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Intellectuals And Swami's Materialisations Prof G.Venkataraman

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Magicians play their tricks for earning their maintenance, worldly fame and

wealth. They are based on falsehood and they thrive on deceit. However, this

body can never stoop to such low levels. This body has come through the Lord's

resolve to manifest in human form. That resolve is intended to uphold Sathya or

Truth. Divine resolve is always true resolve. Remember, there is nothing that

Divine power cannot accomplish. It can transmute earth into sky and sky into

earth. To doubt this is to prove that you are too weak to grasp great things,

and the grandeur of the Universe. I guess I have said enough about

intellectuals and how they are not equipped to comprehend phenomena like

Avatars. I took time off to write about intellectuals because many people hear

what they say, read what they write and get disturbed by it. I hope I have

succeeded in convincing you that there is nothing

to be disturbed about. Putting The Facts Straight There is one other matter

that many devotees have been quite agitated about, and maybe I should add a few

remarks about that also, and that concerns the notorious so-called documentary

on Swami produced by BBC. We received many, many letters and mails asking us to

do something about it. However, we did not react in the way most people

expected us to, but respond we did, in our own way

though. I don’t wish to go further into that. But I thought you might be

interested to know what was said by one of the writers who contributed an

article to the special issue of THE WEEK that I alluded to in the beginning.

The writer in question is Bill Aitkin, an Englishman who for decades has made

India his home. For many years he has been coming to Puttaparthi, but so

quietly that hardly anyone here knew about him. He came to some prominence with

his recent book Sri Sathya Sai Baba, A Life. Aitkin has given a stirring defence

of Swami, not that Swami needs any defence from mortals. But records do need to

be set straight and Bill Aitkin does that with pungent fervour! Here are some

quotes: The critics are so intemperate in their dislike that their

vituperation now comes across as almost near comical in its predictability.

Nothing that Baba can say or do meets with their approval. If he provides

drinking water to thirsty villagers, they scent a scam but if doesn’t provide

drinking water, he is anti-poor. ….. Probably because of the intensity of their

hate, when it comes to a serious, forensic examination of their allegations,

they resort to bluster and evasion instead of hard facts. Smearing sexual

innuendo is a traditional ploy but on failing to substantiate their charges,

the critics switch to another unrelated subject. They will claim that all of


Sai Baba’s materialisations are phoney. However, this cannot stick, because

millions have witnessed the outpouring of vibhuti at Shivarathri. So then,

financial irregularities are imputed to the saint, and when these are likewise

found to be unproductive of scandal, mafia happenings are evoked. ……… The

strategy of the critics seems to be that if sufficient mud is thrown, some

might stick. ……….. Here is what Aitkin has to say about the BBC, and he gives

on behalf of all of us a stinging reply to slander with all the required

passion! Aitkin says, The latest in these so-called exposes is the BBC

documentary whose agenda was so predetermined to denigrate Baba that it stooped

to the unethical use of a spy camera. In a last farcical gesture, the producer

hired some roadside entertainers to attempt to simulate Baba’s chamatkar

[materialisations]. The result is so ludicrous that it leaves the viewer

wondering as to who is funding this bizarre display of hostile reporting. The

BBC is ultimately governed by the Anglican establishment, and churches in the

west are losing out financially to the appeal of the Sai Baba movement. As a

commercial broadcaster, the BBC’s opting for sleaze would have the dual

advantage of discrediting a rival as well as getting a good audience

rating. The Church of England can have no objection to programmes that weaken

perceived threats – like the Papacy or Hindu holy men – to its declining

influence in the world. Posing as a lion in Asia, the BBC is a mouse in

Britain. It dare not criticise public icons like the Queen, who happens to be

the supreme of the Anglican Church. Well, there it is - all the rebuttal of

the BBC that you have always wanted, that too from an Englishman! To the above,

I would like to add a few comments of my own. When Hardy the BBC producer came

to Prashanti Nilayam at the time of Shivarathri to shoot some scenes, I met him

briefly. It was apparent even then that Hardy was out to smear tar. When the

so-called documentary was released, my worst fears were confirmed. Do you know

that in this much touted video there is a character who goes about shouting

that Sai

Baba wants to kill him? As though Swami has no better business! Hardy was able

to get away with pure nonsense because in those countries where this film was

shown, most people had absolutely no idea of who Swami is. I ask you: suppose

some TV channel in India had produced a similar, poorly-researched documentary

on a person in the West held in high public esteem; would the people and the

media there have kept quiet? On the other hand when this rubbish that carried a

brand name was telecast, so many papers in England hailed it as a great expose.

No surprise in that because sometime earlier, the famous London Times, carried

a similar shabby, ill-researched article on Swami that made waves. I then wrote

a letter to the Editor, as did many prominent devotees from America. None of

these were published, quite contrary to the usual practice of giving some space

to counter opinion. So much for

the much taunted objectivity of the Media of those countries. I do not wish to

make a blanket condemnation of all that comes from the West. A few days ago, a

devotee here shared with me his copy of an article entitled GOOD GURU GUIDE,

that appeared in 1994 in the famous journal ECONOMIST, published from London. I

don’t know who the author is but this is a penetrating article on various

successful people and intellectuals like George Soros, a financial wizard, Tom

Peters, Peter Drucker and Michael Porter, all celebrated Management Gurus, Noam

Chomsky, a renowned professor of linguistics in MIT. What stunned me was that

Swami has been mentioned in this article and in a reasonably complimentary

manner too! Here is what the article has to say about Swami. After commenting

on Indian Gurus who globetrot, it observes: Sai Baba stayed home and

succeeded splendidly. His message of peace and love, like his beatific smile,

has not changed since he was a child prodigy. Now he is more popular than ever

– so much so his hometown of Puttaparthi a couple of hours drive from Hyderabad

boasts a new airstrip. …….. Over the years, dozens of implacable rationalists

and other mischief-makers have tried to discredit him, but never successfully.

Sai Baba has ignored, outlived or outpaced them all. These days, miracle-wise,

he concentrates on holy ash. But he is also a popular philanthropist running

schools and colleges and an enormous hospital for the poor. Judges,

politicians, bureaucrats and film stars cringe and crave an audience. Tom

Peters, eat your heart out!

How do you like that? MY OWN CROSSOVER AND CONCLUDING REMARKS Some of you

might say, “Listen, you are supposed to be a scientist, are you not? What about

you? Were you ever on the other side of the fence, and if so, how did you come

over to this side?” I have, I believe, described all this in one of my radio

talks; even so, the present occasion warrants a brief statement. Yes, a long

time ago, I was on the other side of the fence. However, I did not deny God nor

did I denigrate Swami. I just remained indifferent to Swami; He was, so to say,

not in my radar screen. And then when the time came, Bhagavan Baba pulled and

strongly too, with a few telling traumatic experiences. As Swami says in the

Gitavahini, misery is indeed a great friend, because it draws one to God; in

this case, it brought me to the Living and Loving God. I must mention that when

I was first drawn to Swami I thought He was just a saint or something of that

sort. I did not know then that He was actually an Avatar. That realisation came

later. In the precursor period, shall I say, I did not also believe in

materialisations. I dismissed them as impossible because they defy all laws of

Science – the usual, ignorant prejudice. And one fine day when Swami actually

materialised vibhuti for me, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had actually

seen a materialisation, beyond the so-called laws of Science and I had to

accept it. A Cold Fig On A Hot Afternoon by Swami! Since then I have seen so

many of these materialisations, some of them quite exotic. Once, a few years

ago, we were all seated in the afternoon on the lower porch in the Sai Kulwant

Hall. It was a hot afternoon. A few of us were around Swami, and seated in the

Hall were thousands. Suddenly in the middle of causal conversations, Swami

materialised a fig fruit in full view of the huge gathering. He then passed the

fig around to us and when I received it I found it was cold, as if it had just

been taken out of a deep freeze! Imagine getting a cold fig on a hot summer

afternoon. Later Swami made it into pieces and distributed the fruit, and I got

a piece too! Hmmmm, it was delicious!! I shall conclude with the story of

another such materialisation, which was remarkable in its own way. This

happened during the period when I was the

Vice-Chancellor. Those days, after Darshan was over, Swami would invariably call

me and a few others connected with the Institute into the Interview room to

spend some time with Him. That day, the Warden of our Hostel here was also

present. As a small but intensely loving gesture, the Warden had brought with

him in a silver vessel, some shelled groundnuts or peanuts as they say in

America. Amazing Billet From A Peanut! The Warden offered it to Swami who

first refused but later pooped one nut into His mouth. He then started giving

us one nut at a time. He did one round, then another and then started on the

third. Everyone put out his hand to receive the Prasadam from Swami and when my

turn came I did the same. But what fell into my hand was not a piece of

groundnut but an enamel billet with some art work on it. I gave Swami a puzzled

look and He said, “See what it is.” I took it near the window of the Interview

room and tried to see what was on the billet but could not see clearly since I

did not have my glasses on. Swami then made some teasing remarks and said,

“This billet shows the Cosmic Form of the Lord. Embedded in it are the forms of

Shirdi Baba and Swami. I have left some space for Prema Sai also. Shall I

include Prema Sai also?” We remained silent, stunned by the experience. He then

smiled and said, “No I shall not include Prema Sai because you

faithless fellows would desert Me and go after Him!” We all laughed. Swami then

took the billet, held it near His mouth and started blowing on it. I thought He

was going to make it disappear; instead, it became a full-fledged ring, shining

brilliantly! Swami held it high showing the ring to all of us, even as we were

dumbstruck. He said, “A goldsmith would take fifteen days to make a ring, but I

have done it in less than fifteen seconds!” He then asked me to stretch my right

hand. I simply could not believe myself. In this world where there were so many

wonderful devotees, Swami was giving this extra-ordinary ring to me of all

persons. But then that is God. As Ramakrishna Paramahamsa once said, “Nobody

can say who will receive God’s Grace. There may be very eligible people, but

the Lord, for

reasons best known to Him, may choose someone far less deserving.” Very true

indeed, as I can say from personal experience. Well, what do you think? Do you

agree with the many things I have said? Whether you agree or disagree, I would

be happy to know your reactions. I can be easily reached via our Heart2Heart

e-journal. Jai Sai Ram! (Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.ChuganiRam ChuganiKobe,


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Dear Ram, I wanted to tell you that it has been hard to know that the BBC was

airing these accusations against our Beloved Baba, and not shout from the

rooftops LIARS, LIARS. Thank you for helping me to realize that no reaction at

all is probably the best thing to do, is what Baba wants us to do. It is the

most courageous and truthful thing to do. Not supplying the media with fodar

for their feeding frenzy is the only way to respond. "Father forgive them for

they know not what they do." Thank you for your many wonderful articles which I

awaken too most every day. Om Sai Ram, Ayla Raven Strongwind.


Ramchand Chugani

Sai Baba

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:11 AM

[sBOI-post] Intellectuals And Swami's Materialisations Prof G.Venkataraman


One thing that intellectuals seize upon to denigrate Swami is the

materialisation that Bhagavan often performs, like creating vibhuti, or a ring

or a chain etc. Science phooh-phoohs miracles and intellectuals invariably

seize upon it to cry fraud. I don’t have to convince you about the genuineness

of these demonstrations of para-normal phenomena but I do think it is important

that you hear Swami’s own observations on the subject. Here is what He says:

You must have heard people say that mine is all magic. But the manifestation of

Divine Power must not be interpreted in terms of mag ic. Magicians play their

tricks for earning their maintenance, worldly fame and wealth. They are based

on falsehood and they thrive on deceit. However, this body can never stoop to

such low levels. This body has come through the Lord's resolve to manifest in

human form. That resolve is intended to uphold Sathya or Truth. Divine resolve

is always true resolve. Remember, there is nothing that Divine power cannot

accomplish. It can transmute earth into sky and sky into earth. To doubt this

is to prove that you are too weak to grasp great things, and the grandeur of

the Universe.

I guess I have said enough about intellectuals and how they are not equipped to

comprehend phenomena like Avatars. I took time off to write about intellectuals

because many people hear what they say, read what they write and get disturbed

by it. I hope I have succeeded in convincing you that there is nothing to be

disturbed about.


Putting The Facts Straight

There is one other matter that many devotees have been quite agitated about, and

maybe I should add a few remarks about that also, and that concerns the

notorious so-called documentary on Swami produced by BBC. We received many,

many letters and mails asking us to do something about it.

However, we did not react in the way most people expected us to, but respond we

did, in our own way though. I don’t wish to go further into that. But I thought

you might be interested to know what was said by one of the writers who

contributed an article to the special issue of THE WEEK that I alluded to in

the beginning.

The writer in question is Bill Aitkin, an Englishman who for decades has made

India his home. For many years he has been coming to Puttaparthi, but so

quietly that hardly anyone here knew about him. He came to some prominence with

his recent book Sri Sathya Sai Baba, A Life.

Aitkin has given a stirring defence of Swami, not that Swami needs any defence

from mortals. But records do need to be set straight and Bill Aitkin does that

with pungent fervour! Here are some quotes:

The critics are so intemperate in their dislike that their vituperation now

comes across as almost near comical in its predictability. Nothing that Baba

can say or do meets with their approval. If he provides drinking water to

thirsty villagers, they scent a scam but if doesn’t provide drinking water, he

is anti-poor. ….. Probably because of the intensity of their hate, when it

comes to a serious, forensic examination of their allegations, they resort to

bluster and evasion instead of hard facts. Smearing sexual innuendo is a

traditional ploy but on failing to substantiate their charges, the critics

switch to another unrelated subject.

They will claim that all o f Sathya Sai Baba’s materialisations are phoney.

However, this cannot stick, because millions have witnessed the outpouring of

vibhuti at Shivarathri. So then, financial irregularities are imputed to the

saint, and when these are likewise found to be unproductive of scandal, mafia

happenings are evoked. ……… The strategy of the critics seems to be that if

sufficient mud is thrown, some might stick. ………..

Here is what Aitkin has to say about the BBC, and he gives on behalf of all of

us a stinging reply to slander with all the required passion! Aitkin says,

The latest in these so-called exposes is the BBC documentary whose agenda was so

predetermined to denigrate Baba that it stooped to the unethical use of a spy

camera. In a last farcical gesture, the producer hired some roadside

entertainers to attempt to simulate Baba’s chamatkar [materialisations]. The

result is so ludicrous that it leaves the viewer wondering as to who is funding

this bizarre display of hostile reporting. The BBC is ultimately governed by the

Anglican establishment, and churches in the west are losing out financially to

the appeal of the Sai Baba movement.

As a commercial broadcaster, the BBC’s opting for sleaze would have the dual

advantage of discrediting a rival as well as getting a good aud ience rating.

The Church of England can have no objection to programmes that weaken perceived

threats – like the Papacy or Hindu holy men – to its declining influence in the

world. Posing as a lion in Asia, the BBC is a mouse in Britain. It dare not

criticise public icons like the Queen, who happens to be the supreme of the

Anglican Church.

Well, there it is - all the rebuttal of the BBC that you have always wanted,

that too from an Englishman! To the above, I would like to add a few comments

of my own. When Hardy the BBC producer came to Prashanti Nilayam at the time of

Shivarathri to shoot some scenes, I met him briefly. It was apparent even then

that Hardy was out to smear tar. When the so-called documentary was released,

my worst fears were confirmed. Do you know that in this much touted video there

is a character who goes about shouting th at Sai Baba wants to kill him? As

though Swami has no better business! Hardy was able to get away with pure

nonsense because in those countries where this film was shown, most people had

absolutely no idea of who Swami is.

I ask you: suppose some TV channel in India had produced a similar,

poorly-researched documentary on a person in the West held in high public

esteem; would the people and the media there have kept quiet? On the other hand

when this rubbish that carried a brand name was telecast, so many papers in

England hailed it as a great expose. No surprise in that because sometime

earlier, the famous London Times, carried a similar shabby, ill-researched

article on Swami that made waves. I then wrote a letter to the Editor, as did

many prominent devotees from America. None of these were published, quite

contrary to the usual practice of giving some space to counter opinion. So m

uch for the much taunted objectivity of the Media of those countries.

I do not wish to make a blanket condemnation of all that comes from the West. A

few days ago, a devotee here shared with me his copy of an article entitled

GOOD GURU GUIDE, that appeared in 1994 in the famous journal ECONOMIST,

published from London. I don’t know who the author is but this is a penetrating

article on various successful people and intellectuals like George Soros, a

financial wizard, Tom Peters, Peter Drucker and Michael Porter, all celebrated

Management Gurus, Noam Chomsky, a renowned professor of linguistics in MIT.

What stunned me was that Swami has been mentioned in this article and in a

reasonably complimentary manner too! Here is what the article has to say about

Swami. After commenting on Indian Gurus who globetrot, it observes:

Sai Baba stayed home and succeeded splendidly. His message of peace and love,

like his beatific smile, has not changed since he was a child prodigy. Now he

is more popular than ever – so much so his hometown of Puttaparthi a couple of

hours drive from Hyderabad boasts a new airstrip. ……..

Over the years, dozens of implacable rationalists and other mischief-makers have

tried to discredit him, but never successfully. Sai Baba has ignored, outlived

or outpaced them all.

These days, miracle-wise, he concentrates on holy ash. But he is also a popular

philanthropist running schools and colleges and an enormous hospital for the

poor. Judges, politicians, bureaucrats and film stars cringe and crave an

audience. Tom Peters, eat your heart ou t!

How do you like that?


Some of you might say, “Listen, you are supposed to be a scientist, are you not?

What about you? Were you ever on the other side of the fence, and if so, how did

you come over to this side?” I have, I believe, described all this in one of my

radio talks; even so, the present occasion warrants a brief statement. Yes, a

long time ago, I was on the other side of the fence. However, I did not deny

God nor did I denigrate Swami. I just remained indifferent to Swami; He was, so

to say, not in my radar screen. And then when the time came, Bhagavan Baba

pulled and strongly too, with a few telling traumatic experiences.

As Swami says in the Gitavahini, misery is indeed a great friend, because it

draws one to God; in this case, it brought me to the Living and Loving God. I

must mention that when I was first drawn to Swami I thought He was just a saint

or something of that sort. I did not know then that He was actually an Avatar.

That realisation came later. In the precursor period, shall I say, I did not

also believe in materialisations. I dismissed them as impossible because they

defy all laws of Science – the usual, ignorant prejudice. And one fine day when

Swami actually materialised vibhuti for me, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I

had actually seen a materialisation, beyond the so-called laws of Science and I

had to accept it.

A Cold Fig On A Hot Afternoon by Swami!

Since then I have seen so many of these materialisations, some of them quite

exotic. Once, a few years ago, we were all seated in the afternoon on the lower

porch in the Sai Kulwant Hall. It was a hot afternoon. A few of us were around

Swami, and seated in the Hall were thousands. Suddenly in the middle of causal

conversations, Swami materialised a fig fruit in full view of the huge

gathering. He then passed the fig around to us and when I received it I found

it was cold, as if it had just been taken out of a deep freeze! Imagine getting

a cold fig on a hot summer afternoon. Later Swami made it into pieces and

distributed the fruit, and I got a piece too! Hmmmm, it was delicious!!

I shall conclude with the story of another such materialisation, which was

remarkable in its own way. This happened during the period when I was th e

Vice-Chancellor. Those days, after Darshan was over, Swami would invariably

call me and a few others connected with the Institute into the Interview room

to spend some time with Him. That day, the Warden of our Hostel here was also

present. As a small but intensely loving gesture, the Warden had brought with

him in a silver vessel, some shelled groundnuts or peanuts as they say in


Amazing Billet From A Peanut!

The Warden offered it to Swami who first refused but later pooped one nut into

His mouth. He then started giving us one nut at a time. He did one round, then

another and then started on the third. Everyone put out his hand to receive the

Prasadam from Swami and when my turn came I did the same. But what fell into my

hand was not a piece of groundnut but an enamel billet with some art work on

it. I gave Swami a puzzled look and He said, “See what it is.”

I took it near the window of the Interview room and tried to see what was on the

billet but could not see clearly since I did not have my glasses on. Swami then

made some teasing remarks and said, “This billet shows the Cosmic Form of the

Lord. Embedded in it are the forms of Shirdi Baba and Swami. I have left some

space for Prema Sai also. Shall I include Prema Sai also?” We remained silent,

stunned by the experience. He then smiled and said, “No I shall not include

Prema Sai because you faithless fellows would desert Me and go after Him!” We

all laughed.

Swami then took the billet, held it near His mouth and started blowing on it. I

thought He was going to make it disappear; instead, it became a full-fledged

ring, shining brilliantly! Swami held it high showing the ring to all of us,

even as we were dumbstruck. He said, “A goldsmith would take fifteen days to

make a ring, but I have done it in less than fifteen seconds!” He then asked me

to stretch my right hand. I simply could not believe myself.

In this world where there were so many wonderful devotees, Swami was giving this

extra-ordinary ring to me of all persons. But then that is God. As Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa once said, “Nobody can say who will receive God’s Grace. There may

be very eligible people, but the Lord , for reasons best known to Him, may

choose someone far less deserving.” Very true indeed, as I can say from

personal experience.

Well, what do you think? Do you agree with the many things I have said? Whether

you agree or disagree, I would be happy to know your reactions. I can be easily

reached via our Heart2Heart e-journal.

Jai Sai Ram!


(Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.ChuganiRam ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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