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Sathya Sai Speaks

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This is the month of Bhagawan’s 80th Birthday. Let’s recollect what Swami said

almost half a century ago on the auspicious occasion of His 35th Birthday on

the 23rd of Nov, 1960 in Prashanthi Nilayam.

Do Not Allow Your Mind to Waver Due to Doubts

The (Lord’s) Name is like the seed, implanted in your heart; when the shower of

His Grace falls upon it, it sprouts into a lovely tree. All trees that sprout

from the Names of the Lord are equally lovely and shady. If you have

Krishna-naama (Lord Krishna’s name), the vision that you win and the form that

you evoke is that of Lord Krishna; if you have Rama-naama (Lord Rama’s name),

it is Lord Rama’s form that sprouts.

Leelaashukha (a devotee of Lord Krishna) had the Name of Krishna embedded in the

well ploughed field of his heart and so, the Lord appeared before him with a

peacock feather, a flute and a charming mischievous smile! He fulfils your

innermost aspiration in a flash, if it is compelling enough. 0nly you should

not allow your mind to waver due to doubt or disappointment. Leave all to Him

and be at ease; it is the man with no faith that is tossed about on the sea,

like a ship caught in a storm with neither rudder nor anchor. The Bhaktha

(devotee) bears the ups and downs of life, keeping the balance of his mind


You sometimes talk as if the devotee leads a life beset with hardships and

sorrows and that the man who does not bend before a Higher Power is carefree

and prosperous; but this is a totally wrong idea. The devotee sails on an even

keel; he has inner peace, a spring of joy which sustains him and keeps him


Bairaagi Shaasthri (the previous speaker) said that this is an auspicous day for

you because this is My Birthday; but let Me tell you, I have many Birthdays like

this. The Auspicious Day for you is the day on which your mind is cleansed and

not the day on which I took this human form. I am ever new and ever ancient,

ever noothana (modern) and ever sanaathana (ancient). I come always for the

sake of reviving Dharma, for tending the virtuous and ensuring them conditions

congenial for progress. Some doubters might ask, "Can Paramaathma (The Supreme

Lord) assume human form?" Well, man can derive aanandha (bliss) only through

the human form; we can receive instruction, inspiration, illumination only

through human language and human communication.

God Bows To Your Will and Carries Your Burden

I will never force you to take up a particular Name or Form of the Lord as your

ishtam (chosen deity). The Lord has a million Names and a million Forms, and He

wants that faith and attachment should be evoked in you by any one of them, as

you recite the Names or contemplate the Forms. That is why they have a string

of 1008 Names for use to worship; the devotee might be drawn closer to the Lord

while any one Name is being repeated, however distracted or inattentive he might

be during the rest of the list.

Like the coldness of the atmosphere which freezes the water, the compelling

agony of the devotee's heart solidifies the Niraakaar (Formless Absolute) into

the shape and the attitude that are yearned for. "Yadh bhaavare, thath

bhavathi" ---"as felt, so fashioned." He bows to your will, He carries your

burden, provided you trust Him with it.

Therefore, so act and feel and speak that you get "iha soukhyam, para soukhyam

and kaivalya soukhyam" ("joy here, joy hereafter, joy everlasting" all three).

I bless you all that you get more success in the struggle.

- Prashanthi Nilayam, Birthday Festival, 23-11-1960 .


(Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.ChuganiRam ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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