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Endometriosis, Menorrhagia

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It is unfortunate that Indians ask about the disease defined by a

mainstream name, and not the symptoms.


This is not a new disease. Ayurveda terms it as `Pradar'. There are

two different types, While white discharge is termed `Shweta Pradar'

in ayurveda, modern science terms it `Leucorrhea'. While red blood

discharge is termed `Rakta pradar' in ayurveda, `Menorrhagia' in

modern science. Endometriosis and Menorrhagia are not much different,

if underlying driving forces are considered.


Ayurveda has given reasons, symptoms and treatments of excess

bleeding with and without foul smelling discharge/clots etc. The

bleeding can last for longer span during each cycle. And bleeding can

exist sometimes during middle of cycle, suddenly and such bleeding

can also be excessive.


Menstrual cycles is the mirror of health for women. The cycles which

start around 12 to14 years of age, stop around 45 to 50 years. That

is the reason, in India, girls under age 12 are charged only 50% in

train fare. Times have changed though. Now girls start menstruating

earlier in some cases, say at age 9 years itself. This is premature

puberty, a gift of modern lifestyle, food, polluted environment and

farming methods. The menstrual cycles stopping prematurely are many

cases being seen now. Each woman has different prakruti, so that

cycle lasting four days in average, but can strech to even 6 to 7

days too. If the bleeding is without any clots, dark color or foul

smell, there is nothing to worry. But if amount of bleeding suddenly

increases, becomes dark in color, clotty, or having foul smell, it is

better to pay attention. In India, there exist common names in every

language for this problem, which do not directly involve explicit

description. If there are frequent mis-carriage, ayurveda gives

another name, `Raktayoni' and not `Raktapradar'.


Menstrual problems existing earlier tend to get eliminated after

marriage; however, as a result of childbirth, miscarriage or

abortion, the menstrual frequency can become irregular. And cycles

lasting 3-4 days can become 5-7 days also. This is all natural if it

occurs once or twice. But when every cycle comes delayed and/or lasts

5-7 days with increased bleeding, then this is the beginning of Rakta



Primarily the reason for Rakta Pradar is faulty diet. Diet causing little

pitta vitiation and more Vata vitiation, containing salty items, hot items

containing chillies, pickles, Papad (Apalam), fried items, legumes

such as Urid dhal (black gram) are driving forces. Increased Vata and

Pitta causes increased circulation to arteries supplying nutrients to

uterus, causing excess growth of enometrium lining, which causes

excess bleeding.


Every woman has unique prakruti. They differ by their glands. The

increase or decrease in their secretion also is the cause. The

swelling or ulceration of the mouth of uterus (called cervix in

modern science language) can also cause excess bleeding. The ovarian

hormones and pituitary hormones may also cause the bleeding excess.


Mostly increased bleeding as a result of thickening of endometrium

is the common complaint, accompanied by pelvic pain, inflammation of

body, cramps in hands and legs, dizziness in some cases, blanking

out, excess thirst, excess fatigue are some of the commonly reported



The reducing hormones as a woman approaches 35-40 age bracket is a

common occurrence these days. The age block 40-50 thereafter becomes

sensitive. Fibroids, cysts, endometrium growth are generally found

and hysterectomy is often recommended method by Gynecologists.

Ayurveda offers several herbs which can give rapid relief. First

important step is to get correct diagnosis done. While modern science

requires several hormone tests, sonograms, smear tests, hysterescopy

etc, ayurvedists are guided by Ashtavidha Pariksha, nadi vigyan

points, pulse test etc.


Adequate mental rest, support by husband and children, observing food

restrictions becomes essential. In Indian philosophy, woman is called

Yogamaya. This means she always remains victim of her hormones, which

give her very much affectionate and anxious nature about the welfare

of family. Menopause is termed second sun-rise by this author

(Message# 1416). Truly, this is matrialism to spiritualism

transition, and is not easy. Salt, chillies, spices, sour items,

pickles are mostly Tamas diets. They should be reduced. Whole bread

(Roti), rice, simply cooked green vegetables, soups are desirable,

while sweets and confectionary, soft floor items, bakery items, white

sugar, incorrect fats should be eliminated from diet. COncise desription would

be: from Tamas to Satva diet.


To obtain relief from the disease gradually, author lists some of the

commonly used remedies:

1. Nagkesar, ½ tsp, three times a day with cold water, say early

morning, afternoon and bedtime(Costly).


2. Soak a Niranhjan Phal (China fruit) in a cup of water

previous night at bedtime. It swells in the morning. Squeeze its

juice and drink the juice alone. Soak the fruit again and take in



3. Two tablets (125 mg each) of Chandrakala Ras and Shonitargal

Ras each (Total 4 tablets) can be taken three times with water,

after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner.


4. If there is constipation, light laxative should be given at

bedtime. Avipattikar Churna, Shatapatryadi Churna or simple mixture

of amalaki and Manjistha powder, Isabgol (Psyllium) is often adequate.


5. Drakshavaleha and Gulkand are two well known tonics to take

care of heat in the blood, and also take care of loss of Haemoglobin

to some extent. Personal consultation with ayurvedic Vaidya may lead

to some bhasma too, to take care of weakness, fatigue etc.


6. Ashokarishta, Lodhrasav, Patrangasav are also sometimes

recommended in a mixture form to take care of other attendent

problems (depression, heat leaving the extremeties, eruptions,

itching etc)


7. Lastly, author records here an exceptional home remedy.

Treated beetle nut (reddish in color and slightly sticky to touch) available in

south India (Andhra Pradesh), (Crane is a popular

brand) also helps reducing bleeding. Generally, chewing bettle nut, Nagarvel

leaves is an era of past, but ayurveda has recorded several beneficial effects.


8. Though above treatment takes care of excess bleeding and

thickening of enometrium, the treatment of ovarian cysts or PCOD

requires long term herbal medication along with dietary discipline.

This will be discussed in some other post. Though author has given

names of some medicines here, self medication should be avoided,

especially when fertility glands are involved. Such treatments are

not static treatments, but dyamic ones, dosages and medication

changing, say every fortnight or month.


dr bhate


ayurveda, "sarojm73" <sarojm73



> Hi

> Thank you for your reply on endometriosis. I am also suffering from

> severe endo and also has two big ovarian cysts. Due to which I am


> able to get pregnant.

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