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Sai Assumes the role of a sevak

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Sai assumes the role of a sevak.


Sai assumes the role of a Sevak to be a friend in need even without a specific

prayerful request. Once there was a Bal Vikas Teachers' conference at Satya

Deep (Swami's residence in Dharmakshetra) Bombay. After the commencement of the

meeting Baba asked the organisers of the meeting to invite the group of Bhajan

singers from below the hill also to join.


While hurrying up the steep climb many of them were short of breath, and

especially an elderly lady in the group was gasping. Baba made her sit down

under the fan comfortably leaning on the wall. Then he "disappeared for a

moment, only to reappear with a glass of water which He gave the lady to



That is how He demonstrates 'Seva' for His devotees to emulate.

He is ever alert to attend to the needs of His devotees. Once Baba, while in the

midst of His students asked them who did they think He really was? Each student

replied as he conceived of Him, Parampita, Avatar, Sarvadevata Swarup, Mother,

father and so on.


But Baba dismissed all the answers as incorrect and asserted 'I am the servant

of My devotees'. Yes, He has proved innumerable times reminding His role in the

Krishnavtar as the used leaf plate lifter in the Rajasuya Yagna of Yudhishtir

and the Sevak-escort who carried the sandals of Draupadi in the dead of night

to the camp of Bheeshma to extract a boon from him to save the righteous

pandavas from doom.


The Sai Krishna, the same 'Sevak' is at the beck and call of His dear devotees

even today! And by becoming a Sevak and a friend in deed He transforms the

beneficiary also into a sevak par excellence.


There was an Indian devotee who worked with Tata Chemicals for some time and

later went to England (London) in 1960 and established a factory to manufacture

plastic utensils. His daughter and wife attended Bhajans at the nearby Sai

centre. They reported the wonder they had seen there, i.e., the emergence of

Vibhuti and honey from the photographs of Bhagawan. But he never believed it.

On the other hand he warned them against spreading such false stories.


After a few days the organisation was to conduct a Laksharchana at the centre.

They approached him for manufacturing 25,000 plastic plates in three days. He

did not have the mould for such a big quantity of plates. With the mould he had

had it would have taken at least a fortnight. So he refused to accept the order.

But he felt someone was exerting pressure from his inside saying "They are my

devotees, you accept the order, I will help you." And he agreed, but was



Anyway he went to the store to see how best he could do it. To his great

astonishment he saw the mould and material required for 25,000 plates ready

there. In that wonderment he remembered the inner voice that had assured him

help earlier. He now did not object to his wife and daughter going for bhajans,

though himself would not.


Following this incident this gentleman got many work orders in succession. So he

planned to start another unit in a bigger scale by purchasing a nearby godown

also. But necessary finance was not available.


To his surprise his Bank Manager, just after two days, offered to advance

necessary funds. But what surprised him more was how the Bank manager knew

about the project when he had not discussed it with anyone about developing and

expanding his factory.


With the Bank assistance now available he started the work. This wonder had

completely changed him and all his doubts about Bhagawan Baba were cleared. Now

he needed the services of a crane to shift a 7-ton machine (moulding machine) to

the new site. All the contractors whom he had approached for this purpose flatly

refused, as they were all preoccupied with urgent work at least for a month.

Even after one month they would charge 300 pounds for this work! Closure of the

factory for one month would mean heavy loss. Vadgama was in a fix.


Shortly after that an Englishman with a crane-fitted lorry approached him

offering his services: "I shall shift the new machine to your factory." He

completed the work in just two hours. When asked how much was to be paid he

said at first that no payment was necessary. On repeated insistence he said

"only 75 pounds." The gentleman immediately paid and the man left the scene


This incident was too big for him to swallow. He just couldn't believe. He was wondering at the


Power of Baba as the lorry man disappeared.

The new factory was inaugurated with Sai Bhajan. As the Aarthi started vibhuti

started pouring down from all the pictures. Our gentleman was completely

transformed. He wanted to have Swami's Darshan - the God who has done so much

for him. He reached India in April 1991. On Darshan line in Whitefield Baba

came to him, gave 'vibhuti' and Padanamaskar. But he was not satisfied with

that. He prayed for an interview. He was restless. And Baba went ahead. But

suddenly He came back and spoke to him in English: "


I know everything. Did I not give you the mould and material for 25,000 plates?

Did I not arrange for finance for your new factory? Did I not avoid the possible

financial loss by erecting the new 7-ton machine in the factory? The 75 pounds

you had paid me as wages is kept in the shelf of your machine. Go and take it."

He was spellbound. He had only tears in his eyes to express his happiness and



As soon as he reached London he examined the shelf and sure got the 75 pounds there.

In November 1993 he reached Prashanthi Nilayam at the time of inauguration of

the Super-specialty Hospital along with all machines and men to establish a

factory for the manufacture of plates, cups and spoons for all the canteens and

dining hall there. The Factory was in Shed No.8.


To a question, how could he get so much of enthusiasm and determination to come

to India and complete the project from the thick of his busy schedule of

running a factory at London?" he said "It is Swami's Sankalpa and inspiration

alone. I have been made just an instrument. Perhaps he moulded me through a

series of wonders for this purpose. I am a completely happy and satisfied man.


I will do anything for the Lord". When Bhagawan's 70th birthday was celebrated

in 1995 the entire lot of plastic plates etc sufficient to feed 25 lakhs of

people for 11 days were manufactured by the factory of this gentleman at

Puttaparthi by his skilled men specially brought from London.


Another Story


When it comes to 'Seva' in villages, His urge for uplifting the villagers is almost insatiable.

"When the villages grow, the states grow and the nation on the whole prospers.

The progress of the nation is based upon the progress of villages," He exhorts.

He asks the students and the youth in general to visit the villages, identify

their problems and serve them with utmost sincerity. Baba has a word of advice

for the 'Sevaks' in rural areas:

"Of all the methods of 'Seva', Service to the long neglected rural population is

best. Dedicate your skills, your energies to the betterment of the brothers and

sisters dwelling in villages".

He identifies for His Workers the areas deserving special attention in 'Grama

Seva' (Village Service) when He says that they have 'no medical and educational

facilities, no drinking water, no sanitary arrangements, no food to eat.


The workers have to 'realise Divinity' by providing these essential requirements

to the villagers, for ' Grama Seva is Rama Seva (Service to village is service

to God)

(Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.ChuganiRam ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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