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Home ---Talk Given by Dr. Jumsai“Education in Human Values”March

28th, 2005OM... OM... OM...Shanti Shanti ShantihiI offer my loving pranams at

the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Baba.Sai Ram to all of you.(Audience) “Sai

Ram! Sai Ram!”I think that this session can be questions and answers rather

thangiving a talk. So, if you have any questions or if you like to askanything,


VALUESQuestion: Maybe you could talk to us about Education in Human Values,how

it influences our lives, the lives of youth, and education. Maybeyou could

repeat the example about what you said in Barcelona aboutchildren trying and

trying. There was some experiment. We would liketo hear that example once

again.Answer: Education in Human Values is really the main mission ofBhagavan

Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It is through this education that Swamihas said His

Message will be known all over the world. It is throughthis education that

peace will be established in the world. In fact,Swami has started another trust

called the ‘Sri Sathya Sai Trust forWorld Peace’, and education will be the main

work of the new trust.Thus, education is going to become more and more important

in theworld. The reason is because children, when they go through thissystem of

education, are transformed. And when children aretransformed, then the teachers

very quickly are also transformed(although the teachers should first transform

themselves before theyteach children!) (Laughter)But you know, as in the Sathya

Sai School in Thailand, many teacherscome from many places. They are not

devotees. But then, when theycome close to the children who are full of love,

they becometransformed. And when children go back home, they transform

theparents. So, in this way, the society is getting transformed. That’swhy it

is very important that we work hard to set up Sathya Saischools as model

schools in every country in the world.Right now we have 57 Sathya Schools in 35

countries. 40% of all theSathya Sai schools are in Latin America. So, there is a

lot of workin Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. We have done a lot

ofresearch in trying to find out what is happening in all the SathyaSai schools

in the world. And we have made several case studies ofchildren studying in

Sathya Sai schools. Everywhere we find thatthere is lot of transformation in

the children. And then, it goes onto the teachers, the parents and the society.

So Swami is encouragingall of us to continue to do this work. I just talked to

Swamiyesterday and He told me, "Work hard on education." (As if I am notworking

hard!) I am already working very hard. (Laughter) So Hereally wants to push very

hard to make sure that His education, whichis now changing quite a bit to what

we call ‘Educare’, is goingaround the world.BRINGING SATHYA SAI EDUCARE TO

SAUDI ARABIANow it is not only in the West or in the East, but where you have

thestrongholds of Islam, that they are also interested in Sathya SaiEducation

in Human Values. For example, in Saudi Arabia, which is theheadquarters where

the religion of Islam is based.A few years back, I was asked to go and give

training to teachers inSaudi Arabia. The organiser was actually a medical

doctor who comesfrom Denmark. But he is in a hospital where he treats the

princes ofSaudi Arabia. So he had a lot of influence.So he asked me to go there

to give a seminar. But then, they sent mea thick book like that. And in that

thick book, it tells you what youcannot say in Saudi Arabia. (Laughter)They say

that for a foreigner, who is not a Muslim, you cannot talkabout Islam. If you do

so, your head will be cut off. (Laughter) I amnot allowed to talk about values.

Because they have their own values,and they don’t want any more values, they

say.The medical doctor said he would arrange all the visas for me tocome. But

finally, they said, “we don’t need anybody to come andtrain our teachers.” So,

they rejected the visa application.At that time, I was Secretary to the

Minister of Foreign Affairs inThailand. So I told the medical doctor, “Don’t

worry. I will get myown visa.” I went to the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in

Bangkok andyou know, diplomatically, you cannot refuse a visa for the

Secretaryto the Minister of Foreign Affairs. So they gave me a visa, as wellas

one to Dr. Tudo, who was my associate. We would go together to dotraining in

those days.So, I contacted the doctor and told him that we were coming to

givethis talk. They gave me a warning that when we go throughimmigration, they

will question us as to why we want to come to thisplace, as it is not a tourist

place and there’s nothing for us tovisit once we come. And so, we were told that

like that they willquestion you for a long, long time on entry.So, I just sang

the song, “Why fear when I am here?” (Laughter) Andwe walked straight through

immigration! Nobody saw us. (Laughter) Wewere out within ten minutes. And the

organisers weren’t there. Theythought we would be delayed for at least an hour.

We were outsidewaiting one hour before they came!Well, finally, they came. They

took us to our place where we aregoing to stay. And the next morning, we had a

meeting with theleaders of education in Saudi Arabia. They were all so afraid

of usbeing there. They said, “You got to be so careful what you say.Because

here, you cannot say what you want to say. You have to be socareful.”Then the

teachers who were invited to come were also protesting. Theysaid that they will

report to the religious police everything we say.In Saudi Arabia, they have

police especially for religion. They willprotect their religion. So, they need

a lot of police people.Well, again I have to sing, “Why fear when I am here?”

(Laughter) "Sosays Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, My

Lord."The next day, we had our seminar. The Muslim teachers were all

there,trying to catch any mistake that we made.I spoke for three hours. And the

Muslim teachers were in tears. Theycame up to me and said, “Is this what we were

against? No! This issomething that we really need for our country, for Saudi

Arabia.”They were all so happy to hear what we presented to them, which wasthe

essence of Sathya Sai Education.And then in the afternoon, Dr. Tudo spoke for

another three hours.But this time, there was no problem. Everybody wanted to

hear! Themiracle doctor, who is the Danish man, he was lying in the back ofthe

lecture hall. He was lying down because he had terminal cancer.It was his last

wish in the world that Sathya Sai Education should beheard in Saudi Arabia. And

he was in tears as well, because he was sohappy about the whole proceeding. Then

two or three days after that,he passed away.So, you see the power of Sathya Sai

Baba, getting the education,which is His main mission, to go to every country


to tell you another story in another Muslimcountry; this time in United Arab

Emirates. We were invited there tospeak at an Indian school. There they don’t

mind if we to talk to anIndian school because it is for Indians only. But to

make it reallyofficial, they called the Minister of Education to come and open

thefunction. His name is Sheikh Nahayan. He came to open the conferenceon

Sathya Sai Education in Human Values for teachers.Well, the Sheikh, I met him

at the beginning, before we started thefunction. He said that he is a very busy

man and he has to go toanother meeting. So he would like to hear me for about 15

minutes, nomore. Then I have to stop so that he can make an exit, so he can

goout.So after the opening session, after everybody spoke officially, thenI was

asked to speak for 15 minutes. So I went up on stage and SheikhNahayan was

sitting in front of me, in front of the audience. I spokefor 15 minutes, and

then I stopped and looked at the Sheikh. But theSheikh would not get up. He

looked at me and he said, “Go on, go on,go on...” (Laughter)So I continued for

another 15 minutes, and then I stopped and lookedat him again. (Laughter) And

he would not get up but said, “Go on, goon, go on...” (Laughter) So I had to

stop for every 15 minutes, buthe would say, “Go on, go on, go on...” This went

on for over threehours! (Laughter)Then the Sheikh asked to go on the stage,

asking for the microphone.There he announced publicly that this program was

such a greatprogram that he wants all the teachers in United Arab Emirates to

betrained.True to his word, three months later, I received an

officialinvitation from the United Arab Emirates Education Department to

gothere to train the teachers. I was put up in the best hotel in theworld.

(Laughter) They claim it is the best hotel in the world. And Ihave never been

to such a luxurious hotel in my life. (Laughter)And then, they arranged a big

meeting in the government hall. It isreally very big, and there were so many

invitees and there were 1500teachers there. 70% of all the teachers who came

were Muslims. Butthere were about 30% who were Americans or had come from

Europeancountries and so on, to help in the teaching in United Arab

Emirates.So, I gave a talk and they were very happy. Since then, I had to

goback again to talk to the teachers. During the last session I had inUnited

Arab Emirates, not very long ago -- only about three monthsago, Sheikh Nahayan

also came to listen. And again Sheikh Nahayan,who is the Minister of Education

sat there and listened to all mypresentation.STORY OF THE KING WHO WAS AFRAID

OF HIS WIVESYou know, in my presentation I told the story about the king who

hadfive wives. You know the story, right? You don’t know the story?!!There was

a king who had five wives. And each wife would make a lotof demands: “I want

this, I want that.” So they were always askingthe king. And the king was afraid

of his wives. He had to go and getthings for the wives, as all the five wives

were all very demanding.So the king was not happy. Thus he went to consult his

cabinetministers. “What can I do, so that I won’t be afraid of my wives?”But

the ministers, as they were all men said, “Sorry, Sire. We cannotadvise you

because we are also afraid of our wives!” (Laughter)So they thought, “Let us

try to find some man who is not afraid ofhis wife in this kingdom. Then we will

consult him as to why he isnot afraid, and he can tell us and advise us.”So, the

king invited all the male population to come for a bigmeeting. On that day, they

planned to put up a tent for those who areafraid of their wives: Everybody who

is afraid of their wife must goto that tent. Then there was to be another tent

for those who werenot afraid of their wives. In this way, the men were to be

separated.The idea was that they would go to the tent of those who are

notafraid of their wives and get advice from the men there.So the big day came.

All the male population came for the meeting,but they all went into the tent for

those who are afraid of theirwives. Nobody came into the other tent.The king was

getting very upset. “Are there no men in this countrywho are not afraid of their

wives?” At the last minute, one man didcome to the tent for those who are not

afraid. Seeing this, the kingrushed to see that man. The king said, “Tell me

your secret. How areyou not afraid of your wife?”But the man said, “Sorry,

Sire. I am also afraid of my wife.”The king was very angry and said, “Why did

you come into this tent?You have got to go to the other tent!”The man said, “I

will not go. You can punish me or you can dowhatever you like; but I won’t

go.”So the king asked, “Why? Why won’t you go?”And the man replied, “Because my

wife told me to come to this tent!”(Laughter)Swami told this story to all of us

in the past. It is to illustratethat we are like the king. The five senses are

the five wives. Whenour eyes see something beautiful, the eyes create a desire:

“I wantthis, I want that.” And we are afraid of our five senses. We don’tcontrol

our five senses. We allow them to control us. So, Swami isurging us to become

the king once again, and not the slave of thefive senses. Thus, the first step

in our lives is to learn to controlthe five senses.When I told this story to

the assembly in United Arab Emirates, theSheikh was laughing and laughing, and

he was telling everybody, “InUnited Arab Emirates, we are only allowed four

wives!” (Laughter) Hewas joking; he was actually very happy about it.So you

see, that is another success story in another Muslim country.And now, I am

doing a lot of training in Muslim countries.SATHYA SAI EDUCATION IN INDONESIA

AND KAZAKHSTANIn Indonesia, it is very easy as they are very open. Now I’ve got

togo and do a series of training for Muslim teachers in Indonesia.Another place

where Sathya Sai Education is really spreading isKazakhstan. The original

people who lived in Kazakhstan are calledKazakhs. The Kazakhs are Muslims. And

again, we were invited by theFirst Lady of Kazakhstan, who is a Kazakh. We

started training in allthe regions of the country. I’ve been there six times

already.Then last February, the First Lady came here to meet Swami. And

theFirst Lady asked me to come, so that we could meet Swami together. SoI came

and we had several interviews.Swami looked at me every time He called the

Kazakh people. He said,“You are not Kazakh!” (Laughter)Then He told me, “This

is only for Kazakhstan.”So I looked sad. (Laughter) Swami looked at me and

said, “Alright,alright. You can go in.” (Laughter)So you see, God is not just

Father and Mother. Sometimes, you have totreat Him as a Friend. Sometimes, you

treat Him as an Elder Brother.But He is also our Father and Mother. As such, He

always has a lot ofcompassion and a lot of love for all of us.Another country

where we are now really going into is China. China isthe last stronghold of

communism. But when I go in there, I see thatthey are becoming very quickly a

capitalist country. The wholecountry is changing and they are moving rapidly

intoindustrialisation. And because they moved very quickly intomaterialism,

they have a lot of problems with their youth. So now,there is a demand for

human values there as well.I have already gone into the Guandong Province to

train teachersthere. And now, I have got an indication from the Nanjing

localauthorities to go and train teachers there as well. And you know howit

happened? (Murmurs “no, no” in audience)TRANSFORMATION OF UNESCO OFFICIALYou

remember in the year 2000, we had an international conferencehere. When we

started arranging the conference, we were working withUNESCO and another

university in Australia, Flinders University. TheUNESCO man at that time was

not a devotee, but I brought him here tomeet Swami. And Swami called him in for

an interview. I tried tofollow as usual. (Laughter)But this time, Swami said,

“No, you can’t go in.” No matter how sad Ilooked, (Laughter) He would not allow

me to go in. That man came outof the interview room. He had a green ring on, and

his face waschanged; he was completely transformed by Swami. He came out and

heembraced me, “You are now my brother.” (Laughter)Then he asked me if I had

been telling Swami about him, because Swamiknew everything about him! I said

that I didn’t know anything abouthis personal life. But Swami was talking about

his personal life. Sohe told me what it was about, and he gave me permission to

tell allthese stories to everyone.Swami told him, “You are very worried. You

are unhappy because yourwife is dying. She has terminal cancer.” But Swami

said, “Don’t worryabout it. I will cure her.” And He materialised some vibhuthi

andgave it to him to give to his wife. So he was very happy, but hethought that

I had told Swami all about his wife. But I didn’t knowanything about this. I

had never met his wife, and I didn’t knowanything about all that.So he asked me

then, “How does Swami know?”I just smiled. Anyway, he went back, and he gave the

vibhuthi to hiswife. A few months later, he invited me to have dinner with

thembecause they are based in Bangkok at the regional headquarters ofUNESCO.

His wife was perfectly normal, completely cured.TRANSFORMATION OF CHINESE

EDUCATIONIST IN CONFERENCEUnfortunately, he was moved to another position. He

was stationed inBerlin, Germany. So a new person came to take over the work

while wewere preparing for the big international conference. There was onlyone

month to go before the conference. Then the new man came andsaid, “I don’t know

anything about this. I don’t want to haveanything to do with it.”At that time,

there were lot of attacks on our organisation. Manypeople wrote to the UNESCO

headquarters that they had better cancelall this, that UNESCO should not be

involved with the Sathya SaiOrganisation. But UNESCO had already invited

everybody from aroundthe world, very important people, and people in the top

positions ineducation in every country. They were all going to be coming.Then

finally, UNESCO told me, “Sorry, we are pulling out.”But I continued, and we

had our conference without UNESCO. The peoplecame from all over the world

because they had already been invited;they had got their visas, their air

tickets and so on. So, they hadall decided to come. Amongst these people, there

were top-levelpeople from China in education. And Swami put them right in front

inthe veranda for every darshan.There was this one Chinese educator,

educationist. He was sittingthere and he was watching Swami very carefully.

After two or threedays, he was so impressed when he saw Swami, and he was

completelychanged. He was sitting there on the veranda, doing this: he

wasshaking there, and I could see that he was crying. Then after theconference,

he contacted me and invited me to go and train teachersthere.CALL FOR WORLD

PEACE BY SWAMI’S 90th BIRTHDAYYou know, I have been trying hard to get into

China, but I have beenunsuccessful. I have been there. I have tried to talk to

people; theyare not interested in outside education. But because of that

UNESCOconference, when UNESCO pulled out, we got a lot of very goodcontacts all

over the world. Also with Hong Kong, part of mainlandChina, we have a big centre

there and we are now helping from HongKong as well. China is now completely open

and we are going to gothere more and more and train their teachers.So, now you

see how the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values is goingto all corners of the

world. And close devotees of Swami arewhispering into my ear that big changes

are coming very, very soon.Swami also said very clearly that peace will come

sooner than whatyou expect.So, I don’t know if some of you were in the public

lecture the otherday. I told everybody that by the 90th birthday, we are going

tocelebrate peace in the world. I have been telling everybody that welove Swami

so much, why wait for Prema Sai to have peace. Let us workduring this Avatar.

And things are really moving at a very fast speednow. You don’t have to change

everybody in the world to have peace.You just have to have a little bit more

than 50% of love over hatredand negative thoughts -- just a little bit over

50%! Then, there willbe peace in the world!!If you see all the Sathya Sai

schools around the world, you will findthat there is so much love there. Some

of you may have seen thevideos by Gene Massey. Have you seen them? He goes

around the worldtaking videos around the world. And he has said very clearly

that hehas seen the beginning of the new age of peace. That’s why Swami

isspending so much time with the students and with the professors.Well, that is

the story of the changes that are taking place veryrapidly through Education in


the Sathya Sai School, we are doing the same thing.We are promoting love. The

only rule in the Sathya Sai School is therule of love. The children grow a lot

of plants. And every time wegrow a plant, we send love to the plant first.Now

we are growing rice in a big way in our school. Because I toldeverybody we must

be self-sufficient. We must be able to feedeverybody with rice without having to

buy from outside. So, manytimes throughout the year, we will go into the paddy

fields. Thechildren and the teachers will go into the paddy fields, which

arefilled with water and mud. The children love it. And we always startwith a

prayer. Then we will recite the Gayatri Mantra. And then, westart to plant the

rice.Children love to play in the muddy field. But at the same time, wesend

love to all the plants. Well, at one time, (we don’t do it sooften now), the

children planted a field and there was a field nextdoor, where the staff and

people from outside planted rice. We grewthem at the same time; we planted at

the same time. We observed thatwhere the children planted, the rice grew at a

much faster rate. Whenthe time of harvesting came, the rice plants were much

taller andthere was much more rice harvested from the children’s field.So, love

really works. If we give a lot of love, plants will grow. Sothat’s one thing

that we really need to do in the world today: tofill the atmosphere of the

world with love. Then all the plants,forests and so on will grow at a much

faster rate. And this willreduce the effect of the global warming in the world.

It will takeaway the carbon dioxide, absorb the carbon dioxide, so that

thetemperature will reduce in the world.Right now, because of the warming

effect, the ice in the North Poleand South Pole are melting. The other month I

was in Nanjing, inChina, to talk about this training of teachers. The

scientists therewere measuring the level of the sea water. They now see two to

threemillimetres increase in the level of sea water every year.Well, this is

going to be a big problem for our world. As the sealevel increases, the weight

of the ocean over the earth will alsoincrease. The biggest ocean in the world

is the Pacific Ocean. So theearth will become unbalanced because there is more

water on one side.On the other side, we have lot of land masses like Asia,

Europe andAfrica.What happens is that the world, which is rotating in space,

willstart to wobble a little bit. And that will speed up the earth. Theearth

crust is divided into plates and is floating around. So we willstart to have a

big movement, more and more.By giving out a lot of love, all through the day,

then we can lessenthat effect. There’s no need to have a lot of disasters in

the world.That’s why the Avatar is here. That’s why we have Sathya Sai

schoolsaround the world. That’s why the Sathya Sai Organisation iseverywhere,

in every country. That’s why we have a lot of bhajans.Because when we sing

bhajans, we are filled with love. So, the wholeorganisation must work hard to

produce a lot of love in the world.I took an hour to answer one question!

(Laughter) Any other questionsor you want to stop? It’s 11:30.PLANT THE SEED

AND IT WILL GROWQuestion: Is it necessary to teach Education in Human Values

tochildren below eight years, for example, for only two months, ifafterwards

they are not going to continue it any more? Is itworthwhile? Is it

necessary?Dr. Jumsai: Why aren’t they continuing?Questioner: Because the

teacher will be changed.Dr. Jumsai: In the school?Questioner: She is not

talking about a regular school. She wants toknow if it is worthwhile to start

the human values.Dr. Jumsai: It is always worthwhile to plant a seed for

futuregenerations. But then we should train all the teachers of thecountry. We

should never stop with only a few teachers and say,“Aaah, we’ve done our job.”

In Thailand, we have trained over 60,000teachers already. And now, we don’t

have to train any more teachers.The reason is because they are so interested in

the program that theycome and study for themselves. We don’t have to go to them

anymore.We have over 200 teachers and educators who come to visit our

schoolevery week now. The Ministry of Education recommend to everybody tocome

and visit our school. And they are all coming; so we don’t needto go out

anymore. This is what we want in every country, so that themovement will spread

very quickly.Like Victor Kanu and his Zambia school; now people are coming to

seehis school because the school is known as the ‘miracle’ school. Youheard the

students of Swami talking in the last few days about howthey have been affected

by what is taught in his school. And most ofthem came only for a two-year

course. They were not devotees beforethat. So after two years, there’s no more

education; they go out intothe world. But the seed has been planted, and they

grow and growwherever they are.SWAMI IN FIJI ISLANDS SATHYA SAI SCHOOLSo you

ask, “Is it worthwhile to give them Sathya Sai Education orHuman Values

education?” I say, “Yes!” Always plant the seed. It willgrow on its own. There

was a meeting last week with eminenteducationists. They came for a big meeting

here. They were arguing,because most of them are not devotees. They were

arguing, “Is itpossible to do the same thing as what Swami has done here in

othercountries?”And because they don’t know Swami, they said that it can only

takeplace here in Puttaparthi as Swami is physically present here. So Idecided

to tell them that it’s not only happening in Puttaparthi. Itis happening in

many places. As an example, I gave the example of theFiji Sathya Sai School in

Fiji Islands. It is the only place on theFiji Islands where there is no

conflict between the Christians andthe Hindus. The children, 50% of each, mix

together. They arebrothers and sisters. They are filled with love. I went to

visit thatschool in the Fiji Islands. And I saw the best, cleanest toilets

inthe whole world. They were burning incense sticks, and they litcandles there,

and they worship in the toilet!!So I asked them, “Why? Why worship in the

toilet?”They said that one day they saw Swami walking in the school,inspecting

the school. Then, Swami walked into the toilet. They allrushed and followed him

into the toilet. But Swami had already gone!And because of that, the children

decided to come every morning,clean everything, light candles, light incense

sticks and pray in thetoilet.So, I gave this as an example to the educators to

say that Swami iseverywhere and therefore, we can replicate and copy what is

going onhere anywhere. Then they stopped arguing. No more argument

afterthat.So, I hope I have answered your question.TALKING TO EDUCATORS IN

MEXICOQuestion: For people outside India, how many training institutes

arehere?Dr. Jumsai: Well, we have set up institutes of Sathya Sai

Education.Now, we have about 30 around the world. And the institutes are set

upto train teachers. In Thailand, we also accept people from all overthe world

to be trained at our institute. In Thailand, so far we haveabout 60,000 people

trained. We have to do it twice a week allthrough the year. But in other

countries, they do it maybe once amonth or even less. But now, we have got to

do more and more.I travel around a lot, but I cannot do all the training around

theworld. It is up to the people in each locality. I have just beenrecently to a

Spanish-speaking country -- Mexico. And I gave a bigtalk to about 900 educators

there. You know, I was so ill when Iarrived in Mexico. And I had to have some,

you know, they sent mesome spiritual healers to heal me. The next day, I was

supposed tospeak. But still, the next day I was not feeling very well. So,

Icould not really talk. It was very difficult to talk as my mind wasnot clear

at all.So I said to Swami in my mind, “You take over this body. You have todo

the work. I can’t do it. You have to do it.”And I went onto the stage. I

started to speak. There was onetranslator who was translating into Spanish. And

then, I didn’t knowwhat I was talking at all. I talked for two hours. And you

know thepeople there were so moved by what had been said.One young girl came up

and said she had been trying to commit suicidethree or four times, but each

time, she did not die. But when shelistened to the talk, somehow her heart was

shaking and she wasmoved. And she went to her parents and said, I have decided

that I amnot going to kill myself anymore. I am going to live; I am going

toserve other people. She was completely changed.And even the organisers of the

conference and all the participantssaid that something was moving in their

heart. Many people were somoved that they all want to do education in human

values. And Ididn’t even know what I was saying!!PEACE WILL COME SOONER THAN WE

EXPECTSo, you see that’s the power of Sai everywhere throughout the

world.Changing people, we are going to bring about this new age of peace.There

will be peace. Swami has promised that it will come sooner thanwhat we

expect.Previously, He said there will be peace in the time of Prema Sai. Weknow

Swami is here for another 16 years. Then, one year after that,Prema Sai will be

born. So, the time of Prema Sai will start 17 yearsfrom now. So, we can expect

that in 17 years, there will be peace.But Swami said that peace will come

sooner than what you expect. AndHe kept on stressing that it will be very,

very, very soon.So, that’s why Sri Indulal Shah announced that we will

celebrate the90th birthday as the spiritual regeneration of mankind. And

that’swhen we expect that there will be complete peace in the world.DEVELOP A

LOVING ATTITUDE -- SEND LOVE INTO THE WORLDQuestion: Sir, yesterday it was said

that if more people develop amore loving attitude in the world, Swami would heal

Himself. Is ittrue?Dr. Jumsai: I bet! (Laughter) Swami is taking on the karma of

theworld. And if there are more positive thoughts, more love in theworld, He

does not have to take on any karma. So if all the centresin the world, if the

whole organisation filled with love, alwaysradiating love, Swami won’t need to

take on any karma. The time isapproaching when He will walk well again, be well

again, soon.I will tell you a secret. (Laughter) Yesterday, without any

prompting-- I did not ask Swami to go anywhere -- He said to me, “I am goingto

Thailand.” But, don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that He will go toThailand only;

He will go to many countries. So in order to do that,He has to heal Himself

first.I’ll tell you another secret. (Laughter) Yesterday, I asked

Swami,“Please, Swami, walk again.”Swami said, “I am walking all the time! As

soon as I get back to myroom, I am walking there!” (Laughter) “But outside, the

doctors won’tallow me to walk.” (Laughter) “And my students won’t allow me

towalk. They are afraid that I will fall again! But I am walking in

myapartment.”So He is already healing Himself…almost ready. I am sure by

Thursday,He will be walking again. But we must send out a lot of love into

theworld. So, pray, and pray and pray and send out love for the wholeworld. He

will definitely walk. Remember, it’s a secret! (Laughter)USE LOVE AS THE BASIS

FOR ALL ACTIONSQuestion: You spoke in one of the meetings that while training

theteachers, instead of reacting from our subconscious, we must reactfrom our

human values when relating to other people. Would you pleaseexplain about

this?Dr. Jumsai: The subconscious contains all of our past information,anything

we have received, anything we have done, anything we havethought; all past

experiences are stored in the subconscious. We allreact because of the

information, the data that has been stored inour subconscious.So, a child could

be aggressive because he uses the subconsciousreaction. It is an automatic

reaction, and we cannot control itnormally because it will come out from the

subconscious. So, thefirst thing we have to teach our children and all of us is

to startto use discrimination.When we receive something, we start to have

thoughts automatically.What should we do? The reaction will start. So train

yourself andtrain the children to immediately ask two questions:1. Is it good

for me?2. Is it good for everybody?If it passes these two questions, these two

tests, then by all means,react to it. We call this, or Swami tells us that this

is what Hecalls ‘fundamental discrimination’. And it should be taught when

theyare really young, so that they will always use fundamentaldiscrimination.At

the same time, before reacting to anything, apply the humanvalues. Use love.

Love should be the main thing that we use for anyreaction. So, love has to be

the basis for all our actions and thatwill appear as human value till we get

rid of the negativity that isin our subconscious.So, the next thing you need to

do is to raise the consciousnesstowards God. Then we start to contact the higher

consciousness, whichis there in all of us. That is where we have our conscience

thattells us, ‘this is good’ or ‘this is bad’. Then we don’t need to relyon our

subconscious anymore because now we will get guidance fromGod. And our life will

be transformed completely as a result.So we have to practice and practice

meditation. Practice going intothe silence, because that is where God is. It

should be done everyday.I am afraid it is past 12:00. I am leaving today. In

the afternoon, Ihave my flight and I haven’t packed my bag yet, so I think it

shouldend the session.Thank you very much for your super attention. (Laughter

and Applause)Let’s end with “Loka Samastha”. Let’s send love.Loka Samastha

Sukhino BhavantuLoka Samastha Sukhino BhavantuLoka Samastha Sukhino BhavantuOm

Shanti Shanti ShantiSai Ram!source:-sainewsmalaysia-


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