Guest guest Posted December 8, 2005 Report Share Posted December 8, 2005 Sai Vichaar Thursday , December 08, 2005 :: Volume 8, Issue 30 (In its eighth year of publication.) Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form. IN THIS ISSUE: FEATURE OF THE WEEK CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE DEVOTEES SAY PRAYER CLUB EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES QUOTATION OF THE WEEK QUESTION OF THE WEEK SAI ACTIVITIES FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Change: a fact of life! When the going is good, one hardly credits it to others or expresses thanks for the good times, as they are too busy enjoying the same. Yet when the times turn bad one will start to cry hoarse. When the going gets tougher one reacts strangely in various ways. A few turn towards divine intervention in prayer and hope. The common thing across life is change. Nature enforces change in everyone's life whether we like it or not. Change disrupts the lives of those who are not ready for it. It is dumb to think that things will continue as they are in life. To deal with change a lot of people need love and support from outside. When that is lacking, life can become very miserable. One can bank on the help of family and loved ones but these are not sufficient at times. Only the perfect master can satisfy both the material and spiritual needs of the distressed. Perfect masters perform the role of a guide and an elder in one's life and slowly but surely provide the inner strength and courage that is required to deal with various experiences that one goes through in life. Though it may look that the perfect master is not doing anything in our lives, the master is ever active and watchful of his children. It requires firm faith and patience over time to discover the role of the perfect master in one's life. One who has been following the tenets of the master in their lives over years begins to understand the way the perfect masters work. Though themselves invisible, they create circumstances and situations through which strangers and unknown people help their children when all hope is lost. For one who has given up their lives to the master, the master is ever vigilant. Giving up one's life to the master is not a passive or lethargic or don't do anything activity. It requires lot of hard work. Making an effort to follow the master's teachings regularly is a prerequisite. One who does that hardly has time for anything else. Then the master knowing the child's efforts helps that child evolve under his protection and care. Baba was not joking when He said that the path is very difficult and only a few can take to it. Only one who is trying to follow it knows the difficulties and those who find it hard to believe will only resort to arguments and discussions. Sri Sai Satcharita is the gospel of Baba's life and teachings. One will find solutions to their problems and comfort when they feel tired and restless while fighting life's battle. Only a visit to Shri Sai's abode will provide a glimpse of what one can achieve if they decide to follow Him. CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: Immortal Saint of Shirdi In Bhagvadgita (Chapter IV,7-8) Lord Krishna says that "Whenever there is a decay of Dharma (righteousness) and an ascendancy of unrighteousness, I manifest Myself, and for the protection of the virtuous, the destruction of the vicious and for the establishment of righteousness, I manifest Myself in age after age." This is the mission of Lord, and the Sages and Saints, who are His representatives appear at proper times and try to set matters right by their words and action, thus showing us the right path to follow. In this way, many saints like Jnanadev, Muktabai, Tukaram, Ramdas, did appear at various times to show the right path to the people, and so came Lord Sainath of Shirdi. The fourteenth Nama in one hundred eight Glorious Names of Sainath Maharaj is "Om Sri Sai Amarthyaya Namaha" Meaning - Pranavaswarupa Oh Sainath! Obeisance to you who is immortal. We further glorify Sai in Ashttotrasatha Namavali "Kalatheethaya Namaha, Kaalaya Namaha, Kaalakaalaya Namaha." It means He has transcended the limitations of Time, Himself Time and Lord of Eternity. Baba declared, "I am not the body or the senses, I am Sakshi (Witness)" Sainath though left His mortal coils on Oct. 15th, 1918, He continues to remain in His subtle form (Sukshma Sareera) with the option of taking stable or visible form at will. Immediately after giving up His body Baba showed to the world through the following incidents that He is alive but His body is dead. Baba appeared in the dream of Laxman Mama Joshi on Oct. 16, 1918 and said, "Get up soon, Bapusaheb thinks I am dead and so he won't come, you do the worship and the Kakad Arathi." He appeared in the dream of Dasganu Maharaj on Oct. 16, 1918 at Pandharpur, informed of the event, and said that he should cover His body with ample flowers. Thus, Baba in His own mysterious way maintained the continuity of daily Pujas and Arathis as usual. Baba's 72 hours Samadhi where He decided to take His Prana high up and go into Samadhi and then returned back to consciousness (life) after three days is an evidence that Sai was not limited to the body of three and a half cubits height, but was the Self inside. The body, composed of the five elements is perishable and transient, but the Self within is the thing - Absolute Reality that is immortal and eternal. Baba said, "I am not confined within this body of three and a half cubits height, I am every where". Sai Baba expounded several times, Who this Me or I is. In His words "Barring your name and form, there exists in you as well as in all beings a sense of Being or consciousness of Existence. That is Myself" (Sri Sai Satcharitha, Chap. 43-44). Baba assured before His Mahasamadhi "Though I pass away, My bones in My tomb will give you Hope and Confidence. Not only Myself but also My tomb would be speaking, moving and communicating with those who would surrender wholeheartedly to me. You will hear My bones speaking and discussing your welfare." (Satcharita, Chap. 25) Sai is defined "This Pure Being, Consciousness or Brahma, the Ruler and Controller of the senses and mind is the thing Sai... He pervades all animate and inanimate things and is their Inner Controller and Ruler." (Satcharita, Chap. 43-44). This shows Sai is immortal, birthless and deathless. Let us realize why Sainath Maharaj declared "I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body." Though Baba has no body now, He is more Alive now than when He was living. This is being experienced by many who surrender themselves completely to Him and worship Him with wholehearted devotion. Saints like Baba never die; though they look like men, they are in reality God Himself. (Contributed by Sai Eshwari) DEVOTEES SAY: A Sai devoteeOm Sai, I am thankful and grateful to You for the miracle You have done. My dad had adrenal problem and doctor told that his adrenal gland has to be removed immediately, which was a critical and a major operation. The only hope and confidence we had was the feet of Saibaba. We surrendered our worries at his feet. It is only Baba who has made the operation successful. SatishOm Sai Sree Sai Jai Jai Sai. "God has agents everywhere and their powers are vast".-Sai Baba. I truly believe in this, I had many experiences of presence of Baba, I request all the devotees to believe in it. Pray to Baba with your heart and soul, Baba will shower his blessings on you. MeenakshiBaba, thanks a lot. I was very much worried since I do not have money to pay my fees and for other expenses. Thursday I cried a lot in front of you. You heard me and today (Monday) my manager forwarded me an e-mail stating I got a bonus, which is equivalent to the amount I needed. You are great Sai and everywhere. Love you Baba, Never leave me alone. NaineshThis is for the lady who asks the question where to donate the money too. The biggest charity as stated in Satcharitha is Annadanam feeding the poor. So, send the money to Sai temple for feeding the poor. NeeluSai, thank you very much for taking care of my granddaughter when she was so sick in India. Thank you for bringing her safe back home. As promised, I am submitting this article. Always bless, guide and help us. SumaSai Baba, by your krupa my sister passed her semester with very good marks. I heartfully convey my thanks to You. Please stand by her and guide her in the right way and thanks for being there for her. PRAYER CLUB: KaviBaba please remove my fear, anxiety and depression. Give me confidence, happiness and enthusiasm in whatever I do. I am going through unexplained mental agony. Give me peace of mind and give me a healthy life. Baba I am trying hard to concentrate on prayers and try to meditate too but I cannot focus myself. Please give me place in your lotus feet and guide me that how I should keep on doing prayers and make myself calm. Baba please help me and show me the path. Om Shri sai Ram. RomaMy husband's dad passed away last week with a severe heart attack. Daddy was a wonderful person full of sense of humor and amazing qualities. Sai Ram, please help my husband to get through this moment of difficulties. Please provide him the strength and courage to take care of the responsibilities ahead. RupinderPray to You to please keep all the things going on and my husband and me never are separated. Give me power and strength so that I can pray You every day as my husband does! Om Sai Ram. SampaBaba, Please help me pass in the final accounting exam. I did not do well in the other two mid-term. KailasBaba, please help us with the hospital bills. Please let Insurance company understand our situation and resolve this matter. It is causing a lot of tension and stress to my wife. Keep Your blessings on us and help us to get over this difficult phase, Baba; we will keep praying and await resolution. Sai DevoteePlease Sai let my two children enjoy good health for the rest of their stay in India. Let my daughter's loose motions stop and she should feed properly as before. Oh Sai, please make it possible for my sister and brother-in-law to visit us in India. Kindly continue to shower Your blessings on us. Thanking you and thousand namaskars to You. KamakshiSairam, dear devotees, I request you to pray for my husband who is having a lot of pain because of Parkinsons disease. I know that Baba, through all your prayers, will help him to get relief. Thanks Baba. Sai devoteeBaba, kotinamaskarams to your lotus feet and kind heart. No one can help me except You from my all problems. Please guide my children to study well and to behave in good manner. Please save me from all my health problems. I have lot of faith in You, so please help me to my medical reports clear and no diseases. Please guide my husband to join in job and have monthly income and to leave all his bad habits and to lead family life. By Your grace my daughter has become your devotee, like that please guide my husband also if he become your devotee so that all the problems will come to an end. SundarOmniscient, Omnipresent Baba, I am depressed and weak mentally, phiscally and psychologically. Back home, my wife is due this month but has not delivered a child till now. I am away here in America working in a restaurant like a bonded labourer. Baba, I don't know how to get out of this mess and find peace and comfort. Baba, I have nobody to talk to and express my sorrows, but only You. Please Baba, release us from this difficulty and make my promise come true of building a huge Sai temple in Kathmandu. Please, Baba, have mercy on my family which consists of unfortunate, blind and illiterate people. Please help us get out of this trouble. I bow to the lotus feet of your's Baba. A Sai devoteeI am making this prayer request with a lot of feeling and I hope our Lord will answer my prayer soon. It is about my nephew who had joined the merchant navy. He has somehow not been able to fulfil his contract on any one ship for the full length of his term. He has so far been recruited on 3 ships consecutively but has stayed just for a month or so on each of them. We are all worried and especially his parents as they have borrowed heavily for his training and have sacrificed so much so that he could start his career. He is not very young and needs to have a job soon so that he can also plan his personal life. We feel he is not very competent in his job and so has developed a complex. As a result, he is not diplomatic in his relations with the captain and other seniors on ship and so has been asked to leave. Back home, his parents don,t say anything and have resigned themselves to matters. They feel he is too old to be given advice. It's not that he does not know what to do and is not entirely unaware of his parent's plight. He just whiles away the time at home watching TV or playing video games. He is out late at night and comes home very late at night after drinking, a bad habit he has picked up while abroad. His father is a pensioner and is not too well. My nephew's condition has only added to his problems. Its high time my nephew realised his responsibilities and seriously pursues his career. I pray to Our Lord and also request prayers from you all that he gives up his bad habits, looks after his own health, respects his parents wishes and seriously embarks on his merchant navy career. Since he is not trained for any other profession, he really needs help and very quickly. My Lord, please shower your blessings on him and his family soon. EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: RuchitaI would like to share most recent experience. In the month of August, I came to USA for my studies and soon after 5 to 6 days, I had a insect bite on my right foot. It was getting worst day by day. This was the first time I came alone so far. I was suffering from unbearable pain and I was unable to even stand properly. I was feeling so lonely and was crying out because of pain. I prayed to Baba for help and to my wonder Baba came to help me in the form my new roommate, I hardly knew her at that time. She and her fiancé were Baba's devotees. They helped me a lot, she took very good care of me just like my mom. Getting a right person at right time is very important. I thought Baba send her to help me. Then doctor told me the insect bite will need 1 to 2 hour surgery, on the same day after an hour. I was scared because surgery without your near and dear ones is a pain. Then I talk to Baba and asked him to stay there with me at the time of operation and give me strength to bear this pain. It went out good. Now after 3 month, I am fully recovered. Saibaba is always there for you; you just have to open your eyes. Have faith and He will take care of you, no matter where you are. LataThis was in the month of May on a Saturday when I had organized Sai bhajans at our place. This incident happened with my son Avinash around 3 p:m. I had finished making prasad and wanted some snacks to be added to the prasad. My son immediately agreed to go and quickly buy some samosas from a store. It so happened, during this month we were also in the process of moving from an apartment to our Baba's blessed house and so I had a mover come in and give us an estimate for his labor charges. This all happened so quickly, one side my son left to get samosas and the other end this gentleman arriving. He went around the place and finally came to the kitchen where I was busy talking to Baba which is my normal habit asking my Master if the prasad cooked was OK and this man enters the kitchen and says, Wow that dal really looks delicious, low behold I realized my Baba has answered my question. Now before leaving, this man wished me goodbye 3 times coming again and again and telling me: "I'm going, I'm in a great rush". At this very moment, I realized it was my Baba all the time giving me some message and I could actually feel my Baba in him. Well I just felt it was my assumption. After a while, I called my son on his cell asking him to come soon and why did it take so long not realizing that he met with a major car accident. He never told me, infact he told me there's a big traffic jam so it might take little longer but within me something was warning me so I decided to sit with Baba and chat with Him till devotees arrived. There and then, my husband forced my son, whom he had already informed about the accident, to call me and let me about the accident. Of course, I started crying and praying to Baba that everything was OK with him and he was in one piece. contined....Thus, I waited for them to come home and explain, and soon before the bhajans started they both arrived and my son explained everything in detail as to how Baba actually brought him out of this accident unscratched whereas the car was totally damaged. So just a small humble request to all Sai Baba devotees, have utmost faith in Master and leave the rest to Him. QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: "What is our duty? To behave properly. That's enough"-Sai Baba QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. What is Contentment? A. by Maddipatla VR Prasad I understand contentment as the experience of happiness due to a sense of fulfillment. However, the happiness or the sense of fulfillment coming from material gain is temporary. Happiness accrued from 'inner peace' is permanent and that is the real contentment. In other words, inner peace or tranquility of soul brings in a state of mind that makes a person happy and satisfied irrespective of his circumstances. How can one attain inner peace? The turbulence of mind comes in the way of attaining inner peace. Why? The continuous stream of ever changing desires and consequent search for ways and means of fulfilling these materialistic desires are the root cause for this unrest within. Can we ever over come this problem? I think that we should understand that our desires that keep on changing do not reflect our true needs. We really do not know what we need; but Baba knows what we need. I feel that answer lies in attaining the realization that Sadguru Sai Baba knows better what we need and that He would not go without fulfilling our needs. Once we surrender ourselves to Sai Baba, we come to the stage of minimizing our desires, for He knows what we need. Then slowly we would march towards "desirelessness". Automatically, we will be enveloped by a feeling of gratitude to Him; for all that He has done to us and is doing to us. The expression of our gratitude to God for granting us human birth is an important component of our prayer to Him that would bring us inner peace and consequently contentment. Did not Sadguru Sainath Maharaj say, " Remain as God has made you". He also did say, "What man gives is temporary and what God gives is everlasting." Lord Sai Baba has set an example by His personal life for us to attain contentment. It may be argued that this kind of state of mind would turn the person into a "lotus eater" leading him to inaction. This argument is not valid for the reason that a person with inner peace and contentment will be enthusiastic to act, as he considers action in the world as his duty to God. With this kind of conviction man will carry out his duty unbiased and unattached not craving for fruit or reward. Q. What is the two-fold importance of Khandoba temple in Baba's life history? A. by SP Srivastava Khandoba temple has a deep rooted and meaningful significance in the life history of Sai Baba. What strikes at first sight is it was in the yard of Khandoba's temple Baba got down from his cart and Bhagat Mhalspati welcomed him as 'Sai', a name which has since become immortal. It could not be a mere coincidence in commemoration of the advent of Baba in Shirdi where he was seen under a Neem tree, Baba's Padukas were brought from Khandoba temple and then installed under the foot of the Neem tree. God Khandoba indicated the details of the cellar where Sai Baba practiced penance for 12 years. This may also explain why Sai Baba chose Shirdi to fulfill his divine mission. Elaborating this issue, it is worthwhile to mention there are several links to substantiate Lord Shiva's incarnation as Sai Baba. Further, it has also appeared in a learned journal 'Heritage of Shirdi Sai', Khandoba is the most popular avatar of Lord Shiva and the dogs that are associated with Sai Baba are an incarnation of Khandoba. Readers of Sai Satcharitha will recall Baba blessed Mrs. Tarkhad profusely when she gave a piece of bread to a dog nearby saying that the dog was one with Him. In a similar incident when Sai Baba said to Laxmi Bai, he was very hungry and she prepared bread herself in haste and brought it for Baba. Baba without eating a morsel gave it to a dog and on her expressing resentment said the appeasement of the dog's hunger was the same as His. When Megha, Baba's devout devotee who regarded Sai Baba as an incarnation of Shiva came to the Masjid without worshipping Khandoba, Baba sent him back to Khandoba Temple. Baba also used to refer some devotees to Khandoba temple for spiritual upliftment. Khandoba's temple has thus a very special significance in Baba's life history. SAI ACTIVITIES: Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAShirdi Sai temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Winter hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 8 a.m followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to maildrop (AT) saibaba (DOT) org. Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, MinnesotaRegular Sai activities in Minneapolis, St.Paul area are being conducted at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, 725 Lake St NE, Apt 139 Hopkins MN. For details, please contact hamaresai , or call Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center at 952-938-2983, and to read the monthly newsletter Sai Sandesh, visit Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website Shirdi Sai Satsang, Bay Area, CaliforniaShirdi Sai Parivaar invites all to join us for Satsang every Thursday 7:30 pm at Odd Fellows Temple, 20589 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. For details please call 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu or visit Shirdi Sai Satsang, Toronto, CanadaShirdi Saibaba Sansthan invites all to join for satsangs every Thursday 7:00 pm at Sai Dwarkamai, 147 Winston Castle Dr. Markham, Ontario, L6C 2N4, phone 416-402-8089 or email: saileela99 . To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family for any occasion at your residence, please call. Devotees can request udi or Holy water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Sri Shirdi Sai Mandir, Scarborough, CanadaThe Shirdi Sai Mandir located at 2721 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) is open Monday to Friday from 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m and Saturday to Sunday from 10:30 a.m to 8:30 p.m. Dhoop aarti at 7:30 p.m everyday and Bhajans on Saturday from 5:00 p.m onwards. For other temple activities and information please call 647-444-4724 or send an email to info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com. Shirdi Sai Satsang in Vancouver, BC, CanadaShirdi Sai parivar in Vancouver invites you for bhajans, every Thursday (6:30pm - 7:30 pm) at 8571, 118A Street, Delta, V4C 6L2. For further details contact Ritu (604)592 4182 or email at sai_ish (AT) hotmail (DOT) com. FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: "Sai activities" section is a good opportunity to spread the word about various activities, celebrations, and festivities of Sai mandirs across the world. Postings on Sai activities are very useful for new visitors and for those who would like to know more about Sai activities in theirs and other areas. Sai Vichaar receives several emails for Prayer Club. They will be posted in the order they are received, please indicate if you do not want to include your name. Sai devotee Subhadra suggests the "Question of the week" for the week as, Q. What is the two-fold importance of Khandoba temple in Baba's life history? Humbly Yours,The Editor ABOUT THIS EMAIL: This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of at least one of the following reasons:1. You have d through our on-line page,2. You have visited our web site and shown interest in the Sai topics and asked for information, or3. You have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative. To Subscribe Sai Vichaar for receipt by Email please visit the URL and select the option from the menu. 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Thank you,The webmaster >From and Editor: Shirdi Sai Baba Web Site Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha (A not for Profit Organization) Mail: 182 West Melrose Street Suite #4 South Elgin, IL 60177, USA Email maildrop (AT) saibaba (DOT) org Phone 847-931-4058 Fax 847-931-4066 © Copyright 1998-2005, Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or cite the information contained within this newsletter. Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same. Sai Vichaar team or the Shirdi Sai Baba web site is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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