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Crohn's disease

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Dear Cybervaidya,<br>Thank you for your input

regarding my seeking information about Crohns. I certainly

am aware of the difficulties involving Crohns

disease. <br> Until now I have only tried allopathic (MD)

medicine and it certainly does not have much success in

controlling this problem. I am on usual medications for the

Crohns, (Mesalamine/Pentasa) as well as medications for

othe problems that are result of Crohns. The doctor

had me on Mercaptopurine which is a low-dosage

chemotherapy tablet and I stopped that after experiencing

total fatigue and not being able to do much of

anything. <br> I find that with or without medication I am

supposed to be on, Crohns is the same. One tells me low

fiber, another doctor tells me high fiber...they do not

know!!! I am mostly on low fiber and that seems to do

well. I avoid most spices and acidic food. Milk

products are not so good for me, but I have been told by

doctor to have some daily... I try to avoid that. Most

vegatables are not easily digested for me and the few that

are have to be cooked to very soft. <br> I experience

8 to 15 liquid bowel movements each day, with a

rare formed one about once every few weeks. Definitely

a lot of flatulance (gas) and continuous pain which

sometimes is very bad. <br> From the Crohns I also have low

grade Osteoporosis...my eyes are swollen after sleep

and that is due to this disease also. I get tired

very easily, due to not absorbing nutrition from food.

<br> I have been told that the lower intestines are

scally/coated and perforated..in affected areas. <br> This all

makes my desire/need to be vegetarian rather difficult

to know what type of diet to be on. Doctor said to

eat lot of meat (not only meat, but a lot) and that

is contrary to my spiritual life. I was told

yesterday, that one person who is vegetarian and has Crohns

is on a diet of only nuts and fruits....and I have

written to that person to see if he can send me

information. <br> Most foods are available here.. I live in

north Florida (USA)..and the climate here is hot in

summer and somewhat mild in winter. We get freezing

temperatures and frost, but never snow.<br> Feel free to ask

me any questions you want to know..my intent is to

help myself, of course; but if anyone can benefit from

my experiences with this chronic disease, I would be

most pleased.<br> Of course, I will let you know if I

find anything to help with this..so you will know more

as well.<br> Again, thank you...very


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bhaktajoel, your right doctors have no idea how

to treat Crohn's disease, and most often they are

the culprits, in making this IBS problem worse,

because of the overuse of drugs/antibiotics.<br>Crohn's

disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are very

serious intestinal disorders. Crohn's is also known as

regional enteritis, regional enterocolitis, and

inflammatory granulomatous bowel disease. I will never

understand why one set of symptoms had to be called by four

different names, but such is allopathic medicine.<br>The

worst part of these debilitating gut diseases remains

that many gastroenterologists have no idea that there

exists a fungal pathology in many cases of Crohn's and

IBS.<br>In my experience, buy treating the pathogen (fungi)

rather than the disease, many people with gut diseases

get better faster.<br>Candida is a yeast/fungus

overgrowth causing symptoms such as eczema, psoriasis,

Crohn's,ulcerative colitis, Sjogren's, lupus, fibromyalgia, and many

more symptoms/diseases.<br>Pure Lignisul MSM is a all

natural product that helps relieve inflammatory bowel

conditions such as Crohn's and other IBS problems. This MSM

also lessens the pain and diarrhea, this in turn

reduces inflammation of the perineal tissue. Our MHVAC

Colloidal Silver will go deep inside, where these systemic

virulent pathogens are hiding, and destroy the

bacteria/toxins. Those interested can email me, or go to my web

site for more information on the left at the 'links'

section. I look forward to helping you.<br>Russ

Newman<br>Nutritional Consultant<br>ccruss

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Bhaktajoel,<br>Did you contact newruss at

the adress he has given. Please keep us posted on

your progress.<br>Since he had given such a good reply

I thought it might be better if you contact him

directly as you case seems a bit serious.<br>If you still

want us to help you with ayurvedic advice only please

post a message.<br><br>Cybervaidya.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear bhaktajoel,<br>Crohn's disease certainly has

remedy in Ayurveda <br>It can be completely cured. But

usually it takes time more than a year or so. Rasashastra

a vital branch of Ayurveda have described certain

Rasayanas which can works on the intestinal mucosa to

achieve normal structure & functions.

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  • 7 years later...

Namaste to ALL,

I am responding to this post in hopes that it will lend insight to those who seek answers.


I am 50 years old and have had Crohns for over 30 years. I have had two bowel resections and the removal of my ileum. The removal of my ileum only exasperated the Crohns because of the bile that is no longer cycled through my system and subsequently pours into the large intestine causing even more irritation.


I have seen many doctors and tried many remedies throughout the years. Every imaginable medication has been poured into my system through modern medicine. I have tried making my own food and eating specialized diets to no avail.


I believe the most devastating effect of Crohns is what it does to the mind and the will over time. I cannot tell you how many times I have envied terminal cancer victims. I have prayed for death to take me and have entertained the thought of taking my own life. Yet here I am…


I have done many illicit drugs. I have tried ancient medicines from the jungles of South America to the deserts of Arizona. To no avail.


I have allowed this disease to destroy my family and literally destroy my life.


I was an Engineer for over 25 years working for the biggest corporations in the world. I have traveled to many parts of the globe and have seen many things. This is all gone because I allowed this disease to control me.


I could write volumes on the effects that this disease has had on me personally.


I am letting you know all of this because there is one thing you will notice in this response. The word “I” is used excessively. I allowed all of this to happen.


Please do not allow the “I” to do this to your lives. It does not matter what the disease or what the problem may be, “I” will destroy what you have or it will allow you to overcome. It is a choice.


I can tell you what helps me now, but understand everyone is different and what works for one, will not necessarily work for another. I do believe one can eat rocks and if they believe it will help, IT WILL HELP.


I could also write volumes on the research that has been done as to the power of the mind. Each of us has a choice in our lives. We can allow life to defeat us or we can stand victory over it. Again I cannot emphasize enough… IT IS A CHOICE.


What may help you in coping with Crohns is twofold.


Eliminate the following from your life:

Tobacco, Alcohol, Red Meat, Fast Food, Sodas, Sugar, Milk (All cows’ milk) (A note: We are the only mammals who knowing drink the milk of another mammal as a part of our diet. Milk is so bad that the FDA would outlaw it, if it were not such a big industry. This is another topic of its own).


Think about what you are putting in your body before doing so. If it is not natural and contains chemicals not found in nature, it is probably bad for you.


There have been many studies around Crohns and a multitude of medical and dietary opinions that have arisen from these studies. Everything from diet, to attitude, to the body’s allergic reaction to the preservatives and chemicals in our foods. The list on opinions is immeasurable.


The truth is, no one knows. If they did, there would be a cure.


You need to be careful in your search. Desperation will drive you to try things, and waste time and money on miracle cures that will only disappoint.


What may help is to eat organic foods. Eat organic chicken, fish, fruits, and vegetables. If it is from the natural earth, then it is probably safe. Use common sense.


Organic foods are being sold everywhere now. The price is down and is becoming more affordable every day. Your local market sells organic foods, just look around. Also look at growing some yourself. Use little pots and start growing herbs and spices as well as vegetables. You do not need a large garden to do this.


I cannot stress this enough; DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Not flavored water or chlorinated water. Just pure water. I am not advocating bottle water because of the damage that the plastic bottles cause to our environment. Get a couple of 5 gallon bottles and a dispenser and refill them at your supermarket from one of those filter dispensers that seem to be everywhere (In the US anyways). It cost around $1.25 to fill 5 gallons. Get yourself a reusable (Non- leeching) bottle. The formula for drinking water is simple. Your weight divided by 2. That is how many ounces of water everyone should drink a day, i.e. if you weigh 160 pounds div 2 then you should be drinking 80 ounces of water each day.


If you are one of those people who hate drinking water, then you are not in enough pain. If it tastes that bad, then hold your nose and drink it anyways.


The most important thing I have to add to this discussion has nothing to do with diet. And everything to do with attitude and mind.


Meditate, Do Yoga, and live in the NOW…


I know this to some is going to sound like another rant on the same old same old esoteric crap that is fed to so many through commercialization and the pursuit of the mighty dollar.


I can tell you that the cure for Crohns is going to come from you. Nowhere else. Yes I believe in the Sages, Yogis, Jesus, Gurus and even Siddha Medicine. But understand that any Master who is honest will tell you that they are only an instrument and the real healing comes from knowing.


Please do not confuse knowing with faith. Faith is CRAP! Having faith will not get you a hill of beans. Knowing will on the other hand move mountains. The bible is greatly misinterpreted in this area. Jesus said, “Believe as though it already is and it will be so”. That is not faith, this is knowing.




This does not mean sit there and think about all the chaos and problems in your life. Those things are not even real. How can one worry about tomorrow when there is no tomorrow? There is only NOW, nothing else. I had a friend ask me once when I was distressed about something that was going to or was possibly going to happen. “She said why do you want tomorrow to be like this”? I responded that I did not want tomorrow to be like this. She said “then why do you focus on something that has not even happened”? “Why do you put so much effort and determination into something that is not even real”? Tomorrow can only be an illusion because it is not here.


The same goes for yesterday. Yesterday is nothing more than a mist that has been dissipated by the sun. I do not care what happen to you yesterday. I do not care if you brother was murdered (and mine was), if you were abused (and I was), if you grew up in poverty (and I did). IT IS GONE! GET OVER IT! GET OVER YOURSELF!


Self pity and self loathing will only shackle you to a prison that no longer exists.


One cannot see where they are going if they are always looking back.


I can tell everyone this. If you can quiet your mind, not think about even 10 seconds from now or for that matter 10 seconds ago. YOU WILL HAVE NO PAIN!




I cannot tell you the benefits Yoga has had on my life as well helping me control this disease. There are Asanas out there that will help you control Crohns. Do some research?


Here is something else to research. Look into KRIYA YOGA. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!




Living in the NOW will heal your disease, make you wealthy, and enable you to move mountains. Read any of the ancients, read the bible. NOW is all you really have! There is NOTHING else.


It is my hope that this diatribe disturbs you. That it makes you think.


Remember, “Seek the face of God always first and everything else will be placed at your feet”.


God loves us and allows us to BE. What we do with it is simply a CHOICE.


In Love,


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