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Usha Paana Chikitsa

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Dear Doctors



Please explain the benefits and cure with 'Usha Paana Chikita' (early

morning after get up from bed drink about 1.5litters of water?)




Best regards


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The subject has been discussed at length.

Please see messages 2107, 2114, 2117, 2161.

If you have any new input, the discussion will be most welcome.


ayurveda, "aborizwan3" <aborizwan3


> Please explain the benefits and cure with 'Usha Paana Chikita' (early

> morning after get up from bed drink about 1.5litters of water?)

> Aborizwan


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Usha paan mins to intake excessive warm water at early

morning just after brushing. Our digestive track has

good capacity of undigested material at large

intestine, which has to pass out next morning totally.

To take warm water orally has gravitational force to

large intestine and this act to push stool material at

down ward with easy going on. So it may never arise

complain of constipation or gas trouble. So as a

health n hygiene point of view, it is better .......

Dr Ketan. India.

--- ayurveda

<aborizwan3 wrote:

> Dear Doctors

> Please explain the benefits and cure with Usha Paana

Chikita (early

> morning after get up from bed drink about 1.5litters

of water?)

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  • 2 years later...

Dear reader, I tried this 'usha paana chikitsa' for a month and landed in deep trouble. Let me explain.

All the advocates of this method seem to think the body is like a drainage pipe. Just flush it with a lot of water and the result will be a clean and healthy system. Completely wrong!

After about a week of this practice I felt fine. More energy and so on.

After 3 weeks some strange things started hapenning, especially to my head. It felt tight and as if about to explode. I was extremely irritable and exploded with family, friends and colleagues at the slightest reason. After a month I started having fainting spells. Thats when I decided to stop.

Then started joint pains and depression, for which I had to take medication and they still continue to bother me after 1 year.


Bottom line is that the human body is an extremely complex chemical system. Point 2: it has its own intelligence. It doesn't need your 'extra help'. If you pour in a ton of water, it has to get rid of that to prevent the chemicals being out of balance.


I was a blind believer in these so-called ancient techniques. I was gullible, with a hope that it must work at least partially. I'm writing this so you can benefit from my troubles.

Take care fellows.

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Avoid anything in excess


I am an Ayurvedic Doctor and fully agree with the point that Usha Paan is not good if continued for long. Ayurveda has mentioned Usha Paan in particular disease/condition which doesnot mean everyone should start drinking water early in the morning. Considering ayurveda concepts of Agni (Digestive capacity), jala(water) is having properties opposite to Agni hence excess of water will disturb/reduce your digestive capacity & hence lead to many diseases & people who say that excess of water will flush of your intestines should study anatomy first as the process is totally different then what these people explain & not just a drain pipe where in you pour water from one side & drain it fron other side but that entire water has to be absorbed, filtered in kidney & then thrown out.

But still in some conditiones Usha paan has been advised and that therapy should be related to that specific condition/Disease and not anything else

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