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Curing Cancer : Natures Way.

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Director, Natural Health Centre, 28/552 Samata Nagar, Kandivli East, Bombay

400101. Telefax : (91-22) 8872741. Email : leorebello Website :



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"Man is one and our salvation lies eventually in a mutual sharing of all

knowledge" – says Richard Grossinger in ‘Planet Medicine’. To that I may add

that life is eternal and this intricate human body comes with a guarantee card

of 100 years of fault-free service from the finest manufacturer – God. If we

suffer unnecessarily and die prematurely, it is because we live unnaturally.


Nature Cure is based on instinct and common sense, and hence, cannot fail. It

declares that the laws of Nature are immutable and infallible; that sickness is

unnecessary and proceeds from violation of the laws of nature; that pain is

penalty for wrong doing, a warning against transgression; that the body has an

in-built defense mechanism consisting of about 120 billion WBCs in 70 kg man,

compliments C1 to C17 (special chemicals which break the walls of bacteria,

fungi, etc.), hydrochloric acid in the stomach which kills bacteria and

antibodies; that healing is from within and consequently you alone are

responsible for your health; that biomedical changes precede disease and toxemia

is the principal cause of diseases. Hence, cure cannot be obtained without

cleansing or removing the cause; that body, mind and spirit should be treated as

a whole, so that the individual learns to regulate his own life and command his

own destiny; that in purity lies our power – pure air, water, food,

light, environment, thought, purpose and faith.


Coming to Cancer : No germ for Cancer has yet been found, and in my opinion,

none ever will be. Cancer is one disease that is distinctive of toxemia, plus

trauma, plus irritation. Cancer sites are selective (50% cancers are abdomen

related), but they can be anywhere in the body. Some specialists say that Cancer

activity is dependent upon a vegetable parasite, a protozoa, identified as

Trichomonas. However, this parasite is not capable of producing Cancer without

the accompaniment of two other important factors, namely, proper soilage and

continued irritation or injury.


In Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, we do not treat disease, we treat a

diseased person as a whole. For us treatment is secondary, prevention is always

better than cure. Our research is not centered on finding out a chemotherapeutic

substance that is cytotoxic to cancer cells (forgetting the fact that drugs are

toxic to the normal cells too), but in finding treatment of the host which

produced the tumour. For us, fighting Cancer is not just hoping to discover a

‘magic bullet’ to annihilate it, but early detection, total treatment of the

patient and his/her rehabilitation.


Cancer usually strikes after 40 and falls under the category of chronic

diseases. If cancerous mass breaks down, softens and suppurates, it is usually

in a late stage and signifies a serious breach in the defenses, the vitality of

the individual and the toxemia then immediately takes on the characteristics of

sepsis which destroys the life of the blood. Even in such a critical condition,

the body can be encouraged by right living to create its own immunity,

manufacture its own antibodies and preserve its integrity without outside aid.


Cancer can now almost be classed as an auto-immune disorder. A severe

emotional shock or period of emotional stress is often found to precede the

development of cancer by a period of two years. In the cancer process, the nerve

or consciousness pole takes a wrong direction, and an abnormal sclerosis takes

place, often occurring after a deep-seated grudge or shock. This sclerosis is

the opposite of the inflammatory process. It is certainly true that spontaneous

remission condition manifests. This also accounts for the common finding that

cancer patients often have a medical history showing no evidence of even such

minor inflammatory conditions as the common cold.


The aim of this approach to cancer is to balance up the ‘poles’ again.

Ayurveda calls it balancing of Tridoshas : Vata, Kapha and Pitta. Acupuncture

says to treat a disease we need to clean the meridians and balance the Yin and

Yang. Yoga will say that through Asanas, Pranayam, Kriyas, etc. make the body so

powerful that the Vital Force keeps at its best and flows unhindered through the

Nadis (Nervous System or Meridians), Natural Healing will enjoin that to remove

the debris of food, dead cells, disease taints (miasms), clogging, genetic

mutation take to Alkaline food rather than Acidic, or simply put, avoid

constipating or dead food and take plenty of laxative or live food.


Let us now briefly view the treatment of cancer using natural healing methods

and modalities : -


Hippocrates said long ago : "Let your food be your medicine". Consequently, in

Cancer treatment, Diet is usually changed with emphasis on raw foods for

purposes of detoxification of the lymph system and the gastro-intestinal tract.

Raw vegetable juices, and the use of butter milk and/or coffee enemas may be

included for detoxification.


A glassful of carrot juice mixed with a desert spoonful of fresh amla juice

and a tablespoonful of honey taken once or twice daily, for example, is a very

effective natural tonic in cancer cure. It increases body resistance against

colds and infections, improves complexion and weight, prevents amnesia, hair

loss, debilitating weakness and adverse effects of chemotherapy, night

blindness, early aging and protects nerves, brain, heart, lungs and liver.

Beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A, helps the body in thwarting the

Cancer-causing process known as Oxidation.


Johanna Brandt, the author of ‘The Grape Cure’ advocates an exclusive grape

diet for Cancer Cure. After a fast of two to three days, she puts her patients

on an exclusive grape diet. The patient takes a grape meal every two hours from

8 am to 8 pm. One begins with 30, 60 to 90 grams per meal. Even water is

prohibited. The treatment may last anywhere from two weeks to three months,

depending upon the severity of illness and the type of constitution, mental

make-up of a patient, environmental factors, etc.


Late Dr. Ann Wigmore of ‘Be Your Own Doctor’ fame, likewise, propounded Wheat

Grass Therapy for about 300 diseases including Cancer. The active ingredient of

Wheat Grass is Chlorophyll, which contains almost all the mineral and vitamins.

Fresh juice of wheat grass contains Vitamins A, B, B17, C and K, and also

carbohydrates, proteins, etc. Scientists like Dr. Burser call it the

concentrated solar energy. The others call it the nectar of life. Dr. Ann

Wigmore called it the Green Blood.


The contents of Chlorophyll in Wheat Grass and the content of Hemin in

Hemoglobin of Blood are 99% similar. The arrangement of molecular structure of

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen are very much similar in Chlorophyll and

Hemin, except a little change in the centre. Magnesium is the centre of

Chlorophyll molecule, while we find Iron in the Centre of Hemin Molecule.



If the body carries a great deal of waste material, one tires very easily and

general aches and pains may be felt in any part of the body, most likely along

the backbone. Along with this goes a feeling of pessimism and negativism. Our

impaired and clogged body mechanism is the payment for the long years of abuse

we have forced it to endure. In fasting, digestive mechanism of the body is

given a rest, the body lives on its own reserves, and old, diseased, cancerous

cells are eliminated. What is left constitutes the nucleus, or basis, of a new

sound body. Several studies reveal that Cancer cases that went into ‘spontaneous

remission’ were due either to fasting or high fevers (what is known as healing



The enforced fast undoubtedly has its rejuvenating effect. The cells, tissue

and organs, deprived of all unused and precipitated blockade materials, are

ready to be replenished anew. This physical rebirth, as it were, might well be a

major factor in the physical superiority of the Hunzakuts. And it is more than

likely that their seasonal fasts tend to keep them humble, friendly, helpful and




Correct function of the colon is a necessity for health, for truly disease can

begin in the colon. It has been said that colon malfunction can lead to 80% of

diseased states.


In health, bowel transit time from eating to defecation is 24 hours or less

and bowel movement is at least once daily. In disease, poor digestion, yeast

overgrowth, spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation and

diarrhea are usually accompanied by auto-intoxication (the re-absorption of

soluble wastes into the bloodstream) which places a heavy burden upon the other

eliminative organs of the body, the kidneys, the skin and the lungs.


Chronic constipation can lead to further direct complications :

diverticulitis, piles, fissures, atonicity, spasticity, prolapsis, colitis and

even bowel cancer as well as chronic toxic condition in the rest of the body,

like the acne and eczema, the cardio vascular system, the nervous system and the



Colonic hydrotherapy is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon poisons,

gas, accumulated faecal matter and mucus deposits. Such techniques were first

recorded in 1500 B.C., and have been used in traditional and naturopathic

medicine since then. Using sterilised equipment, filtered water is gently

introduced into the rectum which progressively softens and expels faecal matter

and compacted deposits. By improving elimination, response to dietary,

homeopathic, herbal, manipulative and other therapies is markedly improved.



All of you know that there are life-saving drugs, but how many of you know that

there are also life-saving exercises. These exercises are yogasanas, pranayams

and kriyas.


Basically, yoga teaches that a healthy person is a harmoniously integrated

unit of body, mind and spirit. Therefore, good health requires a simple, natural

diet, exercise in fresh air, a serene and untroubled mind, and a spirit full of

awareness that man’s deepest and highest self can be recognised as identical

with the spirit of God.

The law of yoga is the law of life.


If you practice yoga postures, you are strengthening the body. If you control

your breathing, you are creating a chemical and emotional balance. If you

concentrate your mind in affirmations, you are practising the power of prayer.

But if you synthesise all these, you are entering the most powerful mystery of

healing : the basic harmony of life.


Yoga therapy begins with Relaxation. Living in an age of anxiety, we are often

unconscious of our tensions building within us. With normal bodies, why are we

depressed, tired, prey to disease? Because, tension is invisibly draining away

our health energies. Relaxation is a natural tranquilizer, more effective than

tranquilizing drugs and without their side-effects. Relax and healing can begin.



The attitude of the mind is of great importance in following the natural regimen

of living and treatment. The positive mental attitude of faith and equanimity

creates positive electromagnetic energies in the body, thus infusing the system

with increased vigour and healing power, while the negative, fearful and

worrying attitude of mind create in the system the negative conditions of

weakness, lowered resistance and actual paralysis.


Writes Renee Taylor in her acclaimed book ‘Hunza Health Secrets’ : "If we

foresee trouble, that is what we get. If we envision success, harmony, health

and abundance, we experience these conditions in our lives. Since our thoughts

are the invisible builders of our destiny, we should be careful about the kind

of thoughts we allow to enter our consciousness. If we find negative thoughts

intruding, we must throw them out at once and replace them with constructive

thoughts. We are either strengthening or weakening our universe each day by the

kind of thoughts we entertain. We are also building or destroying our health and

vigour in the same way". Hate attacks are Heart attacks.


In reshaping the mental attitude from the negative to the positive, counseling

plays a very important role. It enables the cancer patient to remove the

deep-seated trauma, negative tendencies in the psyche and to enable him/her to

undertake self-fulfilling, creative activities. Likewise, teaching the patient

to meditate helps, so that deep-seated tensions may be resolved and to release

healing energies from within the self. Some therapists use creative

Visualisation so that the patient consciously directs healing to deal with

diseased cells and tissues.



Herbs for cleansing the lymph system may include violet leaves, trifolium,

burdock, echinacea, and blue flag. Dandelion, centaury, and wahoo may be used to

tone the liver so that waste may be more adequately metabolised.


A simple and low cost preparation is reported to be doing wonders on all kinds

of cancer. Let it be the common knowledge of all before some multinational

company patents it as its exclusive property. The medicine is simple to prepare.

The ingredients are: Two or three leaves of Aloe Vera, half a kilo of honey and

four tablespoons of distilled liquor (whiskey or brandy).


Procedure: Remove the thorns of the leaf and cut them into small pieces. Put the

leaves, honey and liquor into a container and blend. Your medicine is ready.

Aloe pulp is sold in nature food stores.


Dose: One teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach (at least about 15

mins. before meals). Take the medicine for ten consecutive days. After a gap of

ten days take again and repeat this until you are completely cured. Some persons

will feel the improvement very rapidly but the treatment must be continued till

complete cure is established. Persevere for success. In some patients it may

cause nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, skin eruptions. There is no need to panic.

This is nature's way to expel toxins.



Homoeopathy both for drainage, immunity and for removing inherited taints is

invaluable. It also has an important role in neutralising industrial toxins.

Medicines indicated below have special affinity on particular organs :

Cadmium Sulph.30 - Cancer of stomach with constant vomiting.

Phosphorous 30 – Cancer of pancreas/bones, especially the lower jaw/tibia.

Condurango 30 – Cancers of the stomach, axilla, oesophagus; painful cracks in

corner of the mouth.

Thuja 30 – Cancer of face; ill-effects of vaccination. Rapid exhaustion and


Cobaltum 30 – Cancer of lungs; sleep always disturbed by lewd dreams.

Carcinocin 200/1M – Cancerous history in the family.

Silicea 30 – to expel the poison from the effected lesion.

Arsenic Alb 30 – when carbuncle turns gangrenous; magots move in.

Lycopodium 30 – Leukaemia/Liver Cancer.

Conium 200/Phytolacca Q – Breast Cancer.

Arnica, Carbo Veg, Euphorbium – Pains of terminal cancer.



The possibilities for healing in Alternative Medicine are immense, damage zero

and cost insignificant, as compared to the iatrogenesis and frightening costs of

treatment of technological medicine. Let us, therefore, demand that at least 25%

of the research funds are allocated to Alternative Medicine and that facilities

are made available in all Govt. and Municipal Hospitals for Alternative Medicine

Treatment. Authorities should not forget that the Patients have various Rights,

like: The Right to Health, The Right to Question, The Right to Choose, The Right

to Know as to why all funds earmarked for health are given only to Modern

Medicine when we have six recognised systems of medicine.

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