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Gouty tophi

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I have gout. I keep it under control with colchisine, and by avoiding

red meat. But over the years, subcutaneous deposits of uric acid (called

tophi) have formed around my elbows, finger-joints, and toe-joints.


Last month I ate a supermarket cake made with beef fat for shortening (I

should of read the ingredients!). I got a gout attack in my left elbow,

which I cut short with doses of colchisine. But my elbow developed a

large hole, through which I began exuding a thick, white fluid, the

consistency of yogurt! I was dripping this stuff for over two weeks --

no bad smell, no sign of infection. I suspect this was composed of

uric-acid deposits from within the tophus. Sometimes small tophi on my

fingers come to the surface, and exude either white fluid, or white



How does Ayurveda treat gout, and is there a way to clear these other

gouty tophi from my joints?


-- Kalipadma

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