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GOD never lets anyone down.... ...share with you few of our unforgetable moments.....

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,


I would like to share with you few of our unforgetable

moments that made us understand the very basic

truth... "GOD never lets anyone down in distress"


when I was too young, I went to nigeria ( west africa

) where my dad worked as a mathematics teacher ...

there my dad's friends were a bunch of indians and

srilankan's and of course few native people who worked

with dad ... the uncle ( srilankan colleague of my dad

) was very much devoted to swamy ( Sathya Sai Baba )

... he used to conduct bhajans at his house every

thursday ... we also used to go ... i was too little

to understand what was happening ... almost every time

we used to go ... soon my father got transfered to

another town and we had to be seperated ( they were

our neighbours ) .... now we were far apart ... i

think it would be atleast 5 to 8 hours drive ...


once on a holiday , we thought of going to thier house

and we boarded a taxi ( mini van ) -- it was nine

seater and we got the last seat ... infront of us the

natives were carrying fish and other things .. ( mom

told me later that it was fish ) ... they had kept the

fish behind us ... something was telling my mom that

we should not sit in this van and by the time she

could tell, the taxi started and she then wanted to be

seated in the middle seat ... ( thereby 3 natives in

front of us and 3 more in the back ) ..... i think

this was GOD's wish which he made my mom uncomfortable

in the last seat ... our taxi met with a horrible

accident and we three were the only survivors ..


my mom was a pregnant lady ... she fainted at the

very instance ... i also fainted in the same time ...

swami gave strength to my father and kept him awake

.... he somehow got out of the van ... identified me ..

took me out ( i was covered fully with other's blood )

.... then he saw mom and then he slowly dragged her out

of the van and then saw a car passing by stopped it

.... ( swami sent this car - some unknown foreigner saw

this and immediately stopped his vehicle to help ) ...

dad lifted mom into the car and they drove to the

nearest hospital and finally i was at one ward, mom

was at another ward .. there was two doctors checking

both of us .. they told dad that nothing to worry abt

me ... they had started giving drips to mom and were

very concerned that she is still unconcious ... seeing

this ... dad's BP(Blood Pressure) was going high and

he then fainted in the hospital ... Now ... dad also

became a patient in the hospital ! ...


Look at swami's concern .. he had given strength to

dad till he came to hospital and then only dad had to

faint .... we all three were back to normal and

discharged very soon and was heading back ...


I don't know if my mom and dad were at that time a

devotee of swami or not, soon after I got a brother,

both mom and brother were healthy and there was

nothing to worry ... dad only believed that it was

swami's grace as the delivery happened without any

complications inspite of the horrible accident few

weeks before.... i was too young to understand things

... i was always playful...


after 6 years, we had to come back to india ....

me and my brothers started going to school and every

afternoon my mom will bring lunch for us ... one day

doing so she forgot to lock the doors .. and she had

to hurry to school as our lunch time was getting over

.... on the way she prayed within herself that "i have

kept the house open and forgot to lock it ... i need

you to gaurd the house ... you are the only one who

can take care" ... soon after we finished lunch she

ran home and there she found everything safe and she

could feel VIBUTHI smell all in the house ... she did

npt understand what had happened -- she went to the

pooja room and checked if she had poured out any

vibuthi .... after some time the smell vanished...


swami was graceful in taking care of me, my brothers,

mom and dad so well these many years ... i completed

my B.E and then by swami's grace got a job ... i was

good till then .. but once i got job ... i started

disobeying my parent's words and swami gave me the

punishment i deserved .....


I studied in a hostel ... and before going to hostel

... mom and dad told me not to get along with bad

company and most importantly not fall prey to smoking

and drinking alocohol .... once i got a job slowly i

started consuming alcohol ... ( not much, but little

by little ) .... till date, by swami's grace - i have

not fallen prey to smoking ...


i had to work in hyderabad ( andhra pradesh state )

and now i earn money and there is no one to control my

expenses or ask me why i do things ... started

drinking .... for three years it went on ...


soon swami thought this guy needs a shift and - i got

another job in bangalore -- i came to bangalore and

soon ( within a month ) i fell ill and my kidneys

failed ...


I was admitted and i was in ICU ... mom and dad were

informed and they rushed here ( they were in chennai )

.... all they way both were praying to swami ( by this

time i came to know that mom and dad are swami's

devotees -- they believed in swami) ...


so mom was making so many prayers ... my condition did

no improve - i was unconcious for abt two days ..

doctors told dad that they are trying best and rest is

all in GOD's hand ... with a heavy heart mom went home

and in the night while she was sleeping she shaken and

got up in middle of her sleep with a shock / fear ...

she was fully sweating ... she stayed in her sister's

house ... when asked what happened .. this is what she

said :

" i saw Sai Baba standing in front if vijay and then

he bent on him and opened his mouth .. there was a

yellow light like energy that passed from Baba to

Vijay" -- the first thing aunty told was, swami has

told in a very confronting way to mom that "I am

taking care" ...

this was the first time mom saw swami in dream ... her

entire body sweated -- we don't know why -- might be

she not only could see swami but could feel the LORD


the very next day, my conditions started improving

quite fastly and then within 2 more days i was in

normal ward ... and lo ... i still continuing

medication for this ( my creatnine level is constantly

at 5 ) ... and hence i cannot eat anything that is

salty,spicy and no more alcohol no more

pepsi/coke/fanta/etc ... and no non-veg, ... all

vegetables should be leached .... i consider this as a

well deserved punishment of not following my dad's

words ... ( there is a good proverb in tamil -- "there

is no mantra that has greater power than DAD's Words"

-- everyone should follow it like RAMA did ! ) -- i

learnt this leason very late !!


soon after recovery ... i took mom, mom's younger

sister and her husband to putabarthy .. whenever i go

to putaparthy, i used to stay in the dormentry .. that

day i asked for a room ( I asked half-heartedly as i

know for sure we'd not get it ) ... but then he saw

mom for a moment and i don't know what he thought, he

gave us a room telling that we are getting it so

because we planned to stay only for a day ... as soon

as we entered the room the entire room was filled with

the pleasent smell of vibuthi ... mom realised this

was the very same smell she had in chennai when she

forgot to lock the house ( after a gap of nearly 10 to

15 fifteen years she felt the same smell ).... This is

when mom understood that Bhagawan had come to our

house to gaurd it and take care of us .... the smell

was so pleasent that it lasted for quite long....


when i was in hyderabad .. for the first two years i

was just living life the way i wished without having

any focus ... on the third year, i fell in love with a

colleague ... and then we decided to get married ...

soon after this swami made me go to bangalore and i

trust many times we both were tested wether our love

for each other was true enough and we were tested that

it should not be any sort of infactuation ...


after some time we decided to get married and then we

prayed to swami (LORD Venkatesha/Balaji)that our

marraige should happen the traditional way and it

should happen only with the acceptance of both our

parents ... at no point we wanted to hurt each others

parents ....


as soon as i opened up to mom after the putaparthy

visit, mom was in a shock, but then she accepted it

and told me that she will inform dad when time comes

.... till then i should hold on ....


she went to chennai ( I was in bangalore -- Meera was

in hyderabad ) ... dad then planned out to perform a

Mrythyunjana ohmam in house for me as someone told

that it is good to do it .. particulary when someone

is seriously ill ..we did it and the very next day mom

fell ill and i took her to hospital .. soon they

identified that gall bladder had to be removed --- but

they couldn't do it as her BP was going high and her

pancreatic enzymes were high ... after treating her

for a week they sent mom home and then told that we

had to operate mom within 15 days once she comes to

normal and she had huge food restrictions .... when

she was in a critical stage... dad's BP went high and

within 2 days he was admitted in another hospital for

high BP .. and they found a small blockage in the

artery ... they kept dad for a week to check if

angioplast had to be done or not ... luckily by

swami's grace ... the blokage started disolving by

itself and we did not do angioplast ...


mom in one hospital .. dad in one hospital and i am

also a patient ... brothers ( i have two younger

brothers ) are still in thier college days ... we had

great difficulties, IT IS SWAMI WHO GAVE US THE


thanks to friends and relatives who had come to help

us in everyway possible..swami only must have sent

them to take care of us ..

after all this, nearly 6 months passed out and now

only dad came to know about my affair ....


By swami's grace, we got married the traditional way

.... it is not so easy for love marraiges to be

accepted by parents in india ... I am a Tamilian

(Tamilnadu) and my wife is a Gijarathi (Gujarat) ...to

get such a diverse people to get married, it can be

done only by swami ..


In all my life ( day in and day out ) ... every single

instance.., if i sit and think, is in some way or the

other a "Planned ACT" of swami and i learn that

anything and everything that happens in this world is

because of swami's will and he takes care of each and

every person ...


We should have faith and patience on our Master and he

will take care of everything and swami will take us in

the righteous path ...


There were many more instances in my life that had so

man twists and turns and everywhere swami has graced

us in disguise ... i trust such turns and twists are

common in everybodies lives, ...inspite of all these

twists and turns, one's focus should always be with

GOD and heart should always be ever ready to serve his

lotus feet .... this is what my mom and dad taught me

.... they had good faith on swami and we felt swami is

always with us all the time guiding us ...


i could not tell all experiences ( then it would

become a biography ! -- i am not that great a person

to write one !!!)


i know this itself is a huge mail ... i have not

written such lenghty mails and i apologize if this has

disturbed you and would thank you for your patience if

you have been able to read it till this end ...


Jai Sri Rai Ram.
















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he used to conduct bhajans at his house everythursday ... we also used to go ...

i was too littleto understand what was happening ... almost every timewe used to

go ... soon my father got transfered toanother town and we had to be seperated (

they wereour neighbours ) .... now we were far apart ... ithink it would be

atleast 5 to 8 hours drive ...once on a holiday , we thought of going to thier

houseand we boarded a taxi ( mini van ) -- it was nineseater and we got the

last seat ... infront of us thenatives were carrying fish and other things .. (

momtold me later that it was fish ) ... they had kept thefish behind us ...

something was telling my mom thatwe should not sit in this van and by the time

shecould tell, the taxi started and she then wanted to beseated in the middle

seat ... ( thereby 3 natives infront of us and 3 more in the back ) ..... i

thinkthis was GOD's wish which he made my mom

uncomfortablein the last seat ... our taxi met with a horribleaccident and we

three were the only survivors .. my mom was a pregnant lady ... she fainted

at thevery instance ... i also fainted in the same time ...swami gave strength

to my father and kept him awake... he somehow got out of the van ... identified

me ..took me out ( i was covered fully with other's blood )... then he saw mom

and then he slowly dragged her outof the van and then saw a car passing by

stopped it... ( swami sent this car - some unknown foreigner sawthis and

immediately stopped his vehicle to help ) ...dad lifted mom into the car and

they drove to thenearest hospital and finally i was at one ward, momwas at

another ward .. there was two doctors checkingboth of us .. they told dad that

nothing to worry abtme ... they had started giving drips to mom and werevery

concerned that she is still unconcious ... seeingthis ...

dad's BP(Blood Pressure) was going high andhe then fainted in the hospital ...

Now ... dad alsobecame a patient in the hospital ! ... Look at swami's concern

... he had given strength todad till he came to hospital and then only dad had

tofaint .... we all three were back to normal anddischarged very soon and was

heading back ... I don't know if my mom and dad were at that time adevotee of

swami or not, soon after I got a brother,both mom and brother were healthy and

there was nothing to worry ... dad only believed that it wasswami's grace as

the delivery happened without anycomplications inspite of the horrible accident

fewweeks before.... i was too young to understand things.. i was always

playful...after 6 years, we had to come back to india ....me and my brothers

started going to school and everyafternoon my mom will bring lunch for us ...

one daydoing so she forgot to lock the doors .. and she

hadto hurry to school as our lunch time was getting over... on the way she

prayed within herself that "i havekept the house open and forgot to lock it ...

i needyou to gaurd the house ... you are the only one whocan take care" ... soon

after we finished lunch sheran home and there she found everything safe and

shecould feel VIBUTHI smell all in the house ... she didnpt understand what had

happened -- she went to thepooja room and checked if she had poured out

anyvibuthi .... after some time the smell vanished...swami was graceful in

taking care of me, my brothers,mom and dad so well these many years ... i

completedmy B.E and then by swami's grace got a job ... i wasgood till then ..

but once i got job ... i starteddisobeying my parent's words and swami gave me

thepunishment i deserved .....I studied in a hostel ... and before going to

hostel.. mom and dad told me not to get along with badcompany and

most importantly not fall prey to smokingand drinking alocohol .... once i got a

job slowly istarted consuming alcohol ... ( not much, but littleby little ) ....

till date, by swami's grace - i havenot fallen prey to smoking ...i had to work

in hyderabad ( andhra pradesh state )and now i earn money and there is no one

to control myexpenses or ask me why i do things ... starteddrinking .... for

three years it went on ...soon swami thought this guy needs a shift and - i

gotanother job in bangalore -- i came to bangalore andsoon ( within a month ) i

fell ill and my kidneysfailed ... I was admitted and i was in ICU ... mom and

dad wereinformed and they rushed here ( they were in chennai )... all they way

both were praying to swami ( by thistime i came to know that mom and dad are

swami'sdevotees -- they believed in swami) ...so mom was making so many prayers

.... my condition didno improve - i was

unconcious for abt two days ..doctors told dad that they are trying best and

rest isall in GOD's hand ... with a heavy heart mom went homeand in the night

while she was sleeping she shaken andgot up in middle of her sleep with a shock

/ fear ...she was fully sweating ... she stayed in her sister'shouse ... when

asked what happened .. this is what shesaid :" i saw Sai Baba standing in front

if vijay and thenhe bent on him and opened his mouth .. there was ayellow light

like energy that passed from Baba toVijay" -- the first thing aunty told was,

swami hastold in a very confronting way to mom that "I amtaking care" ... this

was the first time mom saw swami in dream ... herentire body sweated -- we

don't know why -- might beshe not only could see swami but could feel the

LORD...the very next day, my conditions started improvingquite fastly and then

within 2 more days i was innormal ward ... and lo ... i

still continuingmedication for this ( my creatnine level is constantlyat 5 ) ...

and hence i cannot eat anything that issalty,spicy and no more alcohol no

morepepsi/coke/fanta/etc ... and no non-veg, ... allvegetables should be

leached .... i consider this as awell deserved punishment of not following my

dad'swords ... ( there is a good proverb in tamil -- "thereis no mantra that

has greater power than DAD's Words"-- everyone should follow it like RAMA did !

) -- ilearnt this leason very late !!soon after recovery ... i took mom, mom's

youngersister and her husband to putabarthy .. whenever i goto putaparthy, i

used to stay in the dormentry .. thatday i asked for a room ( I asked

half-heartedly as iknow for sure we'd not get it ) ... but then he sawmom for a

moment and i don't know what he thought, hegave us a room telling that we are

getting it sobecause we planned to stay only for a day ... as soonas

we entered the room the entire room was filled withthe pleasent smell of vibuthi

.... mom realised thiswas the very same smell she had in chennai when sheforgot

to lock the house ( after a gap of nearly 10 to15 fifteen years she felt the

same smell ).... This iswhen mom understood that Bhagawan had come to ourhouse

to gaurd it and take care of us .... the smellwas so pleasent that it lasted

for quite long....when i was in hyderabad .. for the first two years iwas just

living life the way i wished without havingany focus ... on the third year, i

fell in love with acolleague ... and then we decided to get married ...soon

after this swami made me go to bangalore and itrust many times we both were

tested wether our lovefor each other was true enough and we were tested thatit

should not be any sort of infactuation ... after some time we decided to get

married and then weprayed to swami (LORD Venkatesha/Balaji)that

ourmarraige should happen the traditional way and itshould happen only with the

acceptance of both ourparents ... at no point we wanted to hurt each

othersparents .... as soon as i opened up to mom after the putaparthyvisit, mom

was in a shock, but then she accepted itand told me that she will inform dad

when time comes... till then i should hold on ....she went to chennai ( I was

in bangalore -- Meera wasin hyderabad ) ... dad then planned out to perform

aMrythyunjana ohmam in house for me as someone toldthat it is good to do it ..

particulary when someoneis seriously ill ..we did it and the very next day

momfell ill and i took her to hospital .. soon theyidentified that gall bladder

had to be removed --- butthey couldn't do it as her BP was going high and

herpancreatic enzymes were high ... after treating herfor a week they sent mom

home and then told that wehad to operate mom within 15 days once

she comes tonormal and she had huge food restrictions .... whenshe was in a

critical stage... dad's BP went high andwithin 2 days he was admitted in

another hospital forhigh BP .. and they found a small blockage in theartery ...

they kept dad for a week to check ifangioplast had to be done or not ... luckily

byswami's grace ... the blokage started disolving byitself and we did not do

angioplast ...mom in one hospital .. dad in one hospital and i amalso a patient

.... brothers ( i have two youngerbrothers ) are still in thier college days ...


WITHSTAND ALL SUCH PROBLEMS,thanks to friends and relatives who had come to

helpus in everyway possible..swami only must have sentthem to take care of us

... after all this, nearly 6 months passed out and nowonly dad came to know

about my affair ....By swami's grace, we got married

the traditional way... it is not so easy for love marraiges to beaccepted by

parents in india ... I am a Tamilian(Tamilnadu) and my wife is a Gijarathi

(Gujarat) ...toget such a diverse people to get married, it can bedone only by

swami .. In all my life ( day in and day out ) ... every singleinstance.., if i

sit and think, is in some way or theother a "Planned ACT" of swami and i learn

thatanything and everything that happens in this world isbecause of swami's

will and he takes care of each andevery person ... We should have faith and

patience on our Master and hewill take care of everything and swami will take

us inthe righteous path ...There were many more instances in my life that had

soman twists and turns and everywhere swami has gracedus in disguise ... i

trust such turns and twists arecommon in everybodies lives, ...inspite of all

thesetwists and turns, one's focus should always be

withGOD and heart should always be ever ready to serve hislotus feet .... this

is what my mom and dad taught me... they had good faith on swami and we felt

swami isalways with us all the time guiding us ...i could not tell all

experiences ( then it wouldbecome a biography ! -- i am not that great a

personto write one !!!) i know this itself is a huge mail ... i have notwritten

such lenghty mails and i apologize if this hasdisturbed you and would thank you

for your patience ifyou have been able to read it till this end ... Jai Sri Rai

Ram.Smiles,Vijayan.GDo You



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everythursday ... we also used to go ... i was too littleto understand what was

happening ... almost every timewe used to go ... soon my father got transfered

toanother town and we had to be seperated ( they wereour neighbours ) .... now

we were far apart ... ithink it would be atleast 5 to 8 hours drive ...once on

a holiday , we thought of going to thier houseand we boarded a taxi ( mini van

) -- it was nineseater and we got the last seat ... infront of us thenatives

were carrying fish and other things .. ( momtold me later that it was fish )

.... they had kept thefish behind us ... something was telling my mom thatwe

should not sit in this van and by the time shecould tell, the taxi started and

she then wanted to beseated in the middle seat ... ( thereby 3 natives infront

of us and 3 more in the back ) ..... i thinkthis was GOD's wish which he made

my mom uncomfortablein the last seat ... our taxi met

with a horribleaccident and we three were the only survivors .. my mom was a

pregnant lady ... she fainted at thevery instance ... i also fainted in the

same time ...swami gave strength to my father and kept him awake... he somehow

got out of the van ... identified me ..took me out ( i was covered fully with

other's blood )... then he saw mom and then he slowly dragged her outof the van

and then saw a car passing by stopped it... ( swami sent this car - some unknown

foreigner sawthis and immediately stopped his vehicle to help ) ...dad lifted

mom into the car and they drove to thenearest hospital and finally i was at one

ward, momwas at another ward .. there was two doctors checkingboth of us .. they

told dad that nothing to worry abtme ... they had started giving drips to mom

and werevery concerned that she is still unconcious ... seeingthis ... dad's

BP(Blood Pressure) was going high andhe then

fainted in the hospital ... Now ... dad alsobecame a patient in the hospital !

.... Look at swami's concern .. he had given strength todad till he came to

hospital and then only dad had tofaint .... we all three were back to normal

anddischarged very soon and was heading back ... I don't know if my mom and dad

were at that time adevotee of swami or not, soon after I got a brother,both mom

and brother were healthy and there was nothing to worry ... dad only believed

that it wasswami's grace as the delivery happened without anycomplications

inspite of the horrible accident fewweeks before.... i was too young to

understand things.. i was always playful...after 6 years, we had to come back

to india ....me and my brothers started going to school and everyafternoon my

mom will bring lunch for us ... one daydoing so she forgot to lock the doors ..

and she hadto hurry to school as our lunch time was getting

over... on the way she prayed within herself that "i havekept the house open and

forgot to lock it ... i needyou to gaurd the house ... you are the only one

whocan take care" ... soon after we finished lunch sheran home and there she

found everything safe and shecould feel VIBUTHI smell all in the house ... she

didnpt understand what had happened -- she went to thepooja room and checked if

she had poured out anyvibuthi .... after some time the smell vanished...swami

was graceful in taking care of me, my brothers,mom and dad so well these many

years ... i completedmy B.E and then by swami's grace got a job ... i wasgood

till then .. but once i got job ... i starteddisobeying my parent's words and

swami gave me thepunishment i deserved .....I studied in a hostel ... and

before going to hostel.. mom and dad told me not to get along with badcompany

and most importantly not fall prey to smokingand

drinking alocohol .... once i got a job slowly istarted consuming alcohol ... (

not much, but littleby little ) .... till date, by swami's grace - i havenot

fallen prey to smoking ...i had to work in hyderabad ( andhra pradesh state

)and now i earn money and there is no one to control myexpenses or ask me why i

do things ... starteddrinking .... for three years it went on ...soon swami

thought this guy needs a shift and - i gotanother job in bangalore -- i came to

bangalore andsoon ( within a month ) i fell ill and my kidneysfailed ... I was

admitted and i was in ICU ... mom and dad wereinformed and they rushed here (

they were in chennai )... all they way both were praying to swami ( by thistime

i came to know that mom and dad are swami'sdevotees -- they believed in swami)

....so mom was making so many prayers ... my condition didno improve - i was

unconcious for abt two days ..doctors told

dad that they are trying best and rest isall in GOD's hand ... with a heavy

heart mom went homeand in the night while she was sleeping she shaken andgot up

in middle of her sleep with a shock / fear ...she was fully sweating ... she

stayed in her sister'shouse ... when asked what happened .. this is what

shesaid :" i saw Sai Baba standing in front if vijay and thenhe bent on him and

opened his mouth .. there was ayellow light like energy that passed from Baba

toVijay" -- the first thing aunty told was, swami hastold in a very confronting

way to mom that "I amtaking care" ... this was the first time mom saw swami in

dream ... herentire body sweated -- we don't know why -- might beshe not only

could see swami but could feel the LORD...the very next day, my conditions

started improvingquite fastly and then within 2 more days i was innormal ward

.... and lo ... i still continuingmedication for this ( my

creatnine level is constantlyat 5 ) ... and hence i cannot eat anything that

issalty,spicy and no more alcohol no morepepsi/coke/fanta/etc ... and no

non-veg, ... allvegetables should be leached .... i consider this as awell

deserved punishment of not following my dad'swords ... ( there is a good

proverb in tamil -- "thereis no mantra that has greater power than DAD's

Words"-- everyone should follow it like RAMA did ! ) -- ilearnt this leason

very late !!soon after recovery ... i took mom, mom's youngersister and her

husband to putabarthy .. whenever i goto putaparthy, i used to stay in the

dormentry .. thatday i asked for a room ( I asked half-heartedly as iknow for

sure we'd not get it ) ... but then he sawmom for a moment and i don't know

what he thought, hegave us a room telling that we are getting it sobecause we

planned to stay only for a day ... as soonas we entered the room the entire

room was filled

withthe pleasent smell of vibuthi ... mom realised thiswas the very same smell

she had in chennai when sheforgot to lock the house ( after a gap of nearly 10

to15 fifteen years she felt the same smell ).... This iswhen mom understood

that Bhagawan had come to ourhouse to gaurd it and take care of us .... the

smellwas so pleasent that it lasted for quite long....when i was in hyderabad

... for the first two years iwas just living life the way i wished without

havingany focus ... on the third year, i fell in love with acolleague ... and

then we decided to get married ...soon after this swami made me go to bangalore

and itrust many times we both were tested wether our lovefor each other was true

enough and we were tested thatit should not be any sort of infactuation ...

after some time we decided to get married and then weprayed to swami (LORD

Venkatesha/Balaji)that ourmarraige should happen the traditional

way and itshould happen only with the acceptance of both ourparents ... at no

point we wanted to hurt each othersparents .... as soon as i opened up to mom

after the putaparthyvisit, mom was in a shock, but then she accepted itand told

me that she will inform dad when time comes... till then i should hold on

.....she went to chennai ( I was in bangalore -- Meera wasin hyderabad ) ... dad

then planned out to perform aMrythyunjana ohmam in house for me as someone

toldthat it is good to do it .. particulary when someoneis seriously ill ..we

did it and the very next day momfell ill and i took her to hospital .. soon

theyidentified that gall bladder had to be removed --- butthey couldn't do it

as her BP was going high and herpancreatic enzymes were high ... after treating

herfor a week they sent mom home and then told that wehad to operate mom within

15 days once she comes tonormal and she had huge food

restrictions .... whenshe was in a critical stage... dad's BP went high

andwithin 2 days he was admitted in another hospital forhigh BP .. and they

found a small blockage in theartery ... they kept dad for a week to check

ifangioplast had to be done or not ... luckily byswami's grace ... the blokage

started disolving byitself and we did not do angioplast ...mom in one hospital

... dad in one hospital and i amalso a patient ... brothers ( i have two

youngerbrothers ) are still in thier college days ... we hadgreat difficulties,


PROBLEMS,thanks to friends and relatives who had come to helpus in everyway

possible..swami only must have sentthem to take care of us .. after all this,

nearly 6 months passed out and nowonly dad came to know about my affair ....By

swami's grace, we got married the traditional way... it is not so easy

for love marraiges to beaccepted by parents in india ... I am a

Tamilian(Tamilnadu) and my wife is a Gijarathi (Gujarat) ...toget such a

diverse people to get married, it can bedone only by swami .. In all my life (

day in and day out ) ... every singleinstance.., if i sit and think, is in some

way or theother a "Planned ACT" of swami and i learn thatanything and everything

that happens in this world isbecause of swami's will and he takes care of each

andevery person ... We should have faith and patience on our Master and hewill

take care of everything and swami will take us inthe righteous path ...There

were many more instances in my life that had soman twists and turns and

everywhere swami has gracedus in disguise ... i trust such turns and twists

arecommon in everybodies lives, ...inspite of all thesetwists and turns, one's

focus should always be withGOD and heart should always be ever ready

to serve hislotus feet .... this is what my mom and dad taught me... they had

good faith on swami and we felt swami isalways with us all the time guiding us

....i could not tell all experiences ( then it wouldbecome a biography ! -- i am

not that great a personto write one !!!) i know this itself is a huge mail ... i

have notwritten such lenghty mails and i apologize if this hasdisturbed you and

would thank you for your patience ifyou have been able to read it till this end

.... Jai Sri Rai

Ram.Smiles,Vijayan.GDo You



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lets anyone down in distress"when I was too young, I went to nigeria ( west

africa) where my dad worked as a mathematics teacher ...there my dad's friends

were a bunch of indians andsrilankan's and of course few native people who

workedwith dad ... the uncle ( srilankan colleague of my dad) was very much

devoted to swamy ( Sathya Sai Baba ).. he used to conduct bhajans at his house

everythursday ... we also used to go ... i was too littleto understand what was

happening ... almost every timewe used to go ... soon my father got transfered

toanother town and we had to be seperated ( they wereour neighbours ) .... now

we were far apart ... ithink it would be atleast 5 to 8 hours drive ...once on

a holiday , we thought of going to thier houseand we boarded a taxi ( mini van

) -- it was nineseater and we got the last seat ... infront of us thenatives

were carrying fish and other things .. ( momtold me later

that it was fish ) ... they had kept thefish behind us ... something was telling

my mom thatwe should not sit in this van and by the time shecould tell, the taxi

started and she then wanted to beseated in the middle seat ... ( thereby 3

natives infront of us and 3 more in the back ) ..... i thinkthis was GOD's

wish which he made my mom uncomfortablein the last seat ... our taxi met with a

horribleaccident and we three were the only survivors .. my mom was a pregnant

lady ... she fainted at thevery instance ... i also fainted in the same time

....swami gave strength to my father and kept him awake... he somehow got out of

the van ... identified me ..took me out ( i was covered fully with other's blood

)... then he saw mom and then he slowly dragged her outof the van and then saw a

car passing by stopped it... ( swami sent this car - some unknown foreigner

sawthis and immediately stopped his

vehicle to help ) ...dad lifted mom into the car and they drove to thenearest

hospital and finally i was at one ward, momwas at another ward .. there was two

doctors checkingboth of us .. they told dad that nothing to worry abtme ... they

had started giving drips to mom and werevery concerned that she is still

unconcious ... seeingthis ... dad's BP(Blood Pressure) was going high andhe

then fainted in the hospital ... Now ... dad alsobecame a patient in the

hospital ! ... Look at swami's concern .. he had given strength todad till he

came to hospital and then only dad had tofaint .... we all three were back to

normal anddischarged very soon and was heading back ... I don't know if my mom

and dad were at that time adevotee of swami or not, soon after I got a

brother,both mom and brother were healthy and there was nothing to worry ...

dad only believed that it wasswami's grace as the delivery happened

without anycomplications inspite of the horrible accident fewweeks before.... i

was too young to understand things.. i was always playful...after 6 years, we

had to come back to india ....me and my brothers started going to school and

everyafternoon my mom will bring lunch for us ... one daydoing so she forgot to

lock the doors .. and she hadto hurry to school as our lunch time was getting

over... on the way she prayed within herself that "i havekept the house open

and forgot to lock it ... i needyou to gaurd the house ... you are the only one

whocan take care" ... soon after we finished lunch sheran home and there she

found everything safe and shecould feel VIBUTHI smell all in the house ... she

didnpt understand what had happened -- she went to thepooja room and checked if

she had poured out anyvibuthi .... after some time the smell vanished...swami

was graceful in taking care of me, my

brothers,mom and dad so well these many years ... i completedmy B.E and then by

swami's grace got a job ... i wasgood till then .. but once i got job ... i

starteddisobeying my parent's words and swami gave me thepunishment i deserved

......I studied in a hostel ... and before going to hostel.. mom and dad told me

not to get along with badcompany and most importantly not fall prey to

smokingand drinking alocohol .... once i got a job slowly istarted consuming

alcohol ... ( not much, but littleby little ) .... till date, by swami's grace

- i havenot fallen prey to smoking ...i had to work in hyderabad ( andhra

pradesh state )and now i earn money and there is no one to control myexpenses

or ask me why i do things ... starteddrinking .... for three years it went on

....soon swami thought this guy needs a shift and - i gotanother job in

bangalore -- i came to bangalore andsoon ( within a month ) i fell

ill and my kidneysfailed ... I was admitted and i was in ICU ... mom and dad

wereinformed and they rushed here ( they were in chennai )... all they way both

were praying to swami ( by thistime i came to know that mom and dad are

swami'sdevotees -- they believed in swami) ...so mom was making so many prayers

.... my condition didno improve - i was unconcious for abt two days ..doctors

told dad that they are trying best and rest isall in GOD's hand ... with a

heavy heart mom went homeand in the night while she was sleeping she shaken

andgot up in middle of her sleep with a shock / fear ...she was fully sweating

.... she stayed in her sister'shouse ... when asked what happened .. this is

what shesaid :" i saw Sai Baba standing in front if vijay and thenhe bent on

him and opened his mouth .. there was ayellow light like energy that passed

from Baba toVijay" -- the first thing aunty told was, swami

hastold in a very confronting way to mom that "I amtaking care" ... this was the

first time mom saw swami in dream ... herentire body sweated -- we don't know

why -- might beshe not only could see swami but could feel the LORD...the very

next day, my conditions started improvingquite fastly and then within 2 more

days i was innormal ward ... and lo ... i still continuingmedication for this (

my creatnine level is constantlyat 5 ) ... and hence i cannot eat anything that

issalty,spicy and no more alcohol no morepepsi/coke/fanta/etc ... and no

non-veg, ... allvegetables should be leached .... i consider this as awell

deserved punishment of not following my dad'swords ... ( there is a good

proverb in tamil -- "thereis no mantra that has greater power than DAD's

Words"-- everyone should follow it like RAMA did ! ) -- ilearnt this leason

very late !!soon after recovery ... i took mom, mom's

youngersister and her husband to putabarthy .. whenever i goto putaparthy, i

used to stay in the dormentry .. thatday i asked for a room ( I asked

half-heartedly as iknow for sure we'd not get it ) ... but then he sawmom for a

moment and i don't know what he thought, hegave us a room telling that we are

getting it sobecause we planned to stay only for a day ... as soonas we entered

the room the entire room was filled withthe pleasent smell of vibuthi ... mom

realised thiswas the very same smell she had in chennai when sheforgot to lock

the house ( after a gap of nearly 10 to15 fifteen years she felt the same smell

).... This iswhen mom understood that Bhagawan had come to ourhouse to gaurd it

and take care of us .... the smellwas so pleasent that it lasted for quite

long....when i was in hyderabad .. for the first two years iwas just living

life the way i wished without havingany focus ... on the third year,

i fell in love with acolleague ... and then we decided to get married ...soon

after this swami made me go to bangalore and itrust many times we both were

tested wether our lovefor each other was true enough and we were tested thatit

should not be any sort of infactuation ... after some time we decided to get

married and then weprayed to swami (LORD Venkatesha/Balaji)that ourmarraige

should happen the traditional way and itshould happen only with the acceptance

of both ourparents ... at no point we wanted to hurt each othersparents .... as

soon as i opened up to mom after the putaparthyvisit, mom was in a shock, but

then she accepted itand told me that she will inform dad when time comes...

till then i should hold on ....she went to chennai ( I was in bangalore --

Meera wasin hyderabad ) ... dad then planned out to perform aMrythyunjana ohmam

in house for me as someone toldthat it is good to do it

... particulary when someoneis seriously ill ..we did it and the very next day

momfell ill and i took her to hospital .. soon theyidentified that gall bladder

had to be removed --- butthey couldn't do it as her BP was going high and

herpancreatic enzymes were high ... after treating herfor a week they sent mom

home and then told that wehad to operate mom within 15 days once she comes

tonormal and she had huge food restrictions .... whenshe was in a critical

stage... dad's BP went high andwithin 2 days he was admitted in another

hospital forhigh BP .. and they found a small blockage in theartery ... they

kept dad for a week to check ifangioplast had to be done or not ... luckily

byswami's grace ... the blokage started disolving byitself and we did not do

angioplast ...mom in one hospital .. dad in one hospital and i amalso a patient

.... brothers ( i have two youngerbrothers ) are still in thier college days


WITHSTAND ALL SUCH PROBLEMS,thanks to friends and relatives who had come to

helpus in everyway possible..swami only must have sentthem to take care of us

... after all this, nearly 6 months passed out and nowonly dad came to know

about my affair ....By swami's grace, we got married the traditional way... it

is not so easy for love marraiges to beaccepted by parents in india ... I am a

Tamilian(Tamilnadu) and my wife is a Gijarathi (Gujarat) ...toget such a

diverse people to get married, it can bedone only by swami .. In all my life (

day in and day out ) ... every singleinstance.., if i sit and think, is in some

way or theother a "Planned ACT" of swami and i learn thatanything and everything

that happens in this world isbecause of swami's will and he takes care of each

andevery person ... We should have

faith and patience on our Master and hewill take care of everything and swami

will take us inthe righteous path ...There were many more instances in my life

that had soman twists and turns and everywhere swami has gracedus in disguise

.... i trust such turns and twists arecommon in everybodies lives, ...inspite of

all thesetwists and turns, one's focus should always be withGOD and heart should

always be ever ready to serve hislotus feet .... this is what my mom and dad

taught me... they had good faith on swami and we felt swami isalways with us

all the time guiding us ...i could not tell all experiences ( then it

wouldbecome a biography ! -- i am not that great a personto write one !!!) i

know this itself is a huge mail ... i have notwritten such lenghty mails and i

apologize if this hasdisturbed you and would thank you for your patience ifyou

have been able to read it till this end ... Jai

Sri Rai Ram.Smiles,Vijayan.GDo

You ?

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Dearest Tan, your story is quite beautiful and very extraordinary. Thank you so

much for sharing with us all. It is always good to remember that Baba is there

always for all of us, and loving us no matter what we do. That assurance is

what personally keeps me going in this time of extreme stress with in my own

personal life and the life of all of us on this glorious earth.Om sai Ram, and

thank you so much for sharing Ayla Strongwind


Tan Jonathan


Thursday, March 09, 2006 1:51 AM

Re: [sBOI-post] GOD never lets anyone down.... "...share with you few

of our unforgetable moments.....

Sai Ram Bro Vijayan,


Reading your experience is in fact uplifting than disturbing...

You and your family have shown immense faith in Swami..


Sai Ramjon


vijayan gangadharan <vijayan_g_2000 > wrote:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,I would like to share with you few of our

unforgetablemoments that made us understand the very basictruth... "GOD never

lets anyone down in distress"when I was too young, I went to nigeria ( west

africa) where my dad worked as a mathematics teacher ...there my dad's friends

were a bunch of indians andsrilankan's and of course few native people who

workedwith dad ... the uncle ( srilankan colleague of my dad) was very much

devoted to swamy ( Sathya Sai Baba ).. he used to conduct bhajans at his house

everythursday ... we also used to go ... i was too littleto understand what was

happening ... almost every timewe used to go ... soon my father got transfered

toanother town and we had to be seperated ( they wereour neighbours ) .... now

we were far apart ... ithink it would be atleast 5 to 8 hours drive ...once on

a holiday , we thought of going to thier houseand we boarded a taxi ( mini van

) -- it was nineseater and we got the last seat ... infront of us thenatives

were carrying fish and other things .. ( momtold me later that it was fish )

.... they had kept thefish behind us ... something was telling my mom thatwe

should not sit in this van and by the time shecould tell, the taxi started and

she then wanted to beseated in the middle seat ... ( thereby 3 natives infront

of us and 3 more in the back ) ..... i thinkthis was GOD's wish which he made

my mom uncomfortablein the last seat ... our taxi met with a horribleaccident

and we three were the only survivors .. my mom was a pregnant lady ... she

fainted at thevery instance ... i also fainted in the same time ...swami gave

strength to my father and kept him awake... he somehow got out of the van ...

identified me ..took me out ( i was covered fully with other's blood )... then

he saw mom and then he slowly dragged her outof the van and then saw a car

passing by stopped it... ( swami sent this car - some unknown foreigner sawthis

and immediately stopped his vehicle to help ) ...dad lifted mom into the car and

they drove to thenearest hospital and finally i was at one ward, momwas at

another ward .. there was two doctors checkingboth of us .. they told dad that

nothing to worry abtme ... they had started giving drips to mom and werevery

concerned that she is still unconcious ... seeingthis ... dad's BP(Blood

Pressure) was going high andhe then fainted in the hospital ... Now ... dad

alsobecame a patient in the hospital ! ... Look at swami's concern .. he had

given strength todad till he came to hospital and then only dad had tofaint

..... we all three were back to normal anddischarged very soon and was heading

back ... I don't know if my mom and dad were at that time adevotee of swami or

not, soon after I got a brother,both mom and brother were healthy and there was

nothing to worry ... dad only believed that it wasswami's grace as the delivery

happened without anycomplications inspite of the horrible accident fewweeks

before.... i was too young to understand things.. i was always playful...after

6 years, we had to come back to india ....me and my brothers started going to

school and everyafternoon my mom will bring lunch for us ... one daydoing so

she forgot to lock the doors .. an d she hadto hurry to school as our lunch

time was getting over... on the way she prayed within herself that "i havekept

the house open and forgot to lock it ... i needyou to gaurd the house ... you

are the only one whocan take care" ... soon after we finished lunch sheran home

and there she found everything safe and shecould feel VIBUTHI smell all in the

house ... she didnpt understand what had happened -- she went to thepooja room

and checked if she had poured out anyvibuthi .... after some time the smell

vanished...swami was graceful in taking care of me, my brothers,mom and dad so

well these many years ... i completedmy B.E and then by swami's grace got a job

.... i wasgood till then .. but once i got job ... i starteddisobeying my

parent's words and swami gave me thepunishment i deserved .....I studied in a

hostel ... and before going to hostel.. mom and dad told me not to get along

with badcomp any and most importantly not fall prey to smokingand drinking

alocohol .... once i got a job slowly istarted consuming alcohol ... ( not

much, but littleby little ) .... till date, by swami's grace - i havenot fallen

prey to smoking ...i had to work in hyderabad ( andhra pradesh state )and now i

earn money and there is no one to control myexpenses or ask me why i do things

.... starteddrinking .... for three years it went on ...soon swami thought this

guy needs a shift and - i gotanother job in bangalore -- i came to bangalore

andsoon ( within a month ) i fell ill and my kidneysfailed ... I was admitted

and i was in ICU ... mom and dad wereinformed and they rushed here ( they were

in chennai )... all they way both were praying to swami ( by thistime i came to

know that mom and dad are swami'sdevotees -- they believed in swami) ...so mom

was making so many prayers ... my condition didno improve - i was unconcious

for abt two days ..doctors told dad that they are trying best and rest isall in

GOD's hand ... with a heavy heart mom went homeand in the night while she was

sleeping she shaken andgot up in middle of her sleep with a shock / fear ...she

was fully sweating ... she stayed in her sister'shouse ... when asked what

happened .. this is what shesaid :" i saw Sai Baba standing in front if vijay

and thenhe bent on him and opened his mouth .. there was ayellow light like

energy that passed from Baba toVijay" -- the first thing aunty told was, swami

hastold in a very confronting way to mom that "I amtaking care" ... this was

the first time mom saw swami in dream ... herentire body sweated -- we don't

know why -- might beshe not only could see swami but could feel the LORD...the

very next day, my conditions started improvingquite fastly and then within 2

more days i was innormal ward ... and lo . .. i still continuingmedication for

this ( my creatnine level is constantlyat 5 ) ... and hence i cannot eat

anything that issalty,spicy and no more alcohol no morepepsi/coke/fanta/etc ...

and no non-veg, ... allvegetables should be leached .... i consider this as

awell deserved punishment of not following my dad'swords ... ( there is a good

proverb in tamil -- "thereis no mantra that has greater power than DAD's

Words"-- everyone should follow it like RAMA did ! ) -- ilearnt this leason

very late !!soon after recovery ... i took mom, mom's youngersister and her

husband to putabarthy .. whenever i goto putaparthy, i used to stay in the

dormentry .. thatday i asked for a room ( I asked half-heartedly as iknow for

sure we'd not get it ) ... but then he sawmom for a moment and i don't know

what he thought, hegave us a room telling that we are getting it sobecause we

planned to stay only for a day ... as soon as we entered the room the entire

room was filled withthe pleasent smell of vibuthi ... mom realised thiswas the

very same smell she had in chennai when sheforgot to lock the house ( after a

gap of nearly 10 to15 fifteen years she felt the same smell ).... This iswhen

mom understood that Bhagawan had come to ourhouse to gaurd it and take care of

us .... the smellwas so pleasent that it lasted for quite long....when i was in

hyderabad .. for the first two years iwas just living life the way i wished

without havingany focus ... on the third year, i fell in love with acolleague

.... and then we decided to get married ...soon after this swami made me go to

bangalore and itrust many times we both were tested wether our lovefor each

other was true enough and we were tested thatit should not be any sort of

infactuation ... after some time we decided to get married and then weprayed to

swami (LORD Venkatesha/Bal aji)that ourmarraige should happen the traditional

way and itshould happen only with the acceptance of both ourparents ... at no

point we wanted to hurt each othersparents .... as soon as i opened up to mom

after the putaparthyvisit, mom was in a shock, but then she accepted itand told

me that she will inform dad when time comes... till then i should hold on

.....she went to chennai ( I was in bangalore -- Meera wasin hyderabad ) ... dad

then planned out to perform aMrythyunjana ohmam in house for me as someone

toldthat it is good to do it .. particulary when someoneis seriously ill ..we

did it and the very next day momfell ill and i took her to hospital .. soon

theyidentified that gall bladder had to be removed --- butthey couldn't do it

as her BP was going high and herpancreatic enzymes were high ... after treating

herfor a week they sent mom home and then told that wehad to operate mom within

15 day s once she comes tonormal and she had huge food restrictions ....

whenshe was in a critical stage... dad's BP went high andwithin 2 days he was

admitted in another hospital forhigh BP .. and they found a small blockage in

theartery ... they kept dad for a week to check ifangioplast had to be done or

not ... luckily byswami's grace ... the blokage started disolving byitself and

we did not do angioplast ...mom in one hospital .. dad in one hospital and i

amalso a patient ... brothers ( i have two youngerbrothers ) are still in thier

college days ... we hadgreat difficulties, IT IS SWAMI WHO GAVE US THESTRENGHT

AND COURAGE TO WITHSTAND ALL SUCH PROBLEMS,thanks to friends and relatives who

had come to helpus in everyway possible..swami only must have sentthem to take

care of us .. after all this, nearly 6 months passed out and nowonly dad came

to know about my affair ....By swami's grace, we got m arried the traditional

way... it is not so easy for love marraiges to beaccepted by parents in india

.... I am a Tamilian(Tamilnadu) and my wife is a Gijarathi (Gujarat) ...toget

such a diverse people to get married, it can bedone only by swami .. In all my

life ( day in and day out ) ... every singleinstance.., if i sit and think, is

in some way or theother a "Planned ACT" of swami and i learn thatanything and

everything that happens in this world isbecause of swami's will and he takes

care of each andevery person ... We should have faith and patience on our

Master and hewill take care of everything and swami will take us inthe

righteous path ...There were many more instances in my life that had soman

twists and turns and everywhere swami has gracedus in disguise ... i trust such

turns and twists arecommon in everybodies lives, ...inspite of all thesetwists

and turns, one's focus should always b e withGOD and heart should always be

ever ready to serve hislotus feet .... this is what my mom and dad taught me...

they had good faith on swami and we felt swami isalways with us all the time

guiding us ...i could not tell all experiences ( then it wouldbecome a

biography ! -- i am not that great a personto write one !!!) i know this itself

is a huge mail ... i have notwritten such lenghty mails and i apologize if this

hasdisturbed you and would thank you for your patience ifyou have been able to

read it till this end ... Jai Sri Rai

Ram.Smiles,Vijayan.GDo You



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