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The Divine Engima story by students. (Viswa Sai Pratab)

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The Divine Engima Story by Viswa Sai Pratab Student.


Viswa Sai Pratab is a student of the III year B. Sc. (Phy.Hons) class. Hailing

from nellore, he put his knowledge of electricity and electornics to practical

use with his hands


Bhagavan Baba is a divine incarnation, manifested on earth to uplift mankind to

higher level of consciousness. Every act of His has a divine purpose. But

purpose is understood only by those for whom it is intended. For other , it

remain a mundane act. This is not an uncommon experience. It is only few who

get a glimpse of the deeper significance in Swami’s actions or words. I shall

narrate a personal experience in this regard.

When I was a student in the twelfth standard at Prashanthi Nilayam, we

organized an exhibition on human values. As part of the exhibition, we also

undertook a few science project. One of these was “musical lights” We worked

late at night into the night until the clock showed’One-thirty.

Yet, we had not been able to make the device functional. We were all exhausted

to the point of giving up our efforts. Someone suggested that we chant the

‘Gayatri’. We prayed sincerely and resumed our work. Within few minutes we had

detected the faulty component, but we did not have a spare one.

We searched around the laboratory and found a component, which, to our dismay,

was not right one. Left with with no other alternative, praying, we replaced

the faulty one with it. It worked ! As we completed the task, we could hear the

college clock chime twice.

That afternoon, we were seated in the portico of the mandir for darshan. When

Swami came out, we started pleading with Him to bless the exhibition with His

presence. He brushed our request aside. After sometime, when we pleaded again,

He said, “ I will come at midnight, two o’clock!” Those of us who had worked on

“musical lights” the previous night realized the significance of His words


We were happy that He had confirmed His timely help to us. But for others, it

was a mere joke. They laughed and began to plead again.

This is but one instance. There are many such instances which we hear and

countless others unknown to us. Therefore, every word of His has some meaning

for someone or the other. We may not be aware of it. I instinctively feel that

He does everything with a divine purpose.

Every act of His transform someone’s life

Every glance of His touches someone’s heart

Every word of His moulds someone’s character

Every gesture of His confers joy on someone.

I am convinced that He does not act as a human, but as a divine human. It is

this divine element in His action which make them so lovable, so mysterious and

so memorable.

5 years old girl had hole in the heart


There many incidents and let me narrate which one of the student in Brindavan has wittesned .

One day Swami was giving darshan to the devotees in Prashanthi Nilayam. As he

walked admidst them, I saw small girl, scarcely five years old, trying to give

a letter to Swami.

Did this small girl write the letter ? Perhaps her mother would have written it.

I thought. Even as this thought flashed across my mind, I saw Swami taking the

letter, crumpling it and throwing it down as if it was waste paper.

This strange act of His made me wonder, may be Swami meant that the letter was

a waste paper. Did this mean that their prayers were answered? He is

compassionate. He might have answered. Even if He did not, there must be some

meaning to it.

This small girl had seen that day had a heart ailment. The doctors in Madras and

Hyderabad confirmed the presence of a hole in her heart.

When they came to super speciality hospital at Prashanthi Nilayam, the same

result awaited them. The doctors confirmed hole in her heart. The date for the

operation was fixed. The girl’s mother wrote a letter to Swami about the

operation, and asked the girl to hand it over to Swami.

This was the scene people witnessed in darshan line . The mother saw Swami

crumpling the letter, and took it as a rejection. Mother’s heart bled for her

child as no hope. The day of the operation dawned.

The girl was wheeled into the operation theatre. When the final tests were done

the same doctors could not believe what they found. They checked again and

found no trace of the hole in the heart. The child was perfectly healthy. They

went home glad and grateful to Swami. What a way to indicate his benediction.

Only Swami knows the purpose of what He does. However, once in a while He does

let us peep behind the curtain of His mystery. He want to confer joy on us.

Perhaps He wants us to understand Him. But then He say we should not try to

understand Him, only experience Him.

Probably, He gives us these glimpses so that we will know the inscrutable nature

of his deeds, and the futility of our efforts to comprehend them.

Jai Sai Ram

(Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.Chugani


Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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