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whether Shri Sai Baba is an Avatar or a Sadguru one must know the difference

between the two .A Sadguru is one who dispels darkness called ignorance and

lights the lamp of wisdom in us. A Sadguru is one who guides us and shows the

direction to God. An Avatar is the one (none else but God Himself) who descends

to uplift mankind. He can come as a full Avatar that is with all 16 aspects

shodas kalas or as a partial Avatar with a few kalas out of this 16.I firmly

believe that Shri Shirdi Sai Baba is an Avatar of God. Lord Shiva has descended

in order to uplift mankind and re-establish dharma. He always use to act as if

He was just a fakir and servant of God but quite a few times in front of

devotees who were really eligible to receive His grace He declared that He was

Lord Himself. The qualities required to call Him an Avatar are 1) Omnipotence;

2) Omnipresence; 3) Omniscience. He had full control over all the five

elements. We all know that He controlled the fire and rain as narrated

in " Shri Sai Satcharita", the life story of Shri Sainath. 3.

What is the relevance of Sai's teachings in today's world? The most important

things that Sai Baba of Shirdi taught are: - I) Love towards all animals, birds

and insects:

Baba used to feed dogs even before He partook food. He extended his love to even

a useless rock used for washing clothes by sitting on it. Today that rock is

seen in Dwarakamai and is worshipped by devotees who come there. People today

should learn this and follow His Teachings. To a great extent devotees are

following this. People are seen distributing clothes, food, etc to the poor

Narayana Seva is going on all over the world in various Sai centers. II)

Religious tolerance: Shirdi Sai Baba looked after the Hindus and Muslims

equally. We can find people of all religions coming to Him even now. He always

preached that all are one and be alike to everyone. In today's world there is a

lot of tolerance among people of various religions. People must believe that all

are Humans. Faith may be different but the goal is one. Shri Sai devotees are

found very

tolerant in this aspect .We find Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, etc sharing

their views and talking with each other like real brothers in Shirdi and also at

various Sai centers all over the world. They firmly believe that flowers may be

many but worship is one. Stars may be many but light is one. Similarly paths

may be different but goal is one. III) Caste Harmony: Shirdi Sai never allowed

people to have ill feelings towards the so-called untouchables. He made Brahmins

eat from leper's plate or untouchable's plates. When they felt loathsome to do

the same He castigated them and preached them everything is Atma. If they hated

them they in fact hate Him who is residing in them. People who believe in Baba

should follow the same thing. Treat all mankind as brothers and live happily.

Believe in brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God. I am a Sai

devotee of Shri Sai Baba. The reason of my approach to Sai faith is to fill my

emptiness .May be too many expectations have not been met and I have lost

interest in many things including personal and business. I have been trying

to pick up through the spiritual way for a while but I do not have much

confidence in putting my life back to right perspective .I have been

melancholic for long time without any reason. Please help me to pray to Baba

because I love Him immensely and feel a void without Him. Your question is not

unusual. Certain experiences, which we call negative, can lead us towards the

Master or God. Read Shri Sai Satcharita and you will not only get the answer,

but your mind will also be

peaceful. Think about Baba, read about Him, gradually you will be out of your

depression I lost my husband to cancer two years back. Since then I have become

very insecure, mainly about my children. I pray to Shri Sai everyday but I

cannot get rid of the fear for my children. Worship Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. Be

sure Baba is protecting your children. Hold Him close to your heart always.

Baba said, "Why fear when I am there”. Everyone has to leave in a predetermined

time. King, beggar, saint, sinner alike. Baba will take care of your children,

pray. 4. I am a devotee of Shri Sai Baba and know that He is

always with me still I do many wrong things in my life. This makes me feel

guilty but I do not improve as I have a weak will power. How to overcome this?

The fact that doing wrong things make you feel guilty means you love purity.

Baba is purity personified and can control your mind in case you have full

faith in Him. Continue to pray Baba. Gradually, you will get over your

weakness. Read life and teachings of Baba "Shri Sai Satcharita". As and when I

am about to commit any wrong deed why from within my heart Baba should not stop

me from doing so? Your conscience is Baba. You certainly hear the inner voice.

Always focus your thoughts on Him and on your own conscience whenever you have

any wrong thought. 5. Why do we want to test every

experience on the basis of physical evidences? Our intellect tells us to

understand everything through the cognitive faculties .Yet our faculties are

highly limited. The form of God is all pervasive. For direct experience human

has to

cross over the known and unknown boundaries. Ordinary limited human beings can

only see and experience the physical form. The Yogis experience the subtler

vehicles. One who will experience the Jivanmukta, Parammukta or Paramukta

states of Baba; he will never wish to assume a human body again. Anger. 6.

I tend to loose my temper very fast, how do I improve? Whenever

you get angry pray to Shri Sai Baba, and read His life history "Sai Satcharita".

Slowly anger will get controlled. Whenever you are angry with anyone, it is

better to leave the place rather than quarreling. Baba said that he loves those

people who are tolerant than those who fight. Astrology 7. In

this mundane world full of complexities of life does a Sai devotee need to take

support of astrology?

justify">Astrologer can at best predict future in a limited way. Baba helps

actively and actually. Once you have surrendered to Him He takes care, reduces

pain and increases happiness and evolves the souls. Keep His teachings and life

history in mind. See Him in happiness and unhappiness both. See Him in mundane

and spiritual both. Allow Him to work on you by keeping Him always in your

heart. Charity 8. In this illusionary world it is difficult

to identify a

genuinely needy person whom one would like to help. We see beggars in and around

the temple or on streets, and we daily read that there are many of them who are

self-sufficient and resort to begging only out of lack of interest in working.

How should one go about helping a needy? Please advice on this and guide us

what should one do. At times I wish to help someone but a thought always

crosses my mind,” Is he actually needy? " Everyone is needy. Everyone, a king

or a poor man is a beggar before God. Everyone prays to God for something or

other. Baba said, anyone approaching you for anything is due to links of our

past lives. By using your power of discrimination if you are convinced that a

man is really needy then help him. In case of doubt, route it through Baba. If

you wish to give ten rupees to a needy person but are in doubt then, put that


Baba's Donation Box. Let Baba decide this, in case you are not convinced at all

then just refuse politely. While doing so never abuse, threaten or misbehave

with the beggar. Don’t develop negative thoughts about anyone more so beggars

whom destiny has punished enough. 9. Many children are seen

begging outside the temples. Should we not stop them from doing so? These

children do not beg out of greed .It is generally a compulsion of life. They

only wish that they should be getting some sweet, piece of coconut or some

money. They have such innocent look on their faces .In spite of such poverty

there is such happiness reflecting on their faces. Those are greedy who are

praying /begging for much more after making Lakhs and crores in the most sinful

manner. For this they do all kind of crooked deeds. It is important that such

people should change their mentalities. If we have the capacity to educate and

look after these children we should do so. Without help law can’t stop them

except. 10.

'Times New Roman'"> What does Sai say about compassion? Sai is the

embodiment of compassion. He practiced and preached to love everyone including

sinner, diseased, birds and beasts. He saw God in everyone and loved them. Read

Sai Satcharita for the answers .He always encouraged and blessed acts of

kindness. 11.

If you can’t love you must not hate either. If one does not have the quality of

compassion in Himself, how can one receive the compassion of Sadguru? What type

of human beings Baba really loves? Baba is in the God State. He sees himself in

every one and hence loves everyone. Only if the quality of love is universally

expanded in us we experience Him. Ultimately, we will experience that Baba, God

and our self is one and the same thing Devotion. 12.

Roman'"> We want to give pure love to Baba but, we are not familiar

with its ways ,please help us in this regard. When and how a human being can

become a good devotee? Love cannot be organized the way most of the people

think. It is a spontaneous feeling and process of heart where there is no ego.


Will Sai Baba ever give his Darshan to me? Physical Darshan of a Sadguru is when

he is in physical body. Later, through deep meditation one can have his Darshan

internally. Pray to Shri Sai always to bless you with His swaroop Darshan.

14. How do I get close to Baba? How do I feel His presence and get

assured that He is with me and will always be with

me? You have to love Him. Keep Him as an image in your heart. Serve human beings

and other living species as part of Him. The process is gradual but continue to

try. You have to see His presence in all. He is all the time with you but you

don't know. When you will understand this totally you will surely feel His

presence. 15. I am a new devotee of Shri Sai Baba. Please tell

me how

do I approach Him? Pray to Him in any form suited to your emotions, a master, a

father, a mother, a friend, etc. Loving God is the best prayer of God. Prayers

at best generate love and if love is there, formal prayers are not necessary.

Read Shri Sai Satcharita, the life history of Baba for further directions.

16. Some times I get tears when I think of Baba. I don't know the

reason for

that. Baba sends love waves to His children all the time. This happens with

thousands of people. These are tears of strength not weakness. Keep loving

Baba. He will grow in you. 17. I am very much drawn to Sai Baba,

and I consider myself His devotee, but I have trouble keeping Him in mind

throughout the day. I would like Him to be constantly present in my mind and

heart. Does this come by

His Grace only? Your thought process is noble and correct. Don't worry at all if

you can’t keep Him in mind constantly because you have to do other things also

because you have to do other things also where mind has to be applied. Baba is

aware of your problem. Do as much as you can. Gradually things will improve.

18. Many devotees give lot of importance to the miracles exhibited

by saints. What is your opinion regarding this? What do the devotees have to do

with miracles? If merely the mention of that word creates confusion, then one

can guess the results it can create in society if the mental equanimity is not

there. Some devotees have certainly made progress on the path of devotion by

being influenced by such miracles. 19. What is the way of

offering our

true service to Baba in return of so much He gives to us? The true service is to

improve our qualities and be of some use for His cause, i.e. to serve humanity

around you. Baba did reveal to some people that His consciousness covered even

dogs, horses , etc. 20. When and how can we control "I"?

justify">One who can take complete control over "I" i.e. ego, will not be born

again as he would be merged with the Oversoul. By the effort of many births,

good deeds and grace of the Sadguru only, one can get control over "I". One

must understand this and pray to Guru to release from this. By making the life

simple and surrendering to Guru, "I" diminishes slowly but surely. There are

many aspects of ego like lust, hunger, anger, body, mind, they get controlled

slowly. Baba's message s always tell us that there should be no ego. Ego is a

destroyer and kills the spiritual progress of a person. This is fully

understandable. But, there are so many instances in day to day working in the

commercial life where one has to use his ego to establish his style of working

or to create a positive result-oriented fear. Ego can be both creative and

destructive. By ego the biggest things are created on earth and also destroyed.

To become egoless is the

highest state. Baba has spoken the ultimate word that He Himself is. We, at a

much lower level of evolution can only try by taking His name. While doing a

job where ego is necessary one should, still be careful not to have ego and

then using it in the positive direction will not make a person slave of his own

ego. One thing is certain that truth is only in what Baba says but I am not able

to relate this to the above. 21. While doing the work of Baba

many obstacles come, is this to kill ego and also to instill patience

and faith? I entirely agree .The more work you do for Baba; the more work will

come to you, both quantitative and qualitative. At times big obstacles present

themselves but they do not remain for long. It not only kills ego but also

builds those qualities that are essentially required to do bigger jobs for

Baba. 22. It is said that Baba replies to any question that

arises in our

mind .I have experienced that .I get replies through the books on Him. Is there

any other way He answers our questions? You are on the correct path. After

reading books/printed materials on Him go on thinking and discussing with other

devotees .He answers questions to us through our inner thoughts and many

inscrutable ways at times. Only the one who experiences knows. 23.

All my

life I have tried to make everyone happy and all I have got in return is sorrow.

Why does it happen like this? By doing good to others you are destroying your

own "papa" and getting closer to Baba. Don't expect returns from human beings,

as you will get hurt. Expect it from Baba because in the right moment His

blessings will descend. Pray to Baba always to keep you on right path and to

make you more patient. Please be true to your nature. I lost my husband to

Leukemia about an year ago. My daughter and I prayed day and night to Sai to

heal him and give Him some more time. My husband was a good human being, a

devoted father and husband, and a very religious man. He even endured, first

heart disease and then leukemia with great patience and courage. Why was he

made to suffer? Why are prayers were not answered? How can we replace emptiness

created by his death with peace? Before Baba left His body, devotees were

requesting Him to continue. Baba told the truth that even He would have to

leave the body one day. Anyone born with a body will go one day. The method of

departure is preordained because of past lives' actions called "prarabdha". The

ultimate answer can only be given By God.’ karma prarabdha' what scriptures say,

is the reason for all sufferings. Further, a certain quantum of duty is given to

a person within a certain period of time on this earth. Once that is over he has

to go. When the body becomes useless, by whatsoever manner to do any job for the

soul, the soul departs and enters another body fit to do such work. This law of

nature works on good, the bad, the religious, the nonbeliever and everyone. I

know the loss cannot be mitigated. But continue to pray to Baba to give peace

to the soul.

New Roman"> 24. My faith in God increases when I am in trouble. Is

it selfish behavior or is it normal? Human Beings will always have problems in

one aspect of life or the other, whether they are big or small, whether they

are evil or pure. All such sufferings are correlated to earlier lives. It is

better to remember God more in happier times than in sorrow, as Saint Kabir


Roman"> 25. Our faith gets shaken up with the blow of wind how do

we stop this and do not let it happen to us? For those who want to come closer

to Baba the only way is, to keep unshakeable faith in Him under all

circumstances. But, some people come to Sadguru with a desire of worldly gains

or exhibit their devotion with such expectations in their heart. Sometimes,

when their desires are not fulfilled or when they have to suffer consequences

of their own past actions they tend to loose their faith. In the

time of any Avatar or Sadguru every wish of everyman was never fulfilled.

Sadguru never fulfills those desires, which would become barrier in bringing

them closer to God. There is His hand behind unfulfilment of such desires.

Therefore, one who can see Baba both in pleasure and pain is the true devotee.

The pleasure seekers are bound to deviate from the path. 26. I

have been going through a very trying time. Many times I feel that my faith is

being tested, as Baba doesn't answer my prayers. I have prayed for help and

guidance, but I feel that Baba doesn't even hear me! I know that I am supposed

to learn something from all this, but it is very slow and painful lesson .How

come I get no help from Baba? The person may not know all actions played by

Baba behind the scene for his devotee at that time. The person may not know

knowing behind the scene for his devotees at that time. Knowing the past karma

of the devotee, the Sadguru quietly works on him on him .One has to have faith

and patience to reap the benefits of His blessings in the due course, and also

at the time ordained by Him. That is why Baba qualified the word "Shraddha"

(faith) with "Saburi" (patience). One without the other cannot stand. If you

read "Shri Sai Satcharita" you will get your answers as Baba did answer these

queries of devotees in His own way. 27. I have faith in Baba,

but why isn't my child improving? Law of nature is the creation of God; it will

control anyone, your child or anybody's child for that matter. Past lives

actions affect the conditions of this life. This is the "Law of Justice" of

God. But on the other hand "Law of Mercy" of God works through the Sadguru that

is Shri Sai. Continue to pray. Help children of other people who are in

distress. Baba

will surely help you. 28. The faith in Baba should never

diminish. Will I be successful in achieving the same? Read, think, speak, hear,

write, and meditate on Him. Put up your entire faculties on Him. Try and Try.

29. I have been believing in Shri Sai Baba for a long time and

pray to Him everyday. I have his picture and idol in the temple, in my house.

Recently, an intruder (a thief) came to my house and stole some money and

things. My faith was a bit shaken because rightly or wrongly I thought Baba

would protect my house from such untoward events. Should I dismiss such events

like this as Baba's wish? Please read

Shri Sai Satcharita. It will give you answers. If one loses faith by entry of

intruder in his house, then one should lose faith in himself when bad thoughts

enter his mind leading to bad activities. Bad thoughts are like a thief who

steals away our good quality and virtues. The true devotee will see the Sadguru

in both good and bad. Please try strengthening your faith and have patience if

you want to progress. 30. I would like to ask why Baba did not

believe in fasting or starving oneself without food?

0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">No mother would like her child to fast for

her. So it was Baba, who took care of His children without giving them the

trouble of rigorous religious practices. Fasting of the body is of no use if

the mind is not fasting. What if mind is thinking about worldly or negative

thoughts while undergoing fast? It has no meaning. On the other hand, if

fasting of body alone could give spiritual or religious benefit, then so many

people dying out of hunger in continents like Africa and Asia would have

realized God. The concept of fasting in Hinduism is to prepare the body in the

first stage to be disciplined and tough, and then gradually to go to subtler

levels. In case of Bhakti Marg, only self-surrender to the Guru is necessary,

He takes care of everything else.

Roman"> 31. Who is God? This is a question the entire humanity on

this earth has been trying to understand since the time immemorial. Yet nobody

can exactly say who is God. Even the greatest spiritual leaders in world, the

Vedas and the other religious scriptures have admitted their limitation. Seers

try to understand God from his manifested aspects - both living (Sakara) and

non living (Nirakara).After realizing the manifested aspects like stars,

planets, living, non living beings get into the non manifested

(Nirakara) aspects of God to certain extent .It is said that God has manifested

only one-fourth of His energy and the three -fourth of God's energy is not

manifested. How then to understand the three-fourth non-manifested God is the

question when the entire humanity has not been able to understand even the

one-fourth manifestation? 32. How to understand God? Every soul

in the process of

evolution, life after life, tries to understand God slowly. In fact, this

understanding of God, more and more, is the real purpose of evolution of souls.

If man is better equipped with the cerebral capacity than a monkey, it is for

understanding God at the first stage and then realizing God at the ultimate

stage that has been given the capacity or nature has given these capacities to

Him. Man is a superior animal only because it has better physical and mental

machinery but because he has the capacity to imagine, accept seek and realise

God. All relegions, scriptures have prescribed the methods on how one should

try to understand God. These are called different paths. All the realized souls

and saints have also spoken same. Baba used to tell His devotees at Shirdi that

there are many paths to reach God .One of the path goes through Shirdi, meaning

thereby to follow Him. Any devotee following the path shown by Shri Sai Nath

Maharaj will certainly understand and realize

God. 33. Why do we attribute the human form to God? Because it is

impossible to comprehend the form of God, only through concepts and imagination.

Therefore, through symbolic and manifested form we can have the personal

experience of His form. God has been incarnating in human form to make His

identity easier to us.

TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 34. How does one take out time for the "Guru

Path" under the constraint of time in ordinary life? Living an ordinary life has

been difficult in every age, not in the present time only. Leading an ordinary

life means going along the social and family life. It is easy for those who

have left home and taken to ascetic way of life, but it is a greater problem to

follow this path while living in physical world looking after the family and


commitments. We are searching for 'Guru Path' to find solution to this problem

only. This becomes easy and there is not much difficulty in it. Only will power

and divine inspiration is required. In the first stage nobody can take 'Guru

Path' completely. It requires a reading of books on this subject, reading the

life stories of Gurus, keeping purity in one's conduct etc., gradually the

thoughts of Sadguru will grow in his inner self. Under this condition he will

find a Guru somewhere. More correctly he will draw the attention of the Guru

who has the divine capacity to see through merits and demerits of everyone and

the thought process of all his devotees. It is said that the disciple cannot

find a Guru, but the Perfect Master finds out his disciple certainly. As Baba

said,"I draw my devotees from thousand of miles”. In life full of difficulties

it is a true endeavor to develop the qualities of compassion, forgiveness and

service. Selfless service is the goal of Guru. It may be

concluded that initially one should begin with obeying the Guru for smaller

duties given to Him, and gradually one should move ahead for bigger jobs. While

undergoing life's struggle whatever qualities one develops those remain

permanently with Him and become a part of His soul. These qualities are carried

to the next life. In the next life also he will be getting the help of Guru to

evolve further. 35. What qualities a man should develop to

evolve as a disciple and how? The quality of being a Guru as well as being a

disciple is inherent in every individual. In childhood parents should give the

child the elementary education of conduct, behavior and culture. As he grows up

he goes to the school and college and learns from the teacher. In the normal

course of life also one learns a lot from somebody or else. As far as it

relates to be disciple of a spiritual or religious Guru, it has its own

tradition. The first necessity to be a disciple is to have complete faith in

Guru that whatever the guru is doing that is in his(the disciple's) own

interest. Guru should also be the one who thinks of the welfare of the disciple

only. The second thing is that as far as possible one should follow the words

said by the Guru and the instructions given by Him. If the Guru says "be kind

and feed the poor ",then one should do it as much as his capacity permits. If

there are

problems in the path told by the Guru then they should be conveyed to Him. The

true Guru will tell the solution of those problems under the prevailing

circumstances. No Guru should like that one should abandon everything else to

become his disciple. Guru will indicate such a course that is suitable in the

complex world. 36. In today's age there are so many gurus

around. How does one know if one has come across the true Guru?

justify">Everybody is in search of a Guru, somewhere or other - and so should it

be. It is said in "Guru Gita" that the way a bee goes from flower to flower in

search of honey, the aspirant should also go from one Guru to another. However,

once he finds his Sadguru, then he should follow Him with single mindedness. But

all Gurus are not necessarily 'Sadgurus'. Sadgurus are those who are able to

join 'Atma' to 'Parmatma' and who has the capability to protect the devotee

under all circumstances. There are very few Sadgurus on the earth. Once the

Sadguru is met there remains no need to search for a Guru. One who aspires for

a Sadguru must strive hard. Someday he will be able to draw the attention of

the Sadguru towards Himself. Thereafter, through some medium he will reach him

or draw the disciple by his own inscrutable ways.

New Roman"> 37. While treading the Guru Path we are bound to

commit mistakes, how and when should we convey them to the Guru? Human Being is

bound to commit mistakes. The Sadguru knows that his disciple will make a

mistake in the game of 'Maya'. Sadguru remains alert to stop them from doing

so. Because of his own mistake if the disciple falls into the danger then

'Sadguru' directly or indirectly helps him out. Baba used to say. "Know it that

wherever you are and whatever you do I am fully aware of that

".Sai Baba's life history shows that he was omniscient. Guru knows how to take

His disciple ahead or stop him from committing mistakes. We certainly get

protection of the Guru for the mistakes unknowingly done by us, but we should

try that the mistakes knowingly committed should not be repeated. Sometimes we

are not able to follow the Guru Path. Guru does not feel bad about it. He is

beyond the Gunas of anger and hatred. He only has compassion in Him. He watches

the true intention of the disciple to move ahead on the Guru Path. 38.

What should one do to become a perfect disciple? If the will power is strong and

there is complete surrender for the Guru then He keeps the disciple with Him

despite His mistakes. To become a perfect disciple one has to take in the

complete power of the guru and be a guru himself. But this is the highest

achievement any disciple can think of in his spiritual evolution. Sadgurus do

not make disciple rather they attempt to produce Sadguru only. They evolve the

soul of the disciple to their own level. This state is very high, and man

himself becomes a perfect disciple when he receives the capacity of a Guru.

But, before this without loosing our patience, without setting the time limit

ourselves, without carving out a path for ourselves, as it normally happens in

the world, we should be completely surrendered to the Guru. First of

all, we should be within His aura, then come near Him, have close bonds with

Him, and gradually should do all duties given by Him. With a bond of pure love

with Sadguru one will evolve spiritually. 39. Heaven lies at the

feet of Guru. When and How one can experience this? In the lifetime of the Guru,

worshipping and serving His feet is said to be one out of nine methods of

devotion. After

the Guru takes 'Samadhi' I.e. leaves His physical body, one should meditate on

his feet. Not only feet but also one should meditate, according to Baba, from

feet to head and from head to feet. To keep the feet of Guru in one's heart

relates to the attitude of serving Him. Here we do not bear the attitude of

companionship rather the attitude of being at His service .The worship of His

feet means following the words of the Guru and obeying His every command

without questioning. 40. I have been told that it is essential


have a living master to evolve spiritually. How true is it? To have a living

master is good. My personal experience is, if one prays to Baba even without a

physical Master, one can evolve. I do not have any physical Master nor did I

ever try. Baba is the Param Sadguru. 41. How should a

householder involve himself in the activities related to Baba while discharging

his professional and

family duties? A householder has to take out time for Baba's work while

discharging all the duties with perfection towards his family. He should make

his family life simple. The lifestyle should be kept simple so that it can be

handled easily. By organizing the daily routine properly try to minimize the

time spent on it, so that more and more time can be gained for Baba's work. The

work related to the profession and duties should be organized in such a manner

that while doing every work the mind is completely free of the burden of other

things. This is possible only when one is properly organized. Whatever works

you do concentrate on it completely and finish it sincerely and properly. One

should use time for every smallest as well as biggest work with equal

sincerity. Work should be attempted with a holistic view because God is Whole.

If each

and every work in life is done with faith, perfection and completeness then one

experiences the closeness with God. Make Him your companion every moment while

doing any work mundane or spiritual. 42. How do I progress

spiritually side - by-side my household duties? Spiritualism and materialism

always go side by side particularly for a worldly man. One cannot be put aside

for the other

because God creates both. See Baba's play in both these aspects. Both aspects

have to be taken care of by following the path shown by Baba.You has to make it

useful by doing the smallest acts and the biggest acts. Pray to Shirdi Sai. He

will surely bless you. Materialism limits the thinking and actions of a man. On

the other hand Spiritualism leads to viewing the whole universe as a family - a

single house. We learn the traits of love and co-operation from our own house

and society, keeping faith in Baba and patience as well. Performances of your

households’ duties are necessary at this stage for the growth of your

consciousness for your future evolution. 43. I want to know how

to manage time and space shared with other family members while remaining

faithful to my spiritual duties? If one is not getting solitude, that means

nature or God or Sadguru wants him/her to experience living with others and

adjusting with circumstances. We can always find solitude in our hearts ,while

traveling before sleeping and immediately after waking up. Think of Baba at all

these moments and any free moment you get wherever you are.

0in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1">44. Is there a

past life? Did Baba believe in it? Yes. If you read Shri Sai Satcharita, you

will find Baba speaking about the past lives of many people. He not only spoke

about the past births of human beings but even of other species like frog,

lizard etc. It is because of incomplete relationships of the past life that

people come in contact with each other in the later lives. The payment made by

human beings to settle Karmik debts of past lives creates happiness or

unhappiness. Baba had even referred to a lady as his sister in one of His

earlier lives. Unless we are prepared to believe that all our actions

origin and end in one life and that there is nothing after death, and also there

was no future life then one question remains unanswered-why did the most

impartial, all merciful God gave birth to people in different conditions and

with different capacities as a result of which some enjoyed more and some

suffered more. If there is no other logic of such differentiation between human

beings and other animals, then God cannot be seen as an impartial and all

merciful entity. 45. Could you please tell us where our soul


after death? Soul is a subtle energy form. It remains in that form after death

in the sphere of subtle energy. It evolves slowly after experiencing the subtle

world till one is reborn. 46. Is it true that every soul has a

mission in life? Yes. Nature has

already prepared a blue print of our lives just as we, within our limited

intelligence, prepare blue prints before constructing a house etc. Every man

has a mission to fulfill and each life on earth exists as long as the mission

continues. 47. What is the actual aim of life? What are we doing

on earth? The actual aim of life is to realize one's own soul or Atma, which is

divine. Once one

realizes this then he will not be born again. We are all experiencing worldly

life, necessary to evolve us. 48. Is being rich and having

comforts of life, so-called materialistic possessions, a wrong goal to attain?

Does it take us away from God? Can we be closer to God even while concentrating

in our materialistic progress? God reflects both in material and spiritual


Without a material body how can one become spiritual? Being rich is not a sin

unless richness is derived through sinful means and money is being spent in a

sinful manner. Rise materialistically but use material earnings for the cause

of others to the extent possible by you. 49. I would like to

clear the doubt in my mind as to whether Baba believed in the philosophy of

staying vegetarian? And if not, what logic was behind adopting


TEXT-ALIGN: justify">There is no evidence in the available sources on Baba that

He Believed in staying vegetarian; rather there is a mention in Shri Sai

Satcharita that Baba cooked non- vegetarian food for some of His devotees. In

the ultimate analysis human beings have no right to kill any species for

enjoyment, particularly when they have been given the intelligence to know that

God exists in every one. Animals don’t have this intelligence. This is Baba's

basic preaching, but since all devotees cannot change overnight, therefore,

they are to be handled accordingly. Simply being vegetarian or non-vegetarian

does not necessarily make a man spiritual or otherwise. In the world more than

3/4 population is non-vegetarian. Did these countries not produce spiritual

leaders including Jesus & Prophet? We should strive to be a vegetarian not only

to avoid eating of flesh (even living vegetables have life), but because one

should not be

party to killing of other species. As per Hindu theory this Karma will affect

him adversely. Besides, vegetarian food is easier to digest. 50.

Is taking non-vegetarian food wrong or sinful? No, because "jeevah jeevah

khadati" - one creature feeds on another creature. But there are certain foods,


are natural, like the child who is nourished by his mother on her breast-feed.

Human being eats vegetables and after his death his disintegrated body returns

to the soil and becomes a part of the whole vegetable world. But killing an

animal means we have finished the consciousness which had reached a higher

level, and eating the flesh of a human means finishing the consciousness which

had reached yet higher level than animals. Saints, who have reached a highly

evolved state of consciousness, do not eat anything. Upasani Maharaj did not

eat anything for one year. Some saints bring about such changes in their

organic system that they can nourish themselves on the direct energy from sun.

TO BE CONTINUED... Courtesy: http://www.saibabaofshirdi.net/ With Sai love from

Sai brothers – ‘’

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