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SAI NAMA KIRTANA KALIYUGA SADHANA & Easwaramma Women's Welfare Trust

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Easwaramma Women’s Welfare Trust Bhagawan has been propagating the path of

Namasmarana (chanting of the Name of God) as a means of achieving everlasting

Joy and Peace. Incidentally, His first and foremost teaching as a fourteen year

old boy to the humanity was “Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam” (Worship the Lotus

Feet of the Guru in the Mind). Ever since Bhajan singing has been an integral

part of Prasanthi Nilayam and Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – worldwide.

For the present day world that is marred by confusion and chaos, Bhagawan says,

constant remembrance of Divine Name is the only remedy. In the recent Guru

Purnima Divine Discourse, He stressed the significance of this saying: “Chant

the name of God day in and day out. That will protect you at all times. Just as

air is all-pervasive, God is present in you, with you, around you, below you,

above you. Hence, you should always be in constant communion with divinity.

When you develop faith in divinity, you will naturally have unity.

Consequently, there will be no scope for enmity. You need not perform any

rituals in order to win the grace of God. It is enough if you do Namasmarana

(chanting of Divine Name) from the depths of your heart. Bhajana Bina Sukha

Santhi Nahin… (one cannot attain peace and happiness without singing the glory

of God). If you incessantly chant the divine name “Rama”, no harm can ever

befall you. “

The Spiritual Wing of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Karnataka arranged an

exhibition entitled “Sai Nama Kirtana Kaliyuga Sadhana”, highlighting various

aspects of Bhajan singing and its significance, based on Bhagawan’s Teachings,

in the Pilgrims Shed near the Book Trust building from 19th July to 22nd July

as a part of Guru Purnima celebrations. Thousands of devotees have flocked in

to have a taste of the nectarous divine teachings on the subject Namasmarana.

Apart from the various aspects that go into Bhajan singing, video presentations

detailing the origin and significance of various musical instruments, nuances of

music and bhajan singing, Interactive Multimedia Bhajan Presentations etc. were

highlighted in this exhibition. The exhibition also highlighted the lives of

great saints who followed the path of Nama Sankirtana to attain liberation.

In one of His Divine discourses in 2002 Bhagawan mentioned said “The Divine

vibrations that result from the Bhajans you sing are spreading to all parts of

the world. The Divine Name that you chant purifies the hearts of many. Sing the

glory of God. By doing so, you will render a great help to the whole world”

A praiseworthy effort by the Spiritual Wing of Sri Sathya Sai Seva

Organisations, Karnataka that would go a long way in creating better awareness

among devotees about devotional singing. Source:


Easwaramma Women’s Welfare TrustA movement for Social, Moral and Economic uplift of Womenfolk

Massive welfare projects of Bhagawan stemmed from the humble, selfless, noble

and apparently simple desires of Mother Easwaramma for the welfare of mankind.

On the occasion of 10th year of Ladies’ Day celebrations in the year 2004,

Easwaramma Women’s Welfare Project was inaugurated for the welfare of

economically backward women. The seed sown then has grown and has reaped rich

fruits now in the form of Easwaramma Women’s Welfare Trust under the direct

supervision of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. Two schemes come under the aegis

of this programme, namely, “Mother and Child Programme” and “Easwaramma

Self-Help Programme”.

With the infinite grace and blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, this

Trust has been established to benefit women at large. It is founded on the

teachings of Bhagawan to reach out to the problems of women in a meaningful

way, and bring peace and comfort, without any distinction of religion, caste,

colour or creed.

ObjectivesTo create an awareness of the inherent Divinity in all, help translate it into practice.

To ensure lasting peace, joy, harmony and human excellence, and to encourage all

human relationships to be governed by the principles of Sathya (Truth), Dharma

(Right conduct), Santhi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-violence). To

promote and appreciate all religious faiths and cultures and to encourage their

sincere practice to understand their true spirit. To recognise that only noble

citizens can promote the well-being of society, and to bring about an

understanding of the duties of the individual to oneself and to society. To

recognise that women form the backbone of society, and safeguard and ensure the

dignity and honour of women at all times and in all circumstances.

ActivitiesThe following selfless service activities will be conducted to attain

the above objectives.

Promoting spiritual practices through meditation, satsang (spiritual

discussions) and singing the glory of Lord. Regular discussion of spiritual

literature in study circles / classes, conferences, orientation programmes,

etc. Visiting schools to meet teachers and students to inculcate basic human

values, health and hygiene, and offer career guidance. Dedicated medical care

through voluntary services. Helping women to solve their problems through

counselling, self help projects, etc. Taking up activities focusing on the

preservation of a clean and healthy environment.


The Trust will function as an expression and expansion of love of Bhagawan,

helping women at large as a non-profit trust. The Trust will provide an

opportunity for individuals and groups of women from all walks of life to

render voluntary services for the ultimate fulfilment of Bhagawan’s mission of


Mother and Child Programme

“One day Mother Easwaramma saw a frail woman walking towards Bukkapatnam

carrying her child with great difficulty. Seeing them, Easwaramma said, ‘You

appear to be frail and weak and unable to carry the child. Why should you walk

such a great distance?’ The lady replied, ‘Mother, there is no doctor in this

remote village who can give medicine to my child. What can I do?’ This incident

made a deep impact on Mother Easwaramma. Therefore, Mother Easwaramma asked Me

to build a small hospital. But Swami built great temples of healing. The small

wishes of a mother resulted in the establishment of great institutions.” Mother

and child are today being offered excellent care at these temples of healing.

The Mother and Child Programme will run under the auspices of The Easwaramma

Women’s Welfare Project and has as its objectives the following:

Monitoring and improving the health and nutritional status of expecting mothers.

Providing regular pre-natal check ups and medical support during pregnancy.

Training local birth attendants in early problem identification and in

providing support to expectant mothers. Counselling and education in health and

hygiene. Emergency care to ensure safe delivery. Providing medical and

nutritional support for the newborn child and infants. Immunisation programmes

for children. Education and training in child health and nutrition. Assessment

of and support in growth and development of the infant.

The programme is to be initially operational in the villages in and around

Puttaparthi, with the scope slowly expanding to include a growing circle of

villages as the programme moves forward.

Monthly visits to the villages on prescheduled dates are to be conducted. The

seva groups visiting the villages will include trained doctors, nurses and

volunteers. The seva groups will be equipped with all necessary medical

equipment to conduct pre-natal check ups, which will include the following:

Registration and recording of the case history of the expectant mother.

Monitoring of the health of the mother and foetus; blood pressure, position of

the foetus, foetal heartbeat, nutritional status of the mother, and early

problem identification if any. Providing iron, folic acid and nutritional

supplements to the mother. Education of mother / local birth attendant / family

member on healthcare during pregnancy. Providing information on early distress

signs and steps in emergency care.

During the visits post-natal and infant care needs are to be addressed through

the following:

Maintaining of growth and immunisation records for the infants. Providing

vitamins and nutritional supplements. Education on prevention of infections and

timely medical attention. Immunisation as per recommended schedule.

The Mother and Child Programme has been initiated by Swami for the social

welfare of women. The programme is to be carried out through the voluntary

participation of devotees, especially women. Swami says, “It is only by the

strength of a mother’s will that a child will come up in life. Hence, she must

be given the pride of place. She must be respected and cared for … Health is

the foundation on which human life rests. If health is lost you have to suffer

in many ways. There is no greater wealth than health … It is highly important

to care for the health of children. They are often undernourished and weak and

thus suffer from many ailments. I wish people would do something to help these

hapless children. Human birth is a God given gift.”

The Mother and Child Project will strive to enshrine these values in our society.

Easwaramma Self-Help Programme

Bhagawan says, “God is not poor and hence, people created by Him cannot also be poor.”

A world rid of poverty; a world where poverty is unknown; a world where every

human being has access to simple and basic amenities like drinking water,

healthcare, sanitation and primary education – This is Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai

Baba’s vision for mankind. No Avatar has done this before – “Going among the

masses, counselling them, guiding them, consoling them, uplifting them,”

filling everyone with a sense of self-confidence and self-respect and

encouraging them to be self-reliant.

The Easwaramma Self-Help Programme for women seeks to empower women to achieve

self reliance and to provide a means of steady livelihood and thereby improve

the health and quality of life of women, their families and children.

The Easwaramma Self-Help Programme seeks to train women in making a variety of

useful products using locally available and environmentally friendly raw

materials for sustained development. The Self-Help Programme will work towards

the Divine plan of establishing some opportunities for gainful employment so

that no person suffers from pangs of hunger.

Swami in His infinite grace, has initiated and provided all facilities within

the secure environment of the ashram for the training and education of these

groups of women. The Easwaramma Self-Help Programme will endeavour, with the

active participation of all Swami’s devotees to provide a better quality of

life to women, who are the heart of our society, as they strive for the safety,

welfare and health of their families and children.

“Let us work together, enjoy together, love one another and share our joy with

all.” - Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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