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Interview with Swami By Br Jagadeesan

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application. This has often remind me of the pictorial representation, of Lord

Shiva, the personification of the cosmic form or force of Dissolution,

destructions where form His Crown of hair, the river Ganga is seen to decend in

a thin sprout or tricle . The spiritual sigifiance of the repsentition is that

Ganga represents spiritual knowledge, and that such knowledge should be given

in small doses so that man may listen, comprehend and assimilate into their

lives. It is

thus That Bhagavan has always in His interview, released small doses Divine

knowkedge, reminiscent of the controlled flow of the Mighty Ganga by Shiva.

However the interview that took place on the 3rd June 1981 in Bhagavan's

interview room appread, to me at least a departure from the normal. Shiva

opened a little wider the flood gate and Ganga swept out in a torrent that

almost rended to drown the listeners, but not quite . Among the several

interview that Bhagavan has

graced me with ,this one was in its own way unique.....in number of ways. It was

the first time that I had gone to see Baba with my mother (her first physical

contact with Swami) and I am grateful to Baba for the Grace He conferred on my

mother. Also present was my Aunt, Mrs Selvanayagam and Mrs Gopalan and

daughter. Thus the Malaysian were 5 in all. When we entered the room, i.e the

inner interview room, that is carpected and has two long couches in addition to

Baba's chair. I noticed that 5 Indian ladies were already seated. Some I

recognized as active SAI workers and later I learnt that 2 or 3 had come from

different parets of India to conduct lectures for students and teachers at

Bhagavan's request.It appread that the course was over and that they were due

to leave for home. Bhagavan requested us to sit on the couch on his left, the

ladies hesitatingly did so, my mother closet to Baba. I settled myself opposite

Baba on the carpeted floor. The my delight, another unusual event took

place...the cutrain

parted and Professor N.Kasturi walked in, and was greeted by Bhagavan as

follows: "Ah! come Kasturi, you can sit on the couch with the ladies (i.e)

next to my mother) after all you are also a lady.". Kasturi just smiled

blissfully- Baba turned to the Indian ladies--"So you know why Kasturi is a

lady? They looked blankly and shook their heads!! "What was the name of

Gandh's mother--eh? What was her name?.....(silence)--Kasturi bhai she was

called Kasturibhai- so he also has the same name--a lady's

name-- Kasturi. Baba looked at Kasturi with deep gentle love, and througout

the interview which was lasted from 9.00 a.m--10.15 a.m, It was delightful to

see this love between a 55 years old Baba and 85 years old Kasturi.--but with a

kind role reversal, Kasturi the child and Baba the father,uncle,friend all in

one!!. We will share with you further interview by Br Jagadeesan soon. Jai


Ram (Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.Chugani Ram ChuganiKobe,


Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover Photo Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

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On 1/12/06, Ramchand Chugani <rgcjp > wrote:

Br Jagadeesan and Interview with Swami.


Every meeting with Bhagavan Baba, every contact whether on the

Darshan line or in the interview room, no matter how many times

you have met Him and talked to Him,is a special event.

Whoever the devotee, may be, During these meetings, Bhagavan

very often talks of aspects of spritiuality relevent for individual or

general application.


This has often remind me of the pictorial representation, of Lord Shiva,

the personification of the cosmic form or force of Dissolution, destructions

where form His Crown of hair, the river Ganga is seen to decend in a thin

sprout or tricle . The spiritual sigifiance of the repsentition is that Ganga

represents spiritual knowledge, and that such knowledge should be given

in small doses so that man may listen, comprehend and assimilate into their lives.


It is thus That Bhagavan has always in His interview, released small doses

Divine knowkedge, reminiscent of the controlled flow of the Mighty Ganga

by Shiva.


However the interview that took place on the 3rd June 1981 in Bhagavan's

interview room appread, to me at least a departure from the normal.

Shiva opened a little wider the flood gate and Ganga swept out in a

torrent that almost rended to drown the listeners, but not quite .


Among the several interview that Bhagavan has graced me with ,this one

was in its own way unique.....in number of ways. It was the first time that

I had gone to see Baba with my mother (her first physical contact with Swami)

and I am grateful to Baba for the Grace He conferred on my mother.


Also present was my Aunt, Mrs Selvanayagam and Mrs Gopalan and

daughter. Thus the Malaysian were 5 in all. When we entered the room, i.e

the inner interview room, that is carpected and has two long couches in addition to Baba's chair.


I noticed that 5 Indian ladies were already seated. Some I recognized as

active SAI workers and later I learnt that 2 or 3 had come from different

parets of India to conduct lectures for students and teachers at Bhagavan's

request.It appread that the course was over and that they were due to leave for home.


Bhagavan requested us to sit on the couch on his left, the ladies hesitatingly

did so, my mother closet to Baba. I settled myself opposite Baba on the

carpeted floor. The my delight, another unusual event took place...the

cutrain parted and Professor N.Kasturi walked in, and was greeted by

Bhagavan as follows:


"Ah! come Kasturi, you can sit on the couch with the ladies (i.e) next to my

mother) after all you are also a lady.". Kasturi just smiled blissfully- Baba

turned to the Indian ladies--"So you know why Kasturi is a lady?

They looked blankly and shook their heads!! "What was the name of

Gandh's mother--eh? What was her name?.....(silence)--Kasturi bhai she

was called Kasturibhai- so he also has the same name--a lady's name--



Baba looked at Kasturi with deep gentle love, and througout the interview

which was lasted from 9.00 a.m--10.15 a.m, It was delightful to see this love

between a 55 years old Baba and 85 years old Kasturi.--but with a kind role

reversal, Kasturi the child and Baba the father,uncle,friend all in one!!.


We will share with you further interview by Br Jagadeesan soon.


Jai Sai Ram

(Sharing With Sai Love) Ram.Chugani




Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover

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