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Dr. Pankaj Naram

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Anyone here had a consultation with Dr. Pankaj Naram from Mumbai?

Would be interested in your insights/experiences.

I just found out that www . amritaveda . com has stopped working with

Naram recently, I wonder why, they were his extended arm in the US.



Ole Alstrup

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yes in 2003 december i had to go to mumbai, for my allergy.

And I did take treatment from Dr. Pankaj Naram. But he wasn't there .

He was out of country.

I was treated by assistant Dr. Mayuri


>Anyone here had a consultation with Dr. Pankaj Naram from Mumbai?

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> Anyone here had a consultation with Dr. Pankaj Naram from Mumbai?

> Would be interested in your insights/experiences.

> I just found out that www . amritaveda . com has stopped working with

> Naram recently, I wonder why, they were his extended arm in the US.


Pankaj Naram is not a doctor or a Vaidya - he is a self promoter and

business man. And a very suspecious business man at that. This person

has been surrounded with controversy his whole life. His medicines

have been under investigation by several governments for long past.


In reality he is a very fascinating person because he is one of the

most succesful clinicians in India - he has a large modern clinic in

Mallad. But he has no medical training at all. He claims to be a

Vaidya yet he never took any courses at all in Ayurveda. He has

promoted himself in every media venue as Vaidyaratna - yet there are

many famous stories of how he has been confronted by reputable

Vaidyas on his knowleldge of Ayurveda. He inevitably makes a total

fool of himself. He claims to be an expert in Nadi yet if one asks

even the most elimentary question about the subject he knows nothing.

He has often been asked about basic concepts of medicine and he

always answers in the same way 'Ask my wife - she knows such things'.

It is really outrageous.


He seems to have a lucky star becuase no matter what happens he keeps

on making money. If anyone wants to have an amazing experience go

have a consultation with him in Bombay. He conducts the examination

like a magic act. Saying rediculous and magical things pretending to

know everything about your past life - but he actually says exactly

the same thing to everyone. He is like a circus showman.


They conduct a Panchakarma hospital catering to foreign patients -

where he charges high price yet the 'Panchakakrma' therapies are

based on nothing of the traditional science of Ayurveda - he calls

therapies by their classic names yet they are applied with no

scientific understanding of Panchakarma therapy. He does a similar

thing with medicines - he steals famous classic formulas and changes

the name and then calls these medicines his 'great contrbution to

Ayurveda'. Many people have been hurt by these bogus practices and

many more have been fleeced of their money.


He is everything that is wrong about modern Ayurvedic practice.


He claims magical results for his medicines. Yet his medicines are

mostly the standard medium quality medicines which he mainly buys

from other companies. He makes a few medicines in a factory he has -

those medicines are mainly Kwaths - I would reccomend that no one

ever take those medicines as he has not one single person on his

staff who is qualified to manufacture medicines.


He has a large practice in foreign countries where he cheats people

who do not know much about Ayurveda. Depending on how wealthy you are

he will prescribe his medicines - I have heard of patients leaving

his clinic with 20 or more different medicines (he makes most of his

money off of medicines).


He is a sex specialist and claims to have helped thousands of couples

have children. Yet if those people are interviewed they will tell a

different story. This is true of most of his cases - he claims to

have cured everything from cancer to AIDS yet there are no patients

to varify this - and if one asks the patients in the clinic you will

see that most are just wasting their money. Most patients come

because they have heard about him (he spends lakhs every year

promoting himself in magazines, on TV, etc.) they stay for awhile and

then move on - this kind of practice has been going on for many years

and he gets richer and richer.


I have a great prejudice against such practices. Ayurveda is in a

critical crossroads as the Allopathic system develops more influence

with the young modern people. Many modern young people see Ayurveda

as some kind of old hat village medicine with a hint of charlatanism.

Such people as Pankaj Naram just confirm the doubts many have about

Ayurveda. If these agressive business men become major spoksemen for

Ayurveda it will get a bad name - that will relegate it for long time

to an 'alternative' position and Ayurveda will not be taken seriously

by the main stream.


Bogus 'Vaidyas', bogus Panchakarma practices, and bogus medicines are

the potential spoiling of Ayurveda in modern times. Serious Vaidyas

should object against such people. The late great Vaidya Dr. B.P.

Nanal who was one of the leading Sanskrit scholars in Ayurveda -

would spit on the ground when hearing the name of Pankaj Naram.


The sad thing is that Pankaj Naram's father Dr. Khimji Naram is a

famous devotee and Naturapathic practioner - he was physician to

Radhakrishnan and other great luminaries of past century. He is well

known for his purity of spirit and his genius in medical practice (he

is now retired). He is uncompromising in his integrity as a

physician - and has never made big money in medicine because he has

given away most of his gifts to humanity. He is the most proper type

of Gandhi devotee - live simply and purely. He wears khadi and lives

100% according to his Naturapathic ideals. Pankaj is opposite -

arrogant, money hungry business man. It is a shame.

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Seems this poster has gotten his info wrong - www . amritaveda . com is

owned by P Naram it is his US branch promoting his US program. That

site has no other purpose than to promote Naram and his companies -

Ayushakti and Siddha Ved. Check the site and you will see the

promotion techniques he uses to sell himself.


Each and every photo he has there with famous personalities are bogus

and have a different story behind it than he implies. A person very

close to the Narams told me that Naram donated large amounts of money

to Mother Theresa and HH the Delai Lama to get these photos. Now

Naram claims he is the physician to the Delai Lama - which is

rediculous. The photo with his 'Guru' is 100% bogus - the Lama in the

photos is a famous personality in Kathmandu - who hangs in the public

squares begging alms from the tourists. He is not an Ayurvedic master

at all.

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I would like to retract my last post about amritaveda and apologise

to Ole. I called a friend of mine who knows the Narams and he said it

is true that Naram has broken his relationship with the american

promoters - he did not know the story behind this. It is probably an

intertesting story. Naram functions in a constant cloud of


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Hi Ole;

I have consulted once with Dr. Naram, and felt he was very skilled and

sattvic being whose company I felt blessed to experience, but I was

dissappointed with the high charges and extremely brief time with him.

I have heard before of other very skilled pulse vaidyas operating in

this way, and they did give me ample time with one of the western

physicians studying with him to ask some questions, but I was somewhat

unsatisfied not having the same skill level to ask. I will be curious

to hear why they are no longer working together. I have heard that he

honestly says he is not a teacher. I have also heard his wife speak

at a long big session at the first NAMA conference in TAmpa, Florida

and was very impressed with her ability to teach, her knowlege, etc.

They are definitely high shakti people, in my opionion. I had been

told that some of the monies we paid went to benefit tibettan buddhist

refugee or such causes. I have no way to verify.


I have noticed that the group has changed how they run their operation

in the US, using fewer people traveling, which should bring prices

down, don't know. The herbs I took (yes expensive, so are Maharishi

AYurveda's) felt valuable and subtle, deep in their effect. I felt a

significant difference when I did not take them. I took for 3 or 6

months, do not remember.


2 1/2 years later I consulted with Dr. Dharmanendra Dube, who charges

much less, but operates the same way in the west. He runs 3 of Dr.

Naram's clinics in India when not traveling, and within seconds on teh

pulse also reported very accurately many symptoms including some I was

ignoring, and the accurate diagnosis of cervical spondylosis of

c-5/c-6. 3 of the 4 medicines he recommended I still use, from

another intuitive cross-check they tested extremely beneficial, while

the 4th not really valueable although in most cases it would be

indicated and natural to prescribe.


I have respect for their skill but choose to look for other options,

realizing the shortcomings are considerable of not having local

followup available but every 3 - 6 months, as well as of such brief

visits wherein I feel insufficient time is allotted to pick up

important detail. I know that whatever is percieved in the pulse many

ayurvedic physicians say one cannot diagnose disease, only see the

condition of tissues and systems and doshas, and as a result many

westerners really will be mislead right on these points, based upon



I am stunned by the other vaidya's intense negative response about

their work, and have no refutatoin of these points, but I do have a

concern when I hear so much negativity involved. I tend to discredit

somewhat this approach, believing the reports can be shared and need

to be discussed without so much negativity. As I write this, I am

thinking of my response earlier today to a woman which was colored by

what I had seen some days before, and was as a result less

compassionate. So who am I to judge any of this?


Martha Oakes

AyurDoula Care, Training & ARomatherapy


> Anyone here had a consultation with Dr. Pankaj Naram from Mumbai?

> Would be interested in your insights/experiences.

> I just found out that www . amritaveda . com has stopped working with

> Naram recently, I wonder why, they were his extended arm in the US.


> Thanks,

> Ole Alstrup

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Hello Vinod Kumar,


Thank you for posting these details, it is very interesting, I

appreciate that you reveal this.

However, I would like to follow up

with some additional questions:


> His medicines have been under investigation by several governments

> for long past.


Any Govt references? Media articles etc?


> He claims to be an expert in Nadi yet if one asks even the most

> elimentary question about the subject he knows nothing.


I believe he has trained a lot of people in Nadi, mostly in the

west, a lot of medical doctors? How could he cheat with this?


> If anyone wants to have an amazing experience go

> have a consultation with him in Bombay. He conducts the

> examination like a magic act. Saying rediculous and magical

> things pretending to know everything about your past life - but he

> actually says exactly the same thing to everyone. He is like a

> circus showman.


I know one person who visited him in Bombay. His Nadi was very quick

and he diagnosed in great detail the symptoms known only to my

friend, without having been told anything in advance. How could he

do that if he has no knowledge of Nadi and is teaching others?


> The late great Vaidya Dr. B.P.

> Nanal who was one of the leading Sanskrit scholars in Ayurveda -

> would spit on the ground when hearing the name of Pankaj Naram.


>From whom or where did you learn this?


> The sad thing is that Pankaj Naram's father Dr. Khimji Naram is a

> famous devotee and Naturapathic practioner -

> Naturapathic ideals. Pankaj is opposite - arrogant, money hungry

> business man. It is a shame.


In that case, I wonder how is the relationship between father and



> The photo with his 'Guru' is 100% bogus - the Lama in the

> photos is a famous personality in Kathmandu - who hangs in the

> public squares begging alms from the tourists. He is not an

> Ayurvedic master at all.


OK, that could be interesting to nail down. I will ask a friend who

lives in Kathmandu, if true, he would know.




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No apology needed. I found out this week when I accessed the product

page at amritaveda. Yes, it is very interesting. Let me know if you

learn anything more about this. I will do the same.





> I would like to retract my last post about amritaveda and


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