functions in the

form of vital force called Prana.Pranadah: One who destroys the Prana of beings

at the time of Pralaya.Pranavah: One who is praised or to whom prostration is

made with Om.Pruthuh: One who has expanded himself as the

world.Hiranya-garbhah: He who was the cause of the golden-coloured egg out of

which Brahma was born.Shatrughno: One who destroys the enemies of the

Devas.Vyaptah: One who as the cause pervades all effects.Vayur: One who is the

cause of smell.Adhokshajah: He is Adhokshaja because he undergoes no

degeneration from His original nature.Rituh sudarshanah kalah parameshti

parigrahahUgrah samvatsaro

daksho vishramo vishva-dakshinah ..45Rituh: One who is of the nature of Kala

(time) which is indicated by the word Ritu or season.Sudarshanah: One whose

Darshana or vision that is knowledge, bestows the most auspicious fruit Moksha.

Kalah: One who measures and sets a limit to everything.Parameshti: One who

dwells in his supreme greatness in the sky of the heart.Parigrahah: One who,

being everywhere, is grasped on all sides by those who seek refuge in Him. Or

one who grasps or receives the offerings made by devotees.Ugrah: One who is the

cause of fear even to beings like Sun.Samvatsaro: One in whom all beings

reside.Daksho: One who augments in the form of the world.Vishramah: One who

bestows Vishrama or liberation to aspirants who seek relief from the ocean of

Samsara with its waves of various tribulations in the from of Hunger, Thirst

etc., and difficulties like Avidya, pride, infatuation etc.,Vishvadakshinah:

One who is more

skilled (Daksha) than every one. Or One who is proficient in everything.Vistarah

sthavara-sthanuh pramanam bijam avyayamArthonartho mahakosho mahabhogo

mahadhanah ..46Vistarah: One in whom all the worlds have attained

manifestation.Sthavara-sthanuh: One who is firmly established is Sthavara, and

in whom long lasting entities like earth are established in Sthanu. The Lord is

both these.Pramanam: One who is of the nature of pure

consciousness.Bijamavyayam: One who is the seed or cause of Samsara without

Himself undergoing any change.Arthah: One who is sought (Arthita) by all, as He

is of the nature of bliss.anarthah: One who, being self-fulfilled, has no other

Artha or end to seek.Mahakosho: One who has got as His covering the great

Koshas like Annamaya, Pranamaya etc.Mahabhogo: One who has Bliss as the great

source of enjoyment.Mahadhanah: One who has got the whole universe as the

wealth (Dhana) for His

enjoyment.Anirvinnah sthavishthobhur dharma-yupo maha-makhahNakshatra-nemir

nakshatri kshamah kshamah samihanah ..47Anirvinnah: One who is never heedless,

because He is ever self-fulfilled.Sthavishtah: One of huge proportions, because

He is in the form of cosmic person.Abhuh: One without birth. Or one has no

existence.Dharma Yupah: The sacrificial post for Dharmas, that is, one to whom

all the forms of Dharma, which are His own form of worship, are attached, just

as a sacrificial animal is attached to a Yupa or a sacrificial

post.Maha-makhah: One by offering sacrifices to whom, those sacrifices deserve

to be called great, because they well give the fruit of Nirvana.Nakshatra

nemir: The heart of all nakshatras.Nakshatri: He is in the form of the

nakshatra, Moon.Kshamah: One who is clever in everything.Kshamah: One who

remains in the state of pure self after all the modifications of the mind have

dwindled.Samihanah: One

who exerts well for creation etc.Yajna ijyo mahejyas cha kratuh satram

satamgatih Sarvadarshi vimuktatma sarvagyo gynanam-uttamam ..48Yajnah: One who

is all-knowing.Ijayah: One who is fit to be worshipped in

sacrifices.Mahejyascha: He who, of all deities worshipped, is alone capable of

giving the blessing of liberation.Kratuh: A Yajna in which there is a

sacrificial post is Kratu.Satram: One who is of the nature of ordained

Dharma.Satamgatih: One who is the sole support for holy men who are seekers of

Moksha.Sarvadarshi: One who by His inborn insight is able to see all good and

evil actions of living beings.Vimuktatma: One who is naturally free.Sarvagyo:

One who is all and also the knower of all.Gynanam uttamam: That consciousness

which is superior to all, birthless, unlimited by time and space and the cause

of all achievements.Suvratah sumukhah sukshmah sughoshah sukhadah

suhrutManoharo jita-krodho

virabahur vidaranah ..49Suvratah: One who has take the magnanimous vow to save

all refuge-seekers. Sumukhah: One with a pleasant face.Sukshmah: One who is

subtle because He is without any gross causes like sound etc.Sughoshah: One

whose auspicious sound is the Veda. Or one who has got a deep and sonorous

sound like the clouds.Sukhadah: One who gives happiness to good people. Suhrut:

One who helps without looking for any return.Manoharo: One who attracts the mind

by His incomparable blissful nature.Jitakrodho: One who has overcome

anger.Virabahur: One whose arms are capable of heroic deeds as demonstrated in

his destruction of Asuras for establishing Vedic Dharma.Vidaranah: One who

destroys those who live contrary to Dharma.Svapanah svavasho vyapi naikatma

naika-karma-krutVatsaro vatsalo vatsi ratna-garbho dhaneshvarah ..50Svapanah:

One who enfolds the Jivas in the sleep of Ajnana.Svavasho: One

who is dominated by oneself and not anything else, as He is the cause of the

whole cosmic process.Vyapi: One who interpenetrates everything like Akasha.

Naikatma: One who manifests in different forms as the subsidiary agencies

causing the various cosmic processes.Naika-karma-krut: One who engages in

innumerable activities in the process of creation, sustentation etc.Vatsaro:

One in whom everything dwells.Vatsalo: One who has love for His devotees.Vatsi:

One who protects those who are dear to Him. Ratna-garbho: The Ocean is so called

because gems are found in its depths. As the Lord has taken the form of the

ocean, He is called by this name.Dhaneshvarah: One who is the Lord of all

wealth.Dharmagub dharmakrud dharmi sad-asatksharam aksharamAvigyata

sahashramsur vidhata kruta-lakshanah ..51Dharmagub: One who protects

Dharma.Dharmakrud: Though above. Dharma and Adharma, He performs Dharma in

order to keep up the

traditions in respect of it.Dharmi: One who upholds Dharma.Sad: The Parabrahman

who is of the nature of truth.Asat: As the Aparabrahma has manifested as the

world He is called Asat (not having reality).Ksharam: All beings subjected to

change.Aksharam: The changeless one.Avigyata: One who is without the attributes

of a Jiva or vigyata like sense of agency etc.Sahashramshur: One with numerous

rays, that is the Sun.Vidhata: One who is the unique support of all agencies

like Ananta who bear the whole universe.Krutalakshanah: One who is of the

nature of conscousness.Gabhasti-nemih sattvasthah simho

bhuta-maheshvarahAdidevo mahadevo devesho devabhrud-guruh ..52Gabhasti-nemih:

He who dwells in the middle of Gabhasti or rays as the Sun.Sattvasthah: One who

dwells specially in sattvaguna, which is luminous by nature.Simho: One who ahs

irresistible power like a lion.Bhuta-maheshvarah: The supreme Lord of all

beings.Adidevo: He who is the first of all beings.Mahadevo: One whose greatness

consists in His supreme self-knowledge.Devesah: One who is the lord of all

Devas, being the most important among them.Devabhrud-guruh: Indra who governs

the Devas is Devabhrut. The Lord is even that Indra’s controller (Guru).Uttaro

gopatir gopta gyanagamyah puratanahSharira-bhuta-bhrud bhokta kapindro

bhuridakshinah ..53Uttaro: One who is Uttirna or liberated from

Samsara.Gopatir: Krishna who tends the cattle in the form of a Gopa. One who is

the master of the earth.Gopta: One who is the protector of all

beings.Gyanagamyah: The Lord cannot be known through Karma or a combination of

Karma and Gyana.Puratanah: One who is not limited by time and who existed

before anything else.Sharira-bhuta-bhrud: One who is the master of the five

Bhutas (elements) of which the body is made.Bhokta: One who protects. Or one

who is the enjoyer of infinite

bliss.Kapindro: Kapi means Varah (boar). The word means, the Lord who is Indra

and also one who manifested as Varaha or the Boar in one of the incarnations.

Or it signifies His Rama incarnation in which He played the role of the master

of the monkeys.Bhuridakshinah: One to whom numerous Dakshinas or votive

offerings are made in Yagyas.Somapo amrutapah somah purujit purushottamahVinayo

jayah satyasandho dasharhah satvatampatih ..54Somapo: One who drinks the Soma in

all Yagyas in the form of the Devata (Deit).Amrutapah: One who drinks the drink

of immortal Bliss which is of one’s own nature.Somah: One who as the moon

invigorates the plants.Purujit: One who gains victory over numerous

people.Purushottamah: As His form is of cosmic dimension He is Puru or great,

and as He is the most important of all, He is Sattama.Vinayo: One who inflicts

Vinaya or punishment on evil ones.Jayah: One who is victorious over all

beings.Satyasandho: One whose `Sandha’ or resolve becomes always true.Dasharhah:

Dasha means charitable offering. Therefore, He to whom charitable offerings

deserve to be made. Satvatampatih: `Satvatam’ is the name of a Tantra. So the

one who gave it out or commented upon it.Jivo vinayita-sakshi mukundo amita

vikramahAmbhonidhir anantatma mahodadhishayonatakah ..55Jivo: One who as the

Kshetragya or knower of the field or the body, is associated with the

Pranas.Vinayita-sakshi: One who witnesses the Vinayita or worshipful attitude

of all devotees.Mukundo: One who bestows Mukti or Liberation.Amita vikramah:

One whose three strides were limitless.Ambhonidhir: One in whom the Ambas or

all beings from Devas down dwell.Anantatma: One who cannot be determined by

space, time and causation.Mahodadhi-sayah: One who lies in the water of Cosmic

Dissolution into which all entities in the universe have been


One who brings about the end of all beings.Ajo maharhah svabhavyo jitamitrah

pramodanahAnando nandano nandah satya-dharma trivikramah ..56Ajo: ` A’ means

Mahavishnu. So the word means one who is born of Vishnu i.e. Kama

Deva.Maharhah: One who is fit for worship.Svabhavyah: Being eternally perfect

He is naturally without a beginning.Jitamitrah: One who has conquered the inner

enemies like attachment, anger etc. as also external enemies like Ravana,

Kumbhakarna etc.Pramodanah: One who is always joyous as He is absorbed in

immortal Bliss.Anando: One whose form is Ananda or Bliss.Nandano: One who gives

delight.Nandah: One endowed with all perfections.Satya-dharma: One whose

knowledge and other attributes are true.Trivikramah: One whose three strides

covered the whole world.Maharshih kapilacharyah krutagyo medini-patihTripadas

tridashadhyaksho mahashrungah krutantakrut ..57Maharshih Kapilacharyah:

Kapila is called Maharshi because he was master of all the Vedas. Krutagyo:

Kruta means the world because it is of the nature of an effect.Medinipatih: One

who is the Lord of the earth.Tripadas: One having three strides.

Tridashadhyaksho: One who is the witness of the three states of waking, dream

and sleep, which spring from the influence of the Gunas.Mahashrungah: One with

a great antenna.Krutantakrut: One who brings about the destruction of the Kruta

or the manifested condition of the universe.Mahavaraho goivindah sushenah

kanakangadiGuhyo gabhiro gahano guptas chakra-gadadharah ..58Mahavaraho: The

great Cosmic Boar.Govindah: `Go’ means Words, that is the Vedic sentences. He

who is known by them is Govindah.Sushenah: One who has got about Him an armed

guard in the shape of His eternal associates.Kanakangadi: One who has Angadas

(armlets) made of gold.Guhyo: One who is to be known by the Guhya or the

esoteric knowledge conveyed by the Upanishads. Or one who is hidden in the Guha

or heart.Gabhiro: One who is of profound majesty because of attributes like

omniscience, lordliness, strength, prowess etc.Gahano: One who could be entered

into only with great difficulty. One who is the witness of the three states of

waking, dreams and sleep as also their absence.Guptas: One who is not an object

of words, thought etc.Chakra-gada-dharah: One who has discus and Gada in

hand.Vedhah svango ajitah krishno drudhah sankarshano acyutahVaruno vaaruno

vrukshah pushkaraksho mahamanah ..59Vedhah: One who does Vidhana or

regulation.Svango: One who is oneself the participant in accomplishing

works.Ajitah: One who has not been conquered by anyone in His various

incarnations.Krishno: One who is known as Krishna-dvaipayana.Drudhah: One whose

nature and capacity know no decay.Sankarshano Acyutah: Sankarshana is one who

attracts to oneself all

beings at the time of cosmic Dissolution and Acyuta is one who knows no fall

from His real nature. They form one word with the first as the qualification –

Acyuta who is sankarshana.Varuno: The evening sun is called Varuna, because he

withdraws his rays into himself.Vaaruno: Vasishta or Agastya, the sons of

Varuna.Vrukshah: One who is unshakable like a tree.Pushkaraksho: One who shines

as the light of consciousness when meditated upon in the lotus of the heart. Or

one who has eyes resembling the lotus.Mahamanah: One who fulfils the three

functions of creation, sustentation and dissolution of the universe by the mind

alone.Bhagavan bhagahanandi vanamali halayudhahAdityo jyotir-adityah sahishnur

gatisattamah ..60

mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">TO BE CONTINUED With Sai loe from Sai brothers - ''


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