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nasya for genetic disorders

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helloo all.....


i want to discuss my idea..... hope , ull think on it...

as in pusamvana vidhi... v r putting nasya drops in the nose,...

and it works in many cases.... so in scintific language we can say

that we r changing the whole pair of chromosomes from xx into

xy...now... if we think abt genetic disorders i.e. sahaj vikaras in

ayurveda... there is a defect in only one pair and that is also in a

very small part... so.. if we can change the whole chromosom by

giving nasya... cant we change a small defect of chromosome by giving

nasya??? ..... pls do think on it... b cuse in ayurveda also sahaja

vikaras are very hard to treart or they are asadhya.

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The subject of Nasya is extensively discussed on our group. However,

we need to seriously think on it and provide answers to the issue

raised by Kedar. Before mentioning those thoughts, it may be

worthwhile reviewing the material already posted.


In Msg# 1530 author suggested Nasya of ghee+ginger powder+ jaggery or

Shadbindu Tailam for geting relief from Migraine headaches. In Msg#

1825 the working of Nasya treatment was explained with the mention of

Nadis ending at Shrungataka Marma, which absorb Nasya medicine.

Durgesh Mankikar suggested Nasya for depression (Msg#1897), marking

it as a CNS treatment on its true perspective.


In message #2134 Todd discussed ayurvedic smoking with herbs,

indicating Nasya can use gases also. An excellent genereal coverage

of Nasya technique was provided by Todd (Msg#2271), giving various

powders, decoctions, Coconut water, milk, oil extracts including

Animal blood as Nasya medicines. The scope of Nasya for cleaning

Kapha of head and neck and "to correct the flow of Prana in Ida and

Pingla Nadis" was most important mention. Nadishodhana being the

technical ayurvedic term. The reading of this message brought the

memories of breast Milk Nasya and milk drops in childhood, when we

had "Madras eye" disease or a boil near the eyelids.


Perhaps the Nasya can be adopted for correcting the genetic defects

is hinted in Msg# 2286, where other than epilepsy, jaundice, liver

detox, alertness, memory enhancement, Nasya use in correcting alcohol

and nicotine abuse is mentioned, by a Sadhu at Trambakeshwar, India.


The proof of the Nasya use along with other pranayama techniques

(Msg#3103) for treating migraine caused by Jet Lag was provided by

Vinod Haritwal.


Whole of aromatherapy is based on Nasya principles.


And right from the day our existence became independant of our

mother, we have been doing Nasya of "air" absorbing Prana in Ida and

Pingala. In entire span of life, maximum we take from environment is

air and not food or water. While we pay so much attention to cooking,

pH of water, we have no control over the quality of air. But instant

freshening when a breeze blows over us at a hill station, or "happy

mood" in garden, picnic tells us that our moods, happiness much

depend on Prana absorption. Our CNS is very much responsive to Prana

and chemicals in air, as the basis of aromatherapy shows.


With proper sharpness and alertness, the smell of the air (moist,

salty, with smells from garden flowers, trees etc) can be sensed,

just like animals smell their offsprings and enemies.


Beyond Ida and Pingala, Prana is absorbed in Sushumna also, but

Sushumna is conductive for very small amount of time. Early morning

time when it is open, healthy males experience erection. The day this

stops, assume that you have crossed the health "peak" of life. Why

this happens is a subject of research. Every yogi wants to be

meditating at this time, so that sex energy received at this time

should be upgraded through spinal chakras.


There exist Various breathing techniques both in Hathyoga and other

schools, to enhance Prana absorption and its conversion to body

dhatus. Whole of this process enhances health, the details of which

are beyond the scope of this message. The objective of this message

is only to bring out the fact that Nasya is not a simply another way

to ingest medicine, but a total rejuvination, kayakalpa therapy when

taken seriously. Being difficult as direct CNS contact is involved,

many are unable to do a Jalneti. Those who are able, can try out

Pranayamas and other breathing techniques after every alternate day

Jalneti. If one uses sea salt in Neti, and undertakes breathing

exercises thereafter, he may find that slowly blood vessels absorbing

the minerals through Shrungataka Marma. [Due to long usage of iodized

salt and white sugar, we have only two major veg. sources of minerals

left: leafy vegetables and milk. Mineral deficiency is an important

contributor to depression disorder ( as per modern science) and

hence, an ayurvedic bhasma (Godanti Hartal, a Ca-Mg-P suppliment) proved very

helpful in

fighting anxiety, insomnia, depression etc.]


Nadishodhana mentioned by Todd and indirectly referred in the post

appended here, actually gets carried out by three years of Urine

Therapy (UT) as assured by Lord Siva in Damar Tantra. However, this

is another aspect of correcting Vikaras, by purifying Energy body.


IN common understanding, yoga means "äsanas". However, nowadays, yoga

means Pranayama and Meditation to equilibrate CNS.


In summary, Nasya therapy with various medicines needs to be

adequately documented and propogated. Due to attendant risks

involving CNS, cautions need to be brought out. Request everyone to

offer his/her thoughts.


Dr Bhate



ayurveda, "kedar_008" <kedar_008>


> i want to discuss my idea..... hope , ull think on it...

> as in pusamvana vidhi... v r putting nasya drops in the nose,...

> and it works in many cases.... so in scintific language we can


> that we r changing the whole pair of chromosomes from xx into

> xy...now... if we think abt genetic disorders i.e. sahaj vikaras in

> ayurveda... there is a defect in only one pair and that is also in


> very small part... so.. if we can change the whole chromosom by

> giving nasya... cant we change a small defect of chromosome by


> nasya??? ..... pls do think on it... b cuse in ayurveda also


> vikaras are very hard to treart or they are asadhya.

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