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shankapushpi botany

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Hello folks,


Four different species are listed for Shankapushpi


1. P.S. Varrier et al (Indian Medicinal Plants, vol 1-5, 1994-96) and

Kirtikar and Basu (Indian Medicinal Plants, 1935) say its Canscora

decussata, Gentianaceae

2. Srikantamurthy (in his translations of the Sharangadhara samhita and

Bhavaprakasha) and the Ayurvedic Formulary of India says its

Convolvulus pluricaulis, Convolvulaceae

3. Dash (Madanapala nighantu) says its Evolvulus alsinoides,


4. The Ayurvedic Formulary also lists Clitoria ternatea, Papilionaceae,

as an alternative to Convolvulus or Evolvulus


so we have four different spp for Shankapushpi

but what dominates the Indian marketplace?






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