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Bhagavan has healed countless incurable diseases.

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Bhagavan is a Great Healer He has healed Countless incurable diseases.

===========================================================Sai is a great healer

of body and mind. Countless incurable diseases have been cured by His mere

touch, word, look, will or curative ash all over the world. This aspect of His

personality can also be an instrument to reform or transform an individual. But

mostly He is the only hope for the hapless.

Maria, a young lady of 22, the mother of three children, was among a group of 12

who left Caracas in Venezuela in August 1990 to have 'Darshan' of the Avatar.

She was suffering from a deadly disease 'Lupus' and even at the hospital she

had pinned her hopes on the Grace of the Divine Master alone though her open

_expression of this fact received little attention from the doctors attending

on her. On the other hand they considered it a part of her agony. But Maria

could ill afford such a long travel as her financial position was very bad. Her

husband was a Traffic Officer in some Airline but hardly could buy a ticket for

her trip. All the same she had been praying to Baba for His Darshan and

sparshan (touch) which alone could cure her. The Lord heard her prayer. One of

the group members volunteered to take care of not only the to and fro tickets

but also all incidental expenses. Maria was more than happy. The only wish she

nurtured was to

live for some-more years to see her children grow a little more.

On reaching Prashanthi Nilayam the group was called in for interview. Baba

pointing at her face said: "Her blood is poisoned." He waved His hand to create

a silver coloured locket with His face imprinted on one side and 'OM' on the

reverse. She was asked to wear that. Baba also created vibhuti for her to eat.

But even after several days there was no improvement in her condition. Her skin

only showed that the disease had aggravated. Her limbs were swollen. The

locket, however, became black. One evening she had slight temperature and when

consulted at the Nilayam Hospital the doctors advised her to be shifted to a

Bangalore Hospital if the condition still worsened. All the same they gave her

some medicine. The group members had a feeling that Baba had only blessed for

her departure by giving her a locket and vibhuti. So they all anxiously waited

for Swami's verdict that night. Her fever subsided and her condition improved

in the subsequent three days. In the meantime Baba left for Whitefield and all

of them followed.

The group was again called for an interview. They had only one week's stay left.

At the interview, looking intently at her face Baba said: 'She is better No?'

And to the amazement of all, Baba's face became very dark for a few seconds.

And on return to Venezuela her doctors were surprised to see that she was

completely cured and was absolutely normal. The Divine Healer had absorbed that

dreadful disease and granted His devotee a healthy and long life.

Dr T. Ravi Kumar, Member of the Science Faculty of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of

Higher Learning, Prashanthi Nilayam gave an account of his thrilling experience

in the presence of Beloved Bhagawan.

It was 1985. Ravi Kumar was nearing completion of his research for His Ph.D. in

Chemistry. He was doing an experiment with some deadly acids, mainly Sulphuric

Acid. The laboratory was almost empty. There was suddenly an explosion from the

instruments and it splashed acid into his eyes. With excruciating pain he ran

from tap to tap only to realise that there was no water as some plumbing was

going on in the line. At last he got a trickle from a distant tap and he asked

his friends to continuously pour water into his burning eyes. When there was no

relief they rushed him to hospital where his eyes were washed well, but the

doctor was not readily available. So they rushed him to the doctor of doctors

in the temple. Swami came out and in all His mercy created Vibhuti and gave him

alongwith a few packets for three days - three times a day. When they came to

the Doctor he said that it was a hopeless case and that nothing could be done


seeking Divine intervention. Three days passed; there was relief from pain but

no vision. Praying inwardly he sat terribly disappointed. A student came to

hand over a book and Ravi Kumar greeted him by name. With great surprise the

student said: 'Sir, that means you can see now. Tell me the colour of my shirt

and my trousers' and Ravi Kumar responded correctly. There was great relief

among teachers and students alike. Ravi Kumar, with some of them, immediately

rushed to Swami to express their gratitude. Raising Ravi Kumar from His Lotus

Feet Swami said: 'You are allright, be careful next time, wear specs'. This

cryptic remark was enigmatic.

In due course it was all forgotten. After five years Ravi Kumar was again

engaged in another dangerous experiment this time with Chromic acid. And while

he was observing a reaction after removing the specs, it spilled and splashed

acid right into both his eyes. The pain was unbearable even after pouring water

continuously for 45 minutes. He was rushed to the doctor who proclaimed that the

case was hopeless as both the retinae were completely burnt leaving no hope for

sight ever. There was darkness inside and outside. He rushed to Swami, fell at

His feet and cried. The Compassionate One again consoled him with great

affection and His everpowerful Vibhuti played its role once again. He took

vibhuti as instructed and went to the doctor after a few days. The doctor could

not believe and asked him 'Are you the same Ravi Kumar?' When he explained to

the doctor what had happened, the doctor said: 'He alone can do this; both your

retinae are in


Not only the body, He heals the injured hearts too. There was one family highly

devoted to their family deity Lord Venkateswara of Thirupathi. The father died

suddenly and the mother and her three children - one son and two daughters

spent their days in great sorrow but they religiously continued to send a

certain measure of 'ghee' (clarified butter) for the Akhand Jyoti

(uninterrupted flame) of Thirupathi, a practice that was started long ago by

the father. Once, as usual, the son went to the temple with the offering of

ghee and while taking a bath in the temple tank, slipped into the deep waters

and was drowned. With the address they could collect from his pocket the temple

authorities informed the mother. The mother was inconsolable. Yet they contained

their grief and reinforcing their faith in the Lord they made arrangements to

proceed to Thirupathi for the son's funeral. That night Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai

Baba, about whom they had

never heard, appeared in their dream (all the three) and consoled them saying

'There is a place called Puttaparthi; Go and have Darshan of Baba there. You

will get peace.' At Thirupathi the mother wept bitterly before the Lord and as

the family came out in unbearable grief an old Fakir (a mendicant) dressed like

Shirdi Baba whom they had never seen or heard of, met them and offered them to

accompany them upto Puttaparthi. The mother accepted the great help though the

daughters were not very happy about it. As soon as they reached the gates of

Prashanthi Nilayam, the Fakir promptly disappeared. Entering Prashanthi

Nilayam, they got information that Baba was not there and nobody could

specifically say when He was expected back. So they decided to stay till His

return. After a few days one of the girls spotted Swami's car and was

pleasantly surprised to see the same figure that had appeared in her dream. She

called her mother and sister and all the three prostrated before the Lord and

virtually unloaded all their miseries at His Lotus Feet. The mother could not

control her tears and her sobs became unbearable for her. She wept aloud. The

merciful Lord consoled her with loving compassion and opening up His palm He

asked her to see the last scene of her son's tragedy. And like a cinema screen

it presented every detail of the incident, ultimately the boy presently

offering pooja at the feet of Lord Venkateswara. The mother stopped crying as

if she compromised with the situation. This was followed by another scene

wherein the benevolent Fakir escorted the mother and two daughters to the

Presence. Baba advised the mother never to cry on this count as her son is

happy at the Feet of the Lord. The mother was completely consoled and peace

descended on her aching heart. Prashanthi Nilayam, the abode of the Lord,

sheltered them in all respects. The divine only can heal the wounds of the


(Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.Chugani Kobe Japan.Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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