Guest guest Posted March 8, 2006 Report Share Posted March 8, 2006 GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUH; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVENAMAHA: HOLI is on 15-03-2006From SaiSatcharita chapter XL-Hemadpant's ShimgaDinner “After this, preparations for the dinner wenton and it was quite ready at noon. The Holika-worshipwas gone through and the leaves (dishes) were spreadand arranged with 'Rangoli' marks around them. Baba’spicture was placed on the central seat reserved forthe guest and after the due offering of the Naivedya,the whole party commenced eating and finished it inproper time. Seeing the beautiful form in the pictureeverybody was extremely pleased and wondered how allthis happened.”HOLI AS PER SANATANA DHARMABrahma then appeared before Hiranyakshipu and thedemon asked for a boon thus “Let not my death occur atthe hands of living beings created by you. Holi ‘O’Lord, let there be no death to me indoors or outdoors,by day or night, from anyone or even through weapons,neither on earth nor in the air, by men nor animals;nor should I meet my death at the hands of animate orinanimate beings, gods, demons or serpents.” Brahmagranted him the boon. Believing that he was nowinvincible, Hiranyakshipu soon became pompous andordered all his people to worship only him. The demonhow ever, had a son named Prahalad who was an ardentdevotee of Vishnu. Much to his father's chagrin,Prahalad continued to pray to Vishnu. The evil demondecided to kill his son, but each attempt failed. Theking then summoned his sister Holika who, because of aboon, was immune to fire. He prepared a pyre, lit itand asked Holika to sit on it, clutching Prahalad.Vishnu intervened to save Prahalad and the evil Holikaperished instead. This legend is relived on Choti Holiwhen the pyre is re-lit. Holika also signifies thedirt and filth that collects during the winter months.Hay and old rubbish is thrown into the bonfire forspring-cleaning.Holi at Mathura and Vrindavana is celebrated withgreat gusto for many days, as these were the placeswhere Krishna spent most of his childhood. It iscelebrated for many days here. Each major templecelebrates Holi on a different day. People throng thetemples to get drenched with colored water andconsider it a blessing from the god. In Maharashtra and Gujarat, a grand procession of mensoaked with colored water walksholi through thestreets shouting 'Govinda ala re ala, Zara matkisambhal brijbala'' or 'Here comes Govinda (anothername of Krishna), take care of your pots of butter andmilk, oh girls from Brij'. This refers to Krishna'shabit of stealing butter and milk stored in terracottapots from people's homes. As a child, Krishna wasextremely fond of milk and milk products. He wouldprowl into any accessible house with his friends andsteal pots of butter or break pots of milk. DuringHoli, a pot of buttermilk is hung high up in thestreet. Men forming a human staircase try to breakthis pot, and whoever succeeds is crowned the Holiking of the locality for that year.In Bengal, Holi is called Dol Yatra, or the swingfestival. Idols of Radha and Krishna are placed onswings and devotees take turns to swing them. Womendance around the swing and sing devotional songs, asmen spray colored water at them. ---------------THIS ISSUE CONTAINS1. FOUNDATION STONES FOR THE SPIRITUAL LIFE2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE3. SAI IN DREAMS4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY5. SANATANA DHARMA& SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA6. SAIBANISA OFFERS PRANAMS TO …..7. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA9. SAI WITH CHILDREN10. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES11. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES12. TELUGU SECTION13. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS14. SAI'S BOOK WORLD15. EDITORIAL.------------------------------- 1. FOUNDATION STONES FOR THE SPIRITUAL LIFE: From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar –Hyderabad.190. If you are affected with any disease, you shouldget it cured without wasting a single minute. In thesimilar way, if you recognize some body showing enmitytowards you, you should curb him at the earliest elseyou may have to face both mental and physical torture.191. An umbrella will protect you from rain, in asimilar way, good will of the people in the state willprotect the rulers. 192. If the person ruling the state takes care of thepeople of the state, the people will come forwardvoluntarily to save the life and position of therulers.193. The hasty decisions and actions may givetemporary benefits but in the long run it will showthe bad affects. So a wise person should think aboutlong range benefits and act. 194. A good person will always show gratitude for thesmall help he received from the fellow human beings. Abad person even though he was saved by his fellowhuman beings, will never be grateful to the persons,who have helped him. So it is our duty to help thegood and deserving person.195. The leader in the society should follow the rightpath so that the followers will also follow him inthat path. If this is not happened the society will beruined.196. If the ruler of the state is not having goodadvisors then it is the first sign of thedeteriorating administration in the state. 197. A person in need will search for the donors andnot the greedy person with huge wealth, the way a poorformer expecting the rain water from the clouds andnot from the huge oceans.198. The leader who will not keep up his promises tohis followers, one day he will be treated like a maddog by his own followers.To be continued…-----2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: March 1911- Tatyasaheb Noolkar, a staunch devotee ofBaba, Sub-Judge of Phandarpur breathes his last atShiridi at the age of 48.March 1912- Dadasaheb Khaparde returned to Amroati.Mrs.Laxmibai Khaparde stayed behind in Shiridi.-------------------------------3. SAI IN DREAMS: are the dream sequences and messages as receivedby SAIBANISA From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OFSHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will helpin one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. 16-04-1994Yesterday, I had been to a friend’s house. A Swamijiwas invited, being honored, and worshiped. Havingseen the function, I got tempted to opt for‘Sanyasasrama’. Baba quipped and said- It is highly difficult even for great saints toovercome their attachments towards mother, place ofbirth and surrounding society where one has spentmajor portion of his life. Therefore practice Gruhastadharma and complete all the responsibilities to thelast one.Sainthood is not a child’s play.22-04-1994I repented the whole day as I felt that precious timeis getting wasted living entangled in the worldlyaffairs alone. When is it time proper to startthinking about God? Baba in the form of an unknown person said-Gram will sprout only when water is sprinkled on themirrespective of whether kept in an old cloth or a newcloth. Cover the thought of reaping the benevolence ofthe almighty with devotion like sprinkling of water.God cannot be pleased with rituals alone performedmechanically without an aura of devotion added tothem.The path of renunciation is a tougher one.23-04-1994Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person andsaid-Time is the precious gift from God to mankind. Do notwaste it and spend every available moment in hisservice and for a good cause.Make a meaning for the life and thus try attaining thegrace of the almighty.Every moment is ripe one for thinking about God.To be continued…..----4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)"Shashi": shashi_31 22. Atma – JnanaThere is no permanent existence for the destructiblebodies. The Atman never ceases to be. Realization ofSelf results in the total reversal of thisidentification, when the aspirant identifies himselfwith the Atma and is fully aware that the body is onlyan adjunct to his Self. Then there is no more delusionabout the ephemeral nature of his body which heunderstands, to be the effect of Karma.The eternal nature of the wise is to get over the fearof death. The Self is Akarta and Abhokta. Only anintelligent man understands this. A Jnani onlyidentifies himself with the self Ajnani identifieshimself with his body. Till realization takes place,death continues to cause fear in us. It isconsciousness of Atma, which is reflected in thefunctioning of the body and the mind which are theeffect of Karma. Karma cannot touch the Atma. Till theknowledge of the Self dawns, the mind continues to bedeluded by the ego and hence transmission goes on. Wemust know that only self- realization can cut the knotof ignorance and put an end to re-births.Supreme God exists in the form of Atman through outthe life of an individual and silently remains a mereon-looker. ‘Brahman’ never interferes with theactivities of individual, who exists in the world. Thereal nature of every person is that of the SupremeGod, because he derives energy for his existence fromBrahman, who remains inside his body it self. OurPhysical and sensory organs are mere ‘Sporting tools’of Brahman. Hence all of us must develop the abilityto be willing tool of Brahman and we should not reactemotionally or physically for the events that occuraround us from time to time and be a mere witness.To be continued…..-----------------------------5. SANATANA DHARMA & SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA AKHILANDAKOTI , BRAHMANDA NAAYAKA, RAAJAADHI RAAJA,YOGIRAJA, PARABRAHMA SREE SATCHITANANDA,SAMARDHASADGURU, SAINATH MAHARAAJ KI JAI”From the Satsanghs of SaibanisajiSai through Reincarnations By: Sai Sevak Raghuraman Satulury The thought to pen down ‘Sai in Janma Janmantar’ hascome to my mind after hearing Saibanisa explaining the subjectto the gatherings during his discourses at different places.The incidents are compiled and placed before the Saibandhus withthe intention that these may perhaps serve as food to theirspiritual hunger. Baba in various contexts told his devotees that theywere known to Him from their past many lives. Baba often talkedwith full knowledge and precision about the visitor’s past andfuture. We find such instances are quite often depicted as we gothrough Sai Satcharitra and even in other epics where Divya andMano - dhrusti were involved. Quoted from Sai Satcharitra: Lord Sainath was eating food offered to him byLakshmi Khaparde and simultaneously he was speaking about her previouslives. She in her earlier life was a cow in a businessman’s house.Afterwards she was born in a Gardener’s family, then followed herrebirth in a family of Kshyatrias. Baba said, “now in the present life asthe daughter of a Brahmin she is feeding me”. The stories of two brothers, who constantly foughtwith each other, after death were reborn as two goats. Dubaki, thepoor lady had mortgaged her land with a moneylender. In the nextbirth the same lady was born as Chennabasappa and the moneylender asVeerabahadrappa. These two persons Chennabasappa and Veerabhadrappa lived asenemies all through their life and were reborn as a snake andfrog, thus continuing their mutual hatred in their next lifetoo. There are instances where human beings are reborn asanimals to complete the spilt over ‘Vrunanubhandha’ from theirprevious lives. The tiger about to die was brought and made to standbefore Baba. The tiger lifted it’s tail, looked into the powerfuleyes of Baba and then collapsed at the lotus feet of Baba. Babathen said to the keepers’- “it is now relieved from the debts of thepast life, after having served you all along, is now freed fromall the bonds”. Jadabharatha, a saint developed deep attachmenttowards a pet deer having nurtured it from the infancy. Jadabharatha wasreborn as a deer in his next life in order to satiate his lovetowards the animal.Jai Sai Ram-------------------------------- SANATANA DHARMA –NEWS FROM ABROAD: Mauritius Celebrates Mahasivaratriwww.deccanherald.comMAURITIUS, February 25, 2006: When the Siva temples inIndia echo with the chaste chants of "Om Namo Sivaih"and ardent devotees make a beeline at Sivalingams allover the country to offer their prayers on theoccasion of Sivaratri, the beautiful island ofMauritius too resounds with the devotional notes of"Bam Bam Bhole." Thousands of worshippers prefer towalk all the distance to Ganga Talao (Grand Bassin) tofetch the holy waters to offer to the Sivalingams intheir homes. Ganga Talao is considered as sacred asthe Holy Ganges in India.Indians being the predominant population in Mauritius,all Indian festivals like Deepavali, Holi, GaneshChaturthi, Eid, Ugadi are celebrated with traditionalgaiety and fervor, but Mahasivaratri is perhaps thebiggest of all. It is a public holiday in Mauritius.For the Maurituan Hindu, a pilgrimage to the volcanicsacred lake of Grand Bassin or Ganga Talao is aspiritual obligation that every family fulfils on MahaSivaratri. Most worshippers start the day with athorough cleaning and decoration of their houses. Whenthey proceed to the sacred lake, singing bhajanas allalong the way, people offer water or juice to them asis done in India to the pilgrims going forpilgrimages.-----------South African Youth Celebrate Mahasivaratriwww.newkerala.comJOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, February 26, 2006:Chanting prayers, Hindu youths took part in an annualprocession ahead of the Sivaratri festival in theSouth African Indian township of Lenasia near here.The procession drew a crowd of more than 2,500devotees. At each of the six Hindu temples along theeight-kilometer route in Lenasia, devotees welcomedthe procession with traditional Gujarati garba dances.The Hindu Coordinating Council organized the yatra.Council chairman Kokie Singh told IANS that there were14 groups participating from all over Gautengprovince, but most significant aspect this year wasthe involvement of the large number of youths. "Ithink this is because they realize that culture isimportant (and) as they become increasingly aware ofthe spiritual functions," he said. "The elderly folkwere particularly overjoyed at the shuttle service.They could be ferried between temples on the routewithout having to walk." Many devotees brought alongtheir own containers for taking home the water handedout at several points along the route. This is a mixof the Ganges and local well water. In Laudium, a muchsmaller crowd than had been expected joined the 11thannual sivaratri Yatra organized by the Pretoria Hinduorganization. Devotees started to walk at the SivanAlayam temple and proceeded to the Vishnu Mandirbefore ending the procession at the Seva Samaj temple.At each temple prayers were offered.-----------------Mahasivaratri in Sri Lankawww.tamilnet.comCOLOMBO, SRI LANKA, February 25, 2006; MahaSivarathiri Day religious observance is to be held inthe historic Trincomalee Koneswaram Temple,Thiruketheeswaram Temple in Mannar and KantalaiCholeeswaram (Siva) Temple, about 20 km southwest offTrincomalee town on February 26th Sunday night ..Arrangements are being made by the temple societiesand Hindu Affairs Department, sources said.Koneswaram, Thiruketheeswaram and Choleeswaram areseveral-centuries-old Sivan Temples in the North East.According to chronicles, Koneswaram temple was builtsix thousand years ago and King Kulakottanreconstructed it later. Likewise Thirukeeswaram templewas also built several hundred years ago. King RajaCholan built Choleeswaram temple in Kantalai in 1010ce when Cholan regime in South India was at its peak.The ruins of Choleeswaram were found in the midst ofjungle when the Colombo government in 1952 implementedits state-aided colonization scheme in Kantalai, atraditional Tamil village that has now turned it toSinhalese dominated, according to chronicles. Saivasaints Thirugnanasambanthar and Suntharamoorthy havepraised the glories of Koneswaram andThiruketheeswaram temples in their Saiva religiousbooks, which are called Thiru Muraigal. Meanwhile at aconference held Tuesday in Mannar District Secretariatwith Additional Government Agent Mr. N. Neekilaspillaiin the chair, army officials present had promised toshift backwards their sentry points located alongMannar-Madawachchiya (A 14) highway to facilitatedevotees traveling in vehicles to reachThiruketheeswaram temple without any hindrance,sources said.-------------------------Remote Malaysian Temple Holds Consecration, EAST MALAYSIA, February 18, 2006 The31-year-old "Thirumurugan" Hindu Temple will hold its"Maha Kumbabhishagam" (consecration) ceremony tomorrow(Sunday). It is the third time that the temple isholding such a ceremony and five priests from KualaLumpur would be present for the auspicious occasion.Chairman of the event's organizing committee, R.Ramasamy, said musicians from Kuala Lumpur would alsobe present for the three-day event. He said there wereonly about 250 Hindus on the island (off the westcoast of Borneo) and without the support of those inSabah like Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Lahad Datu, itwould be difficult for the temple to hold such a"divine" event. The temple is located in the ArmedForces area and maintained by Hindu personnel from theForces, while the business community provides thesupport. Ramasamy said the temple reflects an idealco-operation and understanding between the Forces andcivilians.------------------6. SAIBANISA OFFERS PRANAMS TO “LORD SIVA”From Sai Satcharita -chapter 28Megha began to look upon Sai Baba as an incarnation ofShiva In order to worship Shiva, bela leaves arerequired and Megha used to go miles and miles everyday to bring them and worship his Shiva (Baba). Megha returned to the Wada, and drew a red Trident onthe wall near Baba's picture. Next day a RamadasiBhakta came from Poona, saluted Baba and offered HimPindi (an image of Shiva). At this time Megha alsoturned up there. Baba said to him - "See, Shankar hascome, protect (i.e., worship) Him now." Megha wassurprised to see Pindi following Trident immediately. about JyotirLingas:2. SRI MALLIKARJUNA in Sri SailamSrisailam bramaramba Mallukarjuna swamy temple Srisailam is located in Kurnool district of AndhraPradesh. This whole area is full of forests of Kadali,Bilva trees, mountain ranges and Patalaganga(Krishnaveni river). All of them echo from thesejoyous voices of devotees.Puranic History of SrisailamWhen Kumar Kartikeya returned to Kailash aftercompleting his trip around the earth, he heard aboutGanesha’s marriage from Narada. This angered him. Inspite of being restrained by his parents, he touchedtheir feet in obeisance and left for Krounch Mountain.Parvati was very distraught at having to be away fromher son, implored Lord Shiva to look for their son.Together, they went to Kumara. But, Kumara went away afurther three Yojanas, after learning about hisparents coming after him to Krouncha Mountain. Beforeembarking on a further search for their son on eachmountain, they decided to leave a light on everymountain they visited. From that day, that place cameto be known as JyotirLinga Mallikarjuna. It isbelieved that Shiva and Parvati visit this palce onAmavasya (No moon day) and (full Moon day) Pournami,respectively. Visiting this JyotirLinag not onlyblesses one with innumerable wealth, but also name andfame and fulfils all the desires.Once, a princess named Chandravati decided to go tothe Jungles to do penance and meditation. She choseKadali Vana for this purpose. One day, she witnessed amiracle. A Kapila cow was standing under a Bilwa treeand milk was flowing from all of its four udders,sinking into the ground. The cow kept doing this as aroutine chore everyday. Chandravati dug up that areaand was dumb founded at what she saw. There was aself-raising Swyambhu SivaLinga. It was bright andshining like the sun rays, and looked like it wasburning, throwing flames in all directions.Chandravati prayed to Siva in this JyotirLinga. Shebuilt a huge Shiva Temple there. Lord Shankara wasvery pleased with her. Chandravati went to Kailashwind borne. She received salvation and Mukti. On oneof the stone-inscriptions of the temple, Chandravati’sstory can be seen carved out.Shaila Mallikarjuna’s holy place is located on thebanks of River Krishna. Here River Krishna is in theform of Patalaganga (underground spring). Lakhs ofdevotees take a holy dip here and then go for theDarshan of the JyotirLinga.During the Karnataka Movement, Chatrapati Shivaji usedto come to take a Darshan of the JyotirLinga duringthe Mahasivaratri. He built a tower on the right sideof the Temple and also opened a free-meal center.The kings of the VijayaNagar Dynasty too built aTemple, Tower, Portico and a pond. Ahelyadevi Holkar,a great devotee of Siva built a strong bathing wharfconsisting of 852 steps on the banks of thePatalganga.Earlier, this part of the Shaila mountains was anunreachable tough terrain and fraught with danger.Even then, devotees, with their sheer will power, usedto reach there in large numbers. Hiranyakashipa,Narada, Pandavas, Sri Ram are some of the greatmythological personalities who have visited this holyshrine. To be continued------- -------------------------------7. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: bhargavidk 1/27/2006 20:22:33 -0700Sai Baba has been guiding our lives like mother andfather, I bhargavi fondly call him nanna. In my casehe wrote my all India exam. Actually I asked him thatI will write exam only if he bless me before the exam.It was night 12 or one I along with my mother was intrain going to madras. A Sadhu dressed like Baba cameto our cabin and asked only me dakshina and carried abig picture of Shiridi Baba. HE blessed me. I was surethat I will get selected. It was Baba who wrote examand I got selected.One more time I told Baba I would give him dhoti buthe has to come and receive it. One day he came to myhouse as Brahmin for dakshina and asked me give mesomething. I gave him dhoti he asked for food but atthat time it was not prepared I gave him dates he ateit and blessed both of us.Baba has entirely changed my husband's life after heread Baba's Satcharitra, he got his doctoral degree,he got married to me, got post-doc in USA.We are praying Baba for guru, Baba introduced throughour cousin sister to Sri Sri Sri Viwayogi Viswamji,Guntur, incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. I had a doubtwhether he is my Shiridi Baba are not. One day I had adream in which it was a photo of Baba but the face wasViswamji.We were planning for child, Baba appeared in myhusband's dream, wrote a letter only the followingsentences were visible "Child, born, more money". I mydream I saw a small boy doing Sai Bhajans. Babaindicated that he will take birth in our house. Thereare many experiences which require book.I will post regularly.Satya Kumar and bhargaviUSA---------------------8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRAswamymain Tue, 28 Feb 2006 23:27:50 -0800 (PST)Sai Ram. Let us continue with the spirtual gems. Variety in Upadesh -- Slanderer Condemned "Sai Baba required no special place, nor any specialtime for giving instructions. Whenever any occasiondemanded, He gave them freely."Sai Ram. Baba is the Satguru and He knows when to givewhat instructions in what manner. "Once it so happened that a Bhakta of Baba, reviledanother behind his back, before other people. Onleaving aside merits, he dwelt on the faults of hisbrother, and spoke so sarcastically, that the hearerswere disgusted. Generally, we see that people have atendency to scandalize others, un-necessarily; andthis brings on hatred and ill-will." Sai Ram. Such behavior is ego driven. Praising alsois ego driven and if given to an undeserving personhas the effect of further spoiling him. So, eitherpraise or criticism must be tempered by intellectcarefully. Criticising a person behind his back isespecially bad since that person may get a much moredistorted version of what has been uttered and so thecommunication process suffers further. "Saints see scandal, in another light. They say thatthere are various ways of cleansing or removing dirt,viz. by means of earth, water and soap etc., but ascandal-monger has got a way of his own. He removesthe dirt (faults) of others by his tongue; so in a wayobliges the person, whom he reviles and for this he isto be thanked." Sai Ram. If we absorb this lesson, we will not developill-will toward the person. It is a difficult lessonto learn and to practice, but is really valuable sinceit prevents us from developing hatred towards thatperson. "Sai Baba had his own method of correcting thescandal-monger. He knew by his omniscience what theslanderer had done and when He met him at noon nearthe Lendi, Baba pointed out to him a pig that waseating filth near the fence and said to him - "Beholdhow, with what relish it is gorging dung. Your conductis similar. You go on reviling your own brethren toyour heart's content. After performing many deeds ofmerit, you are born a man, and if you act like this,will Shirdi help you in any way?" Needless to say,that the Bhakta took the lesson to his heart, and wentaway. Sai Ram. Baba had several such different ways ofinstructing His disciples so that they progressfurther on the spiritual path and eventually mergewith Him.SwamyAuthor, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book be continued…..-------------------------------9. SAI WITH CHILDREN: Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba useto play with children and used to tell stories tothem? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should beentertained with good stories. For the last 2 years Ihave told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and LordRama Story. Now I want to tell the stories what heardin my child hood.Two Frogs in TroubleOnce a big fat frog and a lively little frog werehopping along together when they had the misfortune ofjumping into a pail of fresh milk. They swam for hoursand hours hoping to get out somehow; but the sides ofthe pail were steep and slippery and death seemed tobe certain.When the big frog was exhausted he lost courage. Thereseemed no hope of rescue. “Why keep struggling againstthe inevitable? I cannot swim any longer.” He moaned.“Keep on! Keep on!” urged the little frog, who wasstill circling the pail. So they went on for a while.But the big frog decided it was no use. “Littlebrother, We may as well give up” he gasped. “I amgoing to quit struggling.”Now only the little frog was left. He thought tohimself. “Well, to give up is to be dead, so I willkeep swimming.” Two more hours passed and the tinylegs of the determined little frog were almostparalysed with exhaustion. It seemed as if he couldnot keep moving for another minute. But he thought ofhis dead friend, and repeated, “To give up is to bemeat for someone’s table, so I’ll keep paddling onuntil I die – if death is to come – but I will notcease trying – while there is life, there is hope.”--------------10. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES:Sai Eshwari saiers_1999 2/17/2006 21:19:49 -0800Immortal Saint of Shirdi In Bhagvadgita (Chapter IV, 7-8) Lord Krishna says"Whenever there is a decay of Dharma (righteousness)and an ascendancy of unrighteousness, I manifestMyself, and for the protection of the virtuous, thedestruction of the vicious and for the establishmentof righteousness, I manifest Myself in age after age."This is the mission of Lord, and the Sages and Saints,who are His representatives appear at proper times andtry to set matters right by their words and action,thus showing us the right path to follow. In this way,many saints like Jnanadev, Muktabai, Tukaram, Ramdas,did appear at various times to show the right path tothe people, and so came Lord Sainath of Shirdi. Thefourteenth Nama in one hundred eight Glorious Names ofSainath Maharaj is "Om Sri Sai Amarthyaya Namaha"Meaning - Pranavaswarupa Oh Sainath! Obeisance to youwho is immortal. We further glorify Sai in Ashttotrasatha Namavali"Kalatheethaya Namaha, Kaalaya Namaha, KaalakaalayaNamaha." It means He has transcended the limitationsof Time, Himself Time and Lord of Eternity. Babadeclared, "I am not the body or the senses, I amSakshi (Witness)" Sainath though left His mortalcoils on Oct. 15th, 1918, He continues to remain inHis subtle form (Sukshma Sareera) with the option oftaking stable or visible form at will. Immediatelyafter giving up His body Baba showed to the worldthrough the following incidents that He is alive butHis body is dead. Baba appeared in the dream of LaxmanMama Joshi on Oct. 16, 1918 and said, "Get up soon,Bapusaheb thinks I am dead and so he won't come, youdo the worship and the Kakad Arathi." He appeared inthe dream of Dasganu Maharaj on Oct. 16, 1918 atPandharpur, informed of the event, and said that heshould cover His body with ample flowers. Thus, Babain His own mysterious way maintained the continuity ofdaily Pujas and Arathis as usual. To be continued…..-----11. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES:"Satish Achanta”: skachanta Sun, 19 Feb 2006 18:39:05 -0800God does not like big subscriptions and donationscollected against the wishes of the donors, but Helikes ever trifling amounts given with love, devotionand appreciationShri Sai Satcharitra Chapter XLVII Baba'sReminiscencesStory of Veerbhadrappa and Chenbassappa (Snake andfrog)SaiRamThank you for your support towards the templeconstruction in Nandivada AndhraPradesh. As Iexplained, we are desperately looking for funds tocomplete the construction and for maintenance. We havedeveloped the site with the complete details. Pleaseforward site to all Saidevotees. Also, I assure everyone that every penny we receivewill be utilized appropriately. Please help us tocomplete this project. Regards,Satish AchantaWoodland Hills, CA 91303---------------PGPABM pgpabm (AT) iimahd (DOT) ernet.in2/27/2006 17:45:46 +0530Dear SaidevoteePlease add this address to your mailing list xdspawanagarwal (AT) (DOT) co.infor receiving E-magazine “The Glory of Shirdi Sai”. MohanShirdi Sai Baba technical (AT) saidarbarusa (DOT) org2/28/2006 15:58:53 -0000Jai Sai RamIt was evident that Our Dear Lord was present towitness the Shivaratri Satsang performed bySaidarbarUSA on 25th February, 2006. Please visit our website( kids sectionfor latest Shivaratri Photographs.Jai Sai Ram.--2/28/2006 10:43:11 -0700 rocky_clothing (AT) (DOT) co.inSai Ram!App nay bohat acha website banya hain. Baba apko jiwanmay bohat kushi daay. App nay sabhe Baba kay devotesbohat acha gift diya hain. Baba kay chano kay saath joapnay hum sabko jorh diya uskay liye app ka bohatdanyawad. Sai ramGanesh Sharma-12. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu: Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: -------------------------------FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA:Please contact: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org &saidarbar ---------------13. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS: Due to space constraints of E-magazine, we are notable to give the full report on activities of Saiorganizations. However, we are providing theircontact e-mail ID’s and web site address forinterested readers.---------------------The Following Saidarbar chapters are functioningaround the Globe; devotees may be contacted fornecessary information about their activities to thefollowing E-maid ids: Saidarbar Orlando, Florida USA:sathgurusai2002 Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: murali_krishnamurthy2003 Saidarbar Chennai-India: saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.inSaidarbar-Canberra -AU: kandra (AT) iprimus (DOT) com.auFor Further details visit: Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA: technical (AT) saidarbarusa (DOT) org For further details please Sai Darbar Portland OR USA: shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) comSai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia : raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zmSaidarbar Danbaru-Canitcut-USA: zutshi_anil_k (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA:vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) comSaidarbar Livermore-CA-USA happythursday999 Saidarbar-London UK :suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) comSaidarbar – Hyderabad -INDIA: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) orgFor Further details visit: Activities in NJ Visit: oremail at shirdisaidham (AT) hotmail (DOT) com-----Sai Sansthan, Singapore:"The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto": Or send an email to info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com-------------------------"Atlanta Sai Temple News": Visit: www.templeofpeace.orgOr send an email to webmaster (AT) templeofpeace (DOT) org------"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": All the issues are now available online. Please visitthe website or click on URL hamaresai -------------------------------- "Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: Visit: http://www.shirdisaidallas.orgE-mail: admin (AT) shirdisaidallas (DOT) org ----"Om Sai Mandir" For a detailed flyer, please visit: saisandesh (AT) omsaimandir (DOT) org--------------------------SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN, CANADA: saileela99 -------------SaiMandir-Houston-TX-USA: Visit babamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) org ------ SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA TEMPLE, 46-16 ROBINSON ST,FLUSHING, NY info (AT) dwarakamaishirdi (DOT) org----------------Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center: E-mail:voora -----------------------------14. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Books in English: 1. HOW I FOUND GOD(Roles played by Shirdi Sai Baba as God and the SpiritMasters in my Spiritual training resulting in God –realization) Author: YOGI M.K.SPENCERPublished by: S.K.GARGIndian Publishers Distributors156 –D, Kamla Nagar, Delhi – 110007Price: Rs. 400/-Books in Telugu: Sri SaiBaba Jeevitha CharitramAuthor : Sri Pathi Narayana RaoPrice : Free Published by: Dr. Kumar AnnavarapuPlot No: 4,Behind HUDA Truck Park,SaiBaba Nagar Colony,Kukatpally,Hyderabad – 500 072.E-mail id: annavarapu (AT) vidyamagazine (DOT) com -------------------------------Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's BookWorld) to spread the word about their books may sendONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for detailscontact: webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org , saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org &saidarbar (AT) hotmail (DOT) comAcknowledgement of receipt of books will be done byE-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained bySaidarbar and cannot be returned.--------E- Books from Saidarbar: 1. SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY: You can obtain your copy at SAI IN DREAMS You can obtain your copy at for further details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal: vijishvanya or vijishvanya -SAIDARBAR – HYDERABAD: We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to citiesout side Hyderabad, India on prior intimation. Forfurther details please contact saidarbar -------------------------------15. EDITORIAL.Things impressed me from this Magazine:The hasty decisions and actions may give temporarybenefits but in the long run it will show the badaffects. So a wise person should think about longrange benefits and act.A good person will always show gratitude for the smallhelp he received from the fellow human beings. A badperson even though he was saved by his fellow humanbeings, will never be grateful to the persons, whohave helped him. So it is our duty to help the goodand deserving person.If the ruler of the state is not having good advisorsthen it is the first sign of the deterioratingadministration in the state. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities intheir place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to"The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they may be address theircontributions to E-mail id: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org with a copy marked towebmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) orgWe shall put in our best efforts to include them inthe Glory of Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine.Unless the author of the articles instructs, not topublish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as amatter of routine practice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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