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Menopause: a second sunrise in life

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Hi all,


Ordinarily menopause is treated as evening of life. In olden days,

due to lack of toxins in food, healthy-nutritous food, simple

tensionless life and more importantly, being surrounded by daughter-

in-laws, grand-children, women never noticed any menopause problems.

Gossip, visits to temples, caring after grand children, listening to

religious discourses did not leave any time to notice any symptoms.

Menopause problems are the product of industrialized society, where

nuclear family, and loss of children to their own world causes mental

and emotional problems.



The body and mind together are subject to inflamation during

menopause stage. Hot flashes, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding,

depression, tension, back/waist pain, insecirity feeling are some of

common symptoms accompanying menopause. Concentrated hot patches can

occur in areas around thighs, hips, belly, breasts, hands, etc.

Sometimes whole body becomes warm for a few minutes, followed by

sweating. Suddent mood swings, impatience, feeling of loss, frequent

changes in nature, mistakes, loneliness feelings, restlessness etc.

Since this phase is a natural process, family members, especially

husband and children need to be sympathetic with her. This is the

best medicine which can be offered to her.


Few other symptoms which get noticed in many women are:

- Fatigue with low activity;

- Vaginal dryness, pain during union;

- Estrogen caused tumors in breast region;

- Back pain, sweating, especially at night, sometimes 5-6 times

a day. This is more common with lean and thin womens as compared to

heavy built ones. There can be exceptions to this rule, however.

- Lack of skin lustre, skin-dryness, blemishes, small white

spots, wrinkles;

- Loss of elasticity of mustles; swelling below eyes, loosening

of ligaments causing vaginal prollapse;

- Loss of hair, thinning of hair, lack of lustre, graying.

- Thinning of coushions between vertebrae, causing loss of

height, microfractures by ordinary falls.

- Enlarging of heart muscle, angina pains, atherosclerosis, etc.




1. Avoid synthetic harmones, termed Harmone Replacement Therapy;

known to cause various cancers.


2. Daily massage by `Chandan Bala Laxadi Tailam'. Follow by hot water

bath. Due to improved circulation, the body heat decreases.

Inflamantion, hot flashes will reduce.


3. Take 1 cup milk + 1 cup water, add 3 gms shatavari powder. Boil on

simeering heat till one cup remains. Drink after straining when luke

warm twice a day. This reduces fatigue, weakness, reduces bleeding if heavy.

Reduces hot flashes, inflamation, loss of hair, increases lustre of

hair. Satavari gets converted to lacking harmones.


4. To take care of insecurity feeling, heart palpitations, sudden

fear, etc. take ½ gms Jatamansi powder with little water once or

twice depending on the intensity of problems. This balances the

hypertension also.


5. To reduce heat, use a powder of equal misture of Manjista,

Crystal sugar, Sonamukhi, Cumin seeds. Take 1 tsp with water every

night at bedtime. It sucks out extra pitta and expels through

motions. This reduces impatience, sudden flares in nature,



6. To take care of excess bleeding, Take a pinch of Mukta Bhasma, 1

Tab each Kamdudha Ras, Laghu Vasant Malti along with Ghee+Sugar,

Twice a day. One can also use cold towel below navel area.


Above recommendations use herbs. However, Yogasanas, Meditation,

Reading physolophical texts are the remedies which can soften the

menopause problems. A more general remedy is to change your environment and

attitude towards life:


The brains of women and men are different. The centres which promote

faith, emotions, love, affection, pity, feelings, devotion are

stronger in women. Their health is much more harmone dependent

than men. Hence, they get more affected by intoxicants, toxins. The

damage is much extensive when comapred to similar exposure of men.

While men have strong liver, women have stronger heart. Unlike today,

in olden days, women did not face death by cardiac probs as much as

men. God has basically made womans heart for offering affection to

husband and children. And when heart is full of love, no artery

blockages are possible. Love and devotion wins over the intelligence.

Intelligence offers option to the mind. Correct decision is to be

taken based only on heart. When you purify mind to this stage, no

disease can come near you. Hence like olden Grand-mas, todays women

should take up social work, hobbies etc. which involves caring and

giving affection to other unhappy souls. This will alleviate their

problems. Moreover, the satisfaction derived by serving others is

immense. All cancers will cure automatically. These recommendations

are offered based on observations of many womens in 45-65 group,

leading happy and healthy, active lifestyle despite menopause, while serving

orphanages, destitute homes, hospitals etc. They are popular at their workplace.

The magnetic force which makes them so is the love fountain in their heart.



Dr. Bhate

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nice comments Shirish!

i appreciate them very much

a few more:


during menopause a woman's fertility essence (andanu, i.e. ova)

undergoes a kind of alchemical change, whereby this essence is

catalyzed by the fires of menopause to create a potential for profound

wisdom; her fertility is gone and she loses an aspect of her

femininity, and hence becomes more masculine - in contrast, men often

become more feminized as they age


some women might call menopause the "crone" or "witch" stage, and its

the best time to start to really explore your spiritual potential -

freed of babies or attracting the opposite sex, menopause is a time to

truly fulfill one's spiritual nature - time to move into your

matriarchal power


on a physiological level the flushing represents the mobilization of

estrogen from fatty tissue, to supplement the declining estrogen levels

- any remaining estrogens of course are produced by the adrenals via

the conversion of androgens (hence the need to support the adrenals,

i.e. ojas)


thus women who have a little extra weight (around the butt and thighs -

not the waist) tend to fair better, because of a greater ability to

convert androgens into estrogens in fatty tissue


the ideal shape to maintain however is the pear-shape, maintaining a

waist to hip ratio of no greater than 80% (i.e. waist is 80% of hip




> Few other symptoms which get noticed in many women are:


> - Estrogen caused tumors in breast region;


this would only be related to hormone replacement therapies, the

influence of dietary xenoestrogens, or the result of a

lifetime-cumulative effect of high estrogen exposure (i.e. early

menarch, nullparity etc.),


none are intrinsic to menopausal women per se


women in pre-industrialized societies of course are pregnant and

lactate more often than women in the West, and are thus protected

against the cyclical variations of estrogen that seem to underly the

negative, proliferative effects of estrogen

they also tend to go into menopause a lot earlier, in their late 30's -

early 40's, whereas women in the West tend to go into it by the late

40's-early 50's


> - Fatigue with low activity;

> - Vaginal dryness, pain during union;

> - Back pain, sweating, especially at night, sometimes 5-6 times

> a day. This is more common with lean and thin womens as compared to

> heavy built ones. There can be exceptions to this rule, however.

> - Lack of skin lustre, skin-dryness, blemishes, small white

> spots, wrinkles;

> - Loss of elasticity of mustles; swelling below eyes, loosening

> of ligaments causing vaginal prollapse;

> - Loss of hair, thinning of hair, lack of lustre, graying.

> - Thinning of coushions between vertebrae, causing loss of

> height, microfractures by ordinary falls.


all of these effects are directly related to a loss of ojas, a loss of

the intrinsic feminine essence (soma) , and a subsequent or concurrent

diminishment of agni


> - Enlarging of heart muscle, angina pains, atherosclerosis, etc.


once again, this is not intrinsic to menopause, but a symptom of

chronic insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia

my point about maintaining the correct waist to hip ratio is key, since

excess is weight around the middle is associated with a dramatic

increase in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer




> The brains of women and men are different. The centres which promote

> faith, emotions, love, affection, pity, feelings, devotion are

> stronger in women. Their health is much more harmone dependent

> than men. Hence, they get more affected by intoxicants, toxins. The

> damage is much extensive when comapred to similar exposure of men.

> While men have strong liver, women have stronger heart. Unlike today,

> in olden days, women did not face death by cardiac probs as much as

> men. God has basically made womans heart for offering affection to

> husband and children.


gack! i guess you can tell that i am westerner as i find your comments

to be more Indian rather than Ayurvedic


i can't help but affirm the right for a woman to determine the path of

her own life, and this may or may not be as a wife and mother

family and friends of course remain important, but there's all kinds of

interesting ways this can manifest

i'm sure the issue of same-sex marriage now being debated in the Canada

and the US would probably be a subject of some consternation to many

more traditionally minded folks in India


very often i see that in menopause a woman realizes how the nature of

her relationship with her husband has changed, and if her husband

hasn't similarly realized his evolving feminine nature, the

relationship can go through enormous upheavals, or essentially is

maintained as an empty shell, devoid of love


of course i see many relationships like this in the West, and with the

western influence extending India, i would expect this trend to begin

to manifest there as women realize that its NOT their job to be a kind

of glorified servant to their husbands and sons


this of course may be regarded with some horror, but it is not entirely

bad however, for India's power lies in its feminine nature and the

potential of its female population - its time for India to reaffirm its

matriarchal heritage (btw perhaps is best demonstrated in Kerala, which

has the highest literacy anywhere in India, a feat that was completed

simply by ensuring that all the mothers are literate)


i can't stress enough that menopause is a time of spiritual

affirmation, and plenty of husbands would benefit from getting their

proverbial butt kicked by their "loving" wives


IMO we need more menopausal women in the corridors of power, and less

aging men in their exclusive clubs and associations with enlarged

prostates living out their second childhood


> And when heart is full of love, no artery

> blockages are possible.


a nice idea, and while i agree in part, it doesn't account for the fact

that a variety of factors influence CVD, most notably diet


> Love and devotion wins over the intelligence.

> Intelligence offers option to the mind. Correct decision is to be

> taken based only on heart. When you purify mind to this stage, no

> disease can come near you.


once again, a really nice idea, but even enlightened beings suffer in

this life - there is no escape from dukkha, unless we no longer relate

to it as our own (i.e. that we are this body)


the buddha himself died from the effects of a painful anal fistula

i have been around teachers that have attained a high level of

development, for e.g. the capacity to be in more than one place at the

same time, to enter into the astral realm and remove obstructions in a

person's life, to cause profound shifts in consciousness, etc., AND

still i have seen them suffer


disease is dukkha, dukkha is samsara, and samsara is all that which we

are moving through

there is no escape from some degree of misfortune, pain, suffering and


this is an intrinsic truth in all Indian philosophies


we purify our minds not stop disease but to recognize dukkha, and free

ourselves from the illusion that we are this heaped-up mass of sores,

that we are this body that will dissipate upon death


we purify the mind to realize that we are already pure, that we are

that, that we are God


best to all...





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