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One of my relatives has recently suffered from stroke leading to a substantial

area of infarct in the fronto-parietal area of brain around 3 weeks back. The

whole of right side is paralysed and voice loss. Could anyone enlighten me on

the ayurvedic treatment for such condition.

There is previous history of TB (~10 yrs back), clinical depression and chest

problems (wheezing/ expectoration for one year). There was also an episode of

chest discomfort with slight ECG changes around 6 mths back.




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I am awaiting reply to this mail from the members of the group.......



One of my relatives has recently suffered from stroke leading to a

substantial area of infarct in the fronto-parietal area of brain

around 3 weeks back. The whole of right side is paralysed and voice

loss. Could anyone enlighten me on the ayurvedic treatment for such


There is previous history of TB (~10 yrs back), clinical depression

and chest problems (wheezing/ expectoration for one year). There was

also an episode of chest discomfort with slight ECG changes around 6

mths back.




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Dear Vineet,


Stroke as per Ayurveda is classified as a Vaata

vyadhi or disease caused by one of the humours of the

body named as Vaata. (The body is governed by three

humours namely Vaata, Pitta and Kapha. Any imbalance

in these causes diseases). A stroke generally requires

Vaata shamak medicines like Dashamoola (Ten roots),

Maharasnadi decoction, and Panchakarma - mainly


Apart from this a regular massage with medicated oils

like Mahanarayna Taila and whole body sudation is also


Since there is loss of Speech associated, Nasya (or

instilling medicated oil through nostrils) might also

prove beneficial. Physiotherapy is also recommended to

help improve the movements and co-ordination in the

limbs. All-in-all, it requires intensive therapy, for

which it would be better if you visit an Ayurvedic

Physician in your area for further guidance.



Dr. Sushil M

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Dear Vineet

One patient aged 36 in a village in Dist. Akola,

Maharashtra, India had almost 65% recovery from stroke

within 3 weeks. He used Gomutra Ark (Distillate of Cow

Urine ) and Ghanvati (Tab made from residue after

distillation). He could walk without support and raise

hands fully. Could hold light objects with Firm grip.

This was possible due to Cow milk diet, unpolluted

air, etc. This rapid recovery was also due to micro

form ingredients in Distilled Cow Urine. Some of them

are yet to receive names from scientists. The

medicines are now available in Mumbai at many places.

But not in any regular Ayuveda or Allopathic medicine



Dr. Bhate

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Thanks everyone for the valuable pieces of information. The patient under

reference stays in Delhi. I would be grateful if I could also come to know of

some trusted and approachable ayurvedic doctor in and around the place (.....I

know there are many but I am not sure which one to contact) and place from where

Gomutra ark and other such rare medicines can be purchased.

Thanks again


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Dear Vineet,

I strongly believe that acupuncture and acupressure

are branches of Ayurvedic medicine. If you like, you

may take the advise of an acupuncturist apart from

Ayurvedic medicine. I came across a website of one Dr.

Ravinder Tuli who, coincidently, practises in Delhi.

You may visit his website for further info:


Hope this is of some help.


Dr. Sushil M

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