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Dear Dr. Bhate and to fellow students of Ayurveda;

Your article in response to the masturbation question covers so many

valuable points, I have saved it for reasons other than the topic as

well, and thank you for taking the time to go into such detail. It

brings up my questoins again about serotonin, and also an experience

perhaps worth sharing.


Several years ago when I was in early menopause I was suffering

severe bleeding spells and clearly very diminished ojas (I have not

heard this term of stored or depleted dhatus, it helps in

understanding). Dr. Sarita Shrestha's first visit to Colorado from

Nepal required a place to stay and I offered my humble apartment.

When she arrived and looked at me, she must have realized my need

immediately! Would not let me cook or carry anything, administered

an herbal preparation (with alum for the bleeding, shatavari,

ashwaghanda, and I have forgotten what else) and immediately prepared

a ghee, carrot, dark sugar, raisin and almond sweet which she

insisted I should take daily.


Although a student and specialty practitioner with Ayurveda, I live

in the west where so much emphasis is on cleansing and purifying

without enough understanding of the need to nourish, rebuild and

replenish. With winter season coming on for many of us in the

Northern Hemisphere, I have been aware again of not only our cultural

tendencies to deplete (and attempt satisfaction of those vata

pacifying tastes with the junk foods) - but also watching how friends

and community have little to no awareness of even the simple home

remedies available to us for helping to restore ease and contentment

in life.


So this is an expression of my deep gratitude for the ongoing service

this "Mother of Healing" does to mother me as well, and for the

opportunity to continue to learn in these forums.


REgarding your mention "> A little sweetened milk after dinner is

also a good sleep inducer due to serotonin induced in brain.> I would

be very grateful for whatever detail of chemistry you might be able

to share here, and what other herbs and foods as you understand it

also induce serotonin? I am a little confused by contrary

information about the benefits and purpose of serotonin as you may

have read in another recent post from me, including having heard it

referred to both as a brain waste chemical and as a

neurotransmitter. Perhaps quanitity is part of the issue. I am

quite open and want to understand the whole picture.


Warm Regards;

Martha Oakes

Ayurvedic Postpartum Care, Training & ARomatherapy


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On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 02:44, doulaminerva wrote:

> Dear Dr. Bhate and to fellow students of Ayurveda;

> Your article in response to the masturbation question covers so many

> valuable points,


Pardon, but which message you mean? I did not receive such a message,

and in fact any messages from dr. Bhate for a while. Perhaps is

again getting messages lost?



Ossi Viljakainen <ossi

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> Pardon, but which message you mean? I did not receive such a

message,and in fact any messages from dr. Bhate for a while.

Dear Ossi;

I always go to the site to read and post, so I do'nt know either what

happened. (http://health.ayurveda )

Dr. Bhate graciously makes frequent posts; this one is Message 2754.

The reference to serotonin is brief, that hot milk induces.


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