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Love Is Your Sole Refuge

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Love Is Your Sole Refuge


Once there was very rich millionaire in a small town. One night, A very strong

and powerful dacoit entered the house through a hole made in the wall as he and

his family-members were all asleep. The millionaire and his family could do

nothing before his strength. The robber mercilessly killed them all and himself

took possession of the house and the wealth. Similarly, The ego resides in the

man's heart filled with a thousand kinds of Abhimanas. The greatest dacoit

(Manasachora) enters heart through the man's ears and ruthlessly annihilates

his egoism and his very big family composed of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada,

Matsarya and all kinds of Abhimanas.

Finally, the Lord himself takes possession of the heart and mind with his vast

riches of talents and intelligence.


The Lord will make the most wicked heart melt in repentance and he can also make

every heart sprout into prema and shanthi. The Lord will give instruction for

those who are suffering with mental crisis and for those who are afflicted by

doubt and for those who are not clear about their goal or path. The

instructions are useless for those who have known neither goal or path, neither

thirst not yearning. As the carpenter shapes the wood, the blacksmith shapes the

iron, the goldsmith shapes the gold, So the Lord shapes everyone in his own way.

The only way for Liberation is Surrender to lotus feet of the Lord.


The greatest obstacle on the path of surrender is ahamkaara (egoism) and

mamakaara (mineness or possessiveness) that has been inhering to your

personality since ages by sending its tentacles deeper and deeper with the

experience of every succeeding life. Egoism is due to Ignorance which is

mistaken identity of the body as the Self! Egoism can be removed only by the

twin detergents of discrimination and renunciation.


The sign of Viveka (discrimination) is "BE IN THE WORLD, BUT DO NOT LET THE

WORLD INTO YOU." You are neither unaffected by the fate of your shadow when it

is falling on mud or dirt, hollow or mound, thorn or sand, wet or dry patches

of land nor the shadow is least affected by the dirt. Similarly, get convinced

that 'you' are shadow of the Absolute. Get fixed to this 'Truth' by following

systematic process of sadhana. This is the remedy for all sorrow, travail and

pain. The ripe aspirant does not feel the blows of fate or fortune; it is the

unripe man who is wounded by every blow.


Do not feel proud when you are able to help another because your skill, wealth,

strength, courage and the chance to serve are the gifts to God given to you to

serve poor, illiterate, weak, diseased, grieving and the broken-hearted. Do not

attach yourself too much to this body or to the things that bring comfort to it.

Use your Viveka to detach from the three friends that you come into contact in

this life -


1. First - The riches you accumulate which refuse to come with you when you

move out of this life;


2. Second - Kith and kin who accompany your body up to the burial ground or cremation-ghat;


3. Third - The merit and demerit which accompany you to the last;


Do not waste your time in adopting umpteen number of practices and bodily

postures in the name of Spiritual Sadhana. none of these can help to attain

Atma jnana. Prema (Love) is the undercurrent of all forms of spiritual sadhana.

Wisdom is not physical knowledge, secular knowledge or knowledge relating to the

objects of nature. One has to realise the perishable nature of this deha (body)

and realise the indweller (dehi).

Understanding that Atma transcends the name and form and Experiencing the

principle of non-dualism by the jnana chakshu (eye of wisdom) is true wisdom

(Advaita darsanam jnanam).


Sath (Existence) is derived from the source of all Sath, Brahman (Supreme Reality) Itself;


Chith(Consciousness) is derived from the source of all Chith, Brahman Itself;


Anandha (Bliss) is derived from the source of all Anandha, Brahman Itself;


You are all Sath-Chith-Aanandha swaruupa (embodiments of Existence - Consciousness-Bliss).



Omsai Srisai Jaijaisai




graphics- SBOI group

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