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SBOI group[saivision] The Gte: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 02:06:20 -0000lory

of Shirdi Sai - Issue 23-2005THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAIThird Year of

PublicationPublished as Bi-WeeklyIssue 23 /

200510-11-2005------------------------Shri Shirdi Saibaba is the incarnation of







ORGANISATIONS15. SAI'S BOOK WORLD16. EDITORIAL.-------------------------------1.



Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad110. Perform acts which give you a peaceful

night'ssleep. Always engage in deeds that will give youhappiness in the old

age.111. Never loose temper after noticing other'sprosperity and your

failures.112. It is greater to control the desires arising inyour mind rather

than controlling the desires available in front of you.113. If you loose all

your money, still you are not alooser but if you loose your character you have

lostevery thing.114. A good person will always sacrifice his life forthe sake

of his country and

countrymen and he willlook for divinity in every act he performs.115. You should

know that a person who is standing infront of your door for alms is indicating

to docharity to avoid sufferings like him.116. Having decided to perform a

good deed, do itimmediately lest not mind might change and goodopportunity is

lost.117. After preparing a good dish, the house wife willtry to enjoy it with

her husband and children. In thesimilar way, you should enjoy the good deeds

with yourfellow human beings.118.The way you expect others not to harm, do

notthink of harming others.119. While earning money, do not be lazy. Get

theproper returns for the work you have rendered.To be

Continued…-----2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME

MACHINE: Nov2, 1909: KakaSaheb Dixit, fist arrived at Shirdi(Aged 45 years)Nov

5, 1918: Khushalchand sheth of Rahata passed

away.Nov6, 1960: Shirdi Sansthan's administration was takenover by the City

Civil Court and a "Court Receiver"was

appointed.------3. FOOT STEPS OF THE HOLY

FEET –16http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/other_books.htmEXPERIENCES OF

SAI.BA.NI.SA WITH SHIRDI SAIThe mode in which Baba relieved son of

Shri.Khapardesuffering from plague as depicted in Sai Satcharitra-7th chapter

is heart rendering. SAI has taken on tohimself the disease and freed the child

from the painand agony. He was instrumental in saving Dr.Pillaifrom the Guinea

worms by fore telling and organizingtimely arrival of Abdul while, addressing

him as acrow - as highlighted in the 34th chapter. Sai used tocome to the

rescue of many a people's sufferings. Itoo have undergone similar experiences

and it is mydesire that I should

share with my fellow devotees.Even today my eyes go wet when I think of

thoseincidents of the past and humbly bow down to Sai withfull devotion. 12th

Jan. 1993 was the date as I recapture. I wassuffering from severe pain in my

right ankle and couldnot even walk. I called for his grace and asked him tosave

me from the crisis. It was at 05:00 A.M our catwas crying and on opening the

door my wife found thatit has broken its leg and was limping on three legsand

laying hard to balance and walk. I could not bearthe site of its suffering but

at the same time, Imyself was in a helpless state. It then struck to mymind

about my prayer to SAI the previous night. By nowI got sure that Sai in the

form of our cat hasundergone the pain to provide me with much desiredrelief by

evening of the day my pain started recedingbut the cat suffered for 10 days. It

dates back 15th March 1993 when I had a Heartailment. Doctors

advised me to go in for Stress testand fixed up the appointment for 17th March

1993 atMEDWIN HOSPITAL. Electrodes were attached at differentlocations on my

body. The patient just before me hasalready taken the test on TREADMILL and he

faced lotof discomfort. I was skeptical about my own capabilityto with stand

the pressures of the test. I prayed forSai and looked towards him to share my

burden as hehas assertively said that - cast your burden on me andI shall bear

it. I desired that Sai should be with meso that I can come out of the test

successful. Forsome reason; I do not know the Doctor left the, placeand another

Doctor stepped in. I stopped on to thepedestal and commenced to walk gradually

increasingthe speed. The Doctor was bending down to make certainobservations

and recordings. As he bent down the,silver dollar attached to his chain came

out hangingwith Sai's image cast on it with typical smile writ onthe

face. I felt happy as if Sai himself has come downin the form of doctor to

serve. The Doctor has told menot to worry and advised me to go in for evening

walksand prescribed ALPREX tablets - 0.2 mg. Saying so hehanded over a pack of

30 tablets for my use. Thethought still lingers in my mind that Sai has comedown

as Doctor, performed the tests and given me themedicines. BOW TO SAI - PEACE TO

ALL--------------------------------4. SAI IN DREAMS:

http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/These are the dream sequences and messages

as receivedby SAIBANISA From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OFSHIRIDI. In

Anticipation that this Feature will helpin one's spiritual growth are hereby

compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and

presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. 24-01-1994Yesterday I completed Sai

Satcharita Parayana

inEnglish. I got back Rupees Three Thousand due to me,but left me with an

internal conflict whether I shouldcontinue with the Parayana with the English

version ormy earlier practice of Telugu version. As usual I wasat HIS feet

seeking Advice. Sri Sai appeared in the form of our Ex.President of India

loudly reading the Telugu SaiSatchaita book."I inferred that I should continue

my earlier habit".The language well understood is the right medium tobridge the

gap. 25-01-1994I commenced the reading of Telugu version of SaiSatcharita and

sought HIS blessings.Sai was advising me in the form of an unknown person--Your

daughter will leave to her in-law's place.Likewise your daughter-in-law is also

an outsider.Never subject them to tears. There is nothing tocelebrate the

arrival of a son in the family, as thereis no guarantee that life will end on a

happy note. "Son or daughter does

not make any difference. Sowseeds for spiritual fruit which alone can take you

tothe destiny".You came alone to go alone .God only could take you tothe

destiny.30-01-1994The day was spent very happily. I prayed Baba to tellme

something about the times when HE was in flesh andblood. Sai has shown the

following visuals:Devotees during those days used to celebrate thenewborn's

arrival by offering food to all and it wasobserved as a community function. Now

days that is notin practice. People were mutually helping each other in the hour

ofneed. Whereas in the present day World, nobody bothersfor anybody, does not

even try to know about hisimmediate neighbor. There is no value for word

nowwhereas people lived by word as word meant everythingto them in the past.

There is a gradual deterioration in the human valuesof the past as

self-interest is increasingly

becomingimportant.To be continued…..----5.


UmamaheswaraRao)"Shashi": shashi_31 Sri Sai Baba valued social ties

and never condemnedfamily tiesIn Charters & Sayings – Pujya Sri B.V.

NarasimhaSwamiji mentioned the following facts:Baba never considered family

ties as hindrance to getJnana. He referred to the fact that the had

variousrelations, Viz. father, mother, brothers, sisters andcousins and that he

maintained a high level of dutytowards everyone of them in every Janma or birth.

Forinstance, he has in one Janma supported his brothersby undertaking contract

work and helped to feed themall. Then on another occasion when a brother of

hiswas excommunicated, he worked hard and got himreadmitted to caste. In one

Janma, when his father'smistress, whom he considered to be his mother,

wassuffering, he fed her, treated her and cured her andwas kind towards him

because she was the wife of hisfather. He did his best for his friends

likeVeerabhadrappa, Basappa, etc. giving them whateverhelp was also essential.A

perusal of Charters & Sayings of Sri NarasimhaSwamiji would show that Baba

valued social ties andnever condemned them. So nobody should hate familyties

but to honor them and see that they are workednot in a narrow spirit but in a

spirit of Universaloutlook and sympathy.Sri Narasimha Swamiji says: that if our

love towardsour friends and relations and mankind should enable usto love others

and go on widening the circle ofpersons, who would receive our help and

sympathy,family ties will not be a curse but a blessing. Thus we see that Baba

favored the continued familyties, even if one is spiritually advancing, so that

indue course of time, the family circle will enlargeitself and

embrace more and more people to be includedas inhabitants of the world, heading

to a Universalfamily of VASUDAIKA KUTUMBAM.To be

continued…..--------------6. SANATANA DHARMA

& SRI SHIRDI SAIBABASaibanisa-Gopalarao Ravada—Saidarbar Hyderabad –IndiaSRI


welcomed his childhoodfriend Kuchela when the later visited him.

Sri.Krishnaoffered Kuchela his throne, placed all the princelycomforts at his

command and gladly accepted the modestpresentation of pound rice brought by

him.Khaparde's wife visited Baba during his lunch time andoffered him with

variety of food preparations inDwarakamayi. Sri Sainath happily accepted

thepreparations. Later both were engaged in serving eachother affectionately.

Baba told the gathering seatedthere about her past five lives. Thereby

Babademonstrated that there

exists no difference betweenGod and his devotee on the spiritual plane20)

Sri.Krishna accepted the pound rice as gift fromKuchela not before asking

Kuchela as to what he hadbrought for him. Kuchela was feeling shy

anduncomfortable to offer him the simple gift. Sri.Krishna told him that it

wouldhave the highest value for him and shall be a feast tohim.A similar

situation happens to an old woman .InShiridi on the day of Sri Ramanavami

during the year1914. She was feeling delicate to offer him a simpleloaf of

bread. Sai approached her with an all theaffection and fulfilled her desire by

accepting theloaf of bread.21) Sri Krishna tells Dharmaraja- "who so ever is

myfavorite; I shall rid him of all the treasures andWorldly comforts to enable

him to seek me and desirenothing except longing for my association which is

thefinal goal for everyone.Sri Sainath never encouraged his staunch

devoteeMahilsapathi to succumb to the desire for money andnever gave him any

either. Baba did not allow him toaccept the one thousand silver coins which a

wealthybusinessman wanted to present to Mahilsapathi.Towards the end

Mahilsapathi was granted with aceremonial moksha and took him to the heavenly

abodein a befitting



ABROAD:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/2583/toigaborone.htmGaborone Hindu

Temple- Botswana- AfricaThis Hindu Temple is at the capital city of

Botswana,namely, Gaborone. It is popularly known as the 'HinduHall'. It is

situated behind the 'caltex' fillingstation that is located adjoining the

'Maru-a-PulaRobots'.The major location in the city of Gaborone is the MainMall.

>From there, one has to proceed towards thecircle

leading to the Princess Marina Hospital. Then,proceeding further straight from

that circle, mustreach the 'Mosque circle'. At that circle, one musttake the

left turn and proceed straight to theMaru-a-Pula robots. On the way, one will

see the bighotel by name, 'Gaborone Sun' on the right hand side.At the

Maru-a-Pula Robots, one must turn right andtake the immediate first left turn,

adjoining thecaltex filling station on the right hand side. Then,one must take

the first right turn there. The firstbuilding on the right hand side is the

'Hindu Temple'with the 'Aum' Symbol overhanging the roof of thebuilding. It is

very easy to locate and everyone knowsits precise location, since this is the

only HinduTemple in Gaborone.At the entrance to the Hindu Temple, is located

the'Navagraha Temple', with the deities of the 9 planets.Immediately adjoining

thereto, is the 'Lord ShivaTemple' with a 'Shiva Lingam' at the

centre, which issurrounded on the sides by the idols of LordSubrahmanya, Goddess

Mother Parvati, and Lord Ganesha.On the inside of the wall of the Shiva Temple,

thereis a small cavern, which couches one idol of LordShiva, Mother Parvati,

with Lord Baby Ganesh and LordBaby Subrahmanya on their laps.There is also a

'Nandi'facing the Shiva Lingam.Inside there is a big Hall. Upon the dais, there

areidols of Lord Rama, Mother Sita, Lakshmana and LordHanuman. There is also an

idol of Lord Shiva. Thereare also idols of Lord Subrahmanya, with those of

HisDivine Consorts, Valli and Deivayanai. There are alsothe idols of Lord

Venkateshwara, with those of HisDivine Consorts, Mother Lakshmi and Mother

Padmavati.The Hindu Temple will be open from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00p.m. Poojas are

performed for all the installeddeities in the morning as well as in the

evening.:Maha Shivarathri, Rama Navami, Dassahra, Diwali etc.All

the major Hindu festivals are observed in thistemple. Compiled by SaiSevak

SrinivasaRao Kasturi Saidarbar – Hyderabad.------------------7. SAIBANISA

OFFERS PRANAMS TO SAGE " Ashtavakra'Ashtavakra or Ashtaavakra in sanskrit means

"eightbends".In ancient India, sage Ashtavakra was known to be veryintelligent

and spiritually well advanced rishi whorealized self or Atman. More information

about hisbirth and life comes from Indian epic Mahabharata.Sage Uddalaka ran a

school (Ashram) teaching Vedicknowledge. Kahola was one of his best

disciples.Uddalaka was so pleased with him that he got hisdaughter Sujata

married to him. Sujata eventually gotpregnant and wanted her child to surpass

all the sagesof his time in spirituality and intelligence. So, shebegan to sit

in the classes taught by Uddalaka andKahola, listening to their chanting of

mantras withthe unborn baby. In ancient India, there was a

beliefthat when expectant mothers expose themselvesspiritual teachings the child

in the womb hears it andgathers that knowledge and becomes a genius in

thatspiritual area after its birth. It was one day; Kaholarecited the Vedas as

laid down in the disciplinaryrules, but within hearing distance of the

childgrowing in the womb. It heard the recitation but,since it was already

aware of the correctpronunciation of every syllable since its mother usedto

attend classes with rapt attention, whenever Kaholaspelt a syllable wrong, it

squirmed in distress. So,when the baby was born, it had eight bends, crooked

ineight places, in fact! Naturally, he was namedAshtavakra (Eight Bends).Later

Ashtavakra grew into a spiritually advancedrishi and realized Atman. He went to

Mithila andinstructed King janaka about the concept of Atman thisforms the

content of Ashtavakra Gita or AshtavakraSamhita as it is sometimes

called-----------------8. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES:

saiers_1999 10/26/2005 20:43:49 -0600From Sai EshwariCanadaGod is the

Bliss of the existence! Through Grace (ChitShakti) in this wonderful universe,

God has createdbillions of creatures and beings (including gods,demigods,

insects, beasts and men) inhabiting heaven,hell, earth, ocean, sky and other

intermediateregions. The importance and special value of humanbirth is, Man is

being endowed with a special facultyi.e., Knowledge, with the help of which he

can attainGod-vision, which is impossible in any other birth. Itis for this

reason that Gods envy man's fortune andaspire to be born as men on earth, so as

to get theirfinal deliverance. Thus, human body should neither beneglected nor

fondled, but should ever be engaged toattain God-Vision or Self Realization

which is thesupreme end of life. Realizing how

precious the humanlife is, and knowing that Death is certain and maysnatch us at

any time, we should be ever alert andstrive to attain the object of our life

i.e., SelfRealization.The most effective and speedy way to gain our objectis to

approach a worthy Saint or Sadguru, who hashimself attained God Vision. The

virtues offorgiveness, calmness, charity, benevolence, controlof mind and body,

egolessness etc., are observed bythe disciples as they are being practiced in

such pureand holy company. This enlightens their minds andlifts them up

spiritually. Lord Sainath was such aSadguru. Though He acted as a Fakir He was

alwaysengrossed in the Self. He always loved all beings inwhom He saw God or

Divinity.Baba said that He was Omnipresent, occupying land,air, country, world,

light and heaven. If any devoteemeditated on Him day and night with

completeself-surrender, he experienced complete union

withHim. One, who wants to get rid of the cycle of birthsand deaths, should lead

a righteous life, with hismind calm and composed. He should always engagehimself

in good actions, should do his duties andsurrender himself completely to HIM

with Love anddevotion and then see how; He helps him, off and on,in so many

things.Sai Baba always encouraged good thoughts and conduct.The following words

of Baba regarding our behavior arevery invaluable and if they are kept in mind

and actedupon, they will always do us good. "Unless there issome relationship

or connection, nobody goes anywhere.If any men or creatures come to you, do

notdiscourteously drive them away, but receive and treatthem, with due respect.

Shri Hari will be certainlypleased, if you give water to the thirsty, bread

tothe hungry, clothes to the naked, and your verandah tostrangers for sitting

and resting. Let anybody speakhundreds of things

against you, do not resent bygiving any bitter reply. If you always tolerate

suchthings, you will certainly be happy. Let the world gotopsy-turvy, you

remain where you are. Standing inyour own place, look on calmly at the show of

allthings passing before you, God is the sole Proprietorand nobody else is our

Protector. His method of workis extra-ordinary, invaluable, and inscrutable.

Hewill show us the way, and satisfy our heart's desires.It is on account of

Rinanubandha (former relationship)that we have come together, let us love and

serve eachother and be happy. He, who attains the Supreme goalof life, is

immortal and happy; all others merelyexist, live so long as they breathe".

(Chap 18/19 SaiSatcharitra)Baba required no special place, nor any special

timefor giving instructions or Upadesh. Whenever anyoccasion demanded, He gave

them freely. Generally, wesee that people have a tendency to scandalize

othersunnecessarily, and this brings on hatred and ill-will.Saints see scandal,

in another light. They say thatthere are various ways of cleansing or removing

dirt,viz., by means of earth, water and soap etc. But ascandal monger removes

the dirt of others by histongue, so in a way, obliges the person, whom

hereviles and for this he is to be thanked. Once, When aBhakta of Baba abused

another behind his back and wasspeaking so sarcastically that the hearers

weredisgusted, Baba in his own method of correcting thescandal monger has

pointed out to him a pigthat was eating filth near the fence and said to

him"Behold how, with what relish it is gorging dung. Yourconduct is similar.

You go on reviling your ownbrethren to your heart's content. After

performingmany deeds of merit, you are born a man, and if youact like this,

will Shirdi help you in any way?" (Chap18/19 SSS)In this way Baba went on


instructions whenevernecessary. There wasNo limit, nor restriction to His

instructions. It isimpossible to describe all His ways and methods. Ifthese are

borne in our minds and acted upon, theSpiritual goal (Realization) is not far

off. One hasto exert himself to his utmost for attaining SelfRealization. The

more he endeavors, the better forhim. He, who trusts Him entirely, hears and

expoundsHis Leelas and does not think of anything else, issure to attain Self

Realization. Therefore have Faithonly in the Supreme Divinity, surrendering

your lifeto him in the True Knowledge.Lord Krishna thus mentioned in Geeta

"Non-envious,friendly and compassionate towards all beings, freefrom ideas of

passion and ego-consciousness,sympathetic in pain and pleasure, forgiving,

alwayscontented, contemplative, self controlled of firmconviction with his mind

and intellect dedicated to Me- such a devotee is dear to Me

".-----------------------telangts (AT) rediffmail (DOT) com10/28/2005

16:29:08 -0600Tejal TelangAustraliaSai Ram! I am a staunch devotee of Shirdi

Sai. In mylife I have many experiences which made me realizethat I am a blessed

child of Sri Sai. He has alwayscome to my help whenever I have needed him the

most.One of the experiences that I would like to narratehere is that on the 2nd

Oct this year, I called myelder sister in India, to wish her on her

50thbirthday. On calling her that day I was told that mysister is in the

hospital with my mother you areundergoing a stroke since the earlier night. At

this,I did not know what to do from so far (Australia) andthe first thing that

came to my mind was praying to mybeloved Sai to be by her side and stop the

unsettlingcondition. I was told that it takes 72 hrs for apatient's condition

to settle, but instead it wastaking longer in

my mother's case who is aged 74 yrs.At this I again sat before Sai's photo and

cried forhelp and asked him to show me some miracle. On thenext day when I

called up India, my brother told methat all the rumbling and other things have

settledand also that my mother has undergone a minor strokeand not a serious

one that it seemed earlier. Thedoctors said that her right side is affected,

but shewill be able to walk on her own in about 3-4 monthstime. She will also

be able to use her right handthough to a limited extend. My humble thanks to

Saifor not letting my mother's condition detoriate. There have been many such

instances in my life whereSai has actually helped me against what is written

inmy horoscope. I would advice all the readers to haveundoubtful faith in Sai.

I have fulfilled my vow toSri Sai by narrating this experience in the Sai

LeelaMagazine. Bow To Sri Sai and Peace Be To

All---------------------9. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM

SAI SATCHARITRASwamy" swamymain 10/8/2005 09:18:46 -0700Sai Ram. Greed

is the cousin of Desire and they alongwith their 4 other cousins are classified

as SixEnemies. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsaryaare the six enemies

and they are rightly calledinternal enemies. They reside in the

body-mind-egocomplex along with the Jivatma and trouble him. Theycome as

friends and when we try to send them out,trouble us a lot. Crocodile is an

appropriate symbolsince it represents Kama, the God of desire in

Hindumythology. In Srimad Bhagavatham, the story of SriGajendra Moksham is very

interesting to read and isfull of esoteric significance. Sri Gajendra

representssadhakas like us who are caught up in this samsar andis caught by the

crocodile who represents desire.Desire of any kind is an obstacle for

spiritualprogress. And the sadhaka can fight for eternity butcannot free himself

from the crocodile and has toresort to saranagathi to Vishnu, the all

pervadingGod. When God takes mercy on us, He liberates us fromthe jaws of the

crocodile by cutting off its head withSudarshana Chakra. Sai Ram.Where there is

greed, there is no room for thought ormeditation of the Brahma. Then how can a

greedy manget dispassion and salvation? For a greedy man thereis no peace,

neither contentment, nor certainty(steadiness). If there be even a little trace

of greedin mind, all the Sadhanas (spiritual endeavors) are ofno avail. Even the

knowledge of a well-read man, whois not free from the desire of the fruit or

reward ofhis actions, and who has got no disgust for the same,is useless and

can't help him in gettingself-realization. The teachings of a Guru are of nouse

to a man, who is full of egoism, and who

alwaysthinks about the sense-objects. Purification of mindis absolutely

necessary; without it, all our spiritualendeavors are nothing, but useless show

and pomp. Itis, therefore, better for one to take only what he candigest and

assimilate. My treasury is full, and I cangive anyone, what he wants, but I

have to see whetherhe is qualified to receive what I give. If you listento Me

carefully, you will be certainly benefited.Sitting in this Masjid, I never

speak any untruth."Sai Ram. Baba was again indicating that one should tryone's

best for progressing on the spiritual path butfinally it is Saburi

(persistence) that pays one richdividends. Just as one eats food slowly for

digestingit and then only eats, one should listen carefully towhat the Guru

teaches and absorb it before proceedingfurther. If you listen to me carefully,

you will becertainly benefited, Baba assures all of us. And Babaemphasises that


speaks the truth and nothing butthe truth. Whatever the Guru says is bound to

cometrue. This is reinforced in Sri Guru Charitra also.When a guest is invited

to a house, all the members ofthe household and other friends and relations

thathappen to be present, are entertained, along with theguest. So all those

that were present in theDwarakamai at this time, could partake of thespiritual

feast that was served by Baba for the richgentleman. After getting Baba's

blessings, one andall, including the gentleman left the place quitehappy and

contented.Sai Ram. Thanks to that gentleman, we all arebenefited. Sai Ram. We

will continue with this chapterin the next issue also.S.V.SwamyAuthor, Editor,

Proof-Reader and Book Reviewerwww.freewebs.com/swamyreviewsTo be

continued…..-------------------------------10. SAI WITH CHILDREN:

http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpgSmt. Madhu Gopal Ravada,

Saidarbar, Hyderabad.Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba useto

play with children and used to tell stories tothem? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should beentertained with good stories. For the last 2 years Ihave

told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and LordRama Story. Now I want to tell the

stories what heardin my child hood.THE WHITE ELEPHANT:Once there lived a white

elephant in the foothills ofthe Himalayas. He was a magnificent creature and

ruledover thousands of elephants. Unfortunately, he had anaged and blind mother

whom he loved very much. Helovingly took care of all her needs. Once the

elephantgot annoyed with his subjects over their selfishbehaviour. So he left

them one night and went withhis mother to the far Mount Candorana. There

theylived happily in a secluded cave.One day a hunter, who lived in Banaras,

lost his wayin the forest. For many days he wandered about butcould not find a

way out of the dense forest. Indesperation, he started crying aloud blaming his

luck.The elephant, whose cave was nearby, happened to beout for feeding. He

heard the hunter's wailings andwent near him. The hunter, seeing the huge

whiteelephant, tried to run a way in fear. But the elephantallayed his fears,

and asked him his story. The huntertold him that he lived in Banaras and was

lost in thedense forest while hunting. The elephant comforted theman and

lifting him on his back took him out of theforest. The hunter went back safely

to Banaras.Here, in Banaras, King Brahmatta's royal elephant haddied only

recently. The King announced a big reward toanyone who could let him of an

elephant grand enoughto be fit for a King. The greedy hunter went to

theKing and told him about the magnificent white elephantwho lived on Mount

Candorana. He led the King's men tothat place. From a distance, though the

thickets, theysaw the elephant gathering lotus shoots for the blindmother. The

elephant got the scent of the men standingin the distance. He immediately

guessed who hadbrought them there. He said to himself, "whatungrateful

creatures men are !" Now, this elephant wasa mighty creature. He could have

crushed all these mento death if he had so desired. But he was a noblecreature.

He hated violence. So he decided to lethimself be captured and taken to the

King. He decidedthat he would request the King personally to allow himto go

free. That would save a lot of bloodshed.The men captured the elephant and

brought him toBanaras. He was kept in the royal stables and giventhe best food.

But he did not touch anything. Thekeepers of the royal stables got worried. If


didnot eat anything he would soon die. So they reportedthe matter to the King.

King Brahamdatta himself wentto the elephant's stable. He offered choice

greenshoots to the elephant with his own hands. When theelephant still refused

to eat, the King asked him whyhe was not eating anything. The elephant replied

"YourMajesty, I cannot eat anything. You see, my mother isall alone. She is at

Mount Candorana. She is old andblind. There is no one to feed her or to take

care ofher. She is sure to die. How can I ever touch any foodwhen my mother is

such a condition."The King was deeply touched by the elephant'ssentiments

towards his old and blind mother. He hadnever seen such devotion. He at once

decided to setthe elephant free and said "O great elephant, you areindeed a

worthy son. Go back to your mother and lookafter her. She needs you more than I

do."--------------11. ARTICLES

FROM SAI DEVOTEES:"Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama JAMNER MIRACLE

REPEATEDMr SB Deo, a staunch devotee of Baba met with anaccident and sustained

multiple injuries and fracturesat Bhiwandi near Bombay on 31st Dec'1951.He was

rushedto the hospital and was discharged on 23/3/1952.During his stay in the

hospital he casually asked hisfriend Shantharam" Bhau! Baba was kind enough in

1902to send Udhi and Aarthi from Shirdi to Jamner for SriNana Saheb Chandorkar

at the time of his daughter'sdelivery. Am I so fortunate that Baba should send

mehere Udhi and Prasad from Shirdi now in 1952?" Onhearing this Shantharam

assured that Baba wouldcertainly do as Deo's father and Deo were ardentdevotees

of Baba. Though it was a casual wish BhakthaParadina Sanath heard this. Next day

Mr Shankar Rao ofBhiwandi met Deo in the hospital and told he came todeliver

Udhi and Prasad which he brought from Shirdion the

previous day.It appears that Shankar Rao had gone to Ahmednagar forhis work and

returned via Shirdi. While at Shirdi SriVittal Rao Marathe, a Samsthan singer

enquired whetherhe knew Deo and was aware of the accident. Sri Raoreplied in

the affirmative. Then the Samsthan singergave Udhi, Prasad after ascertaining

it would bedelivered to Mr Deo.Like this Baba had repeated what He did at the

time ofMinathai's delivery. We all know Ram Ghir Bhua wasgiven Udhi, Harathi

song at Shirdi and Baba in theform of a cart man received Ramghir and took him

toNana Saheb Chandorkar's house in the cart. What is notpossible for an Omni


SAI!!!D.Sankaraiah.--------------------------------12. LETTERS FROM

SAIDEVOTEES:"Ajay tacouri" ajay_tacouri Wed, 2 Nov 2005 06:33:31 -0800

(PST)JAI SATGURU SAI NATH MAHARAJ KI I am very happy to receive "The Glory of

Shirdi Sai"from

you. Here in our Mandir. We always organizemany activities like Satsang,

Pooja, Mantrarecitation, abhisek, Sai leelas, teachings onSaiBaba's life.



JAIprajan (AT) govnet (DOT) gov.fj11/01/2005

20:32:37 -0700Sairam, My Life was always blessed by Sai Baba. Great

that itis always with me. I hope He will always be there forme for the rest of

my life. Be always there for

HISdevotees.Pretty------------------------srikanth.dornadula 10/31/2005

20:08:31 -0700Dear sai devotees,I am so happy to see this

website.http://www.saidarbar.orgEven I too have many wonderful experiences with

Baba.I recently saw him in aarthi flame at Bangalore Idaily visit temple for

singing aarthi song andyesterday evening I could feel his pulse when Itouched

his legs on a potrait. I was surprised to feelit. Even my friend also felt same

..it was great

forus.Srikanth----------------------------peyushks 11/03/2005 03:52:06

-0700SairamThere is nothing more than SAI BABA, nothing BeyondHimBABA is ever

Almighty, Trust In Him Before He MakesYou Entrust In Him,Baba Is Omnipresent,

Our Whole Family Bows to HimRegardsPeyush Singh---------------------------13.


visit: visit

for Sai Aartis in

Telugu:http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/PDFS/pdfs.htmPlease visit for

Sai Aaratis Audio:



saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org

&saidarbar ---------------14. FROM


:murali_krishnamurthy2003 On 11/2/05,Our Next Satsangh is on Nov

18th, 2005It is Friday and time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM.Venue: Residence of Murali

KrishnamurthyLaurel, MD 20723 USAMurali Krishnamurthy&Sharmila

Murali----Saidarbar Chennai:

saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.inFor Activities of

Saidarbar ChennaiContact saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.inChennai Saidarbar

Team."Ramesh and Anitha"

kandra (AT) iprimus (DOT) com.auSat, 3 Dec 2005 21:28:35 +1100Saidarbar-CanberraHere is a

special invitation from all the Sai devoteesof Canberra. Please come and join

us in this eventand seek god's blessings and make this event a


2005 (Saturday) AT HTCC – HinduTemple and Cultural Centre, 81 Ratcliff

Crescent.Florey, CanberraProgram Schedule09:00 AM - Kakad Aarti

09:30 AM - Abhishek and Havan 11:00 AM - Sai Mahima Recital 11:30 AM -

Bhajans by `Bhaj Man Re' Bhajan Mandali12:30 PM - Madhyan Aarthi 01.00

PM - Lunch

PrasadamFor Further details visit:


Sai Baba" technical (AT) saidarbarusa (DOT) org6 Nov 2005 15:56:26 -0000 Saidarbar

Wallingford-PA- USA:Next Satsang on 12th Saturday, November 2005SaiRam.Our next

Sai darbar and Balvihar will be held at SaiBandhu Raj Kolluru and Ratnashree's

residence onSaturday the 12th November 2005. Balvihar: 04:30pm - 05:30pm –

Balvihar04:30pm – 05:30 – Introduction of yoga by Shri RajRastogi for adult

membersSatsang: 05-30pm – Satsang Prayer starts For further details please


-------------------"Shanthi Ramakrishnan":

shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) comFor Activities of Sai Darbar Portland OR USAplease contact

shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) comShanthi

------------A.S.Rao, - raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zmFor Activities of Sai Darbar Kitwe,

ZambiaPlease contact: raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zm--------------------Anil Zutshi:

zutshi_anil_k (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) netFor activities of Saidarbar

Danbaru-Canitcut-USAPlease contact:

zutshi (AT) msn (DOT) com,zutshi (AT) magnai (DOT) com-------------------Satish Achanta:

vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) comFor activities of Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA-Please

contact: vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) com-----------------Ravi Subramanyam:

sai_ravi (AT) hotmail (DOT) comFor activities of Saidarbar Livermore-CA-USAPlease contact:

sai_ravi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com----------Suresh Vaghela:

suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) comFor activities of Saidarbar-London Please


suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) com--------------------"Atlanta

Sai Temple News" webmaster (AT) templeofpeace (DOT) orgNorth America Shirdi Sai Temple of

AtlantaFor more details please

contact the Temple700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA

30024------"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center":

sai (AT) hamaresai (DOT) orgFor Further details Visit: Web


hamaresai -------------------------------- "Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple

of DFW" USA:shirdisaidallas Baba Pada Puja & AbhishekamThis event

repeats on the first Saturday of everymonth.Event Location: 2109 W. Parker

Road, Plano, TexasIt will be followed by Vishnu Sahasranamam at 11:00am.Please

email your questions, comments or suggestionsabout the web siteto:

admin (AT) shirdisaidallas (DOT) orghttp://www.shirdisaidallas.org----"Om

Sai Mandir" saisandesh (AT) omsaimandir (DOT) orgSpecial Issue Volume 2, Issue 11Sai

Sandesh's present issue and archives can be


Chopra" saileela99 SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN OF CANADAPlease contact:

Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canadawww.shirdisaicanada.org (under

construction)saileela99 Shammi

Chopra-------------babamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) orgOm

Sairam!Mandir Pathrika is now in its third Year ofpublication. We request all

devotees to contributearticles to Mandir Pathrika.Articles can be any

information on Saibaba, Jalarambapa or devotee Experiences, suggestions etc.

Please email your articles tobabamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) orgYou can view all previous

issues by opening thefollowing

link.http://www.babamandir.org/mandir/OnlineResources.htmlVijay------info (AT) dwarakamaishirdi (DOT) org19


NY 11355Temple Management--------------------voora srinivas :

voora 10/27/2005 14:38:06 -0700Baba Abishekam in Irving, TxSai Baba

Abishekam And Arathi will be held at theresidence of Priest Ramachar at Hidden

RidgeApartments #1254 building #1011 in Irving everyThurday at 10 AM 12 AM

followed by Arathi. Every oneis welcome to attend.-------------------------15.

SAI'S BOOK WORLD:Books in English: 1. THE INCREDIBLE SAIBABA – The Life and

miracles ofa modern-day saint.Author: ARTHUR OSBORNE Price: Rs.

40/-Published by:Orient Longman ltd., Kamani Marg, Ballard

Estate,Mumbai 400 038. India.2. SCRIBBLINGS OF A SHIRDI SAI DEVOTEE Author:

SURESH CHANDRA GUPTA Price Rs.40/-Published by:Shirdi Saibaba Temple

Society,Saidham, Tigaon Road,Faridabad – 121002 (Haryana)India.Books in

Telugu:1. SHRI SAI SATCHARITRA Adopted from the Original Marathi Book of Late:

GovindRaghunath Dhabholkar Alias "Hemandpant" – TranslatedOvio to Ovi by Miss.

M.Mani Cost: Rs.70/-Published by:Shri SaiBaba Sansthan Trust,

Shirdi,Post – Shirdi – 423109Taluk : Rahata,Dist: Ahmednagar (Maharastra) –

India.-------------------------Please Note: Those desirous of using this

facility (Sai's BookWorld) to spread the word about their books may sendONE new

copy of the book to Saidarbar, for detailscontact: webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org ,

saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org

&saidarbar (AT) hotmail (DOT) comAcknowledgement of receipt of books will be done byE-mail

only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained bySaidarbar and cannot be

returned.--------E- Books from Saidarbar: 1.

SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY: You can obtain your copy

athttp://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/other_books.htm2. SAI IN DREAMS You can

obtain your copy athttp://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/Contact for further

details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal:

vijishvanya -SAIDARBAR –

HYDERABAD:http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500041.htmWe will

be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to citiesout side Hyderabad, India on prior

intimation. Forfurther details please contact

saidarbar ---------16.

EDITORIAL.Things impressed me from this Magazine:If you loose all your money,

still you are not alooser but if you loose your character you have lostevery

thing.The way you expect others not to harm, do not think ofharming others.Sai

devotees may write about their Sai activities intheir place, essays, articles

and poetry on Sai to"The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they may be address

theircontributions to E-mail id: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org with a copy marked

towebmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) orgWe shall put in our best efforts to include them inthe

Glory of Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine.Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not topublish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as

amatter of routine practice.You can for

THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for afriend /relative by submitting e-mail ID in the

mainpage of http://www.saidarbar.orgAlso read the old issues from:

http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htmIf you are subscribing this E-magazine for

yourfriend or a relative, we request that the personconcerned may be notified

about receiving the same.Editor does not accept responsibility for the

viewsexpressed in the articles published.This e-magazine is intended for

Private circulationonly. Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao KasturiP

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