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Love.......!!! (5 Human Values Starting with Love.......)

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Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sai Jai Sai Jai Jai Sai




Love is the word, which indicates the striving to realize the

falsehood of the many, and the reality of the One. Love identifies;

hate separates. Love transposes the self on to another and the two

think, speak, and act as one. When love takes in more and more

within its fold, more and more entities are rendered as One. When

you love me, you love all, for you begin to feel and know and

experience that I am in all.


The earth is a great enterprise, a busy factory, where the product

is love. By means of Sadhana (spiritual practice), it is possible to

produce love and export it to millions and millions of people in

need of it. The more it is shared, the deeper it becomes, the

sweeter its taste, and the vaster the joy. By means of love, one can

approach God and stay in his presence, for God is love, and when one

lives in love he is living in God.


When you live with the consciousness of the omnipresent Atma (inner

divinity), you live in love, love following and flooding in and

through you and all else.


Cultivate love and Prema towards all, that is the way to gain

nearness. I do not measure distance in terms of meters or miles. The

range of love decides distance for me.


I must tell you of the paramount importance of love. Love is God;

live in love. God is the embodiment of perfect love. He can be known

and realized, reached and won, only through love. You can see the

moon only with the help of moonlight; you can see God only through

the rays of love.


The Prema (love) is my distinctive mark, not the creation of

material objects or of health and happiness by sheer exercise of

will. You might consider what you call miracles as the most direct

sign of divinity, but the Prema that welcomes you all, that blesses

all, that makes me rush to the presence of the seekers, the

suffering, and the distressed in distant lands or wherever they are.

That is the real sign!


Love All – Serve All Baba


Wherever you may be, in whatever country, do not give room for

religious differences. Do not give up religion. Get rid of

differences based on religion. Adhere to your faith and your

traditions. When differences between religions are given up, love

will develop in you. When love grows, you can have a direct vision

of God. Without love, verbal prayers are of no avail. Realise that

the love that is present in everyone is common to all... It is the

unifier, the motivator and the bringer of joy to all. Therefore,

develop love. Divine Discourse, 25th Dec 1990


Love Is Selflessness – Baba


Prema (love) and Anuraga (affection) are one and the same. But

affection, when it is directed towards worldly objects, gets

tainted. Because of this pollution, joy and sorrow ensue. Man

becomes a prey to desires and disappointments. However when Love is

directed towards God, it becomes pure, selfless, enduring and

divine. Divine Discourse, 24th Nov 1990


Love and Sacrifice (Prema and Thyaga) are the two most important

ideals in life. Love all, even those who hate you. That is the index

of your devotion. Summer Showers, 1997.P.62


Do not restrict your service within certain limits. Be alert to the

call everywhere, at all times; be ready with a smile, a kind word, a

useful suggestion, some knowledgeable care, a pleasant reply.Look

for chances to relieve, rescue or resuscitate.Train yourselves so

that you may render help quickly and well. Service is the most

rewarding form of spiritual discipline, the most satisfying and the

most pleasurable. It springs out of love, and it scatters love in

profusion. Plant a seed on stone with love, and the seed will

discover love inside the stone and draw sustenance therefrom.-

Divine Discourse, 18th May 1969


Where there is Love, there is Peace – Baba


You may have immense knowledge, wealth and valour, but you are bound

to suffer if you become a slave to anger, desire and greed. Do not

take pride in your wealth, physical strength and education. Develop

the strength of love. Love can transform even a foe to a friend.

Only through love can your life be redeemed. Summer Showers, March 20


Love is God. God is Love. Live in Love. - Baba


There are many evil qualities. It is not possible to prevent all of

them from entering you. You should discriminate and ensure that only

good qualities enter you. They should become ingrained in you and

become an example to others around you. First and foremost,

inculcate love... Our heart should be filled with pure love. If our

heart is full of sacred love, no evil tendencies will enter it. The

heart is like a single seat sofa and not a musical chair. There is

room in it for only one single tendency, so let that be love. When

there is no love in the human heart, the evil qualities get in.

Divine Discourse


The best way to serve God is to Love All – Serve All


Baba is every where just feel him and keep on saying `Om Sai

Ram' to whom so ever you meet


As Sri N.Kasturi said somewhere in his book, (author of "Satyam,

Sivam, Sundaram" books) "Each of us has to live the volume of

biography, which we bring with us, as often as we are born, page

after page, Chapter after chapter, howsoever punctuated with dots

and dashes, interrogations and exclamations, comas and colons, until

the sentence ends ultimately with a full stop"But luckily, we have,

as our Master and Guide, Counsul Bhagwan BABA himself, so let us try

to live unto his estimations.


OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI!!! Let us pray at the lotus of Bhagwan

Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to

show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him


Swamy Mahadevan

Bow to Shri Sai-Peace be to all

Baba Bless you ever!!!

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